Ptolemaeus, Geography (II-VI)

Ptolemaeus, Geography, Books 2-6.11, translated or transliterated by Brady Kiesling from the Greek texts of Karl Nobbe (1843) and Karl Muller (1883), or adapted from Bill Thayer's on-line partial transcription of the flawed 1932 translation by Edward Luther Stevenson (1860-1944), now in the public domain; the ToposText version is free for use with appropriate attribution. This text has 3054 tagged references to 1993 ancient places.
CTS URN: urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0363.tlg014; Wikidata ID: Q1194350; Trismegistos: authorwork/334     [Open Greek text in new tab]

§ i  Errors and inconsistencies abound, both in surviving versions of the Greek text and my transcriptions/translations. Many places are not tagged and a few are wrong. Books I and VIII, the theoretical parts, are omitted, as is Book II Chapter 14 (Germania), likewise the inland parts of Africa (Book IV, chapters 6,8) and Central and South Asia (Book VI, chapters 8, 9, 12-21, and all of the Far East, Book VII). Degrees of longitude are measured not from Greenwich but from somewhere further west.

Event Date: -2000 GR

That which should be considered in general geography must here be explained, and also how the drawing of maps should be emended in keeping with the present knowledge of the known parts of our habitable earth, as far as it concerns the question of the relation of place to place, and also their likenesses, and the method of depicting them.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.2  Beginning with the particular narration let us first make a statement respecting the degrees of longitude and latitude which have been assigned to well-known places. Approximately these are correct, since the traditions concerning them are continuously the same; that is, in the main the traditions agree. But as to the degrees ascribed to localities not as yet thoroughly explored, because of the incomplete and uncertain knowledge we have of these places, they should be computed rather from their nearness to the localities already laid down, and the more thoroughly explored. This should be done lest any of those localities which have been inserted for completing the whole earth's picture should be without a fixed and definite place.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.3  Therefore we have written on the margins of the pages notations respecting the different degrees of different places, and have used these as measurements, in the first place of longitude; then we have noted the degrees of longitude in such manner that if any corrections must be made, from a fuller investigation, they can be inserted in the adjoining spaces which have left vacant between the separate pages.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.4  Moreover we have selected the projection which we especially consider the best in the making of maps, this being the one in which we start at the right hand. The work may then proceed from places already inserted to those not yet inserted. This can best be carried out if we write in the northern latitudes before the southern ones, and the western before the eastern ones; since to the eye of the writer or reader the northern localities appear in the upper part, and the eastern appear on the right hand, on both the globe and the map of the habitable earth.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.5  First of all, therefore, let us set down Europe which we separate from Libya by the Straits of Hercules, and from Asia, after we have put in the seas and the swamp of Myotis, by the river Tanis and by the meridian drawn through it to unknown region; then let us put in Libya and place it likewise next to the sea which extends from the bay lying near Prasum, a promontory of Ethiopia, as far as the Gulf of Arabia. Let us separate Libya from Asia by the isthmus which extends from the interior of Heroopoliticus to our sea, and separates Egypt from Arabia and Judea. Let us do this that we may not divide Egypt, in making a division of the continent, by the Nile, because continents are bounded more properly, where it is possible, by seas than by rivers.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.6  In the last place let us put in Asia, keeping the same plan as in the parts of each continent, of disposing of each of them according to its relation to the whole earth, and to the entire inhabited regions in the continents themselves, first writing in the coast that is most northern, then the western, and the seas and the islands that are nearest together, and those which in some particular are most worthy of mention.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.7  After this let us distinguish, in the descriptions, the various prefectures, and provinces of the earth, treating them as we have before noted, in accord with the known positions of localities and according to what especially ought to be inserted, spurning the multitudinous traditional farrago concerning the peculiar qualities of their different inhabitants, except that, in the case of qualities renowned by general report, we make a short and suitable note on the religion and manners. In this way the opportunity will be given to any one, who desires it, for drawing the parts of the earth in maps according to the particular prefectures and provinces, one or many, and the right relation of the places of each other on the maps will be preserved, together with the right size and the right shape. Nor will it make much difference if in these maps we use parallel meridian straight lines instead of curved lines, provided we keep the proper proportion of the meridian degrees to the degrees marked on the great circle, that is the equator, which is in the middle of every map.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.8  Having stated these things, let us begin our particular descriptions with the western part of Europe according to its provinces or prefectures.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.1.8  2.2.1 setting of Hivernia British island
A description of the north coast, beyond which is located the Hyperborean ocean:
Boreum promontory 11°00' . 61°00'
Vennicnium promontory 12°50' . 61°20'
mouth of the Vidua river 13°00' . 61°00'
mouth of the Argita river 14°30' . 61°30'
Rhobogdium promontory 16°20' . 61°30'
2.2.2 The Vennicni inhabit the west coast; next to them and toward the east are the Rhobogdi

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.3  A description of the west side, which borders on the Western ocean
from the Boreum promontory which is in 11°00' . 61°00'
mouth of the Ravius river 11°20' . 60°40'
Magnata city 11°15' . 60°15'
mouth of the Libnius river 10°30' . 60°00'
mouth of the Ausoba river 10°30' . 59°30'
mouth of the Senus river 9°30' . 59°30'
mouth of the Duris river 9°40' . 58°40'
mouth of the Iernus river 8°00' . 58°00'
Southern promontory 7°40' . 57°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.4  The Erdini inhabit the coast next to the Vennicni, and between these are the Magnatae; then the Autini; and the Gangani; below whom are the Vellabori.

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§ 2.2.5  Description of the south coast, which adjoins the Vergionius ocean, from the southern promontory which is in 7°40' . 57°40'
mouth of the Dabrona river 11°15' . 57°00'
mouth of the Birgus river 12°30' . 57°30'
Sacred promontory 14°00' . 57°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.6  The Hiverni occupy the side after the Velabori; beyond whom are the Usdiae and further to the east the Brigantes.

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§ 2.2.7  A description of the east side touching the ocean which is called Hibernian, beginning at the Sacred promontory at 14°00' . 57°50'
mouth of the Modonnus river 13°40' . 58°40'
Manapia town 13°30' . 58°40'
mouth of the Oboca river 13°10' . 59°00'
Eblana city 14°00' . 59°30'
mouth of the Bubindas river 14°40' . 59°40'
Isamnium promontory 15°00' . 60°00'
mouth of the Vinderis river 15°00' . 60°15'
mouth of the Logia river 15°20' . 60°40'
Next to this is the Robogdium promontory.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.8  On the side next to the Robogdi dwell the Darini, below whom are the Volunti; then the Eblani; then the Cauci; below whom are the Manapi; then the Coriondi who dwell above the Brigantes.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.9  The following are the inland towns: Regia 13°00' . 60°20'
Rhaeba 12°00' . 59°45'
Laberus 13°00' . 59°15'
Macolicum 11°30' . 58°40'
another Regia 11°00' . 59°15'
Dunum 12°30' . 58°45'
Hibernis 11°00' . 58°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.2.10  Above Hibernia are the Ebuda islands five in number, the largest of which toward the west is called Ebuda 15°00' . 62°00'
next to this toward the east likewise is Ebuda island 15°40' . 62°00'
then Rhicina 17°00' . 62°00'
then Malaeus 17°30' . 62°30'
then Epidium 18°30' . 62°00'
Toward the east of Hibernia are these islands: Monaoeda island 17°40' . 61°30'
Mona island 15°00' . 57°40'
Adru which is barren 15°00' . 59°30'
Limnu which is barren 15°00' . 59°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.1  The position of Albion island of Britannia.
A description of the northern coast, above which is the Duecaledonius ocean.
Novantarum peninsula, and promontory of the same name 21°00' . 61°40'
Rerigonius bay 20°30' . 60°50'
Vindogara bay 21°20' . 60°30'
Clota estuary 22°15' . 59°20'
Lemannonius bay 24°00' . 60°00'
Epidium promontory 23°00' . 60°40'
mouth of the Longus river 24°30' . 60°40'
mouth of the Itis river 27°00' . 60°40'
Volas bay 29°00' . 60°30'
mouth of the Navarus river 30°00' . 60°30'
Tarvedum or Orcas promontory 31°20' . 60°15'

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§ 2.3.2  Description of the west a side which borders on the Hibernian ocean and the Vergionius ocean.
From the Novantian promontory 21°00' . 61°40'
mouth of the Abravannus river 19°20' . 61°00'
Iena estuary 19°00' . 60°30'
mouth of the Devas river 18°00' . 60°00'
mouth of the Novius river 18°20' . 59°30'
Ituna estuary 18°30' . 58°45'
Moricambe estuary 17°30' . 58°20'
Setantiorum harbor b 17°20' . 57°45'
Belisama estuary 17°30' . 57°20'
Seteia estuary 17°00' . 57°00'
Caeanganorum promontory 15°00' . 57°00 c
mouth of the Toesobis river 15°40' . 56°20'
mouth of the Stuccia river 15°20' . 55°30'
mouth of the Tuerobis river 15°00' . 55°00'
Octapitarum promontory 14°20' . 54°30'
mouth of the Tobius river 15°30' . 54°30'
mouth of the Ratostabius river 16°30' . 54°30'
Sabrina estuary 17°20' . 54°30'
Uxella estuary 16°00' . 53°30'
Herculis promontory 14°00' . 52°45'
Antivestaeum or Bolerium promontory 11°30' . 52°30'
Damnonium or Ocrium promontory 12°00' . 51°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.3  Description of the south side below which is the Britannic ocean. After the Ocrium promontory is the mouth of the Cenio river 14°00 d 51°45'
mouth of the Tamarus river 15°40' . 52°10'
mouth of the Iscas river 17°40' . 52°20'
mouth of the Alaunus river 17°40' . 52°40'
Magnus Portus 19°00' . 53°00'
mouth of the Trisantonis river 20°20' . 53°00'
New harbor 21°00' . 53°30'
Cantium promontory 22°00' . 54°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.4  A description of the eastern and the southern side next to which is the Germanic ocean. After the Tarvedum promontory, or Orcades, by which it is known,
Virvedrum promontory 31°00' . 60°00'
Verubium promontory 30°30' . 59°40'
mouth of the Ila river 30°00' . 59°40'
a high shore 29°00' . 59°40'
Varar estuary 28°00 e 59°40'
mouth of the Loxa river 27°30' . 59°40'
Tuesis estuary 27°00' . 59°00'
mouth of the Caelis river 27°00' . 58°45'
Taezalon promontory 27°30' . 58°30'
mouth of the Deva river 26°00' . 58°30'
mouth of the Tina river 24°00' . 58°30'
Boderia estuary 22°30' . 59°00'
mouth of the Alaunus river 21°20' . 58°30'
mouth of the Vedra river 20°10' . 58°30'
Dunum bay 20°15' . 57°30'
Gabrantuicorum bay with many harbors 21°00' . 57°00'
Ocelus promontory 21°15' . 56°40'
mouth of the Abi river 21°00' . 56°30'
Metaris estuary 20°30' . 55°40'
mouth of the Gariennus river 20°50' . 55°40'
A promontory 21°15' . 55°05'
mouth of the Sidumanis river 20°10' . 55°00'
Tamesa estuary 20°30' . 54°30'
Next to this the Cantium promontory 22°00' . 54°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.5  The Novantae dwell on the side toward the north below the peninsula of this name, among whom are the following towns:
Locopibia 19°00' . 60°20'
Rerigonium 20°10' . 60°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.6  Below are the Selgovae, among whom are the following towns:
Carbantorigum 19°00' . 59°30'
Uxellum 18°30' . 59°20'
Corda 20°00' . 59°40'
Trimontium 19°00' . 59°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.7  From these toward the east, but more northerly, are the Damnoni, among whom are the following towns:
Colanica 20°45' . 59°10'
Vindogara 21°20' . 60°00'
Coria 21°30' . 59°20'
Alauna 22°45' . 59°50'
Lindum 23°00' . 59°30'
Victoria 23°30' . 59°00'
Further south are the Otalini, among whom are the following towns:
Coria 20°10' . 59°00'
Alauna 23°00' . 58°40'
Bremenium 21°00' . 58°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.8  Next to the Damnoni, but more toward the east near the Epidium promontory are the Epidi and next to these the Cerones; then the Carnonacae, and the Caereni but more toward the east; and in the extreme east dwell the Cornavi; from the Lemannonis bay as far as the Varar estuary are the Caledoni, and above these is the Caledonian forest, from which toward the east are the Decantae, and next to these the Lugi extending to the Cornavi boundary, and above the Lugi are the Smertae; below Caledonia are the Vacomagi, among whom are the following towns:
Bannatia 24°00' . 59°30'
Tamia 25°00' . 59°20'
Pinnata camp 27°15' . 59°20'
Tuesis 26°45' . 59°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.9  Below these toward the west are the Venicones, whose town is
Orrea 24°00' . 58°45'
More toward the east are the Taezali
and the town Devana 26°00' . 59°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.10  Below the Selgovae and Otalini are the Brigantes extending to both seas, among whom are the following towns:
Epiacum 18°30' . 58°30'
Vinovium 17°45' . 58°00'
Caturactonium 20°00' . 58°00'
Calatum 19°00' . 57°45'
Isurium 20°00' . 57°40'
Rigodunum 18°00' . 57°30'
Olicana 19°00' . 57°30'
Eboracum, Legio VI Victrix 20°00' . 57°20'
Camulodunum 18°00' . 57°45'
Near which on the Opportunum bay are the Parisi and the town Petuaria 20°40' . 56°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.11  Below these are the Brigantes but some distance toward the west are the Ordovices, among whom are the towns:
Mediolanum 16°45' . 56°40'
Brannogenium 16°45' . 56°15'
From these toward the east are the Cornavi, among whom are the towns:
Deva, Legio XX Victrix 17°30' . 56°45'
Viroconium 16°45' . 55°45'
Next to these are the Coritani, among whom are the towns:
Lindum 18°40' . 56°30'
Ratae 18°00' . 55°30'
Next are the Catuvellauni, among whom are the towns:
Salinae 20°45' . 55°50'
Urolanium 19°20' . 55°30'
Next to these are the Iceni,
whose town is called Venta 20°30' . 55°20'
Farther eastward and near the estuary of the Tamesa are the Trinovantes
and the town Camulodunum 21°00' . 55°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.12  Below the peoples we have mentioned, but more toward the west are the Demetae, whose towns are:
Luentinum 15°45' . 55°10'
Maridunum 15°30' . 54°40'
More toward the east are the Silures
whose town is Bullaeum 16°50' . 55°00'
Next to these are the Dobuni, and their town Corinium 18°00' . 54°10'
then the Atrebati
and their town Caleva 19°00' . 54°15'
Next to these, but farther eastward, are the Canti among whom are the towns:
Londinium 20°00' . 54°00'
Daruernum 21°00' . 54°00'
Rutupiae 21°45' . 54°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.13  Below the Atrebati and the Canti are the Regni and the town Noeomagus 19°45' . 53°05'
Below the Dobuni are the Belgae and the towns: Iscalis 16°00' . 53°40'
Aquae calidae 17°20' . 53°40'
Venta 18°40' . 53°00'
Toward the west and south of these are the Durotriges whose town is Dunium 18°00' . 52°40'
Next to these, but more to the west, are the Dumnoni, whose towns are: Voliba 14°45' . 52°00'
Uxella 15°00' . 52°45'
Tamara 15°00' . 52°15'
Isca, where is located Legio II Augusta 17°30' . 52°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.3.14  The islands which are near Albion island and the Orcades promontory are: Scetis island 32°40' . 60°45'
Dumna island 30°00' . 61°20'
Above these islands are the Orcades, about thirty in number, midpoint at 30°00' . 61°40'
Far above these is the island Thule. The part of this which extends much toward the west is at 29°00' . 63°00'
that which is farthest eastward is 31°40' . 63°00'
that which is farthest northward is 30°20' . 63°15'
that which is farthest southward is 30°20' . 62°40'
the middle is at 30°20' . 63°00'
Eastward from the Trinovantes region there are two islands: Toliapis 23°00' . 54°20'
Counus island 24°00' . 54°30'
Below Magnus Portus is the island Vectis, the middle of which is in 19°20' . 52°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.1  HISPANIA: In Hispania, or Iberia in the Greek language, there are three provinces, Baetica, Lusitania and Tarraconensis. The west and north sides of Baetica are determined by Lusitania and part of Tarraconensis respectively. A description of this side is as follows.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.2  The eastern mouth of the river Ana 4°20' . 37°30'
Before the river turns towards the east 6°20' . 39°00'
Where the river touches the border of Lusitania 9°00' . 39°00'
The line drawn from there along the border of Tarraconensis to where the Balearic sea ends 12°00' . 37°15'
The sources of the river 14°00' . 40°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.3  The side of Baetica towards the south is bounded by the Ocean at the Outer sea and the Herakles strait, and by the Iberian sea at the inner, sea. The description of this side is as follows:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.4  After the mouth of the river Ana on the Outer sea, the Turdetani:
Onoba Estuary 4°40' . 37°30'
Eastern mouth of Baetis river. 5°20' . 37°00'
Sources of the river 12°00' . 38°30'
Where the Asta joins it 6°00' . 36°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.5  Of the Turduli, Menesthus harbour 6°00' . 36°20'
the promontory from which the Strait begins, with a temple of Hera 5°45' . 36°05'
Mouth of the Baelon river 6°15' . 36°10'
Baelum city 6°15' . 36°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.6  Of the Bastuli who are called Phoenicians, Menralia 6°30' . 36°30'
Transducta 6°40' . 36°20'
Barbesola 7°15' . 36°10'
Cartaia 7°15' . 36°10'
Calpe mountain and pillar of the Inner sea. 7°30' . 36°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.7  In the Iberian sea, the mouth of the river Barbesola 7°40' . 36°20'
Souel 8°00' . 36°55'
Mouth of the river Salduba 8°30' . 37°00'
Malaca 8°50' . 37°30'
Maenoba 9°15' . 37°15'
Sex 9°45' . 37°15'
Selambina 10°15' . 37°15'
Exoche 10°50' . 37°05'
Abdara 10°45' . 37°30'
Portus Magnus 11°20' . 37°05'
Promontory of Charidemos 11°30' . 37°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.8  The remainder of the province and towards the winter sunrise is bounded along the Balearic Sea, by the line from the Charidemos promontory until the previously described end point, on which is Bareia city 11°45' . 37°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.9  The Bastuli occupy the coastal region that stretches from Menralia to Bareias city. Above this region in the interior and towards Tarraconensis, are the Turduli with the inland cities:
Segida 9°10' . 38°50'
Ilurgis 9°30' . 38°40'
Vogia 9°00' . 38°30'
Calpurniana 9°45' . 38°30'
Caecila 9°15' . 38°10'
Biniana 10°00' . 38°15'
Corduba (metropolis) 9°20' . 38°05'
Ulia 9°30' . 38°00'
Obulcum 10°10' . 38°00'
Arcilacis 8°45' . 37°45'
Detunda 8°40' . 37°55'
Murgis 8°15' . 37°20'
Saldoba 8°45' . 37°15'
Tucci 8°00' . 37°10'
Salara or Sala 7°30' . 37°00' Balda 7°00' . 36°40'
Ebora 6°15' . 36°30'
Onoba 6°10' . 36°20'
Greater Illipula 9°40' . 38°05'
Selia 9°40' . 37°45'
Vescos 9°30' . 37°30'
Escoa 9°10' . 37°30'
Artigis 9°40' . 37°20'
Calecula 10°10' . 37°45'
Lacibis 10°15' . 37°30'
Sacilis 10°55' . 37°50'
Lacippo 10°45' . 37°50'
Illiberis 11°00' . 37°40'

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§ 2.4.10  Further inland alongside Lusitania, the Turdetani, with these cities: Canaca 4°15' . 38°00'
Seria 4°40' . 37°45'
Osca 5°00' . 37°15'
Caeriana 5°10' . 38°20'
Urium 5°40' . 38°20'
Illipula 6°00' . 38°00'
Setida 5°30' . 37°45'
Ptucci 5°30' . 37°20'
Sala 5°10' . 37°10'
Nabrissa 5°40' . 37°30'
Ugia 5°30' . 37°45'
Asta 6°00' . 37°20'
Corticata 6°40' . 38°20'
Lailia 6°30' . 38°10'
Italica 7°00' . 38°00'
Maxilua 6°20' . 37°20'
Ucia 7°00' . 37°40'
Carissa 6°30' . 37°30'
Calduba 6°40' . 37°15'
Paesula 7°00' . 37°10'
Saguntia 6°30' . 37°05'
Asindum 6°30' . 36°50'
Nertobriga 7°00' . 38°50'
Contributa 7°40' . 38°55'
Regina 7°10' . 37°55'
Cursu 8°00' . 38°40'
Mirobriga 7°00' . 38°25'
Spoletinum 7°20' . 38°20'
Laipa (or Illipa) greater 7°40' . 38°10'
Hispalis metropolis 7°15' . 37°45'
Obucola 8°00' . 37°45'
Calicula 7°40' . 37°45'
Oleastrum 7°20' . 37°30'
Ursone 7°30' . 37°25'
Baesippo 7°15' . 37°05'
Phornacis 8°30' . 38°50'
Arsa 8°40' . 38°35'
Asula 8°35' . 38°25'
Astigis 8°15' . 38°20'
Carmonia 8°10' . 38°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.11  In Celtic Baetica: Aruci 5°50' . 38°00'
Arunda 6°30' . 38°50'
Curgia 6°00' . 38°40'
Acinippo 6°30' . 38°30'
Oama 6°15' . 38°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.4.12  The named mountains in Baetica are Marianus, midpoint at 6°20' . 37°40' and the so-called Illipula, midpoint at 6°30' . 37°05'
And the island lying alongside the coast in the Outer sea, with its city. Gadeira 5°40' . 36°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.1  LUSITANIA
The southern side of Lusitania is the common boundary with the northern side of Baetica. The northern side links to Tarraconensis along the western part of the Dourius river. The mouth of the river, which flows into the Outer Sea, is at 5°20' . 41°50'
The part of the river where Lusitania begins is at 9°10' . 41°20'
The sources of the river 11°40' . 41°40'
The eastern side also links to Tarraconensis, and joins the above-mentioned end points on the Anas river and the Dourius river.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.2  The western side along the Western Ocean is as follows: After the mouth of the Ana river, the cities of the Turdetani:
Balsa 3°40' . 37°45'
Ossonoba 3°00' . 37°50'
Sacred Promontory 2°30' . 38°15'
Callipodos river mouth 5°00' . 39°00'
Salaceia 5°05' . 39°25'
Caitobrix 4°50' . 39°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.3  Of the Lusitani:
Barbarium Promontory 4°45' . 39°45'
Oliosipum 5°10' . 40°15'
Tagus river mouth 5°30' . 40°10'
Point at which it crosses over to Tarraconensis 10°00' . 40°10'
Sources of the river 11°40' . 40°45'
Mountain of the Moon summit 5°00' . 40°40'
Monda river mouth 5°10' . 40°50'
Vacus river mouth 5°10' . 41°20'
Dourius river mouth 5°20' . 41°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.4  The Turdetani occupy the area around the Sacred Promontory. They have the following inland cities in Lusitania:
Pax Julia 5°20' . 39°00'
Julia Myrtilis 5°15' . 38°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.5  Those Celtic people further inland have the following cities in Lusitania:
Laccobriga 5°45' . 40°15'
Caepiana 5°20' . 40°00'
Braetolaeum 6°00' . 40°00'
Mirobriga 5°20' . 39°45'
Arcobriga 5°40' . 39°00'
Meribriga 6°30' . 39°40'
Catraleucos 5°40' . 39°20'
White Towers (Pyrgoi Leukoi) 6°10' . 39°20'
Arandis 6°10' . 39°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.6  Above these the Lusitani, with these inland cities:
Lauara 5°50' . 41°45'
Aritium 5°40' . 41°30'
Selium 6°00' . 41°20'
Elbocoris 6°30' . 41°15'
Araducta 6°40' . 41°30'
Verurium 7°15' . 41°05'
Velladis 6°40' . 41°05'
Aeminium 7°20' . 41°30'
Chretina 5°30' . 40°40'
Arabriga 5°40' . 40°30'
Scalabis Colonia 6°00' . 41°00'
Tacubis 6°20' . 40°45'
Concordia 6°40' . 40°30'
Talabriga 7°30' . 40°45'
Rusticana 7°10' . 40°30'
Mendeculeia or Mendiculnia 6°50' . 40°15'
Caurium 6°40' . 40°00'
Turmogum 8°00' . 40°15'
Burdua 7°20' . 40°00'
Colarnum 6°50' . 39°45'
Sallaicos 6°40' . 39°30'
Ammaia 7°00' . 39°20'
Ebura 7°00' . 39°05'
Norba Caesarea 7°50' . 39°55'
Liciniana 7°20' . 39°40'
Augusta Emerita 8°00' . 39°30'
Enandria 7°20' . 39°15'
Geraia 7°40' . 39°05'
Caecilia Gemellina or Metellina 8°30' . 39°30'
Cappasa 8°40' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.5.7  At the furthest east the Vettones, in these cities:
Lancia Oppidana 8°30' . 41°40'
Cottaiobriga 8°00' . 41°30'
Salmantica 8°45' . 41°45'
Augustobriga 8°00' . 41°15'
Ocelum 8°20' . 41°15'
Capara 8°30' . 41°00'
Manliana 8°20' . 41°00'
Laconimurgi 8°20' . 40°45'
Deobriga 8°40' . 40°40'
Obila 8°45' . 40°25'
Lama 8°30' . 40°05'
An island lying off Lusitania, Londobris 3°00' . 41°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.1  The western side of Tarraconensis is beside the western Ocean and this stretches from the mouth of the river Dorius.
Of the Callaici Braicares:
Avus river mouth 5°30' . 42°15'
Avarus Promontory 5°30' . 42°30'
Nebios river mouth 5°40' . 42°45'
Limios river mouth 5°30' . 43°15'
Minios river mouth 5°15' . 43°40'
The sources of the river 11°30' . 44°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.2  Of the Callaici Lucensi: Orvium Peak 5°30' . 44°00'
Ovia river mouth 5°40' . 44°15'
Tamara river mouth 5°40' . 44°40'
Artabri harbour 5°20' . 45°00'
Nerium promontory 5°15' . 45°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.3  Situated above the northern side is the ocean called Cantabrius, and this is defined as being drawn from the Nerium promontory:
Altars of Sestios promontory 5°40' . 45°30'
Vir river mouth 6°15' . 45°30' the next promontory 6°30' . 45°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.4  Of the Callaici Lucensi in the Great Harbour, Flavium Brigantium 7°15' . 45°00'
Lapatia Corus promontory and Trileucum 8°15' . 45°50'
Mearus river mouth 7°00' . 45°45'
Nabius river mouth 10°20' . 45°40'
Navialavionos river mouth 11°20' . 45°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.5  Of the Paisici: Flavionavia 11°45' . 45°25'
Nailos river mouth 12°00' . 45°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.6  Of the Cantabri: Noiga Ucesia 13°00' . 45°40'
(Noigaucesios river mouth 13°00' . 45°25')

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.7  Of the Autrigones: Nerva river mouth 13°10' . 44°40'
Flaviabriga 13°30' . 44°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.8  Of the Caristi: Deova river mouth 13°45' . 44°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.9  Of the Varduli: Menosca 14°20' . 45°00'
(Melacos river mouth 15°00' . 44°00')

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.10  Of the Vascones: Oiasso city 15°10' . 45°05'
Oiasso extreme end of the Pyrenees 15°10' . 45°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.11  The eastern side, towards the summer sunrise, is bounded by the Pyrenees from the above-mentioned promontory to where the mountain chain meets Our Sea, on the headland where the sanctuary of Aphrodite is established, 20°00' . 42°20'
The mountain is curved in such a way that it faces Hispania, while being between the mountain heights and part of Tarraconensis, at 17°00' . 43°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.12  The remainder of Tarraconensis, one side lies alongside Lusitania and Baetica and that which lies alongside the Balearic Sea, turns towards the winter sunrise, with the following description: Afte the limit toward Baetica, at 12°00' . 37°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.14  The sea coast of the Bastitani at Urci 12°00' . 37°20'
The sea coast of the Contestani: Lucentum 12°30' . 37°30'
New Carchedon 12°15' . 37°55'
Scombraria headland 12°55' . 38°05'
Taberos river mouth 12°30' . 38°30'
Alonae 12°40' . 38°25'
Saetabus river mouth 13°00' . 38°45'
Illicitanus harbour 13°30' . 38°45'
Sucro river mouth 14°00' . 38°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.15  The sea coast of the Edetani:
Pallantia river mouth 14°40' . 38°55'
Turios river mouth 15°00' . 39°00'
Dianium 15°40' . 39°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.16  The sea coast of the Ilercaones:
Tenebrium promontory 15°55' . 39°40'
Tenebrium harbour 15°30' . 40°00'
Iberus river mouth 16°00' . 40°30'
Mid–point of the length of the river 14°00' . 42°00'
Sources of the river 12°30' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.17  The sea coast of the Cosetani:
Tarraco 16°20' . 40°40'
Subur 16°50' . 40°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.18  The sea coast of the Laeetani:
Barcinum 17°15' . 41°00'
Rubricatum river mouth 17°15' . 41°15'
Baetulon 17°50' . 41°20'
Lunarium peak 18°30' . 41°30'
Dilurum or Ailurum 18°00' . 41°50'
Blanda 18°15' . 42°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.19  The sea coast of the Indigetae:
Sambroca river mouth 18°30' . 42°10'
Emporiae 18°45' . 42°20'
Clodianum river mouth 19°00' . 42°10'
Rode city 19°30' . 42°30'
after which the Aphrodision sanctuary 20°15' . 42°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.20  Named mountains in Tarraconensis are Vindium, with the following end points, 9°00' . 45°00' and 11°30' . 44°30'
and Edulium with end points 14°40' . 42°15' and 16°00' . 43°00'
and Idubeda with end points 14°00' . 41°30' and 14°15' . 39°00'
and Ortospeda with end points 12°00' . 37°00' and 14°00' . 39°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.21  The Artabri occupy the territory around the Nerium promontory in these cities:
Claudiomerium 5°45' . 45°10'
Novium 6°10' . 44°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.22  Close to them are the Callaici Lucensii with the following cities of the interior:
Burum 8°15' . 45°05'
Olina 8°30' . 45°30'
Vika 9°20' . 45°20'
Libunca 10°15' . 45°40'
Pintia 10°10' . 44°55'
Caronium 7°00' . 44°45'
Turuptiana 6°20' . 43°45'
Glandomirum 7°00' . 43°30'
Ocelum 8°20' . 44°25'
Turriga or Turgina 8°50' . 44°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.23  Of the Capori, Iria Flavia 6°25' . 44°30'
Lucus Augustus 7°25' . 44°25'
Of the Cilini, Aquae Calidae 6°20' . 44°20'
Of the Lemavi, Dactonium 7°30' . 44°00'
Of the Baedui, Flavia Lambris 7°50' . 44°15'
Of the Sevurri, Talamina 8°30' . 44°30'
Aquae Quintinae 8°30' . 45°10'
East of these are the Asturii in these cities: Lucus Asturium 11°00' . 45°00'
Labernis 11°00' . 44°30'
Interamnium 10°15' . 44°30'
Argenteola 9°20' . 44°45'
Lanciati 9°20' . 43°30'
Maliaca 10°20' . 44°00'
Gigia 11°30' . 43°45'
Bergidum Flavium 8°30' . 43°45'
Interamnium Flavium 9°00' . 44°00'
Legion VII Germanicus 9°00' . 44°30'
Of the Brigaecini, Brigaecium 10°00' . 44°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.30  Of the Bedunisii, Bedunia 10°50' . 43°55'
Of the Orniaci, Intercatia 11°10' . 44°15'
Of the Lungoni, Paelontium 11°40' . 44°45'
Of the Saelini, Nardinium 10°20' . 43°45'
Of the Superati, Petavonium 9°30' . 43°40'
Of the Amaci, Asturica Augusta 9°30' . 44°00'
Of the Teiburi, Nemetobriga 7°30' . 43°45'
Of the Eggurri or Gigurri, Forum Gigurri 8°00' . 43°45'
The territory between the rivers Minios and Dorius, and up to the sea is occupied by the Callaici Bracarii, in these cities: Bracara Augusta 6°00' . 43°40'
Caladunum 6°30' . 43°30'
Pinetos 7°40' . 43°30'
Complutica 8°20' . 43°25'
Tuntobriga 8°30' . 43°05'
Araducca 6°00' . 41°25'
Of the Turodi, Aquae Laiae 6°30' . 43°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.40  Of the Nemetati, Volobriga 6°00' . 42°35'
Of the Of the Coilerini, Coiliobriga 6°00' . 42°20'
Of the Bibali, Forum Bibali 7°20' . 43°20'
Of the Limici, Forum Limici 6°30' . 42°45'
Of the Gruii, Tudae 8°20' . 42°45'
Of the Luanci, Merua 7°30' . 42°40'
Of the Cunacerni, Aquae Cunacernae 7°20' . 42°20'
Of the Loubaini, Cambaetum 8°10' . 42°20'
Of the Narbasi, Forum Narbasi 8°00' . 42°00'
Inland from these are the Vaccaei, in these inland cities: Bargiacis 9°45' . 43°30'
Intercatia 10°15' . 43°25'
Viminacium 11°00' . 43°30'
Porta Augusta 9°40' . 43°20'
Antraca 10°00' . 43°15'
Laccobriga or Meobriga 10°40' . 43°20'
Aivia or Alvia 10°20' . 43°00'
Sepontia Paramica 9°30' . 43°00'
Gella or Pella 9°40' . 42°55'
Albocela 9°40' . 42°40'
Rauda 9°20' . 42°30'
Segisama Julia 9°45' . 42°40'
Pallantia 10°30' . 42°30'
Eldana 9°00' . 42°20'
Covgium 9°40' . 42°25'
Cauca 10°00' . 42°20'
Ectodourum 9°40' . 42°10'
Pintia 10°10' . 42°00'
Sentica 9°00' . 42°00'
Sarabris 9°40' . 41°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.50  The east of Asturias is occupied by the Cantabri in these inland cities, Concana 12°10' . 44°40'
Ottaviolca 12°40' . 44°45'
Argenomescum 12°00' . 44°30'
Vadinia 11°20' . 44°25'
Vellica 12°30' . 44°15'
Camarica 11°45' . 44°05'
Juliobriga 12°10' . 44°00'
Moroica 11°45' . 43°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.51  Under these the Morbogi, in these cities: Brauon 12°00' . 43°40'
Sisaraca [Pisoraca] 11°30' . 43°30'
Deobrigula 11°50' . 43°20'
Ambrisna 11°10' . 43°50'
Setisacum 12°00' . 43°10'
Further east of these and the Cantabri, the Autrigones in these cities of the interior: Uxama Barca 13°00' . 44°15'
Segisamoncolum 13°00' . 43°50'
Virvesca 12°30' . 43°30'
Antecuia 13°00' . 43°40'
Deobriga 13°15' . 43°30'
Vendelia 12°40' . 43°15'
Salionca 13°00' . 42°05'
And below the Morbogi, the Pelendones in these cities: Visontium 11°10' . 42°55'
Augustobriga 11°30' . 42°40'
Savia 12°30' . 42°40'
Below the Autrigones, the Berones in these cities: Tritium Metallum 13°00' . 42°50'
Oliba 13°00' . 41°40'
Vareia 13°00' . 42°45'
Below the Pelendones and the Berones, the Arevaci in these ancient inland cities: Confloenta 11°00' . 42°50'
Clunia Colonia 11°00' . 42°00'
Termes 11°30' . 42°25'
Uxama Argaila 11°30' . 42°30'
Segortia Lagca 12°30' . 41°55'
Veluca 11°20' . 41°50'
Tucris 12°40' . 42°30'
Numantia 12°30' . 41°50'
Segovia 13°30' . 42°25'
Novodagosia or Nova Augusta 13°15' . 42°10'
Back again, further towards the equator and the territory of the Vaccaei and the Arevaci, there are the Carpetani in these cities: Ilurbida 9°40' . 41°20'
Eteleosta or Egeleosta 10°30' . 41°40'
Ilarcuris 11°00' . 41°35'
Varada 11°30' . 41°30'
Thermida 12°00' . 41°35'
Tituacia 13°00' . 41°20'
Mantua 11°40' . 41°15'
Toletum 10°00' . 41°00'
Complutum 10°50' . 41°05'
Caracca 11°20' . 40°50'
Libora 9°45' . 40°45'
Ispinum 10°15' . 40°45'
Metercosa 10°20' . 40°35'
Barnacis 11°00' . 40°30'
Alternia 11°30' . 40°25'
Paterniana 9°50' . 40°15'
Rigusa 10°30' . 40°15'
Laminium 10°20' . 39°50'
Further east of these, the Celtiberes in these cities: Belsinum 13°50' . 41°55'
Turiasso 13°50' . 41°40'
Nertobriga 14°00' . 41°45'
Bilbis 14°45' . 41°30'
Arcobriga 13°25' . 41°25'
Cesada or Caisada 12°10' . 41°00'
Mediolum 13°00' . 41°00'
Attacum 13°30' . 41°05'
Ergavica 12°20' . 40°45'
Segobriga 13°30' . 40°50'
Condabora 13°10' . 40°30'
Bursada 12°45' . 40°50'
Laxta 13°30' . 40°50'
Valeria 12°30' . 40°25'
Istonium 11°30' . 40°15'
Alaba 12°00' . 40°20'
Libana or Loibana 12°20' . 40°10'
Urcesa or Urcaisa 11°40' . 39°45'
Further south of these and the Carpetani, the Oretani and their cities: Salaria 9°20' . 40°00'
Sisapone 10°00' . 39°55'
Oretum Germanus 9°10' . 39°40'
Aimiliana 10°00' . 39°00'
Mirobriga 9°30' . 39°30'
Salica 10°40' . 39°00'
Libisoca 11°20' . 39°00'
Castulum 9°30' . 39°00'
Lusparia 9°45' . 39°30'
Mentisa 10°20' . 39°00'
Cervaria 11°00' . 39°05'
Biatia 10°00' . 38°45'
Laccuris 10°45' . 38°20'
And below and towards the east of the Celtiberi, the Lobetani in the city Lobetum 13°00' . 40°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.60  Below these and alongside the Oretani, the Bastitani in these inland cities: Pucialia 13°20' . 39°45'
Salaria 13°00' . 39°40'
Turbula 13°30' . 39°45'
Saltiga 12°00' . 39°30'
Bigerra 12°30' . 39°40'
Abula 11°40' . 39°15'
Asso 12°00' . 39°15'
Belgoula or Bergoulda 11°20' . 39°45'
Carca 11°00' . 38°35'
Ilunum 11°30' . 38°40'
Arcilacis 11°20' . 37°45'
Segisa 11°15' . 38°20'
Orcelis 11°30' . 38°05'
Vergilia 11°10' . 38°00'
Acci 11°45' . 37°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.61  The Contestani come after these, on the sea, with these inland cities: Menlaria 13°45' . 37°15'
Valentia 14°00' . 37°05'
Saitabis 13°10' . 37°00'
Saitabicula 13°40' . 38°55'
Ilicias or Illicis 12°20' . 38°30'
Iaspis 12°20' . 38°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.62  Further to the east of these and the Bastitani and the Celtiberi, the Edetani in these inland cities: Caesaraugusta 14°30' . 41°30'
Bernaba 14°10' . 41°15'
Ebora 14°40' . 41°00'
Beleia 14°30' . 40°45'
Arse or Arsi 14°40' . 40°40'
Damania 14°30' . 40°30'
Leonica 14°40' . 40°15'
Osicerda 14°15' . 40°10'
Etobesa 14°20' . 39°45'
Lassira 14°50' . 39°40'
Edeta and/or Leiria 14°20' . 38°25'
Saguntum 14°35' . 38°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.63  Now, even further to the east, the Ilercaoni with inland cities: Old Carchedon 16°40' . 41°20'
Biscargis 14°55' . 41°10'
Theva 15°15' . 40°40'
Adeba 15°40' . 40°30'
Tiarioula 15°30' . 40°20'
Sigarra 15°05' . 40°15'
Dertosa 15°15' . 40°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.64  In the area between the Iber and the Pyrenees, lying next to the Autrigosi, through whose territory the river flows, to the east are the Caristi with these inland cities: Suestasium 13°40' . 40°15'
Tulicca 13°40' . 43°45'
Velia or Veleia 13°55' . 43°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.65  Further to the east of these, the Varduli in these inland cities: Gebala 14°00' . 43°50'
Gabalaica 14°30' . 43°45'
Tulonium 14°55' . 43°30'
Alba 14°35' . 43°10'
Segontia Paramica 14°30' . 43°15'
Tritium Tuboricum 13°00' . 42°50'
Thabuca 14°00' . 42°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.66  After these the Vasoconi, in these inland cities: Iturissa 15°25' . 43°55'
Pompelon 15°00' . 43°45'
Bituris 15°30' . 43°40'
Andelos 15°30' . 43°30'
Nematurista 15°05' . 43°05'
Curnonium 14°50' . 43°15'
Iacca 15°30' . 43°15'
Gracuris 15°00' . 43°05'
Calorgorina 14°40' . 42°55'
Bascontum or Cascontum 15°00' . 42°45'
Ergavia 14°30' . 42°30'
Tarraga 14°45' . 42°30'
Muscaria 14°20' . 42°25'
Setia 14°40' . 42°15'
Alavona 14°40' . 41°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.67  And again after these, the Ilergeti, in these inland cities: Bergusia 16°30' . 43°00'
Celsa 16°00' . 42°45'
Bergidum 15°30' . 42°30'
Erga 15°45' . 42°15'
Succosa 15°10' . 42°10'
Osca 16°00' . 42°10'
Burtina 16°30' . 41°55'
Gallica Flavia 15°30' . 41°40'
Orcia 15°00' . 41°30'
Ilerda 15°25' . 41°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.68  Below these and further to the east are the Ceretani, with this city: Julia Libyca 17°20' . 42°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.69  Alongside them, towards the west, the Ausetani and cities: Aquae Calidae 42°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.70  And with these, the Castellani, in these inland cities: Sebendunum 17°55' . 42°30'
Basi 17°55' . 42°15'
Egosa 17°20' . 41°55'
Beseda 17°30' . 41°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.71  And further to the west of these, the Iaccetani in these cities: Lesa 16°20' . 42°00'
Vedura 16°30' . 41°45'
Ascerris 16°00' . 41°40'
Setelsis or Selensis 16°40' . 41°35'
Telobis 16°00' . 41°30'
Ceresus 15°40' . 41°20'
Bacasis 16°45' . 41°25'
Ie(s)pos 15°30' . 41°00'
Anabis 16°20' . 41°00'
Cinna 15°50' . 40°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.72  The Endigeti have these inland cities: Deciana 18°50' . 42°35'
Iuncaria 18°30' . 42°20'
The Laentani in this inland city: Rubricata 17°20' . 41°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.6.73  Islands alongside Tarraconensis with three headlands, in the Cantabrian Ocean, are called the Trileuci, hold the location thus 9°00' . 46°45'
In the western ocean the Cassiterides, ten in number, hold the position 4°00' . 45°30'
In the Balearic Sea the islands of Pitousi of which the smaller is called Ophiussis 14°45' . 38°20' while the larger has a city called Ebussos 14°00' . 38°05'
And also in the Balearic Sea are two islands, (known as) Gymnesiai to the Greeks. The larger (Majorca) has two cities: Palma 16°30' . 39°15'
Pollentia 16°10' . 39°15' and the smaller (Minorca) with the two old cities,
Iamna 17°10' . 39°30'
Mago 17°30' . 39°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.1  Celto–Galatia is divided into four provinces; Aquitania, Lugdunensis, Belgica and Narbonensis. Aquitania is bounded to the west by the Aquitanian Ocean, by the following shore description: after the Ocasso promontory of the Pyrenees at 15°00' . 45°50'
Aturios river mouth 16°45' . 44°45'
Sigmatis River mouth 17°00' . 45°20'
Curianum Promontory 16°30' . 46°00'
Garuna River mouth 17°30' . 46°30'
Mid-point of its length 18°00' . 45°20'
River source 19°30' . 44°15'
Santonum promontory 16°30' . 46°45'
Canentelus River mouth 17°15' . 47°45'
Pictonium promontory 17°00' . 48°00'
Sicor Harbour 17°30' . 48°15'
Liger (Loire) river mouth 17°40' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.2  From the north it is bounded by part of Lugdunensis province along the river Liger until it turns southwards, at 20°00' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.3  The eastern side adjoins the part of Lugdunensis by the Liger River until its head, at 20°00' . 44°30'
And then part of Narbonensis until the point of the Pyrenees at 18°45' . 42°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.4  And on the south side it partly adjoins the Pyrenees and Narbonensis, by that part of Narbonensis from the head of the River Liger until the mentioned point of the Pyrenees in the west, and by the Pyrenees at the part on this side of the Ocasso promontory.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.5  The Pictones occupy the northern part of Aquitania along the side of the river and the sea, with these cities: Ratiatum 17°45' . 48°20'
Limonum 19°00' . 47°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.6  Below these are the Santones, their city being Mediolanium 17°40' . 46°45'
Below these are the Bituriges Vibisci whose cities are Noviomagus 17°40' . 46°15'
Burdigala 18°00' . 45°30'
Below these and extending to the Pyrenees are the Tarbelli and their city is:
Aquae Augustae 17°00' . 44°40'
In the interior below the Pictones are the Limovici and their city Augustoritum 17°40' . 47°45'
Next to these the Cadurci and their city Dueona 19°00' . 46°15'
Below these are the Petrocori and city Vesuna 19°50' . 46°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.7.10  The Bituriges Cubi are east of all these, extending also after the Liger river, and their city Avaricum 20°15' . 46°40'
Again, below the Petrocori are the Nitiobriges and their city Aginnum 19°45' . 46°15'
Below these are the Vassari and the city Cossium 18°30' . 46°15'
Below them the Gabali and their city Anderedum 19°45' . 45°30'
And below the Gabali are the Datii and the city Tasta 19°00' . 45°15'
Below these the Auscii and their city Augusta 18°00' . 45°30'
East of these are part of the Arverni and the city Augustonemetum 19°00' . 45°00'
And below the Auscii are the Velauni and the city Ruessium 18°00' . 44°30'
Below these are the Ruteni and the city Segodunum 17°15' . 44°10'
Adjoining the Pyrenees are the Convenae and their city Lugdunum Colonia 17°00' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.1  Celto–Galatia Lugdunensis
The sides of Lugdunensis which connect to Aquitania have been described; of the rest, that towards the west and the sea, has this description: After the mouth of the Liger river, Brivates Harbour 17°40' . 48°45'
Herius River mouth 17°00' . 49°15'
Vidana or Vidana Harbour 16°30' . 49°40'
Gabaeum promontory 15°15' . 49°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.2  The northern side along the Britannic Sea is as follows: after the Gabaeum promontory, Saliocanus Harbour 16°30' . 50°00'
Titus River mouth 17°20' . 50°20'
Of the Vidoucasii, Aregenoua 18°00' . 50°30'
Of the Venelli, Crociatonnum 18°50' . 50°20'
Olina River mouth 18°45' . 51°00'
Of the Lexubii Noeomagus 19°30' . 51°10'
Sequana River mouth 20°00' . 51°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.3  The eastern side joins on to Belgica at the Sequana River, median point of which is 24°00' . 47°20'
and by a straight line to the end point at 25°00' . 45°30'

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§ 2.8.4  The southern side is bounded by the part on this side of Narbonensis as far as the mentioned end point by Aquitania, the Cemmeni mountains, mid-point 20°20' . 44°30'

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§ 2.8.5  The Caletes occupy the northern coast from the Sequana River; their city is Iuliobona 20°15' . 51°10'
After these the Lexubii, then the Venelli and afterwards the Viducasii and finally, up to the Gabaeum promontory, the Osismi whose city is Vorgum 17°40' . 50°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.6  The Osismi have the Veneti below them on the western sea coast, whose city is Darioritum 17°20' . 49°15'
Below these the Samanites, being associated with the Liger River.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.7  In the interior, further east than the Veneti, are the Aulircii Diablites, whose city is Noeodunum 18°00' . 50°00'
After them are the Arvii and the the city Vagoritum 18°40' . 50°00'
After these, until the Sequana River, are the Veneliocasii, whose city is Ratomagus 20°10' . 50°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.8  And again, east of the Samanites are the Audicavae and their city Iuliomagus 18°50' . 49°20'
Next to these are the Aulircii Cenomani, whose city is Vindinum 20°45' . 49°20'
After these are the Namnetes, their city being Condevincum 21°45' . 50°00'
Then next to the Sequana River, the Abrigcatesi and city Ingena 21°45' . 50°30'

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§ 2.8.9  Below all those mentioned the Aulirci Eburvici extend from the Liger River to the Sequana River and their city is Mediolanium 20°40' . 48°00'
Below these, by the Liger River are the Rhedones or Rheidones, whose city is Condate 20°40' . 47°20'
And further to the east of these the Senones, their city being Agedicum 21°15' . 47°10'

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§ 2.8.10  By the Sequana River the Carnutes and their cities: Autricum 21°40' . 48°15'
Cenabum 22°00' . 47°50'
Below these the Parisi and their city Parisian Lucotecia 23°30' . 48°30'
Below these the Tricasii and their city Augustobona 23°15' . 47°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.11  Also below these tribes, the Turoni happen to live along the Liger, and their city Caesarondunum 20°45' . 46°30'
Below these, bordering the Arverni, and who inhabit the Cemmenos Mountains are the Segusiavi whose cities are Rhodumna 20°00' . 45°50'
Forum Segusianorum 20°30' . 45°30'
Further to the east are the Meldae and their city Iatinum 23°30' . 46°50'
Next to these and towards Belgica are the Vadicasii and their city Noeomagus 24°20' . 46°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.8.12  East of the Arverni until the northward turn of the river Rhone, is the tribe of the Aedui and their cities:
Augustodunum 23°40' . 46°30'
Cabyllinum 22°50' . 45°40'
Lugdunum metropolis 23°15' . 45°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.1  The western border of Belgic Gallia along Lugdunensis has been described, to the north along the Britannic Ocean is as follows:
After the mouth of the Sequana River, Phrudios River mouth 20°45' . 52°20'
Itium promontory 22°15' . 53°30'
Gesoriacum naval station of the Morini, 22°45' . 53°30'
Tabulla River mouth 23°30' . 53°20'
Mosa River mouth 24°40' . 53°20'
Lugdunum of the Batavians 26°30' . 53°20'
Rhine River western mouth 26°30' . 53°20'
Middle mouth of river 27°00' . 53°30'
Eastern mouth of river 28°00' . 54°00'

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§ 2.9.2  The eastern side is bounded by the Rhine river, alongside Germania Magna, the source of which has the position; 29°20' . 46°00'
The point on the Rhine River relating to where the River Obrincas joins from the west.
Obrincas River junction 28°00' . 50°00'
And from the source in the Alps mountains to the moutain called Adulas;
Adulas mountain 29°30' . 45°15'
Jurassus mountain 26°15' . 46°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.3  The remaining southern side joins part of Gallia Narbonensis, and extends from the common boundary of Lugdunensis and Narbonensis already mentioned until the common terminus of the Alps and Adulas mountain, which have the coordinates 29°15' . 45°15'

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§ 2.9.4  The Atribati occupy the sea coast and having possession of a large part of the interior along the Sequana River, their city being Nemetacum 22°00' . 51°00'
Next to these, toward the east are the Bellovaci, and their city Caesaromagus 22°50' . 51°20'
Similarly, next are the Ambiani and their city Samarobriva 22°15' . 52°30'
After these the Morini and their inland city Tarvanna 22°40' . 53°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.5  Then after the Tabula River the Tungri and their city Atuatucum 24°30' . 52°20'
Then after the Mosa River the Menapii and their city Castellum 25°00' . 22°15'

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§ 2.9.6  Below the tribes we have mentioned, furthest to the north, dwell the Nervii, whose city is Bagacum 25°15' . 51°40'
And below these are the Subanecti whose city on the eastern bank of the Sequana River is Ratomagus 22°40' . 50°00'
After these are the Viromandues, their city being Augusta Viromanduum 25°30' . 50°00'
Below these are the Vessones, with their city similarly on the eastern side of the Sequana River, Augusta Vessonum 23°30' . 49°20'
Next to these, along the river, the Remi and their city Durocottorum 23°30' . 48°30'

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§ 2.9.7  Further east than the Remi are, more northerly, the Treveri and their city Augusta Treverum 26°00' . 48°10'
Further to the south are the Mediomatrices and their city Dividurum 25°30' . 46°20'
And below these and the Remi are the Leuci and their cities: Tullium 26°30' . 47°00'
Nasium 24°50' . 46°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.8  The territory alongside the Rhine from the sea until the Abrinca River is called Lower Germania; in which the cities are on the west bank, of the Batavians in the interior: Batavodurum 27°15' . 52°30'
below this is Veterra 27°30' . 51°50'
Legion XXX Ulpia, then Agrippenensis 27°40' . 51°30'
then Bonna 27°40' . 50°55'
Legion I Athena (Minerva) and then Traiane Legion 28°30' . 50°35'
then Mocontiacum 27°20' . 50°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.9  From the Abrinca River to the south is called Upper Germania, in which the cities, beginning from the Abrinca River, are:
Of the Nemetes Noeomagus 27°50' . 49°50'
Rufiniana 27°50' . 49°10'
Of the Vengiones
Borbetomagus 27°50' . 48°50'
Argentoratum 27°50' . 48°50'
Legion VIII Augusta, of the Tribocci Breucomagus 27°50' . 48°20'
Helcebus 28°00' . 48°00'
Of the Raurici
Augusta Rauricorum 28°00' . 47°00'
Argentovaria 27°50' . 47°40'
Below these and the Leuci dwell the Longones, their city being Andomatunnum 26°15' . 46°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.9.10  And after the mountain lying below them, which is called Jurassus, are the Helveti along the River Rhine, with cities Ganodurum 28°30' . 46°30'
Forum Tiberii 28°00' . 46°00'
The Sequani are below these, their cities being Dittavium 25°30' . 45°40'
Visontium 26°00' . 46°00'
Equestris 26°00' . 45°40'
Avanticum 28°00' . 45°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.1  Gallia Narbonensis
The borders of Narbonensis with the neighboring three provinces have been described; of the rest, the one to the east is bounded by the western part of the Alps from Adulas mountain to the mouths of the Varus river, at 27°30' . 43°00'
The southern side is bounded by the rest of the Pyrenees mountains from Aquitania as far as the extreme tip of the mountain upon our sea, upon which is the hieron of Aphrodite, and by the Gallic sea as far as the mouth of the Varus river. The shores of this sea are described as follows:

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§ 2.10.2  After the Aphrodision 20°20' . 42°20'
Illiberis river mouth 21°00' . 42°40'
Ruscion river mouth 21°15' . 42°45'
Atages river mouth 21°30' . 42°45'
Orobios river mouth 21°45' . 42°45'
Araurius river mouth 22°00' . 42°50'
Agathe city 22°15' . 42°50'
Setium Mt. 22°30' . 42°30'
Fossae Marianae 22°40' . 42°40' western mouth of the Rhodanus (Rhone) river 22°50' . 42°40'
Rhodanus eastern mouth 23°00' . 42°50'
The turn of the river toward the Alps, below Lugdunum 23°00' . 45°15'
the part by its lake, which is called Leman 27°15' . 45°15'
the source of the river 28°20' . 44°20'

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§ 2.10.3  Of the rivers flowing into it from the part north of Lugdunum both the Arar and the Dubis flow into it, having mixed with each other; the sources of the Arar, which flow from the Alps, at 28°40' . 44°40'
The sources of the Dubis river, which flows below it 28°30' . 44°30'
After flowing north from the Alps they turn toward the west, and their confluence is at 25°20' . 45°30'
The confluence with the Rhodanus river is at 24°00' . 45°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.4  Into the part south of the town of Vienne, flow the Isar river and the Druentia river, likewise from the Alps; and the sources of the Isar are at 28°00' . 44°00'
and the headwaters of the Druentia at 28°00' . 43°45'
Again, the confluence of the Isar with the Rhodanus is at 22°40' . 44°30'
that of the Druentia at 22°40' . 43°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.5  After the Rhodanus on the sea, of the Avatici, Maritima city, a colonia 23°30' . 43°05'
next the Caenus river mouth 23°45' . 43°00'
Then of the Comani, Massalia city 24°30' . 43°05'
and Tauroentium 24°50' . 42°50'
and Kitharistes promontory 25°00' . 42°30'
Olbia city 25°10' . 42°45'
Argentios river mouth 25°40' . 42°45'
Forum Julii colonia 26°30' . 42°50'
Next of the Deciatians, Antipolis 27°00' . 43°00'
and the Varus river mouth 27°30' . 43°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.6   The Volci Tectosages occupy the westernmost parts of Narbonenses, whose inlands cities are Illiberis 19°45' . 43°15'
Ruscinon 20°00' . 43°30'
Tolosa colonia 20°10' . 44°15'
Cessero 21°15' . 44°00'
Carcaso 21°00' . 43°45'
Baetirae 21°30' . 43°30' Narbo colonia 21°30' . 43°15'
After these as far as the Rhodanus river are the Volci Arecomii, whose inland cities are Vindomagus 21°30' . 44°30'
Nemausus colonia 22°00' . 44°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.7  Next east of the Rhodanus the northernmost are the Allobriges below the Medulli, and their city is Vienna 23°00' . 45°00'
Below these further to the west are the Segallauni, whose city is Valentia colonia 23°00' . 44°30'
Further east are the Tricastini, whose city is Noeomagus 26°30' . 45°00'

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§ 2.10.8  Next below the Segallauni the Cavari, whose cities are: Acusion colonia 23°00' . 44°15'
Avennion colonia 23°00' . 44°00' Arausion 24°00' . 44°30'
Cabellion colonia 24°00' . 44°00'
and below these the Salyes, whose cities are Taruscon 23°00' . 43°40'
Glanum 23°30' . 43°30'
Arelatum colonia 22°45' . 43°20' Aquae Sextiae colonia 24°30' . 43°20'
Ernaginum 24°00' . 43°30'
Below the Tricastini the Vocontii and the city Vasion 26°00' . 44°30' Below whom the Memini and their city Forum Neronis 25°40' . 44°45'
Below whom the Elycoci and their city Albaugusta 26°00' . 43°20'
East of the Vocontii and Memini are the Sentii, whose city is Dinia 27°10' . 44°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.10.9  Islands lying off Narbonenses are Agathe by the city of the same name, at 22°30' . 42°10'
after which Blascon, 22°30' . 42°20'
The Stoichades are five in number below Kitharistes, midpoint of which is 25°00' . 42°15'
Below the Varus river Lerone, at 27°45' . 42°15'
[Book 2.11 with Germania not included yet.]

Event Date: 150 GR

Raetia and Vindelicia is bounded on the west side by Adula mountain and by the area between the headwaters of the Rhine and the Danube rivers; on the north by the part of the Danube between its sources and the junction with the Aenus river at 34°00' . 47°20'
The eastern boundary is the river Aenus itself, with a southernmost limit at 34°00' . 45°15'
On the south by this part of the Alps beyond Italy, whose position toward the Graian Alps is 30°00' . 45°20'
The area toward Poenae at the beginning of the Licios river, which flows into the Danube and divides Raetia from Vindelicia 31°30' . 45°30'
Towards Ocra mountain 33°30' . 45°30'

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§ 2.12.2  The northernmost parts of Raetia are occupied by the Brixantae, the more southerly by the Suanetae and Riguscae; In between are the Calucones and the Vennontes.

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§ 2.12.3  Below the Danube are the following cities: Bragodurum 30°00' . 46°40'
Dracuina 30°20' . 46°40'
Viana 31°00' . 46°40'
Faeniana 31°45' . 46°50'
Towards the headwaters of the Rhine river: Taxgaetium 29°50' . 46°10'
Brigantium 30°00' . 46°00'
After these Vicus 30°15' . 45°20'
Ebodurum 30°40' . 45°20'
Octodurum 31°20' . 45°20'
Drusomagus 31°30' . 46°05'
The Runicatae occupy the most northern part of Vindelicia. Below these the Leuni and the Consuantes, then the Benlauni, then the Breuni, and alongside the Licia river the Licatii.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.12.4  The towns in Vindelicia along the Danube are: Artobriga 32°15' . 47°10'
Boiodurum 33°50' . 47°15'
Below these, Augusta Vindelica 32°30' . 46°20'
Carrodunum 33°50' . 46°45'
Abudiacum 33°30' . 46°15'
Cambodunum 32°50' . 46°00'
Medullum 33°50' . 44°40'
Inutrium 32°50' . 44°30'

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§ 2.13.1  NORICUM
Noricum is bordered on the west by the Aenus river, on the north by the part of the Danube between the junction of the Aenus river and Cetium mountain, at 37°30' . 46°50'
Towards the east by Cetium mountain itself; on the south by the part of Upper Pannonia under that mountain, with a western limit at 36°00' . 45°20' and 37°00' . 45°40'. and by this side of the mountain above Istria, which is called Caruagas, with midpoint 35°00' . 45°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.13.2  The most westerly parts of the province are occupied, beginning from the north, by the Sevaces and the Alauni and Ambisontii; the more easterly, by the Norici, the Ambidravi, and the Ambilici.

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§ 2.13.3  The cities in it below the Danube river are: Arelape 35°00' . 47°00'
Claudivium 36°00' . 46°40'
Below these, Gamavodurum 36°40' . 46°40'
Gesodunum 36°40' . 46°30'
Bedacum 34°15' . 46°15'
Aguntum 36°30' . 46°20'
Vacorium 36°00' . 45°45'
Poedicum 37°00' . 46°00'
Virunum 36°40' . 45°45'
Teurnia 34°40' . 45°40'
Idunum 35°10' . 44°30'
Sianticum 36°00' . 45°30'
Celia 37°00' . 45°30'
Between Italy and Noricum: Iulium Carnicum 34°30' . 45°15'

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On the west, Upper Pannonia is bounded by Cetium mountain and partly by Caruaga; on the south by Istria and part of Illyria, along a from the above-mentioned western limit point through Mt. Albanus as far as the Bebia mountains and the border of Lower Pannonia at 41°30' . 45°20'
On the north, by the above-mentioned border of Noricum and by the part of the Danube between Cetium mountain and the junction with the Arabon river at 41°00' . 47°40'
On the east, by Lower Pannonia on the line through the above-mentioned limit points.

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§ 2.14.2  The northern parts of the province are occupied by the Azoli to the west and by the Cutni to the east; the southern parts, by the Latobici below Noricum, by the Varciani towards the east, and in between by the Boei to the west, with the Colaetiani below them, and to the east by the Iassii with the Oseriates below them.

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§ 2.14.3  Below the Danube are these towns: Vindobona 37°45' . 46°50'
Legion X Germanicus
Carnuntum (Carnus) 39°00' . 47°00'
Flexon 40°00' . 47°15'
Legion XIV Germanicus
Chertobalos 40°30' . 47°30'
Brigetium 41°00' . 47°40'
Legion I Auxilia

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§ 2.14.4  The cities away from the river: Sala 38°20' . 46°15'
Poetobium 37°40' . 45°30'
Savaria 38°20' . 46°40'
Rispia 38°40' . 46°30'
Vinundria 38°30' . 45°30'
Bononia 38°40' . 45°40'
Andautonium 38°10' . 45°30'
Noviodunum 37°50' . 45°50'
Scarbantia 39°30' . 47°00'
Mursella 39°15' . 46°10'
Lentulum 39°10' . 45°45'
Carrodunum 39°40' . 46°00'
Siscia 39°00' . 45°20'
Olimacum 39°20' . 45°30'
Valina 40°00' . 46°45'
Bolentium 40°10' . 46°00'
Sirota 40°10' . 45°20'
Sisopa 40°00' . 45°15'
Visontium 40°35' . 45°45'
Praetorium 40°45' . 46°15'
Magniana 41°00' . 46°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.14.5  Between Italy below Noricum and Pannonia, Emona 36°00' . 45°20'

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Lower Pannonia is bounded on the west by Upper Pannonia from that point where the Arabus river flows into the Danube, forming those borders to which we have referred; on the south by Illyria which extends from the indicated terminus as far as the bend in the Danube near which the Save river empties into it, at 45°00' . 44°30'
It is bounded on the north by that eastern part of the Danube river which is near the mouth of the Arabus and which flows into it, and as far as the mouth of the Save river, the description of this part of which is the following:
After the Arabus river the bend near Curta at 42º00' . 47°00'
the most northerly point of the Danube river 42º30' . 48°00'
the point where a river forks with it, extending west, which comes through both Pannonias and divides at Carrodunum city, up against Cetius mountain, the more northern part being called the Savarias; the southern the Daros 44º20' . 45°40'
the bend in the Danube river at Cornacum 44º20' . 45°15'
the bend near Acumincum 45º00' . 45°20'
the bend near Rittium 45º30' . 45°00'
where the Save river flows into the Danube, which also comes from Cetius mountain running through both Pannonias first northward, then eastward 45º00' . 44°30'

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§ 2.15.2  The Amantini occupy the western parts of this province more toward the north; below them are the Hercuniates, then the Andizetes, then the Breuci; the eastern part toward the north the Aravisci inhabit, and toward the south are the Scordisci.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.15.3  Below the Danube river are the cities Curta 42º00' . 47°00'
Solva 42º30' . 47°30'
Carpis 42º30' . 47°50'
Aquincum 43º00' . 47°30'
Salinum 43º30' . 47°00'
Lussonium 43º45' . 46°45'
Lugionum 44º00' . 46°30'
Teutoburgium 44º15' . 45°40'
Cornacum 44º20' . 45°15'
Acumincum, legio 45º00' . 45°20'
Rittium 45º30' . 45°00'
Taurunum 45º00' . 44°30'

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§ 2.15.4  Away from the river are Berbis 42º00' . 46°00'
Serbitium 41º20' . 46°30'
Iuballum 42º20' . 46°00'
Certissa 42º20' . 45°20'
Mursella 43º00' . 46°00'
Cibalis 43º00' . 45°30'
Marsonia 43º00' . 45°00'
Vacontium 43º30' . 46°30'
Mursia colonia 43º30' . 45°45'
Saldis 44º00' . 44°40'
Bassiana 44º30' . 44°50'
Tarsium 44º30' . 44°35'
Sirmium 44º50' . 45°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.1  ILLYRIA
Illyria is bounded on the north by the two Pannonias along the indicated borders; on the west by Istria along that line, whose midpoint toward the limit point of Upper Pannonia at . 36°30' . 45°10'
the other on the Adriatic at . 36°30' . 44°50'
It is bounded on the east by Upper Moesia along the line from the indicated diversion of the Saouos river to the point at Skardon mountain, at . 47°00' . 41°40'
It is bounded on the south by the part of Makedonia along that line from the indicated point, reaching the Adriatic at . 45°00' . 41°00'
and then by the Adriatic to the indicated point near Istria. The description is as follows.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.2  after Istria in Italia, then in Libournia, on the coast of Illyria:
Alouona . 36°50' . 45°00'
Phlanona . 37°00' . 44°50'
Tarsatika . 37°40' . 44°45'
mouth of the Oineus river . 38°00' . 44°45'
Ouolkera . 38°30' . 44°45'
Senia . 39°00' . 44°40'
Lopsika . 39°15' . 44°40'
mouth of the Tedanios river . 39°20' . 44°30'

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§ 2.16.3  Ortopla . 40°00' . 44°30'
Ouetia or Ouegia . 40°20' . 44°30'
Argyrouton . 40°45' . 44°10'
Korinion . 41°10' . 44°00'
Ainona . 41°30' . 44°00'
Iadera colonia . 42°00' . 43°45'
mouth of the Titos river . 42°20' . 43°10'
Skardona . 42°40' . 43°30'

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§ 2.16.4  (in Dalmatia)
Sikoun . 43°00' . 43°20'
Salonai colonia . 43°20' . 43°10'
Epetion . 43°40' . 43°00'
Pigountion . 44°00' . 42°45'
Onaion . 44°00' . 42°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.5  mouth of the Naron (or Nardon) river . 44°30' . 42°20'
Risinon . 44°40' . 42°15'
Epidauros . 44°40' . 42°20'
Askrouion . 44°45' . 42°00'
Rizonikos bay . 45°00' . 42°00'
Bouloua (or Boutoua) . 45°00' . 41°45'
Oulkinion . 45°00' . 41°30'
mouth of the Drilon river . 45°00' . 41°20'
Lissos . 45°00' . 41°10'
(in all there are 24 coastal cities)

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.6  The river Drilon flows from Mt. Skardon and from that other mountain near the middle of Upper Moesia at . 45°40' . 42°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.7  From here another river, with the name Dreinos, flows into the Saouos river west of Taurunum city.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.8  This province by Istria is occupied by the Iapydes; further to the west beyond Liburnia are the Mazaei, then the Derriopes and Derrians, and beyond the Derriopes the Dindarians, beyond whom the Ditiones; beyond the Derrians the Keraunians; inside Dalmatia the Daoursians, beyond whom the Melkomenians and Ouardaians; beyond these the Narensians and Sardiotai and below these are the Sikoulotai and Dokleatai, the Piroustai, and the Skirtones toward Makedonia.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.9  The inland towns of Liburnia:
Tediaston . 39°00' . 44°50'
Aroukkia . 39°30' . 44°45'
Ardotion . 40°00' . 44°50'
Slouppi . 39°30' . 44°40'
Kouroum or Kourkoum . 40°30' . 44°30'
Ausankale . 41°30' . 44°45'
Ouarouaria . 41°10' . 44°10'
Salvia . 41°20' . 44°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.10  Adra . 42°30' . 44°40'
Arauzona . 42°30' . 44°20'
Assesia . 42°15' . 44°20'
Bournon . 42°45' . 44°20'
Sidrona . 43°30' . 44°30'
Blanona . 42°10' . 44°00'
Ouoporoum (or Oouporoum) . 43°00' . 44°00'
Nedinon . 44°30' . 44°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.11  The inland cities of Dalmatia:
Andekrion . 43°30' . 43°30'
Aleta . 44°00' . 43°10'
Herona . 44°20' . 43°45'
Delminion . 44°40' . 43°20'
Aequum colonia . 44°30' . 43°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.12  Saloniana . 45°00' . 43°20'
Narbona colonia . 44°20' . 42°45'
Enderon . 45°30' . 42°50'
Chinna . 45°40' . 42°30'
Doklea . 45°20' . 42°15'
Rizana . 45°15' . 42°00'
Skodra . 45°30' . 41°30'
Thermidava . 46°00' . 41°45'
Siparuntum . 46°30' . 42°10'
Epikaria . 45°30' . 41°15'
Iminacium (or Keimination) . 46°00' . 41°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.13  The islands lying off Liburnia are Apsorros, with two cities:
Krepsa . 36°40' . 44°30'
Apsorros . 36°50' . 44°30'
and Kourikta, with two cities, Phoulphinion . 38°10' . 44°20'
Kourikon . 38°20' . 44°15'
and Skardona island, with two cities:
Arba . 40°40' . 43°40'
Collentum . 41°40' . 43°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 2.16.14  Off Dalmatia are the islands
Issa with city . 42°20' . 43°00'
Tragourion with city . 43°00' . 42°15'
Pharia with city . 42°00' . 42°20'
Korkyra Melaina . 44°00' . 41°45'
Melite island . 44°10' . 41°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.1  Italy is bounded on the west by the Alps mountains along that line running, as mentioned, from the Adula mountains as far as the mouth of the Varus river, at . 27°30' . 43°00'
then from the shore of the Tyrrhenian sea to Neapolis and to the Leucopetra promontory; on the north by the Alps mountains, which are below Raetia, and by the Caravancas mountains, which are below Noricum, the location of which has been indicated above, and likewise by the shore of the Adriatic gulf which extends from the Tilaventus river to the Garganus mountains; on the east by that maritime coast which extends from Garganus mountains as far as Hydruntum; on the south by the shore of the Adriatic gulf which extends from the Tilaventus river as far as the confines of Illyria, and by that coast of the Tyrrhenian and the Ligurian sea, which extends from the mouth of the Varus river as far as Neapolis, then along the seacoast from Leucopetra as far as Hydruntum.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.2  The entire line of the seacoast is thus described from the mouth of the Varus river on the Ligurian sea:
On the coast of the Massilienses
Nicaea . 28°00' . 43°05'
Herculis harbor . 28°15' . 42°45'
Tropaea Augusti . 28°30' . 42°30'
Monoeci harbor . 28°40' . 42°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.3  Of Liguria, which in Greek is called Ligustice, near the Ligurian sea
Albintimilium . 29°10' . 42°45'
Albingaunum . 29°30' . 42°45'
Genua . 30°00' . 42°50'
mouth of the Entella river . 30°30' . 42°50'
Tigullia . 30°35' . 42°55'
mouth of the Macralla . 31°50' . 42°45'
where the Boacias flows into it . 31°30' . 43°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.4  Of the Tusci who in Greek are called Tyrrheni, near the Tyrrhenian sea, are
Luna . 32°00' . 42°45'
Luna promontory . 32°00' . 42°40'
Sanctuary of Hercules . 32°40' . 42°45'
mouth of the Arnus river . 33°20' . 42°40'
Populonium city . 33°30' . 42°00'
Populonium promontory . 33°30' . 42°00'
Portus Trojanus . 34°00' . 42°10'
Telamon promontory . 34°15' . 42°00'
mouth of the Osa river . 34°30' . 42°00'
Cossae . 35°00' . 41°55'
Graviscae . 35°20' . 41°45'
Castrum Novum . 35°40' . 41°40'
Pyrgi . 36°00' . 41°40'
Alsium . 36°15' . 41°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.5  of the Latini on the Tyrrhenian sea
mouth of the Tiber river . 36°30' . 41°30'
where the river turns toward the west . 36°30' . 42°00'
Ostia . 33°30' . 41°30'
Antium . 36°50' . 41°20'
Clostra . 37°10' . 41°20'
Circaeum promontory . 37°30' . 41°10'
Tarracinae . 37°45' . 41°15'
Formiae . 38°10' . 41°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.6  of the Campani, on the Tyrrhenian sea
mouth of the Liris river . 38°20' . 41°15'
Sinuessa . 38°30' . 41°20'
Volturnum . 38°45' . 41°05'
Liternum . 39°10' . 41°10'
Cumae . 39°20' . 41°10'
Misenum . 39°30' . 41°00'
Puteoli . 39°50' . 41°00'
Neapolis . 40°00' . 40°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.7  of the Picentini, on the Tyrrhenian sea
mouth of the Sarnus river . 40°05' . 40°55'
Surentum . 40°00' . 40°40'
Salernum . 40°00' . 40°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.8  of the Lucani, on the Tyrrhenian sea
mouth of the Silarus river . 40°05' . 40°15'
Paestum . 40°10' . 40°00'
Buxentum . 40°00' . 39°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.9  of the Bruttii, on the Tyrrhenian sea
mouth of the Laus river . 40°00' . 39°15'
Tempsa city . 40°00' . 39°00'
Taurianus cliff . 40°10' . 38°15'
Hipponiates gulf . 40°20' . 39°45'
Scyllaeum promontory . 39°50' . 38°15'
Rhegium Julium . 39°50' . 39°15'
Leucopetra promontory . 39°50' . 38°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.10  of Magna Graecia, on the Adriatic sea
Zephyrium promontory . 40°45' . 39°05'
Locri city . 40°50' . 38°25'
mouth of the Locani river . 40°55' . 38°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.11  in Scylacius gulf,
Scylacium city . 40°45' . 39°40'
Innermost part of Scylacium gulf . 40°45' . 39°45'
Lacinium promontory . 41°30' . 38°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.12  in the Tarentine gulf,
Kroton city . 41°30' . 39°10'
Thurium . 40°55' . 39°30'
Metapontium . 40°55' . 39°55'
Tarentum . 41°30' . 40°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.13  of the Salentini,
Iapygium or Sallentinepromontory . 42°20' . 38°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.14  of Kalabria, on the Ionian sea
Hydruntum . 43°00' . 39°05'
Luspiae . 42°40' . 39°15'
Brundisium . 42°30' . 39°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.15  of the Apuli Peucenti, on the Ionian sea
Egnatia . 42°30' . 39°50'
Barium . 42°30' . 40°05'
mouth of the Aufidus river . 42°30' . 40°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.16  of the Apuli Dauni, on the Ionian sea,
Salapiae . 42°20' . 40°20'
Sipus or Sipa . 42°20' . 40°30'
Apenestae . 42°20' . 40°45'
Garganum mountain . 42°40' . 41°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.17  and by the Adriatic gulf, Hyrium . 42°30' . 41°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.18  of the Frentani on this gulf
mouth of the Tifernus river . 42°00' . 41°30'
Buca . 41°40' . 41°40'
Istonium. 41°30' . 41°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.19  of the Paeligni on the same
mouth of the Sarus river . 41°20' . 42°00'
Ortona . 40°45' . 42°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.20  of the Maurrucini on the same gulf
mouth of the Aternus river . 40°30' . 42°30'
mouth of the Matrinus river . 39°20' . 42°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.21  of the Piceni on the same gulf
Castrum . 38°30' . 43°00'
Cupra Maritima . 38°00' . 43°10'
mouth of the Truentini river . 37°40' . 43°20'
Potentia . 37°15' . 43°30'
Numana . 36°50' . 43°40'
Ancona . 36°30' . 43°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.22  of the Semnones on the same gulf,
mouth of the Aesis river . 36°20' . 43°40'
Sena Gallica . 36°00' . 43°40'
Fanum Fortunae . 35°40' . 43°45'
Pisaurum . 35°20' . 43°45'
Ariminum . 35°00' . 43°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.23  of the Boii Galli on the same gulf
mouth of the Rubicon river . 34°55' . 43°55'
Ravenna . 34°40' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.24  mouth of the Padus river . 34°45' . 44°00'
the head of the river at Lario lake . 29°20' . 44°45'
where it joins with the Dorias river . 30°40' . 43°45'
head of the Dorias river at Poenus lake . 28°45' . 43°45'
where it is diverted toward Baenacus lake . 31°45' . 43°30'
position of this lake . 30°30' . 45°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.25  Beyond the mouth of the Padus river, on the coast of Venetia
mouth of the Atrianus river . 34°00' . 44°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.26  of the Karni on the Adriatic at the innermost bend of the sea
mouth of the Tilaventus river . 33°00' . 44°50'
mouth of the Natisonis river . 34°00' . 44°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.27  of Istria where next to the innermost bend of the sea are
Tergestum colonia . 34°30' . 44°55'
mouth of the Formionis river . 35°00' . 44°55'
Parentium . 35°20' . 44°55'
Pola . 36°00' . 44°40'
Nesactum, last of Italy, . 36°15' . 44°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.28  The interior cities of Istria
Pacinum . 34°45' . 45°00'
Piquentum . 35°30' . 45°05'
Alvum . 36°00' . 45°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.29  Interior cities of the Karni
Forum Julium colonia . 32°50' . 44°55'
Concordia colonia . 33°15' . 44°55'
Aquileia colonia . 34°00' . 45°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.30  Interior cities of Venetia
Vicentia . 32°10' . 44°30'
Belunum . 32°30' . 44°40'
Acelum . 32°30' . 44°30'
Opitergium . 32°40' . 44°45'
Ateste . 32°40' . 44°15'
Patavium . 32°50' . 44°30'
Altinum . 33°15' . 44°25'
Atria . 34°10' . 44°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.31  Of the Cenomani which are below Venetia
Bergomum . 32°00' . 44°20'
Forum Diutuntorum or Iuguntorum . 31°45' . 44°00'
Brixia . 32°30' . 44°10'
Cremona colonia . 32°00' . 43°40'
Verona . 33°00' . 44°00'
Mantua . 32°45' . 43°40'
Tridente . 33°40' . 43°45'
Butrium . 34°00' . 43°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.32  Of the Bechuni, who are toward the west of Venetia
Vaunia . 31°00' . 44°40'
Carraca . 31°20' . 44°40'
Bretina . 31°40' . 44°45'
Anaunium . 31°30' . 44°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.33  Of the Insubres, who are toward the west from the Cenomani
Nobaria . 30°30' . 44°30'
Mediolanium . 30°40' . 44°15'
Comum . 31°00' . 44°20'
Ticinum . 31°00' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.34  Of the Salassi, who are below the Insubres
Augusta Praetoria colonia . 30°00' . 44°00'
Eporedia . 33°15' . 43°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.35  Of the Taurini who are below the Salassi
Augusta Taurinorum . 30°30' . 43°40'
Augusta Bagiennorum . 29°30' . 43°20'
Iria . 30°00' . 43°20'
Dertona . 30°30' . 43°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.36  Of the Libici, who are below the Insubres
Vercellae . 30°45' . 43°50'
Laumellum . 31°30' . 43°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.37  Of the Ceutrones in the Graian Alps
Forum Claudii . 29°00' . 44°55'
Axima . 29°45' . 44°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.38  Of the Leponti, which is in the Cottian Alps
Oscela . 29°00' . 44°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.39  Of the Caturiges in the Graian Alps
Eburodunum . 29°40' . 44°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.40  Of the Segusani in the Graian Alps
Segusium . 28°30' . 43°55'
Brigantium . 29°00' . 44°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.41  Of the Nerusi in the Maritime Alps
Vintium . 28°30' . 43°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.42  Of the Suetri in the Maritime Alps
Salinae . 28°30' . 43°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.43  Of the Vedianti in the Maritime Alps
Cemenelum . 28°30' . 43°05'
Sanitium . 28°30' . 42°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.44  The Appennine mountains are located not far above Liguria beginning at the Alps, and from Liguria extending as far as Ancona, then turning they approach the Adriatic, and extend as far as the Garganus mountains, then turning they extend toward the south to Leucopetra promontory.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.45  Liguria, which is located below the Appennine mountains, has the following interior cities:
Sabata . 29°20' . 43°00'
Pollentia . 29°40' . 43°00'
Asta colonia . 30°20' . 43°05'
Alba Pompeia . 30°40' . 43°10'
Libarna . 31°00' . 43°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.46  Gallia Togata is located above those mountains, extending as far as Ravenna, and it has these cities:
Placentia . 31°20' . 43°30'
Fidentia . 31°40' . 43°30'
Brixellum . 32°00' . 43°20'
Parma (colonia) . 32°00' . 43°30'
Rhegium Lepidum (colonia) . 32°30' . 43°30'
Nuceria . 32°30' . 43°20'
Tanetum . 33°20' . 43°40'
Mutina . 33°00' . 43°40'
Bononia . 33°30' . 43°30'
Claterna . 33°50' . 43°30'
Forum Cornelii . 34°15' . 43°30'
Caesena . 34°40' . 43°40'
Faventia . 34°20' . 43°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.47  Towns of the Tusci in the interior
Biracellum . 31°45' . 43°10'
Fossae Papirianae . 32°00' . 42°50'
Bondelia . 32°30' . 42°50'
Luca . 33°00' . 43°10'
Lucus Feronia colonia . 32°25' . 42°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.48  Pistoria . 33°20' . 43°00'
Florentia . 33°50' . 43°00'
Pisae colonia . 33°30' . 42°45'
Volaterrae . 33°45' . 42°40'
Rusellae . 33°30' . 42°20'
Faesulae . 34°00' . 43°00'
Perusia . 35°20' . 43°30'
Arretium . 34°40' . 42°45'
Cortona . 35°00' . 42°40'
Aculea . 34°40' . 43°00'
Biturgia . 35°00' . 42°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.49  Manliana . 34°30' . 42°40'
Vetulonium . 34°00' . 42°30'
Sena . 34°20' . 42°30'
Suana . 34°50' . 42°25'
Saturniana colonia . 34°00' . 42°20'
Eba . 34°30' . 42°15'
Volci . 34°40' . 42°10'
Clusium . 34°40' . 42°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.50  Volsinium . 35°00' . 42°20'
Sudernum . 35°30' . 42°05'
Ferentia . 35°30' . 42°20'
Sutrium . 36°00' . 42°10'
Tarquinia . 35°15' . 42°00'
Blera . 35°40' . 41°55'
Forum Clodii . 35°55' . 41°55'
Nepeta . 36°00' . 41°50'
Falerium . 36°30' . 41°55'
Caere . 36°20' . 41°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.51  Of the Semnones in the interior
Suasa . 35°30' . 43°40'
Ostra . 36°00' . 43°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.52  Of the Piceni, in the interior
Treja . 36°30' . 42°25'
Urbs Salvia . 36°55' . 43°20'
Septempeda . 36°50' . 43°30'
Cupra Montana . 37°30' . 43°10'
Firmium . 37°30' . 42°55'
Asculum . 38°20' . 42°50'
Adria . 38°45' . 42°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.53  Of the Umbri, who are above the Tusci
Pitinum . 34°40' . 43°15'
Tifernum . 34°40' . 43°25'
Forum Semproni . 34°50' . 43°30'
Iguvium . 35°00' . 43°05'
Aesis . 35°20' . 43°20'
Tuficum . 35°30' . 43°05'
Sentinum . 36°30' . 42°50'
Aesisium . 35°20' . 42°45'
Camerinum . 36°00' . 43°00'
Nuceria colonia . 35°50' . 42°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.54  Of the Umbri who are toward the east of the Tusci
Arna . 35°30' . 42°40'
Hispellum . 35°40' . 42°30'
Tuder . 35°50' . 42°20'
Forum Flaminii . 36°00' . 42°40'
Spoletium . 36°20' . 42°45'
Mevania . 36°15' . 42°30'
Ameria . 36°30' . 42°15'
Narnia . 36°30' . 42°30'
Ocricolum . 36°45' . 42°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.55  Of the Sabini, who are toward the east of the Umbri,
Nursia . 36°45' . 42°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.56  Of the Aequiculi, who are east of the Sabini
Cliternum . 37°30' . 42°40'
Carsioli . 37°20' . 42°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.57  Of the Marsi, who are toward the east from the Aequiculi
Aex . 37°40' . 42°30'
Alba Fucinis . 38°00' . 42°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.58  Of the Praetuti, who are toward the east from the Marsi
Beregra . 38°30' . 42°30'
Interamnia . 38°20' . 42°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.59  Of the Vestini, who are toward the east from the Praetuti
Pinna . 39°00' . 42°40'
Avia . 39°00' . 42°25'
Amiternum . 39°00' . 42°15'
Angulus . 39°30' . 42°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.60  Of the Marucini in the interior
Teatea . 39°45' . 42°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.61  Of the Latini in the interior
City of Rome . 36°40' . 41°40'
Tibur . 36°50' . 42°00'
Praeneste . 37°30' . 41°55'
Tusculum . 36°50' . 41°45'
Aricia . 37°00' . 41°40'
Ardea . 36°45' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.62  Nomentum . 37°30' . 42°05'
Treba . 37°30' . 41°45'
Anagnia . 37°20' . 41°40'
Velitra . 37°30' . 41°30'
Lanuvium . 37°15' . 41°25'
Atina . 38°15' . 42°00'
Fidenae . 38°00' . 41°55'
Frusino . 37°50' . 41°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.63  Ferentinum . 38°00' . 41°40'
Privernum . 37°45' . 41°35'
Setia . 38°00' . 41°30'
Aquinum . 38°50' . 41°55'
Sora . 38°20' . 41°40'
Minturna colonia . 38°20' . 41°25'
Fundi . 38°10' . 41°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.64  Of the Peligni in the interior
Corfinium . 40°00' . 42°20'
Sulmo . 40°30' . 42°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.65  Of the Frentani in the interior
Anxanum . 41°10' . 41°55'
Larinum . 41°30' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.66  Of the Caraceni, who are below the Frentani
Aufidena . 40°40' . 41°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.67  Cities of the Samnites, who are below the Peligni and the Caraceni
Bovianum . 39°05' . 42°00'
Aesernia . 39°00' . 41°40'
Saepinum . 39°40' . 41°50'
Allifa . 40°00' . 41°45'
Tuticum . 40°10' . 41°40'
Telesia . 40°30' . 41°20'
Beneventum . 41°00' . 41°20'
Caudium . 41°20' . 41°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.68  Of the Campani in the interior
Venafrum . 38°40' . 41°40'
Teanum . 39°00' . 41°30'
Suessa . 38°40' . 41°25'
Cales . 39°20' . 41°30'
Casilinum . 39°15' . 41°20'
Trebula . 39°35' . 41°30'
Forum Pompilii . 39°45' . 41°15'
Capua . 40°00' . 41°10'
Abella . 40°20' . 41°10'
Atella . 40°10' . 41°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.69  Of the Picentini in the interior
Nola . 40°15' . 40°45'
Nuceria colonia . 40°30' . 40°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.70  Of the Lucani in the interior
Ulci . 40°40' . 40°30'
Compsa . 40°30' . 40°20'
Potentia . 40°40' . 40°15'
Blanda . 40°20' . 40°10'
Grumentum . 40°35' . 39°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.71  Cities of the Irpini, who are more to the east than the Picentini and the Lucani
Aquilonia . 41°00' . 41°05'
Abellinum . 40°50' . 40°45'
Aeculanum . 41°20' . 40°45'
Fratuolum . 41°00' . 40°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.72  Of the Apuli Dauni in the interior
Teanum . 40°41' . 41°25'
Nuceria Apulorum . 41°30' . 41°00'
Vibarna . 42°00' . 41°00'
Arpi . 41°40' . 41°15'
Erdonia . 41°40' . 40°40'
Canusium . 42°05' . 40°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.73  Of the Apuli Peuciti in the interior
Venusia . 41°40' . 40°25'
Celia . 42°10' . 40°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.74  Of the Bruttii in the interior
Numistro . 40°20' . 39°10'
Consentia . 40°40' . 38°10'
Vibo Valentia . 40°15' . 38°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.75  Of Magna Graecia in the interior
Petelia . 40°45' . 39°00'
Abrystum . 40°45' . 39°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.76  Cities of the Salentini in the interior
Rudia . 41°50' . 39°45'
Neretum . 42°00' . 39°35'
Aletium . 42°00' . 39°20'
Bausta . 42°15' . 39°15'
Exentum . 42°00' . 39°10'
Veretum . 42°20' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.77  Of Calabria in the interior
Sturni . 42°30' . 39°20'
Uretum . 42°30' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.78  Islands lying near Italy in the Ligurian sea
Aithale island or Manora . 31°40' . 42°00'
Gorgone . 33°00' . 42°00'
Capraria island . 32°00' . 42°00'
Ilua island . 33°00' . 42°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.79  These are the islands in the Tyrrhenian sea
Planasia island . 34°00' . 41°00'
Pontia island . 37°20' . 40°45'
Pandataria island . 37°50' . 40°45'
Partenope island . 38°20' . 40°45'
Prochyte island . 38°45' . 40°40'
Pithecussa island . 39°20' . 40°30'
Caprea island . 39°20' . 40°10'
Sirenussae islands . 39°30' . 39°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.1.80  In the Ionian sea there are five islands which are called Diomedeae

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.1  Kyrnos island, which is also called Corsica, is surrounded on the west and the north by the Ligurian sea, on the east by the Tyrrhenian sea, and on the south by that sea which lies between it and the Sardinian island.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.2  The description of the coast is as follows, beginning from the middle of the north side:
mouth of the Volerius river 30°40' . 41°00'
Caesia coast 30°30' . 41°10'
Tilox promontory 30°00' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.3  Description of the west coast:
Attii promontory 30°00' . 41°10'
Casalus bay 30°15' . 40°45'
Viriballum promontory 30°10' . 40°30'
mouth of the Circidius river 30°10' . 40°25'
Rhoetius mountains 30°00' . 40°20'
Rhium promontory 30°00' . 40°15'
Urcinium city 30°10' . 40°10'
Arenosum coast 30°15' . 40°00'
mouth of the Locra river 30°10' . 39°55'
Pauca city 30°15' . 39°45'
mouth of the Ticarius river 30°15' . 39°40'
Titianus harbor 30°10' . 39°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.4  Description of the south coast:
Ficaria city 30°30' . 39°30'
mouth of the Pitanus river 30°45' . 39°20'
Marianum promontory and city 31°00' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.5  Description of the east coast:
Palla city 31°20' . 39°20'
Syracusan harbor 31°20' . 39°25'
Rubra city 31°20' . 39°30'
Granianum promontory 31°30' . 39°40'
Alista city 31°20' . 39°45'
Philonii harbor 31°30' . 39°55'
mouth of the Sacred river 31°30' . 40°00'
Aleria colonia 31°30' . 40°05'
mouth of the Rotanus river 31°30' . 40°10'
Diana harbor 31°20' . 40°20'
Tutela altar 31°30' . 40°30'
mouth of the Guola river 31°30' . 40°35'
Mariane city 31°40' . 40°40'
Vagum promontory 31°30' . 40°45'
Mantinon city 31°20' . 41°00'
Clunium city 31°20' . 41°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.6  Description of the north side:
Sacred promontory 31°30' . 41°35'
Centurinum city 31°15' . 41°30'
Canelata city 31°00' . 41°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.7  The following peoples, settled in villages, possess the island: the Cervini, occupying the western side beneath Golden mountain, located at 30°45' . 40°45'
Below these are the Tarabeni; then the Titiani; next the Balatini; at the northernmost extreme the Vanacini; below whom are the Celebenses; then the Licnini and the Macrini; below whom are the Opini; then the Symbri and the Coymaseni; below these furthest to the south are the Subasani.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.2.8  The towns in the interior are
Ropicum 30°15' . 41°00'
Cersunum 30°30' . 41°00'
Palania 30°20' . 40°45'
Lurinum 31°00' . 40°45'
Alouca 30°20' . 40°30'
Asingon 30°30' . 40°30'
Sermigium 30°20' . 40°20'
Talcinum 30°45' . 40°30'
Venicium 30°50' . 40°20'
Cenestum 31°00' . 40°15'
Opinum 31°20' . 40°25'
Mora 30°30' . 40°00'
Matisa 30°45' . 39°35'
Albiana 31°00' . 39°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.1  The island of Sardinia is bordered on the east by the Tyrrhenian sea, on the south by the African sea, on the west by the Sardinian sea, on the north by that sea which is between it and Kyrnos (Corsica).

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.2  Description of the coast
Description of the west side:
Gorditanon promontory 29°50' . 38°45'
Tilion city 30°00' . 38°40'
Nymphaion harbor 30°10' . 38°30'
Hermaion promontory 30°00' . 38°15'
mouth of the Temos river 30°15' . 38°00'
Korakodes harbor 30°20' . 37°35'
Tarrai city 30°20' . 37°20'
mouth of the Thyrsos river 30°30' . 37°10'
Usellis city, colonia 30°30' . 36°55'
mouth of the Sacred river 30°30' . 36°40'
Othaia city 30°30' . 36°30'
Sardopator sanctuary 30°30' . 36°20'
Neapolis 30°40' . 36°30'
Pacheia promontory 30°40' . 36°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.3  Description of the southern side:
Pupulum city 30°50' . 35°40'
Solci city 31°10' . 35°50'
Solci harbor 31°15' . 35°50'
Chersonesos 31°30' . 35°45'
Bithia harbor 31°40' . 35°50'
Bithia city 31°45' . 35°50'
Harbor of Herakles 32°00' . 35°50'
Nora city 32°00' . 35°55'
Sounding Shore 32°05' . 35°55'
Kounioucharion promontory 32°15' . 35°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.4  Description of the eastern side:
Karalis city and headland 32°30' . 36°00'
Karalitanos bay 32°10' . 36°20'
Sousaleos village 31°55' . 36°40'
mouth of the Saipros river 32°00' . 37°00'
Sulpicius harbor 31°50' . 37°30'
mouth of the Kaidris river 32°00' . 38°00'
Feronia city 31°45' . 38°10'
Olbia city 31°40' . 38°30'
Olbian harbor 31°40' . 38°45'
Columbarium promontory 31°45' . 39°00'
Arktos promontory 31°45' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.5  Description of the northeast coast:
Errebantium promontory 31°30' . 39°20'
Pluvium city 31°30' . 39°05'
Iuliola city 31°10' . 39°00'
Tibula city 30°40' . 38°50'
Libison's Tower, city 30°15' . 38°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.6  The Tibulati and the Corsi inhabit the parts of the island farthest north; below whom are the Coracenses; then the Carenses and the Cunusitani; below whom are the Sulcitani and the Lucuidonenses; then the Aesaronenses; below whom are the Cornenses or Aechilenses; then the Rucensi; below whom are the Celsitani and the Corpicenses; then the Scapitani and the Siculensi; below whom are the Neapolitani and the Valentini; and farthest south are the Solcitani and the Noritani.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.7  The cities in the interior are:
Erykinon 31°00' . 38°40'
Heraion 31°30' . 38°40'
Old Gouroulis 30°30' . 38°30'
Bosa 30°30' . 38°15'
Makouisa 31°15' . 38°15'
Below these cities are the Mainomena mountains 31°00' . 38°00'
New Gouroulis 30°30' . 37°50'
Saralapis 31°15' . 37°45'
Cornus 30°30' . 37°45'
Aquae Hypsitanae 30°40' . 37°15'
Aquae Lesitanae 31°30' . 36°45'
Lesa 31°30' . 36°35'
Aquae Neapolitanae 31°45' . 36°10'
Valentia city 31°55' . 36°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.3.8  The islands around Sardinia are:
Phintonos island 30°40' . 39°15'
Ilva island 30°30' . 39°20'
Nymphaia island 29°45' . 38°30'
Herakles island 29°20' . 39°00'
Diabate island 29°30' . 38°45'
Hierakon (hawks) island 30°00' . 35°45'
Molybodes island 30°30' . 35°30'
Fikaria island 33°00' . 39°00'
Hermaia island 33°00' . 37°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.1  Sicily is surrounded on the west and the north by the Tyrrhenian sea, on the south by the African sea, on the east by the Adriatic sea.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.2  The seacoast of this island has the following description: The central part of the north side, which, terminating in a point, and more toward the north, is called Pelorus promontory . 39°40' . 38°35'
A description of the west side on the Tyrrhenian sea:
Phalakrion promontory . 39°10' . 38°30'
Mylai . 39°00' . 38°30'
Helikon river mouth . 38°50' . 38°25'
Tyndarion . 38°30' . 38°20'
Tmethos or Timethos river mouth . 39°20' . 38°20'
Agathyrion or Agathyrnon . 38°00' . 38°15'
Alontion . 37°50' . 38°10'
mouth of the Chyda river . 37°45' . 38°05'

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§ 3.4.3  Kalakta . 37°40' . 37°55'
Alaisa . 37°40' . 37°45'
mouth of the Monalos . 37°30' . 37°45'
Kephaloidis . 37°20' . 37°40'
mouth of the Himera river . 37°15' . 37°20'
Thermai Himeraicity . 37°05' . 37°15'
Solous or Oloulis . 37°00' . 37°20'
Eleutheros river mouth . 37°00' . 37°05'
Panormos . 37°00' . 37°00'

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§ 3.4.4  Ketaria . 37°00' . 36°45'
Bathis river mouth . 37°00' . 36°40'
Emporion Segestanon . 37°00' . 36°30'
Drepanon . 36°55' . 36°30'
Aegitharsus promontory . 36°50' . 36°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.5  Description of the southern side toward the African sea:
Lilybaion city and promontory . 37°00' . 36°00'
mouth of the Akithios river . 37°10' . 36°05'
Mazaras . 37°20' . 36°15'
Selinous river mouth . 37°30' . 36°15'
Pintia . 37°40' . 36°20'
Sossios river mouth . 37°50' . 36°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.6  Isbouros river mouth . 38°05' . 36°25'
Herakleia . 38°20' . 36°25'
Hypsa river mouth . 38°30' . 36°25'
Emporion of the Akragantines . 38°50' . 36°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.7  Himera river mouth . 39°00' . 36°20'
Hipporos river mouth . 39°15' . 36°20'
Boukra promontory . 39°20' . 36°20'
Kaukana harbor . 39°30' . 36°15'
Motykanos river mouth . 39°40' . 36°20'
Odysseia promontory . 39°50' . 36°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.8  Description of the eastern side on the Adriatic sea
Pachynos promontory . 40°00' . 36°20'
Phoenikous harbor . 39°45' . 36°30'
Erinous river mouth . 39°45' . 36°40'
Makron promontory . 39°50' . 36°45'
Chersonesos . 39°40' . 36°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.9  Syrakousai colonia . 39°30' . 37°30'
Tauros promontory . 39°30' . 37°30'
Alabos river mouth . 39°25' . 37°20'
Pantachos river mouth . 39°25' . 37°35'
Katane colonia . 39°30' . 37°45'
Symaithos river mouth . 39°35' . 37°40'
Tauromenion colonia . 39°30' . 38°10'
Argennon promontory . 39°30' . 37°50'
Messene in the strait . 39°30' . 38°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.10  The celebrated mountains in the island are:
Aetne . 39°00' . 38°00'
and Kratas . 37°40' . 36°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.11  The Messenians occupy the northern part of it, the Herbitaioi and Katanaioi the middle, and the southern part the Segestani and Syrakousioi.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.12  The inland cities of Sicily are:
Kapition . 38°20' . 38°15'
Abakaina . 39°00' . 38°15'
Hemichara (or Imichara) . 38°30' . 38°00'
Tissa . 38°50' . 38°00'
Aleta . 37°50' . 37°50'

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§ 3.4.13  Kentouripai . 38°30' . 37°50'
Dymethos . 38°50' . 37°50'
Aetnai . 39°25' . 37°45'
Agyrion . 38°15' . 37°40'
Herbita . 37°40' . 37°30'
Sergention (or Sergenteion) . 38°30' . 37°30'
Hydia . 38°45' . 37°30'
Leontion . 39°00' . 37°30'
Erbessos . 37°50' . 37°20'
Neeton . 38°20' . 37°25'
Menai . 38°50' . 37°25'
Patiorus . 37°20' . 37°10'
Asseros . 37°40' . 37°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.14  Enna . 38°05' . 37°15'
Megara . 39°15' . 37°15'
Petra . 38°40' . 37°05'
Hybla . 38°20' . 37°00'
Engyon . 39°00' . 37°00'
Kotyrga . 38°20' . 36°50'
Makyron . 38°40' . 36°50'
Akrai . 39°15' . 36°40'
Makella . 37°15' . 36°40'
Schera . 37°30' . 36°50'
Triokla . 38°00' . 36°45'
Akragas . 38°30' . 36°40'
Motouka . 39°25' . 36°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.15  Segesta . 37°05' . 36°30'
Leton . 37°30' . 36°30'
Entella . 37°45' . 36°30'
Ankrina . 38°10' . 36°35'
Phthinthia . 38°40' . 36°30'
Gela . 39°00' . 36°30'
Kamarina . 39°20' . 36°25'
Eloros . 39°40' . 36°30'
Ina . 39°30' . 36°25'
Helkethion . 37°15' . 36°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.16  And the islands located around Sicily and near it are:
Didyme island . 39°00' . 39°00'
Hikesia island . 39°30' . 39°00'
Erikodes island . 38°20' . 38°45'
Phoenikodes island . 38°30' . 38°50'
[Hiera] Hephaistou island or Boulka . 38°50' . 38°35'
Lipara island and city . 39°00' . 38°45'
Euonymos island . 39°10' . 38°45'
Strongyle island . 39°30' . 38°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.4.17  Ustica island and city . 37°30' . 38°45'
Osteodes island . 36°15' . 37°00'
Phorbantia island . 36°00' . 36°20'
Aigousa island . 36°15' . 36°05'
Hiera island . 36°00' . 36°00'
Pakonia island . 36°30' . 35°50'
island of Aeolos. 37°00' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.1  Sarmatia in Europe is bounded on the north by the Sarmatian ocean at the Venedic gulf and part of the Unknown Land as follows: After the Vistula river mouth the Chronos river mouth 50°00' . 56°00'
Rhoudon river mouth 53°00' . 57°00'
Tourous river mouth 56°00' . 58°30'
Chesinos river mouth 58°30' . 59°30'
The position of the shore at the latitude of Thule, i.e., the end of the known sea 62°00' . 63°00'
The southern limit of Sarmatia at the sources of the Tanais river is at 64°00' . 63°00'
On the west by the Vistula river and the part between its headwaters and the Sarmatian mountains of Germany, and by these mountains whose position is stated; on the south by the nomadic Iazyges from the southern limit of the Sarmatian mountains to the beginning of Mt. Karpatos, at 46°00' . 48°30'
and by neighboring Dacia along the same parallel until the mouth of the Borysthenes river, and by the shoreline of Pontos on this side until the Karkinites river, with positions as follows:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.2  Borysthenes river mouth 57°30' . 48°30' Hypanios river mouth 58°00' . 48°30'
Grove of Hekate, promontory 58°30' . 47°45'
Isthmus of the Racecourse of Achilles (Achilleos Dromos) 59°00' . 47°40'
The western promontory of Achilleos dromos, which is called Sacred promontory, 57°50' . 47°30'
The eastern, which is called Mysaris headland 59°45' . 47°30'
Kephalonesos 59°45' . 47°50'
Kalos Limen 59°30' . 47°45' Tamyrake 59°20' . 48°30'
Karkinites river mouth 59°40' . 48°30'
after which is the isthmus that separates the Tauric Chersonese; the limit toward the Karkinites gulf being at 60°20' . 48°20'
that toward Lake Byke at 60°30' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.3  On the east it is bounded by the isthmus from the Karkinites river and Lake Byke and by the the side of the Maiotic Lake up to the Tanais river, and by the Tanais river itself, and by the line running from the sources of the Tanais river to the Unknown Land, as far as the indicated limit.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.4  This side is described as follows. After the isthmus of the Maiotic Lake toward the Karkinites river, Neon Teichos 60°30' . 48°40'
Pasiakos river mouth 60°20' . 48°50'
Leianon city 60°00' . 49°15'
Bykos river mouth 60°20' . 49°30'
Akra city 60°30' . 49°40'
Gerros river mouth 61°00' . 49°50'
Kremnoi city 62°30' . 49°45'
Agaron promontory 63°00' . 49°40'
Agaros river mouth 62°30' . 50°30'
a grove, the Fishery of God 62°40' . 51°15'
Lykos river mouth 63°00' . 51°30'
Hygreis city 63°30' . 52°30'
Poritos river mouth 64°30' . 53°00'
Karoia kome 65°00' . 53°30'
western mouth of the Tanais river 66°20' . 54°20'
eastern mouth 67°00' . 54°30'
turn of the river . 72°30' . 56°00'
source of the river 64°00' . 58°00'
after which the limit by the Unknown Land, at 64°00' . 63°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.5  Sarmatia is divided by other mountains, called: Mt. Peuke 51°00' . 51°00'
and the Amadoka mountains 55°00' . 51°00'
and Mt. Bodinon 58°00' . 55°00' and Mt. Alanon 62°30' . 55°00'
and Mt. Karpata as mentioned, 46°00' . 48°30'
and the Venedic mountains 47°30' . 55°00'
and the Rhipaian mountains, midpoint 63°00' . 57°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.6  The part of the Borysthenes river after Amadoka lake is at 53°30' . 50°20'
The northernmost source of the Borysthenes river, 52°00' . 53°00'
and of the rivers below the Borysthenes, the <Tyras is the boundary between parts of Dacia and Sarmatia from the bend, at 53°00' . 48°30'
until the limit, at 49°30' . 48°30'
The Axiakes river also flows through Sarmatia a little way beyond Dacia until Mt. Karpatos.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.7  The largest tribes that occupy Sarmatia are the Venedai along the whole Venedic gulf; and beyond Dacia the Peukinoi and Basternai; and by the whole side of the Maiotic the Iazyges and Roxolanoi and inland from these the Hamaxobioi and Alan Scythians.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.8  Smaller tribes also settle Sarmatia: by the Vistula river below the Venedai the Gythones, then the Phinnoi, then the Soulones; below whom the Phrougoudiones, then the Auarinoi by the headwaters of the Vistula river; below whom the Ombrones, then the Anartophraktoi, then the Bourgiones, then the Arsietai, then the Sabokoi, then the Piengitai and Biessoi by Mt. Karpatos.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.9  The furthest eastward of those mentioned, below the Venedai are again the Galindai and Soudinoi and Stauanoi up to the Alans; below whom the Igylliones, then the Koistobokoi and Transmontanoi up to the Peukine mountains.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.10  Again the land by the ocean immediately after the Venedic gulf is inhabited by the Oueltai, beyond whom the Osioi, then the Karbones furthest to the north, and further east of them are the Kareotai and Saloi; below these both the Gelones and the Hippopodes and Melanchlainoi; below these the Agathyrsoi, then the Aorsoi and Pagyritai; below these the Sauaroi and Borouskoi as far as the Rhipaian mountains; then the Akiboi and Naskoi, below whom are the Ouibiones and Idrai; and below the Ouibiones as far as the Alans the Stournoi, and between the Alans and Hamaxobioi the Kariones and Sargatioi; and by the turn of the Tanais river the Ophlones and Tanaitai, below whom are the Osiloi as far as the Roxolanoi; between the Hamaxobioi and the Roxolanoi are the Reukanaloi and Exobygitai, and again between the Peukinoi and Basternai are the Karpianoi, beyond whom the Geouinoi, then the Bodinoi; between the Basternai and Roxolanoi are the Chounoi, and below the same mountains the Amadokoi and Nauaroi.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.11  By Lake Byke the Torekkadai, by Achilleos dromos the Tauroskythai; below the Basternai toward Dacia the Tagroi, and below them the Tyragetai.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.12  Below the turn of the Tanais river the Altars of Alexander were set up, at 63°00' . 57°00' and the Altars of Caesar, at 68°00' . 56°30'
and between the mouths is Tanais city at 67°00' . 54°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.13  Inland cities among the rivers around the Karkinites river are, Karkina city 59°30' . 48°45'
Torokka 58°30' . 49°00'
Pasyris 58°30' . 49°10'
Erkabon 58°30' . 49°15'
Trakana 58°30' . 49°45'
Nauaron 58°30' . 50°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.14  Near the Borysthenes river, Azagarion 56°00' . 50°40'
Amadoka 56°00' . 50°30' Saron 56°00' . 50°15'
Serimon 57°00' . 50°00'
Metropolis 56°30' . 49°30'
Olbia or Borysthenes 57°00' . 49°00'
Beyond the Axiakes river, Ordessos 57°00' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.15  and toward the fork of the Borysthenes river, Leinon city 54°00' . 50°15' Sarbakon 55°00' . 50°00'
Niosson 56°00' . 49°40'
Beyond the Tyras river toward Dacia, Karrodounon 49°30' . 48°40'
Maitonion 51°00' . 48°30'
Klepidaua 52°30' . 48°40'
Ouibantauarion 53°30' . 48°40'
Erakton 53°50' . 48°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.5.16  An island lies off the mouth of the Tanais river, Alopekia or Tanais island 66°30' . 53°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.6.1  The Tauric Chersonese is bounded by a circuit formed by the isthmus stretching from the Karkinites gulf to Lake Byke, and by the shores of Pontus and the Cimmerian Bosphorus and the Maiotic lake, with the following description:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.6.2  After the isthmus in the direction of the Karkinites river in the Pontus:
60°45' . 47°40' Dandake 60°45' . 47°20'
Symbolon limen 61°00' . 47°15'
Parthenion promontory 60°40' . 47°00'
Chersonesos 61°00' . 47°00'
Ktenous limen 61°15' . 47°10'
Kriou metopon promontory 62°00' . 46°40' Charax 62°00' . 46°50'
Lagyra 62°30' . 47°00'
Korax promontory 63°00' . 47°00'
Istrianos river mouth 63°10' . 47°10'
Theodosia 63°20' . 47°20'
Nymphaion 63°45' . 47°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.6.3  On the Cimmerian Bosphorus, Tyriktake 63°30' . 47°40'
Pantikapaia 64°00' . 47°55'
Myrmekion promontory 64°00' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.6.4  On the Maiotic Lake, Parthenion 63°45' . 48°30'
Chersonesos of Zeno 63°00' . 48°45' Herakleion 62°00' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.6.5  Inland cities of the Tauric Chersonese are the following:
Taphros 60°40' . 48°15'
Tarona 62°20' . 48°15'
Postigia 63°00' . 48°15'
Parosta 61°30' . 48°10'
Kimmerion 62°00' . 48°00'
Portakra 61°50' . 47°40'
Boion 62°50' . 47°45'
Ilouraton 63°20' . 47°45' Satarche 61°15' . 47°20'
Badation 61°30' . 47°30'
Kytaion 62°15' . 47°30'
Tazos 62°40' . 47°30'
Argoda 61°45' . 47°15'
Tabana 62°20' . 47°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.7.1  Migratory Iazyges
The Migratory Iazyges are bounded on the north by the referenced part of European Sarmatia from south of the Sarmatic mountain until Mt. Karpatos; on the west and south by the referenced part of Germania from the Sarmatic mountain to the bend of the Danube at Karpis, and by the part of the Danube until the fork of the Tibiskos river, which bears north; position of the fork at 46°00' . 44°15'
On the east by Dacia at the Tibiskos river itself, whcih turning eastward under Mt. Karpatos where the mountain ends, whence it flows, at 46°00' . 48°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.7.2  There are the following cities among the Migratory Iazuges:
Ouskenon 43°15' . 48°20'
Bormanon 43°40' . 48°15'
Abieta 43°40' . 48°00'
Trisson 44°10' . 47°45'
Parka 43°30' . 47°40'
Kandanon 44°00' . 47°20'
Pession 44°40' . 47°00'
Partiskon 45°00' . 46°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.8.1  Dacia
Dacia is bounded on the north by the part of Sarmatia in Europe from Mt. Karpatos to the limit of the return of the Tyras river already mentioned, which, as mentioned, is at . 53°00' . 48°30'
On the west by the Migratory Iazyges at the Tibiskos river; on the south by part of the Danube river from the fork of the Tibiskos river as far as Axioupolis, from which point as far as Pontos and the river mouth the Danube is called Istros. The position of this part is the following:
After the fork of the Tibiskos river the first bend to the south, 47°20' . 44°45'
The fork of the Rhabon river, which flows to Dacia 49°00' . 43°30'
The fork of the Kiabros 49°30' . 43°45'
At the fork of the Aloutas river, which divides Dacia, flowing to the north 50°15' . 44°00'
The bend at Oiskos 51°00' . 44°00'
The bend at Axioupolis 54°20' . 45°45'

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§ 3.8.2  From which point, as we have said, the Danube is also called Istros as far as the mouth.
On the east by the Istros river until the bend at Dinogeteia city at 53°00' . 46°40'
And again by the Hierasos river, which forks off at Dinogeteia from the Istros going north and east, up to the referenced bend of the Tyras river.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.8.3  The northernmost tribes that occupy Dacia, beginning from the west, are the Anartoi and Teuriskoi and Koistobokoi; below them are the Predauensioi and Rhatakensioi and Kaukoensioi; below whom, likewise, the Biephoi and Bouridauensioi and Kotensioi , and still below them, the Albokensioi and Potoulatensioi and Sensioi; below whom, furthest to the south, the Saldensioi and Keiagisoi and Piephigoi.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.8.4  The most notable cities in Dacia are the following: Rhoukkonion 46°30' . 48°10'
Dokidaua 47°20' . 48°00'
Porolisson 49°00' . 48°00'
Arkobadara 50°40' . 48°00'
Triphoulon 52°15' . 48°15'
Patridaua 53°00' . 48°10'
Karsidaua 53°20' . 48°15'
Petrodaua 53°45' . 47°40'
Oulpianon 47°30' . 47°30'
Napouka 49°00' . 47°40'
Patrouissa 49°00' . 47°20'
Salinai 49°15' . 47°10'
Praitoria Augousta 50°30' . 47°00'
Sangidaua 51°30' . 47°30'
Angoustia 52°15' . 47°15'
Outidaua 53°10' . 47°40'
Markodaua 49°30' . 47°00'
Ziridaua 45°30' . 46°20'
Singidaua 48°00' . 46°20'
Apoulon 49°15' . 46°40'
Germizera 49°30' . 46°15'
Komidaua 51°30' . 46°40'
Rhamidaua 51°50' . 46°30'
Piroum 51°15' . 6°00'
Zousidaua 52°40' . 46°15'
Polonda 53°00' . 47°00'
Zourobara 45°40' . 45°40'
Aizisis 46°15' . 45°20'
Argidaua 46°30' . 45°15'
Tiriskon 48°30' . 45°15'
Zarmizegethousa royal seat 47°50' . 45°15'
Hydata 49°30' . 5°00' . 3°00'
Netindaua 52°45' . 45°30'
Tiason 52°00' . 45°30'
Zeugma 46°40' . 44°40'
Tibiskon 46°40' . 44°50'
Dierna 47°15' . 44°30'
Akmonia 48°00' . 45°00'
Droubetis 47°45' . 44°30'
Phrateria 49°30' . 44°30'
Arkinna 49°00' . 44°45'
Pinon 50°30' . 44°40'
Amoutrion 50°00' . 44°45'
Sornon 51°30' . 45°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.9.1  Upper Moesia (Mysia)
Upper Moesia is bounded on the north by Dalmatia on the mentioned line from the fork of the Savos: river to Mt. Skardon; on the south by part of Macedonia on the line on Mt. Orbelos up to the limit point at 49°00' . 42°20'
On the east by the part of Thrace from the referenced limit point to the Kiabros river at the limit point, 50°00' . 43°00'
And also by the Kiabros river itself at Lower Moesia until the junction of the Kiabros with the Danube, at 49°30' . 43°45'
On the north by this part of the Danube river as far as the Savos: river.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.9.2  The Trikornensioi occupy the part of the province toward Dalmatia, the Moesians the part by the Kiabros river, the Pikensioi in between, and the Dardanoi the part toward Macedonia.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.9.3  The cities toward the Danube are: Singidounon 45°30' . 44°30'
4th Legion Flavia Trikornion 46°00' . 44°10'
where the Moschios river branches.
Viminacium, legion 46°30' . 4°00' . 3°00'
Taliatis 47°00' . 44°00'
Egeta 47°15' . 43°40'
Dortikon 48°00' . 43°30'
Rhaitiaria of the Moesians, colonia 49°00' . 43°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.9.4  There are other cities on the far side of the Danube river: Horrea 46°45' . 43°30'
Timakon 47°30' . 43°00' Ouendenis 48°00' . 42°50'
Ouellanis 49°00' . 42°45'
and of Dardania four cities: Naissos 47°20' . 42°30'
Arribantion 47°30' . 42°00'
Oulpianon 48°30' . 42°40'
Skoupoi 48°30' . 42°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.1  Lower Moesia
Lower Moesia is bounded on the west by the referenced part of the Kiabros river; on the south by the part of Thrace from the Kiabros beyond Mt. Haimos until the limit point on the Pontos, at 55°00' . 44°40'
On the north by the part of the Danube from the Kiabros river until Axioupolis, and by the Danube, here called Istros, until the mouth at the Pontos, of which the bend at Dinogeteia city is at 53°00' . 46°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.2  The order of the mouths is as follows: The first division of the mouths at Noviodounon city is at 54°50' . 46°30'
There the southernmost part includes the island called Peuke, at 55°20' . 46°30'
It flows out into Pontos by the mouth called Hieron (Sacred) or Peuke at 56°00' . 46°15'
The northernmost divides again at 55°00' . 46°45'
and the northernmost of this division divides again at 55°30' . 47°00'
then the more southerly of this division stops a little before the outflow into Pontos; the more northerly makes a lake called Thiagola at 55°40' . 47°15'
It flows out into Pontos by the mouth called Thiagola or Psilon, at 56°15' . 47°00'
The more southerly of the second division also splits at 55°20' . 46°45'
And the more northerly of this division flows into Pontos by the mouth called Boreios, located at 56°20' . 6°50'
The more southerly also divides, at 55°40' . 46°30'
And the mor southerly of this division flows into Pontos by the mouth called Narakion, at 56°10' . 6°20'
The more northerly also divides, at 56°00' . 46°40'
And the more northerly part of this division flows out by the mouth called Pseudostomon, at 56°15' . 46°40'
The more southerly flows out by the mouth called Kalon, at 56°15' . 46°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.3  The eastern side of Moesia is bound by the coast following the mouths of Pontos as far as the limit point toward Thrace, at 55°00' . 44°40'
The situation of this side is as follows: after the Sacred mouth of the Istros river, Pteron promontory 56°20' . 6°00'
Istros city 55°40' . 6°00'
Tomoi 55°00' . 45°50'
Kallatis 54°40' . 45°30'
Dionysopolis 54°20' . 45°15'
Tiristis promontory 55°00' . 45°10'
Odessos 54°50' . 45°00'
Panysos river mouth 54°45' . 44°50'
Mesembria 55°00' . 44°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.4  The Triballoi occupy the western parts of Lower Moesia; eastwards, the Troglodytai have the area below the Peuke mouth, the Peukinoi the mouths, the Krobyzoi the parts toward Pontos, and beyond them the Oitensioi and Oboulensioi, with the Dimensioi and Piarensioi in between.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.5  The following cities are along the Danube river:
Rhegianon 50°00' . 43°40'
Oiskos of the Triballoi 51°00' . 44°00'
Diakon 51°20' . 44°20'
Novai 52°00' . 44°40'
Trimammion 52°20' . 44°50'
Priste city 52°40' . 45°10' Durostorum, legion 53°15' . 45°15'
First Legion Italica Tramariska 53°30' . 45°30'
Sucidava 54°00' . 45°40'
Axioupolis 54°20' . 45°45'
Karsoum 54°10' . 45°50'
Troismis 54°00' . 46°20'
5th Legion Macedonica Dinogeteia 53°10' . 46°40'
Nouiodounon 54°40' . 46°30'
Sitioenta 55°00' . 46°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.6  These cities are between the river [branches];
Daousdaua 53°00' . 44°40'
Tibiska 55°00' . 46°20'

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§ 3.10.7  Below the Tyragetai Sarmatians, the Harpioi occupy the shore from the northernmost mouth of the Istros until the mouth of the Borysthenes river and the hinterland as far as the Hierasos river, while the Britolagai have the part beyond the Peukinoi. The shore is as follows: after the mouth of the Borysthenes, which is at 57°30' . 48°30'
Axiakos river mouth 57°00' . 48°00'
Physke city 56°40' . 47°40'
Tyras river mouth 56°20' . 47°40'
Hermonaktos village 56°15' . 47°30'
Arpis city 56°00' . 47°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.8  The inland cities on that side are, along the Hierasos river, Zargidaua 54°40' . 47°45'
Tamasidaua 54°20' . 47°30'
Piroboridaua 54°00' . 47°00'
Between the Hierasos and the Tyras river, Nikonion 56°20' . 48°10'
Ophioussa 56°00' . 48°00'
Tyras city 56°00' . 47°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.10.9  Islands lying off Lower Moesia in the referenced part of Pontos are the so-called Borysthenes island 57°15' . 47°40'
and Achilleos or Leuke island 57°30' . 47°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.1  Thrace
Thrace is bounded on the north by Lower Moesia along the referenced line; on the west by Upper Moesia and by the part of Macedonia from Mt. Orbelos to the limit point at 49°00' . 41°45'
on the south by the part of Macedonia from the aforementioned limit point until the mouth of the Nestos river through Mt. Pangaion and by the line there that cuts off the Chersonese, as follows:

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§ 3.11.2  Nestos river mouth 51°45' . 41°45'
Abdera 52°10' . 41°45'
Maroneia 52°40' . 41°40'
Hebros river mouth 53°00' . 41°30'
Ainos city 53°10' . 41°30'
and in the Melas gulf the Melas river mouth 53°30' . 41°30'
the border of the Chersonesos on the Melas gulf 53°50' . 41°30'
likewise the border of Chersonesos on Propontis 54°20' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.3  On the east by the Propontis and the mouth of Pontos, called the Thracian Bosporos, and by the onward shores of Pontos until the border with lower Moesia, at 55°00' . 44°40'
From which border the description is the following: After Mesembria of Moesia, Anchialos 54°45' . 44°30'
Apollonia 54°50' . 44°20'
Tonzou 55°00' . 44°10'
Perontikon 55°10' . 44°00'
Thynias promontory 55°40' . 44°00'
Salmydessos shore 55°20' . 43°40'
Philia promontory 55°30' . 43°30' Phinopolis 55°30' . 43°20'
And at the mouth of Pontos, Byzantion 56°00' . 43°05'

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§ 3.11.4  Next, in Propontis, Bathynios river mouth 55°30' . 43°00'
Athyra river mouth 55°30' . 42°55'
Selymbria 55°00' . 42°30'
Perinthos 54°50' . 42°20'
Arzou river mouth 54°50' . 42°10'
Bisanthe 54°50' . 42°00'
Makron Teichos 54°50' . 41°50'
Paktye 54°30' . 41°45'
And next the referenced border of the Chersonesos.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.5  Of the notable mountains of Thrace, Mt. Haimos extends along the junction of Lower Moesia, and Mt. Rhodope is beyond the Nestos and Hebros river, between which and the sea is a lake called Bistonis, at 52°30' . 41°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.6  The military districts (strategiai) in the province toward the two Moesias and around Haimos are, beginning from the west: Dantheletike, Sardike , Ousdikesike, Selletike; Toward Macedonia and the Aegean Sea, likewise the districts: Maidike, Drosike, Koiletike, Sapaike, Korpilike, Kainike; and beyond Maidike Bessike, below which Bennike, then Samaike; by the shore from Perinthos city up to Apollonia the Astike military district.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.7  The inland cities of Thrace are: Praisidion 51°20' . 43°10'
Nikopolis by Haimos 52°00' . 43°30'
Ostaphos 52°30' . 43°30'
Oualla 52°40' . 43°45'
Opisena 53°20' . 44°00'
Deoueltos colonia 54°20' . 44°15'
Orkelis 54°20' . 43°40'
Karpoudaimon 54°00' . 43°05'
Bizye 54°50' . 43°45'
Sardike 50°10' . 43°00'
Terta 51°40' . 43°05'
Philippopolis 52°30' . 42°45'
Arzos 53°15' . 43°10'
Tonzos 54°30' . 43°20'
Kabyle 54°50' . 43°15'
Bergoule 54°30' . 43°00'
Pautalia 50°00' . 42°30'
Nikopolis by the Nestos 51°45' . 42°20'
Topiris 51°20' . 42°00'
Pergamon 52°00' . 42°30'
Traianopolis 53°00' . 42°15'
Plotinopolis 53°40' . 42°40'
Drousipara 54°30' . 42°40'
Dyme 52°50' . 41°45'
Kypsela 53°05' . 41°40'
Aphrodisias 53°35' . 41°40'
Aproi colonia 54°00' . 42°00'
Herakleia 54°20' . 41°50'
Lysimachia 54°10' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.8  Islands lying off Thrace beyond the Bosporos: the westernmost island of the Kyaneai 56°20' . 43°20'
In Propontis, Prokonnesos island 55°30' . 42°00'
Islands in the Aegean Sea: Thasos island and city 51°45' . 41°30'
Samothrace island and city 52°30' . 41°15'
Imbros 53°20' . 41°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.11.9  The Chersonesos
The Chersonesos is bounded on the north by the referenced line below Thrace from the Melas Gulf to Propontis and by the part of Propontis on that side as far as Kallipolis at 55°00' . 41°30'
On the west by the remaining part of the Melas Gulf, on which is Kardia city 54°00' . 41°05'
and Mastousia promontory 54°30' . 40°40'
On the south by the Aegean Sea, on which is the city Elaious 54°30' . 40°45'
and the protruding promontory 54°40' . 40°45'
On the East by the Hellespont, on which are the cities: Koila 54°55' . 41°00'
Sestos 54°55' . 41°15'
and next the above-mentioned Kallipolis 55°00' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.1  Chapter 13/12, Position of Macedonia.
Macedonia is bordered to the north by the forementioned sides of Dalmatia and upper Moesia and Thrace, from the west by the Ionian Sea from Dyrrachion (or Epidamnos) to the Kelydnos river, per the following description:
Dyrrachion . 45°00' . 40°55'
Panyasos river outlet . 45°00' . 40°40'
Apsos river outlet . 45°05' . 40°30'
Apollonia . 45°05' . 40°10'
Aoos river outlet . 45°00' . 40°00'
Aulon city and port . 44°50' . 39°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.3  Elimiotes
Boullis . 45°00' . 39°45'
Amantia . 44°55' . 39°30'
Kelydnos river outlet . 45°00' . 39°20'
From the south to the line on this side along Epiros until the end, at position . 49°00' . 38°30'
From which line Mt. Pindos extends, whose midpoint lies at . 47°40' . 38°45'
Along Achaia until the Maliac gulf to the end, position . 51°00' . 38°25'
On which line is Mt. Oite, whose midpoint lies at degrees . 50°30' . 38°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.6  From the east to the mentioned part of Thrace and the gulfs of the Aegean sea from the Nestos river until the end of the Maliac gulf, the description as follows:
After the Nestos river, which is the border of Thrace lying at degrees . 51°45' . 41°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.7  In the Strymonic gulf the shore of Edonis
Neapolis . 51°15' . 41°45'
Oisyme . 50°50' . 41°45'
Strymon river outlet . 50°15' . 41°25'
Arethousa . 50°10' . 41°20'
Stageira . 50°20' . 41°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.9  In Chalkidike:
Panormos harbor and city . 50°40' . 41°00'
Mt. Athos . 51°00' . 41°10'
Athos promontory and city . 51°15' . 41°15'
The midpoint of the mountain . 51°10' . 41°00'
Nymphaion promontory . 51°10' . 40°45'
and in the Singitic gulf Stratonike . 50°55' . 40°55'
Akanthos . 50°40' . 40°55'
Singos . 50°30' . 40°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.10  In Paraktia:
Ampelos headland . 51°15' . 40°30'
Derrhis headland . 51°15' . 40°20'
Torone . 50°45' . 40°25'
The depth of the Toronaic gulf . 50°40' . 40°25'
The neck of the Pallene peninsula . 51°00' . 40°05'
Kanastraion promontory . 51°15' . 39°55'
Kassandreia . 51°05' . 40°00'
and in the Thermaic gulf the Chabrios river outlet . 50°40' . 40°05'
Gigonis headland . 50°30' . 40°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.11  In Amphaxitis:
Thessalonike . 49°50' . 40°20'
Echedoros river outlet . 49°45' . 40°15'
Axios river outlet . 49°40' . 40°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.12  In Pieria:
Lydios river outlet . 49°30' . 40°00'
Pydna . 49°40' . 39°45'
Haliakmon river outlet . 49°50' . 39°40'
Dion colonia . 50°00' . 39°35'
Baphyron river outlet . 50°10' . 39°30'
Peneios river outlet . 50°30' . 39°25'
Magnesia headland . 51°40' . 39°30'
Sepias headland . 51°45' . 39°15'
Aianteion . 51°40' . 39°15'
Iolkos . 51°30' . 39°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.14  Of Phthiotis in the Pelasgic gulf
Pagasai . 50°50' . 38°55'
Demetrias . 50°30' . 38°55'
Poseidion promontory . 51°30' . 38°50'
Larissa . 51°20' . 38°45'
Echinos . 51°10' . 38°45'
Spercheia . 51°00' . 38°40'
Thebai of Phthiotis . 51°00' . 38°35'
Spercheios river outlet . 51°00' . 38°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.15  The Strymon river begins from the mountains forming the border of Thrace and Macedonia, at this location . 48°40' . 42°00'
The Axios river from Mt. Skardos at . 47°00' . 41°40'
and from the mountains under Dalmatia, at . 46°00' . 41°15'
The two branches join each other at position . 49°15' . 40°15'
The Haliakmon river from the Kandauian mountains at position . 46°40' . 40°10'
The Peneios river from Mt. Pindos at position . 47°30' . 39°00'
and the Spercheios river similarly at position . 48°30' . 38°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.16  Of the named mountains the center of Bertiskos lies at degrees . 49°10' . 41°15'
Mt. Bermion . 48°30' . 39°50'
Mt. Kerketesion . 46°40' . 39°40'
Mt. Kitarion . 48°40' . 39°30'
Mt. Olympos . 50°00' . 39°20'
Mt. Osses . 50°40' . 39°20'
Mt. Pelion . 51°10' . 39°20'
Mt. Othryos . 50°00' . 38°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.17  The following cities are in the hinterland of Macedonia: Taylantians:
Arnissa . 45°20' . 40°40'
Elimians: Elimia . 45°40' . 39°40'
Amantia . 46°00' . 39°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.20  Of the Albanians:
Albanopolis . 46°00' . 41°05'
Horma . 46°45' . 41°30'
Europos . 46°30' . 41°20'
Apsalos . 46°20' . 41°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.22  In Orbelia:
Gareskos . 47°50' . 41°40'
Skampis . 45°45' . 40°20'
Dibolia . 45°45' . 40°10'
Daulia . 45°30' . 40°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.24  Of the Astraians:
Astraion . 46°20' . 40°50'
Of Paionia
Doberos . 46°40' . 40°45'
Aloros . 47°15' . 41°10'
Iorians: Ioron . 47°45' . 41°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.27  In Sintike:
Tristolos . 48°00' . 41°30'
Parthikopolis . 48°40' . 41°40'
Herakleia Sintike . 49°10' . 41°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.28  In Odomantike and Edonis:
Skotoussa . 49°30' . 41°50'
Berga . 49°50' . 41°40'
Gasoros . 50°15' . 41°55'
Amphipolis . 50°00' . 41°30'
Philippoi . 50°45' . 41°55'
Of the Desaretians:
Euia . 46°05' . 40°15'
Lychnidos . 46°50' . 40°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.30  In Lynkestis:
Herakleia . 47°40' . 40°40'
Of the Pelagonians:
Audaristos . 48°40' . 50°05'
Stoboi . 48°30' . 41°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.32  In Bisaltia:
Arrholos . 49°10' . 41°20'
Euporia . 49°20' . 41°10'
Kalliterai . 49°30' . 41°10'
Ossa . 49°45' . 41°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.33  In Mygdonia:
Antigoneia . 48°40' . 41°10'
Kalindoia . 48°40' . 40°50'
Bairos . 48°55' . 40°40'
Physkai . 49°00' . 41°00'
Terpyllos . 49°10' . 40°50'
Karrhabia . 49°05' . 40°30'
Xylopolis . 49°20' . 41°00'
Asseros . 49°30' . 40°40'
Apollonia Mygdonias . 49°30' . 40°30'
Lete . 49°20' . 40°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.34  In Chalkidike:
Augaia . 50°15' . 40°40'
Klitai . 50°20' . 40°20'
Moryllos . 50°30' . 40°15'
Antigoneia or Psaphara . 50°45' . 40°10'
In Emathia:
Europos . 47°20' . 40°20'
Tyrissa . 47°30' . 39°55'
Skydra . 47°40' . 40°20'
Mieza . 48°00' . 39°45'
Kyrrhos . 48°10' . 40°40'
Idomene . 48°30' . 40°50'
Gordynia . 48°40' . 40°15'
Edessa . 48°45' . 40°20'
Beroia . 48°45' . 39°50'
Aigaia . 48°40' . 39°40'
Pella . 49°20' . 40°05'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.37  In Pieria:
Phylakai . 49°20' . 39°30'
Ouallai . 49°40' . 39°30'
Of the Paravaians:
Eriboia . 46°40' . 39°45'
Doliche . 47°30' . 39°40'
Azorion . 47°45' . 39°30'
Pythion . 47°50' . 39°30'
Gonnos . 48°05' . 39°35'
Atrax . 48°30' . 39°25'
Iletion . 49°05' . 39°25'
Skotoussa . 49°30' . 39°10'
Larissa . 50°00' . 39°10'
Pherai . 50°30' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.40  In Tymphaia:
Gyrtone . 46°50' . 39°30'
Phaistos . 47°15' . 39°20'
Gomphoi . 47°40' . 39°10'
Aiginion . 48°00' . 39°20'
Trikka . 48°05' . 39°00'
Ktimenai . 48°45' . 39°10'
Chyretiai . 49°00' . 39°00'
Metropolis . 49°20' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.42  Of the Thessalians:
Hypata . 47°50' . 38°50'
Sosthenis . 48°10' . 38°50'
Homilai . 48°40' . 38°40'
Kypaira . 49°00' . 38°40'
Phalanthia . 49°30' . 38°45'
In Phthiotis:
Narthakion . 50°10' . 38°45'
Koroneia . 50°30' . 38°50'
Melitaia . 50°40' . 39°00'
Eretria . 50°15' . 38°50'
Lamia . 50°30' . 38°35'
Herakleia Phthiotis . 50°50' . 38°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.12.44  Islands adjoining Macedonia, in the Ionian Sea:
Sason island . 44°10' . 39°30'
In the Aegean sea: Lemnos island, with two cities:
Myrina . 52°20' . 40°55'
And in the interior Hephaistia . 52°30' . 41°00'
Skiathos island and city . 52°10' . 39°15'
Peparethos island and Skopelos city . 52°30' . 39°20'
Skyros island and city . 54°00' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.1  Position of Epiros. The northernmost side of Epiros is bounded by the part of Macedonia along the mentioned line. To the east by the line from there along Achaia until the Acheloos river outlet, at the position . 48°25' . 37°30'
To the west side along the shore of the Ionian Sea along Acroceraunia, the description is as follows:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.2  Chaonia
Orikon . 45°00' . 39°15'
The summit of the Acroceraunian mountains . 44°25' . 39°10'
Panormos harbor . 45°00' . 38°40'
Onchesmos harbor . 45°20' . 38°35'
Kassiope harbor . 45°30' . 38°25'
The coast lying south from there to the Acheloos river on the Adriatic sea, as follows:
Poseidion promontory . 45°45' . 38°10'
Bouthroton gulf . 45°45' . 38°20'
Pelodes harbor . 46°10' . 38°20'
Thyamis headland Almines . 46°10' . 38°00'
Thyamios river outlet . 46°15' . 38°05'
Sybota harbor . 46°45' . 38°00'
Toryne . 46°50' . 38°00'
Acheron river outlet . 47°10' . 38°00'
Elaia harbor . 47°15' . 37°55'
Nikopolis in the Ambrakian gulf . 47°35' . 37°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.4  Of the Akarnanians:
Arachthos river outlet . 47°50' . 38°15'
Ambrakia . 48°00' . 38°20'
Aktion . 47°40' . 37°45'
Leukas headland . 47°50' . 37°20'
Alyzeia . 48°20' . 37°25'
Acheloos river outlet . 48°25' . 37°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.5  Cities in the hinterland of Epiros: Chaonians
Antigoneia . 45°15' . 39°10'
Phoinike . 45°20' . 38°45'
Hekatompedon Dodoneon . 45°40' . 39°00'
Omphalion . 45°40' . 38°40'
Elaious . 45°40' . 38°30'
Kassopaians, beyond which are Dolopians
Kassope . 47°00' . 38°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.7  Amphilochians, east of which are the Athamanes,
Argos Amphilochikon . 48°20' . 38°30'
Astakos . 48°15' . 37°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.13.9  Islands adjoining Epiros are
Korkyra which is large, with the following description
Kassiope city and cape . 45°05' . 38°15'
Ptychia . 45°30' . 38°00'
Korkyra city . 45°40' . 37°55'
Leukimma headland . 46°20' . 37°45'
Amphipyrgos headland . 45°30' . 37°40'
Phalakron promontory . 45°00' . 38°00'
and Kephallenia island, with a city of the same name, degrees . 47°40' . 37'10'
its northernmost promontory . 47°40' . 37°30'
the southern promontory . 47°45' . 36°40'
and Erikousa island . 44°40' . 38°00'
and Skopelos island . 45°00' . 37°55'
and Leukas island . 47°45' . 37°35'
and the Echinades islands . 48°10' . 37°20'
and Ithake, in which a city of that name . 48°00' . 37°10'
and Letoa island . 47°00' . 36°45'
and Zakynthos, in which a city of the same name . 47°30' . 36°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.1  Position of Achaia.
The land of Achaia, which they call Greece, is that attached to the above-mentioned districts up to the isthmus of the Peloponnese, bounded to the west by Epiros, to the North by Macedonia on the mentioned sides and partly by the Aegean sea, on the east partly by the Aegean sea until Cape Sounion, from the south by the Adriatic sea by the shore of the Corinthian gulf from the Achelous river and to the Isthmus and beyond by the Cretan sea until Cape Sounion. And here is the description of the coast:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.2  After the Acheloos river, which is the border of Epiros, in the Adriatic sea, as follows: Aitolia
Chersonesos promontory . 48°30' . 37°25'
Euenos river outlet . 49°00' . 37°30'

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§ 3.14.3  Of the Ozolian Lokrians:
Molykria . 49°15' . 37°30'
Antirrhion promontory . 49°20' . 37°25'
Naupaktos . 49°30' . 37°35'
Euantheia . 49°45' . 37°45'
Chaleos . 49°55' . 37°50'
Kirrha . 50°00' . 37°30'
Krisa . 50°15' . 37°30'
Antikyra . 50°30' . 37°30'
Siphai . 51°05' . 37°35'
Kreousa . 51°15' . 37°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.6  Megarid
Pegai . 51°25' . 37°25'
and after the Isthmus
Nisaia . 52°00' . 37°20'

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§ 3.14.7  In Attike:
Eleusis . 52°20' . 37°15'
Peiraieus . 52°45' . 37°10'
Ilissos river outlet . 52°50' . 37°05'
Mounychias harbor . 53°10' . 37°00'
Hyphormos harbor . 53°30' . 36°50'
Sounion promontory . 53°35' . 36°45'
and in the Aegean on the eastern side
Panormos harbor . 53°40' . 37°00'
Artemis sanctuary . 53°40' . 37°05'
Kynosoura promontory . 53°50' . 37°20'
Asopos river outlet . 53°30' . 37°25'
Chersonesos headland . 53°30' . 37°30'
Oropos . 53°20' . 37°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.8  In Boiotia:
Aulis . 53°15' . 37°45'
Ismenos river outlet . 53°10' . 37°50'
Salganeus . 53°00' . 38°00'
Anthedon . 53°00' . 38°05'
Phokai . 52°40' . 38°10'
Inmost reach of the Oitaian gulf . 52°15' . 38°10'
Opountian Lokrians
Knemides . 52°10' . 38°25'
Kynos . 52°00' . 38°20'
Epiknemidian Lokrians
Boagrios river outlet . 51°30' . 38°25'
Skarpheia . 51°15' . 38°25'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.11  Mountains in this section:
Mt. Kallidromon, whose midpoint lies at degrees . 49°00' . 38°15'
and Mt. Korax . 49°20' . 38°00'
and Mt. Parnassos . 50°20' . 38°00'
and Mt. Helikon . 51°00' . 37°45'
and Mt. Kithairon . 51°40' . 37°30'
and Mt. Hymettos . 52°30' . 37°20'
Of the rivers the Acheloos begins in the Pindos mountains, the Euenos in Mt. Kallidromos returning to the east to the Kephissos river, which itself flowing from the same mountains mixes with the Asopos river and the Ismenos river in Boiotia in the place . 52°00' . 38°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.13  The following cities are in the Greek interior: Interior of Aitolia
Chalkis . 49°00' . 38°05'
Arachthos . 48°50' . 37°55'
Pleuron . 48°35' . 37°40'
Olenos . 49°00' . 37°50'
Kalydon . 49°00' . 37°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.14  Of Doris
Erineos . 49°00' . 38°25'
Kytinion . 49°20' . 38°20'
Boion . 49°30' . 38°15'
Lilaia . 50°05' . 38°15'
Of the Ozolian Lokrians inland
Amphissa . 49°30' . 37°50'
Of the Epiknemidian Lokrians inland
Thronion . 51°15' . 38°15'
In Phokis interior
Pythia . 50°10' . 37°45'
Delphoi . 50°00' . 37°40'
Daulis . 50°20' . 37°50'
Elateia . 51°38'
Aigostheneia . 50°45' . 37°45'
Boulia . 50°30' . 37°35'

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§ 3.14.18  Of the Opountians inland:
Opous . 52°00' . 38°10'
Boiotia interior
Thisbe . 51°00' . 37°40'
Thespiai . 51°05' . 37°50'
Orchomenos . 51°20' . 37°55'
Koroneia . 51°20' . 37°45'
Hyampolis . 51°30' . 37°55'
Chaironeia . 51°30' . 37°50'
Lebadeia . 51°45' . 37°55'
Kopai . 51°50' . 38°05'
Haliartos . 51°55' . 37°45'
Plataiai . 52°15' . 37°40'
Akraiphia . 52°20' . 38°05'
Tanagra . 52°30' . 37°55'
Thebai Boiotiai . 52°40' . 37°55'
Delion . 53°00' . 37°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.20  Megaris interior
Megara . 52°00' . 37°25'

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§ 3.14.21  Attike interior
Oinoe . 53°00' . 37°30'
Athenai . 52°45' . 37°15'
Rhamnous . 53°15' . 37°30'
Marathon . 53°15' . 37°20'
Anaphlystos . 53°00' . 37°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.22  islands adjacent to Achaia in the Aegean sea, Euboia being large, with a description as follows:
Kenaion promontory . 52°20' . 38°35'
Atalante islet . 52°30' . 38°30'
Aidepsos . 52°40' . 38°25'
Chalkis on the Euripos . 53°10' . 38°00'
Eretria . 53°50' . 37°50'
Amarynthos . 54°05' . 37°45'
Leon headland . 54°15' . 37°20'
Kale Akte . 54°30' . 37°30'
Karystos . 54°30' . 37°40'
Geraistos harbor . 54°40' . 37°45'
Kaphereus promontory . 55°00' . 37°50'
Hollows of Euboia . 54°25' . 37°50'
Chersonesos headland . 54°30' . 38°10'
Boudoros river outlet . 54°00' . 38°10'
Kerinthos . 53°50' . 38°10'
Artemis sanctuary . 53°40' . 38°20'
Phalassia headland . 53°20' . 38°30'
Oreos . 53°10' . 38°25'
Dion promontory . 53°00' . 38°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.23  Beside Attike and under Euboia the following islands: Thera island, with two cities
Eleusis . 53°50' . 36°25'
and Oia . 54°00' . 36°25'
Keia island, in which three cities:
Koressos . 54°25' . 37°00'
Ioulis . 54°20' . 37°00'
Karthaia . 54°15' . 36°45'
Ios island, the city . 54°20' . 36°35'
Polyaigos island deserted . 54°20' . 36°15'
Therasia island, the city . 54°45' . 36°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.24  And the cities of the so-called Cycladic islands
Andros island, the anchorage . 55°00' . 37°30'
Andros island, the city . 54°50' . 37°25'
Tenos island, the city . 55°05' . 37°30'
Syros island, the city . 54°45' . 37°15'
Delos island, the city . 55°25' . 37°20'
Oliaros . 55°20' . 36°30'
Kythnos . 54°55' . 37°00'
Rhene . 55°05' . 37°10'
Mykonos island the Phorbia headland . 55°45' . 37°10'
Mykonos the city . 55°40' . 37°10'
Naxos island, the city . 55°40' . 37°00'
Paros island, the city . 55°30' . 36°50'
Sounion its promontory . 55°40' . 36°55'
Siphnos island, the city . 55°15' . 36°45'
and the interior.
Seriphos . 55°00' . 36°50'
Pholekandros . 55°00' . 36°30'
Sikinos . 54°50' . 36°35'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.25  Position of the Peloponnesos: The Peloponnesos is bounded to the north by the Corinthian Gulf and the isthmus and and next by the Cretan sea, from the west and south by the Adriatic sea, from the east by the Cretan sea.
And the shore of this has the following description:

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.26  After Pegai in the Megarid, which is in the Corinthian gulf off Achaia, at degrees . 51°25' . 37°25'

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§ 3.14.27  Of the Korinthia:
Sanctuary of Hera of Corinth . 51°15' . 37°15'
Lechaion port . 51°20' . 37°00'
Asopos river outlet . 51°05' . 37°05'
Syos river outlet . 50°40' . 37°00'

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§ 3.14.29  In Achaia proper:
Aigeira . 50°15' . 36'55'
Aigion . 49°45' . 36°55'
Erineos harbor . 49°30' . 36°55'
Rhion promontory and Drepanon . 49°20' . 37°10'
Poseidon sanctuary . 49°15' . 37°00'
Patrai . 49°00' . 36°50'
Olenos . 48°50' . 36°45'
Dyme . 48°40' . 36°40'
Araxos headland . 48°30' . 36°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.30  In Eleia
Kyllene port . 48°30' . 36°30'
Peneios river outlet . 48°20' . 36°30'
Chelonitis headland . 48°00' . 36°20'
Chelonites gulf . 48°20' . 36°15'
Ichthys headland . 48°05' . 36°00'
Alpheios river outlet . 48°20' . 35°55'
The beginning of the river . 49°50' . 36°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.31  In Messenia:
Kyparissia city . 48°35' . 35°45'
Kyparission promontory . 48°25' . 35°40'
Sela river outlet . 48°30' . 35°35'
Pylos . 48°35' . 35°30'
Koryphasion headland . 48°30' . 35°25'
Mothone . 48°35' . 35°20'
Kolone . 48°45' . 35°15'
Akritas headland . 48°45' . 35°00'
In the Messeniac Gulf Asine . 48°50' . 35°00'
Korone . 49°00' . 35°05'
Messene . 49°15' . 35°15'
Pamisos river outlet . 49°20' . 35°15'
The Alpheios river beside it . 49°00' . 35°55'
Pherai . 49°30' . 30°15'
Abaia . 49°45' . 35°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.32  In Lakonia:
Leuktron . 49°55' . 34°40'
Tainaria headland . 50°00' . 34°20'
and in the Lakonian gulf Tainarion . 50°00' . 34°45'
Kaine . 50°05' . 34°50'
Teuthrone . 50°10' . 34°55'
Las . 50°15' . 35°00'
Gythion . 50°20' . 35°05'
Trinasos port . 50°25' . 35°10'
Eurotas river outlet . 50°30' . 35°10'
Beginning of the river . 50°30' . 35°45'
Akreia . 50°35' . 35°10'
Biandyna . 50°45' . 35°10'
Asopos . 50°50' . 35°05'
Onou Gnathos headland . 51°00' . 35°00'
Boiai . 51°05' . 35°05'
Malea headland . 51°20' . 35°00'
and in the Argolic gulf, still in Lakonia:
Minoa harbor . 51°10' . 35°10'
Zeus Soter harbor . 51°10' . 35°15'
Epidauros . 51°05' . 35°30'
Zarex (Hierax harbor) . 51°00' . 35°40'
Kyphanta harbor . 51°10' . 35°45'
Prasia . 51°20' . 35°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.33  In Argeia:
Astron . 51°30' . 35°45'
Inachos river outlet . 51°30' . 35°50'
Head of the river . 51°00' . 36°30'
Nauplia port . 51°35' . 36°00'
Phlious . 51°45' . 35°55'
Hermione . 52°00' . 36°00'
Skyllaion promontory . 52°30' . 36°05'
In the Saronic gulf still in the Argolid
Troizen . 52°20' . 36°05'
Methone peninsula . 52°10' . 36°20'
Epidaurus . 51°50' . 36°25'
Speiraion promontory . 51°45' . 36°35'
Athenaion harbor . 51°30' . 36°35'
Boukephalos harbor . 51°25' . 36°45'
In the Korinthia:
Kenchreai port . 51°25' . 36°55'
Schoinous harbor . 51°40' . 37°00'

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§ 3.14.35  Mountains in the Peloponnese
Pholoe . 49°15' . 36°40'
and Stymphalos . 50°10' . 36°30'
and Minthe . 49°00' . 35°30'
and Taygeton . 49°40' . 35°15'
and Kronion . 50°30' . 35°45'
and Zarex . 51°00' . 35°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.36  Cities in the interior of Achaia proper
Pherai . 49°15' . 36°45'
Helike . 49°50' . 36°45'
Boura . 50°00' . 36°50'
Pellene . 50°20' . 36°45'
Sikyonia interior
Phlious . 50°50' . 36°40'
Sikyon . 51°00' . 36°50'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.38  Of inland Corinthia
Corinthos . 51°15' . 36°55'
Eleia interior
Elis . 49°00' . 36°25'
Olympia Pisa . 48°40' . 36°15'
Koryne . 48°30' . 36°10'
Hypaneia . 49°10' . 36°00'
Lepreon . 48°50' . 35°55'
Typaneia . 49°10' . 36°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.40  In Arkadia:
Heraia . 49°20' . 36°00'
Phigaleia . 49°20' . 35°35'
Tegea . 49°50' . 36°20'
Psophis . 49°40' . 36°05'
Lysias . 49°50' . 36°00'
Antigoneia and Mantineia . 49°40' . 35°45'
Stymphalos . 50°20' . 36°20'
Kleitor . 50°25' . 36°00'
Lilaia . 50°50' . 36°20'
Megale Polis . 50°40' . 36°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.41  Inland Argeia:
Nemea . 51°05' . 36°25'
Kleonai . 51°10' . 36°25'
Argos . 51°20' . 36°15'
Mykenai . 51°45' . 36°10'
Asine . 51°35' . 36°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.42  Inland Messenia:
Haliartos . 48°50' . 35°45'
Ithome . 48°50' . 35°25'
Troizen . 49°10' . 35°25'

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§ 3.14.43  Inland Lakonike:
Kardamyle . 50°00' . 35°25'
Lakedaimon . 50°15' . 35°30'
Kyphanta . 51°00' . 35°45'
Lerne . 51°15' . 35°55'
Thourion . 50°15' . 35°20'
Belbina . 50°40' . 35°45'
Thalame. 50°15' . 35°10'
Gerenia . 50°10' . 35°20'
Oinoe . 50°40' . 35°20'
Bityla . 50°00' . 35°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.14.44  Islands adjoining the Peloponnese:
the Strophades (there are two) . 47°20' . 36°00'
and Prote island . 47°50' . 35°30'
and Sphagia island . 48°00' . 35°00'
and Theganousa island . 48°30' . 34°40'
and of Kythera island, the city . 51°10' . 34°40'
and Aigila island . 51°45' . 34°40'
and Salamis island . 52°00' . 37°15'
and of Aigina island, the city . 52°20' . 36°45'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 3.15.1  Position of the island of Crete. Crete is bound to the west by the Adriatic sea, from the north by the Cretan sea, from the south by the Libyan sea, from the east by the Karpathian sea. And its coast has the following description.

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§ 3.15.2  Description of the western side:
Korykos headland and city . 52°05' . 34°40'
Phalasarna . 52°20' . 34°40'
Chersonesos . 52°30' . 34°35'
Rhamnous harbor . 52°30' . 34°30'
Ina kome . 52°35' . 34°20'
Kriou metopon promontory . 52°35' . 34°10'

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§ 3.15.3  Description of the south side:
Lissos . 52°40' . 34°05'
Tarrha . 52°50' . 34°20'
Poikilasion . 53°00' . 34°30'
Hermaia headland . 53°15' . 34°25'
Phoinikous harbor . 53°45' . 34°50'
Phoinix city . 53°35' . 34°45'
Messalia river outlet . 53°45' . 34°40'

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§ 3.15.4  Psychion . 54°00' . 34°45'
Elektra river outlet . 54°10' . 34°45'
Matalia . 54°25' . 34°30'
Leon headland . 54°35' . 34°45'
Lebena . 54°35' . 34°50'
Katarrhaktos river outlet . 54°45' . 34°50'
Lethaios river outlet . 54°50' . 34°55'
Inatos city . 55°00' . 34°55'
Hieron mountain . 55°10' . 35°00'
Hierapytna . 55°15' . 35°05'
Erythraion promontory . 55°20' . 35°05'
Ampelos headland . 55°30' . 35°10'
Itanos city . 55°40' . 35°15'

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§ 3.15.5  Description of the east side:
Sammonion promontory . 55°50' . 35°25'
Minoa harbor . 55°20' . 35°15'
Kamara city . 55°10' . 35°20'
Olous . 55°00' . 35°20'
Cheronesos . 54°55' . 35°20'
Zephyrion promontory . 54°45' . 35°30'

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§ 3.15.6  Description of the north side:
Herakleion . 54°30' . 35°20'
Panormos . 54°20' . 35°15'
Apollonia . 54°10' . 35°15'
Kytaion . 54°00' . 35°15'

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§ 3.15.7  Dion promontory . 53°50' . 35°10'
Pantomatrion . 53°45' . 35°05'
Rhithymna . 53°30' . 35°05'
Amphimales gulf . 53°15' . 35°00'
Drepanon promontory . 53°10' . 35°10'
Minoia . 53°00' . 35°00'

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§ 3.15.8  Pyknos [or Pyktos] river outlet . 52°50' . 35°00'
Kydonia . 52°45' . 35°00'
Kisamon promontory . 52°30' . 35°00'
Diktamnon (or Diktamon) . 52°25' . 34°55'
Psakon promontory . 52°20' . 34°50'
Kisamos city . 52°25' . 34°45'

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§ 3.15.9  Famous mountains in Crete
The so-called White (Leuke) mountains . 52°40' . 34°40'
and Mt. Ide . 54°00' . 35°00'
and Mt. Dikte . 55°30' . 35°15'

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§ 3.15.10  Cities in the Cretan interior:
Polyrrhenia . 52°20' . 34°45'
Aptera 53°00' . 34°55'
Artakina . 53°05' . 34°45'
Lappa . 53°15' . 34°55'
Soubrita . 53°40' . 34°40'
Eleutherai . 53°45' . 35°00'
Gortyna . 54°15' . 34°50'
Pannona . 54°40' . 35°10'
Knossos . 54°45' . 35°10'
Lyktos . 55°00' . 35°10'

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§ 3.15.11  Islands adjacent to Crete
Klaudos island, in which a city . 53°30' . 34°00'
and Letoa island . 54°30' . 34°10'
and Kimolos island, in which a city . 54°20' . 35°30'
and Dia island . 54°30' . 35°40'
and Melos island, in which a city . 54°00' . 35°30'

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§ 4.1.1  On the west side Mauritania Tingitana is bounded by part of the Outer Sea, which we call the western Ocean, from the Heraclean strait to the greater Mt. Atlas, by the following description:

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§ 4.1.2  Cape Kotes . 6°00' . 35°55'
River Zilia (or Lixeia) mouth . 6°00' . 35°20'
Lix river mouth . 6°20' . 35°15'
Subur river mouth . 6°20' . 34°40'
Emporikos kolpos . 6°30' . 34°20'
Sala river mouth . 6°30' . 34°10'
Sala . 6°40' . 33°50'
Duos river mouth . 6°10' . 33°40'
Lesser Atlas Mt. 6°00' . 33°10'
Kusa river mouth . 6°40' . 32°45'
Rusibis harbor . 6°40' . 32°30'

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§ 4.1.3  Asana river mouth . 7°00' . 32°00'
Diur river mouth . 7°20' . 31°40'
Helios Mt. 6°45' . 31°15'
Mysokaras harbor . 7°20' . 30°50'
River Phthuth or Thuth mouth . 7°30' . 30°30'
Cape of Herakles . 7°30' . 30°00'
Tamusiga . 8°00' . 29°55'
Cape Usadion . 7°30' . 29°15'
Suriga . 8°00' . 29°00'
Una river mouth . 8°00' . 28°30'

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§ 4.1.4  Agna river mouth . 8°40' . 27°50'
Sala river mouth . 8°20' . 27°20'
Greater Atlas Mt. 8°00' . 26°30'

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§ 4.1.5  The northern side is bounded by the strait, in which, after the previously mentioned promontory is:
Tingis or Caesarea . 6°30' . 35°55'
Valon river mouth . 7°00' . 35°50'
Exilissa city . 7°30' . 35°55'
Heptadelphoi (Seven Brothers) mountains . 7°40' . 35°50'

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§ 4.1.6  And by the Iberian sea according to the following description:
Abyle Pillar . 7°50' . 35°40'
Phoebus promontory . 8°00' . 35°30'
Iagath (or Lagathos) promontory . 8°20' . 35°05'
Thaluda river mouth . 8°30' . 35°00'
Oleastrum promontory . 8°50' . 35°10'
Acrath . 9°00' . 34°55'

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§ 4.1.7  Taeniolonga (Tainia Longa) 9°30' . 35°45'
Sestiaria promontory . 10°00' . 35°00'
Ryssadirum . 10°00' . 34°45'
Metagonites promontory . 10°30' . 34°55'
Molochath river mouth . 10°45' . 34°45'
Malva river mouth . 11°10' . 34°50'

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§ 4.1.8  The eastern side is bordered by Mauritania Caesarensis south from the Malva river mouth to the limit point at 11°40' . 26°00'

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§ 4.1.9  And the south by the neighboring races of inner Libya along the line joining the limit points mentioned.

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§ 4.1.10  The Metagonitae occupy the districts toward the strait; the Socossi or Cocossi that toward the Iberian sea, and below these are the Verves; then below the country of the Metagonites are the Mazices; then the Verbices, below whom are the Salinsae and the Cauni or Causini; then the Bacuatae; below whom are the Macanitae; below the Verves are the Volubiliani; then the Iangaucani; below whom are the Nectiberes; and next is the Pyrrhon Plain . 9°30' . 30°00'
Below these are the Zegrenses; then the Baniubae and the Vacuatae.

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§ 4.1.11  The entire east side is occupied by the Maurenses and a part of the Herpeditani.

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§ 4.1.12  The noteworthy mountains in this land are the so-called Diur, with midpoint at . 8°30' . 34°00'
then Mt. Phocra which stretches from the Lesser Atlas to the Ussadion or Russadiron promontory, on the coast, and the western part of Durda or Durdus, at . 10°00' . 29°30'

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§ 4.1.13  The inland cities of Tingitana, the official ones, are:
Zilia . 6°10' . 35°10'
Lixa . 6°45' . 34°55'
Orrinum . 7°30' . 35°20'
Subur . 6°50' . 34°20'
Banassa . 7°30' . 34°20'
Tamusida . 7°00' . 34°15'
Silda . 7°50' . 33°55'
Gontiana . 7°40' . 34°30'

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§ 4.1.14  Baba . 8°10' . 34°20'
Pisciana . 9°00' . 34°20'
Vobrix . 9°20' . 34°15'
Volubilis . 8°15' . 33°40'
Herpis . 10°20' . 33°45'
Tocolosida . 8°10' . 33°30'
Trisidis . 9°00' . 33°10'
Molochath . 10°10' . 33°05'
Benta or Centa . 9°30' . 32°50'

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§ 4.1.15  Galapha . 11°00' . 32°40'
Oecath or Thicath . 8°30' . 32°30'
Dorath . 9°00' . 31°15'
Boccanum Hemerum . 9°20' . 29°30'
Vala . 8°10' . 28°15'

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§ 4.1.16  The islands offshore to the west in the Outer ocean are Paena island . 5°00' . 32°00'
Erythia island . 6°00' . 29°00'

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§ 4.2.1  Mauritania Caesariensis is bounded on the west by Mauritania Tingitana as above; on the north by the coast of the Sardoan sea from the Malva river mouth to the Ampsaga river mouth, as follows:

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§ 4.2.2  After the Malva river mouth,
Great promontory . 11°30' . 35°00'
Gypsaria harbor . 11°50' . 34°45'
Siga city, colonia . 12°00' . 34°40'
Siga river mouth . 12°15' . 34°40'
Assarath river mouth . 12°30' . 34°30'
Portus Magnus . 12°45' . 34°30'

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§ 4.2.3  Chylemath river mouth . 13°00' . 34°00'
Quiza colonia . 13°20' . 34°00'
Harbor of the Gods . 13°30' . 33°45'
Arsenaria colonia . 13°50' . 33°50'

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§ 4.2.4  Cartennus river mouth . 14°15' . 33°40'
Cartenna . 14°30' . 33°40'
Carepula . 14°50' . 33°40'
Karkome . 15°10' . 33°30'
Lagnouton . 15°30' . 33°30'
Apollo promontory . 15°50' . 33°40'
Castra Germanon . 15°50' . 33°35'

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§ 4.2.5  Canucis . 16°30' . 33°30'
Chinaphal or Chinalaph river mouth . 16°40' . 33°20'
Iol Caesarea . 17°00' . 33°20'
Tipasa . 17°30' . 33°20'
Via or Onga . 17°40' . 33°00'

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§ 4.2.6  Icosium . 18°00' . 33°00'
Savus river mouth . 18°10' . 33°00'
Rustonium . 18°30' . 32°45'
Rusicibar . 18°45' . 32°50'

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§ 4.2.7  Modunga . 19°10' . 32°55'
Serbetus river mouth . 19°30' . 32°50'
Cissa . 19°45' . 32°50'

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§ 4.2.8  Addyme or Addema . 20°00' . 32°50'
Rusuccorae . 20°15' . 32°45'
Iomnium . 20°30' . 32°45'
Rusubeser or Rusubirsir . 20°45' . 32°40'

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§ 4.2.9  Rusazus . 21°00' . 32°40'
Vabar . 21°30' . 32°30'
Saldae colonia . 22°00' . 32°30'
Nasabath river mouth . 22°10' . 32°30'
Chobath . 22°40' . 32°20'

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§ 4.2.10  Sisar river mouth . 23°00' . 32°15'
Iarsath . 23°20' . 32°05'
Audum promontory . 23°40' . 32°15'

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§ 4.2.11  And in the Numidian gulf:
Audus river mouth . 23°50' . 32°00'
Igilgile . 24°00' . 32°00'
Gulus river mouth . 24°40' . 31°50'
Assarath . 25°10' . 31°45'
Ampsagas river mouth . 26°15' . 31°45'
river sources . 26°00' . 26°00'

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§ 4.2.12  It is bounded on the east by Africa along the Ampsagas river to that point at . 26°20' . 26°00'

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§ 4.2.13  On the south side by the Libyan races along the line, which above Gaetulia joins the southern termini.

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§ 4.2.14  The named mountains in this province are the Durdus mountains, the eastern at . 15°00' . 29°30'
the western, as stated, at . 10°00' . 29°30'
Mt. Zalacus at . 16°00' . 31°40'
the Garapha mountains at . 16°00' . 28°40'

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§ 4.2.15  The Madethubadus mountains the limits of which are in . 13°00' . 26°40'
and . 17°30' . 26°00'
the Cinnaba mountains . 19°30' . 26°00'
the Beryn mountains . 20°30' . 31°00'

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§ 4.2.16  Mt. Phruraesus, the limits of which are in . 18°30' . 28°40'
and . 21°00' . 26°00'
Mt. Garas 23°00' . 28°00'
Mt. Valva 22°00' . 26°00'
the western part of Buzara at . 25°00' . 25°00'

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§ 4.2.17  The Herpeditani inhabit the western parts of this province below the so-called bronze mines; below whom are the Taladusi; then the Sorae, to the south of whom are the Masaesyli; and below these are the Dryitae; then near the Durdus mountains are the Eluli and the Tolotae and also the Nacmusi extending to the Garaphi mountains;

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§ 4.2.18  from the Taladusi toward the east extending as far as the mouth of the river Chinalaph are the Machusi,

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§ 4.2.19  below whom are the Zalacus mountains and beyond this are the Mazices; then the Banturari; and beyond the Garaphi mountains are the Aquenses, the Myceni, and the Maccurae;

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§ 4.2.20  and beyond the Cinnaba mountains are the Enabasi; to the east from the Zalacus mountains on the sea coast are the Machurebi below whom are the Tulenses; then the Baniuri below whom are the Machures; then the Salassi, the Malchubi and the Montani;

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§ 4.2.21  then toward the east from the Tulenses dwell the Mucuni and the Chituae to the river Ampsagas, below these are the Coedamusi; then the Toducae next to the sources of the river Ampsaga.

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§ 4.2.22  The inland towns in this province are:
Vasbaria . 12°30' . 34°00'
Celama . 12°10' . 33°30'
Urbara . 12°50' . 33°30'
Lanigara . 12°00' . 33°00'
Villa vicus . 12°40' . 32°00'
Atoa . 12°30' . 31°10'
Mina . 12°50' . 33°00'

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§ 4.2.23  Timici . 13°00' . 33°10'
Astacilis . 13°20' . 33°10'
Arina . 13°30' . 30°50'
Aripa . 14°00' . 30°50'

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§ 4.2.24  Victoria . 14°10' . 33°00'
Giglui . 14°30' . 32°30'
Bunogora . 14°30' . 31°30'
Vagae . 15°15' . 30°45'
Manliana . 15°50' . 28°50'
Apphar . 16°20' . 33°15'

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§ 4.2.25  Oppidum Novum colonia . 16°00' . 32°40'
Burca . 16°50' . 30°45'
Tarrum . 16°15' . 30°00'
Garra . 16°30' . 32°50'
Zuchabbari . 16°50' . 32°40'
Irath . 17°00' . 32°00'
Tenissa . 17°50' . 31°10'

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§ 4.2.26  Lamida . 18°30' . 32°20'
Vasana . 18°20' . 31°40'
Casmara . 18°10' . 30°50'
Binsitta . 18°30' . 30°40'
Pegava . 18°50' . 30°30'
Nigilgia . 18°15' . 30°15'
Thisizima . 18°30' . 29°30'
Choezala . 18°40' . 32°30'
Aquae Calidae, colonia . 18°00' . 32°10'

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§ 4.2.27  Floria . 19°20' . 31°40'
Oppidium . 19°10' . 31°10'
Labdia . 19°50' . 29°50'

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§ 4.2.28  Tucca . 20°00' . 31°30'
Badea . 20°00' . 30°45'
Gasmara . 18°00' . 32°40'
Bida colonia . 18°30' . 32°30'
Symoetha . 20°20' . 32°15'
Thibinia . 21°00' . 31°10'
Izatha . 21°00' . 30°20'
Auximis . 21°00' . 29°30'

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§ 4.2.29  And by the sources of the Phalmios or Phoimios or Toimphoibios river, which flows into the Savus river,
Suburgia . 21°00' . 28°20'

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§ 4.2.30  Then again, from a different starting point, the towns are
Thudaca . 19°10' . 32°20'
Tigis . 19°30' . 32°30'
Turaphilum . 21°20' . 31°45'

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§ 4.2.31  Sudava . 22°20' . 32°00'
Tusiatath . 22°20' . 31°30'
Ussara . 22°00' . 30°40'
Vazagada . 22°30' . 30°10'
Auzia . 22°10' . 29°40'
Tubusuptus . 23°45' . 31°40'

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§ 4.2.32  Robonda . 23°20' . 31°20'
Ausum . 23°00' . 30°40'
Zaratha . 23°30' . 30°30'
Nababurum . 23°00' . 30°00'
Vitaca . 23°45' . 29°30'
Thubuna . 23°50' . 28°30'
Thamaritha . 23°10' . 27°15'

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§ 4.2.33  Augala . 24°50' . 31°20'
Suptu . 24°20' . 30°45'
Hippu . 24°50' . 30°30'
Vamicaeda . 25°10' . 30°00'

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§ 4.2.34  Sitipha or Sitiki, colonia . 26°00' . 29°20'
Tumarra . 26°00' . 29°00'
Germiana . 26°00' . 28°30'
Paepia . 24°50' . 28°15'
Vescethra . 24°30' . 27°30'
Aegaea . 26°00' . 27°10'
Taruda . 25°45' . 26°30'

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§ 4.2.35  An island lies off Iulia Caesarea, with the same name, with a city, at . 17°10' . 33°40'

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§ 4.3.1  The west side of Africa is terminated by Mauritania Caesariensis on the line established by the Ampsagas river;

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§ 4.3.2  The northern side is terminated by that part of the African sea which extends from the Ampsagas river to the Syrtis Major; of this northern side the following is a description:

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§ 4.3.3  After the Ampsagas river mouth: Numidicus harbor interior . 27°00' . 31°45'
Greater Collops or Chullu . 27°20' . 32°20'
Tretum promontory . 27°40' . 32°45'
Rusicada . 27°45' . 32°30'
Uzicath . 28°10' . 32°30'

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§ 4.3.4  Holcachites gulf . 28°40' . 32°00'
Tacatye . 29°00' . 32°30'
Lesser Collops . 29°20' . 32°35'
Siur port . 29°40' . 32°40'

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§ 4.3.5  Hippo promontory . 30°00' . 32°45'
Stoborrum promontory . 30°10' . 32°40'
Aphrodisium . 30°00' . 32°30'
Hippo Regius colonia . 30°20' . 32°15'
Rubricatus river mouth . 30°45' . 32°15'
Thabraca colonia . 31°15' . 32°20'

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§ 4.3.6  Shrine of Apollo . 31°40' . 32°50'
Altar of Neptune . 32°00' . 32°45'
Hippo Diarrhytus colonia . 32°30' . 32°45'
Thinisa . 33°00' . 32°30'
Apollo promontory . 33°30' . 33°15'
Utica . 33°20' . 32°45'
Castra Corneli . 33°40' . 32°30'
Bagradas river mouth . 34°00' . 32°40'

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§ 4.3.7  Carthage, a great city . 34°50' . 32°40'
Catadas river mouth . 34°50' . 32°30'
Maxula colonia . 35°00' . 32°40'
Carpis colonia . 35°00' . 33°00'
Misua . 35°00' . 33°15'
Clypea . 35°00' . 33°20'

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§ 4.3.8  Hermaean promontory . 35°00' . 33°30'
Aspis . 35°15' . 33°20'
Curubis colonia . 35°30' . 33°10'
Neapolis colonia . 35°45' . 33°00'

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§ 4.3.9  Siagul . 36°00' . 32°50'
Aphrodision . 36°15' . 32°40'
Adrumetus colonia . 36°40' . 32°40'
Ruspina . 36°50' . 32°40'

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§ 4.3.10  Leptis Minor . 37°10' . 32°30'
Thapsos . 37°30' . 32°30'
Acholla . 37°45' . 32°30'
Rhouspena . 38°00' . 32°20'
Brachodes promontory . 38°30' . 32°20'
Usilla . 38°30' . 32°10'
Taphrura . 38°30' . 32°00'

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§ 4.3.11  Of Syrtis Minor:
Theainai . 38°30' . 31°40'
Makomada . 38°30' . 31°15'
Triton river mouth . 38°40' . 30°30'
Takape . 38°50' . 30°30'
Gichthis . 39°20' . 30°50'

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§ 4.3.12  Hedaphtha or Hedaphna city at the limit . 40°10' . 31°15'
Zeitha promontory . 40°40' . 31°40'
Sabathra . 41°00' . 31°30'
Pisidon or Pisindon harbor . 41°15' . 31°30'
Eoa . 41°30' . 31°40'
Garapha or Graphara harbor . 41°45' . 31°40'

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§ 4.3.13  Neapolis or Leptis Magna . 42°00' . 31°40'
Kinyphos river mouth . 42°15' . 31°30'
Kisternai . 42°50' . 31°20'
Barathia . 42°20' . 31°30'
Trieron promontory . 43°15' . 31°20'
Kephalai promontory . 44°20' . 31°20'

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§ 4.3.14  Of Syrtis Major:
Makomala or Kaloumakouma village . 43°30' . 30°50'
Aspis . 43°40' . 30°20'
Sakamaza or Sakazama village . 43°50' . 30°00'
Tower of Euphranta . 44°10' . 29°40'
Pharax or Pharaxa village . 44°30' . 29°00'
Oisporis village . 45°00' . 29°00'
Hippo promontory . 46°45' . 29°00'
Philainou village . 46°00' . 29°00'
Below which the Altars of that name, the border of Africa.

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§ 4.3.15  The eastern side is bounded after the inmost point of the Syrtis by the line running south from there along Cyrenaica to the end point at . 47°00' . 25°00'
The south by the line along Gaetulia and desert Libya connecting the two end points.

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§ 4.3.16  There are notable mountains in the province: the eastern part of Buzara mountain is at . 28°00' . 27°00'
and Mt. Audon . 28°30' . 29°30'
Mt. Thammes, from which the Rubricatus river flows, with end points at . 29°30' . 27°30' and . 32°00' . 28°30'
And the so-called Mt. Kirna . 33°00' . 30°00'

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§ 4.3.17  From which are constituted interconnected lakes, Hipponitis . 32°40' . 32°30'
and Sisara . 33°00' . 31°00'

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§ 4.3.18  And Mt. Mampsaron, the end points of which are at . 33°00' . 27°30' and . 36°30' . 26°15'
from which flows the Bagradas river;
And the so-called Mt. Zeus . 37°30' . 31°15'
and Mt. Ousalaiton or Ousaleton, the end points of which are at . 37°00' . 38°00' and . 39°30' . 26°30'

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§ 4.3.19  From which the Triton river flows, and in it these lakes: Tritonitis . 38°40' . 39°40'
Pallas . 38°30' . 29°15'
and the one called Libya . 38°30' . 28°15'

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§ 4.3.20  And Mt. Gigion . 40°30' . 29°30'
and Mt. Thizibi . 44°15' . 28°00'
and Zouchabbari or Chouzabarri, the end points of which are at . 40°00' . 26°15' and . 43°30' . 26°40'
from which mountains the Kinyphos river flows, and Akabe spring at . 45°15' . 26°10'

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§ 4.3.21  The Kirtesioi and the Nabathrai occupy the western parts of Africa as far as the sea; after whom, toward the east, are the Iontians, by Numidia or the New Province as far as Thabraka;

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§ 4.3.22  then the Midenoi or Medenoi and the people by Carthage, below whom are the Libyphoenicians; then the Machyni as far as Syrtis Minor; and below these are Kinithioi, and further east as far as the Kinyphos river the Nigitimoi, and around the same river are the Lotophagi;

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§ 4.3.23  then the Samamyci beside Syrtis Major and next the Nykrioi, below whom are the Elaiones.

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§ 4.3.24  Next south of the Kirtesioi and Numidia, below Mt. Audon are the Misoulamoi, below whom are the Nattabutai, then the Nisibes, and south of the Midenoi the Miaidioi, below whom are the Mousounoi;

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§ 4.3.25  Then below Mt. Thammes the Saburbures, below whom are the Haliardi and the Sittaphion Plain.

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§ 4.3.26  From Libyphoenicia toward the south is the Byzakitis country, below which the Ozoutai, then the Kerophaioi and the Mampsaroi beyond the mountain of that name. and below this mountain are the Motoutourioi. Below the Machynoi are the Machryes, then the Gephes, next to these the Mimaces, and below Mt. Ousalaiton the Ouzarai or Ouzalai and the beginning of the Libyan desert.

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§ 4.3.27  Likewise, below the Kinithii are the Sigiplosioi, then the Achaemenes, then the Muturgures; below these the Mouchthousioi; below the Nigitimi are the Astacures, and below the Lotophagi the Eropaei, and next the Dolopes, below whom are the Erebidae; and below the Samamyci are the Damensi and then the Nygbeni, below whom are the Nycpi; then below the Cinyphi and the Elaeones is Macae Syrtitae and the Libyan desert.

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§ 4.3.28  The inland towns in the district between the Ampsagas river and the city Thabraca are:
Of the Kirtesioi
Cirta Julia . 26°50' . 31°20'
Mireon or Myraion . 26°40' . 31°20'
Vaga . 28°00' . 31°40'
Lares . 27°30' . 30°40'
Apari or Aitari . 27°40' . 29°40'
Azama . 27°30' . 27°50'

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§ 4.3.29  Of New Numidia:
Koulkoua colonia . 28°30' . 31°15'
Thounoudromon colonia . 28°20' . 30°30'
Aspucca . 29°30' . 32°20'
Simisthou 29°00' . 31°20'
Thuburnica colonia . 30°00' . 31°40'
Tucca . 29°30' . 31°20'
Thigiba or Thieba . 29°30' . 30°45'
Thouboursika . 29°20' . 30°30'
Oukibi . 30°00' . 29°45'
Gausaufna . 29°15' . 31°00'
Lambaisa . 29°00' . 30°00'

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§ 4.3.30  Legio III Augusta
Thubutis . 29°30' . 28°20'
Bulla Regia . 30°40' . 31°30'
Sicca Veneria . 30°30' . 30°50'
Assurus . 30°50' . 30°30'
Naraggara . 30°00' . 30°10'
Theveste . 30°30' . 29°45'
Thunustha . 31°20' . 32°00'
Madurus . 32°00' . 31°30'
Ammaedara . 32°10' . 30°30'
Gazakoupada or Zagakoupoda . 31°10' . 30°10'
Gedne . 31°40' . 28°45'

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§ 4.3.31  Between the city Thabraca and the Bagradas river
Canopesi . 32°15' . 32°30'
Meltida . 32°40' . 32°30'
Uzan . 33°15' . 32°20'
Thizica . 33°15' . 32°00'
Cipipa . 34°00' . 31°45'
Theudali . 33°20' . 31°40'
Avitta . 33°30' . 31°30'

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§ 4.3.32  Tobrus . 34°00' . 30°30'
Eilika . 34°30' . 30°20'
Tucca . 34°00' . 29°50'
Dabia . 33°00' . 29°45'
Bendena . 34°30' . 29°20'
Vazua . 33°20' . 29°10'
Nensa . 34°10' . 29°10'

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§ 4.3.33  Hydata Therma . 33°40' . 28°15'
Zigira . 33°10' . 27°50'
Thasia . 33°00' . 27°45'
Thunuba . 33°20' . 27°30'
Musta . 33°40' . 27°30'
Themisua . 34°40' . 28°40'
Zama major . 34°20' . 28°00'
Timica . 34°50' . 27°40'
Tuscubis . 35°30' . 28°10'

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§ 4.3.34  Between the river Bagradas and the river Triton, and below Carthage are
Old Maxula . 34°10' . 32°30'
Vol . 34°45' . 32°30'
Thimisa . 35°00' . 32°10'
Cuina colonia . 35°30' . 31°30'
Uthina . 34°15' . 31°20'
Abdeira or Audeira . 34°30' . 30°50'

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§ 4.3.35  Mediccara . 35°30' . 31°10'
Thuburbo . 35°00' . 30°10'
Tucma . 35°30' . 30°10'
Bulla Mensa . 34°20' . 30°00'
Cerbica . 36°00' . 30°00'
Nuroli . 34°20' . 29°30'
Ticelia . 34°40' . 29°00'

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§ 4.3.36  Sasura . 36°00' . 29°40'
Cilma . 35°30' . 29°10'
Vepillium . 36°15' . 29°00'
Thabba . 35°20' . 28°40'
Tichasa . 36°00' . 28°40'
Negenta . 36°00' . 27°50'
Bunthum . 36°15' . 27°20'

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§ 4.3.37  Below Adrumetum city:
Almaena . 35°15' . 33°00'
Uticna . 35°40' . 32°45'
Chrausa . 36°00' . 32°40'
Turza . 35°40' . 31°50'
Ulizibirra . 36°00' . 31°20'
Orbita . 36°20' . 32°20'
Uzita . 36°50' . 32°20'
Gisira . 36°20' . 31°45'
Zurmentum . 37°00' . 31°50'
Zalapa . 36°45' . 31°45'

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§ 4.3.38  Augustum . 36°20' . 30°40'
Leae . 36°20' . 30°40'
Avidus . 36°40' . 30°00'
Ubata . 36°45' . 29°20'
Tisurus . 36°50' . 28°40'

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§ 4.3.39  Thysdrus . 37°15' . 32°10'
Uzecia . 37°45' . 32°10'
Setiensis . 37°45' . 31°30'
Lasica . 37°10' . 31°20'
Byzacina . 37°50' . 30°45'
Targarum . 37°15' . 30°30'
Bararus . 37°00' . 30°20'
Capsa . 37°30' . 29°45'
Putea . 37°45' . 29°10'
Thennephis . 38°20' . 31°00'

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§ 4.3.40  Karaga . 38°10' . 31°40'
Murvis . 38°10' . 30°45'
Zugar . 38°00' . 30°30'

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§ 4.3.41  Between the two Syrtes the following cities:
Chuzis . 39°30' . 30°00'
Sumucis . 40°20' . 30°30'
Pisinda . 41°00' . 31°10'
Sabrata . 41°15' . 30°50'
Syddenis . 41°40' . 31°10'
Azuis . 42°45' . 31°10'
Gerisa . 43°00' . 30°50'
Iscina . 43°20' . 30°30'

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§ 4.3.42  Ammonos . 42°00' . 30°40'
Amuncla . 42°40' . 30°10'
Mousta village . 42°20' . 28°40'
Butta . 42°40' . 28°30'
Tege . 42°40' . 27°30'

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§ 4.3.43  Durga . 43°00' . 26°30'
Sycapha . 43°30' . 30°00'
Uddita . 43°20' . 28°40'
Galybe . 43°40' . 29°30'
Thagulis . 44°10' . 29°00'

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§ 4.3.44  Islands along the coast of Africa, which are near the coast:
Hydras . 28°00' . 33°00'
Kalathe . 31°00' . 33°40'
Drakontios . 33°15' . 33°15'
Aigimoros island . 34°15' . 33°30'
two islands of Larounesiai . 37°00' . 33°30'
Anemoussa . 39°00' . 33°20'
Lopadousa island . 39°00' . 33°20'
Aithousa island . 39°30' . 33°20'

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§ 4.3.45  Kerkinna island and city . 39°00' . 32°15'
Lotophagitis, in which two cities, Gerra . 39°15' . 31°15'
Meninx . 39°30' . 31°20'

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§ 4.3.46  Misynos island . 44°40' . 30°40'
Pontia island . 45°20' . 20°15'
Gaia island . 46°00' . 29°40'

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§ 4.3.47  High seas islands of Africa are the following:
Kossyra island and city . 37°20' . 34°20'
Glaukonos island and city . 38°20' . 34°40'
Melite island, with Melite city . 38°45' . 34°40'
and peninsula . 38°40' . 34°45'
and Shrine of Hera . 39°00' . 34°40'
and Shrine of Herakles . 38°45' . 34°35'

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§ 4.4.1  Cyrenaica:
The province of Cyrenaike is bounded on the west by Syrtis Major and by Africa along the line running from the Altars of Philainos toward the south to the end point at . 46°45' . 29°00'
as far as . 47°00' . 25°00'

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§ 4.4.2  On the north by the Libyan sea along the seacoast from the inner angle of Syrtis to Darnis (or Dardanis) city, of which the coast is as follows:

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§ 4.4.3  After Philainos kome:
Automalax fort . 47°15' . 29°10'
Drepanon promontory . 47°15' . 29°20'
Hyphaloi anchorage . 47°20' . 29°40'
Diarroia harbor . 47°15' . 30°00'
Tower of Herakles . 47°20' . 30°30'
Diachersis fort . 47°20' . 30°50'
Boreion promontory, end of Syrtis . 47°15' . 31°10'
Bryon shore . 47°30' . 31°10'

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§ 4.4.4  In the Pentapolis,
Berenike or Hesperides . 47°45' . 31°20'
mouth of the Lathon river . 48°15' . 31°20'
Arsinoe or Teucheira . 48°40' . 31°20'
Ptolemais . 49°05' . 31°10'
Aurigda or Ausigda . 49°30' . 31°30'
sanctuary of Aptouchos . 49°30' . 31°40'

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§ 4.4.5  Phykous promontory and kome . 50°00' . 31°50'
[naval station of the Kyrenaians] Apollonia . 50°10' . 31°40'
Naustathmon, harbor . 50°20' . 31°40'
Erythron, locality . 50°30' . 31°30'
Chersis, kome . 50°45' . 31°20'
Zephyrion promontory . 51°00' . 31°20'
Darnis . 51°15' . 31°15'

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§ 4.4.6  On the east it is bounded by a part of Marmarike along the line leading from Darnis southward to the point at . 51°15' . 25°00'

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§ 4.4.7  on the south by the Libyan desert along the line joining the two mentioned points.

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§ 4.4.8  The province has mountains, the so-called Dunes of Herakles, midpoint . 47°40' . 30°50'
and the Ouelpa mountains . 47°40' . 29°30'
and the Baikolikon mountain . 51°00' . 26°30'
and lagoons, one lake diverted from the Lathon river, midpoint . 47°45' . 31°10'
and the lake below Paliouron, in which there are shellfish . 52°00' . 31°10'

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§ 4.4.9  The Barkeitai occupy the parts below the Pentapolis east of the Garden of the Hesperides; further to the east are the Araraukeles (or Ararukides).

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§ 4.4.10  Below the Garden of the Hesperides are the Dunes of Herakles mountains, and further east the Asbytai; then beside Africa beyond the Ouelpi mountains are the Makatoutae, and next are the caves of the Laganikans (or Lesanikans), and east of these the Psylloi, next beastly places, and then the Silphioforos (silphion-bearing) country (and desert Libya).

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§ 4.4.11  The inland cities of the province are the following:
Kyrene . 50°00' . 31°20'
Archile . 50°30' . 31°15'
Chairekla . 48°30' . 31°00'
Neapolis . 49°00' . 31°00'
Artamis kome . 49°45' . 31°10'
Zemythos . 49°50' . 31°30'
Barke . 49°15' . 30°45'
Eraga (or Raga) . 49°40' . 31°00'

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§ 4.4.12  Kelida . 50°30' . 30°40'
Hydra or Hydrax . 55°50' . 30°30'
Alibaka . 49°10' . 30°10'
Thintis . 50°00' . 30°15'
Kainopolis . 50°15' . 30°40'
Phalakra . 49°45' . 30°30'
Marabina . 48°00' . 30°15'
Auritina . 49°45' . 29°50'
Akabis . 50°30' . 29°40'
Maranthis kome . 47°30' . 29°20'
Agdan or Agdanos or Agaua kome . 47°45' . 29°00'
Echinos kome . 49°30' . 28°40'
Philonos kome . 51°00' . 28°40'
Arimantos kome . 51°00' . 28°55'
The islands by this country are:
Myrmex island . 48°40' . 31°50'
Laia or Aphrodite island . 50°10' . 31°50'

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§ 4.5.1  Marmarike with Libya and Egypt is bounded on the west by Cyrenaica along the line described runs from the town of Darnis southward, and by part of Interior Libya below that meridian, to the end point, the position of which is . 51°15' . 23°00'

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§ 4.5.2  on the north by the Egyptian sea. This seacoast is thus described:
In the nomes of Marmarike are:
Azilis village . 51°40' . 31°15'
Greater Chersonesos . 52°00' . 31°40'
Phthia harbor . 52°10' . 31°15'
Paliouros . 52°15' . 31°15'
Batrachos harbor . 52°30' . 31°15'
Little Petras harbor . 52°45' . 31°15'

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§ 4.5.3  Antipyrgos harbor . 53°20' . 31°15'
Skythranios harbor . 53°30' . 31°10'
Kataionion promontory . 53°45' . 31°15'
Ardanis promontory . 54°00' . 31°15'
Big Petras harbor . 54°10' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.4  Coast of the Libyan nome:
Panormos harbor . 54°20' . 31°10'
Great Katabathmos . 54°30' . 31°15'
Ainesisphyra harbor . 55°00' . 31°10'
Zygris village . 55°15' . 31°10'
Chettaia village . 55°30' . 31°10'
Zagylis village . 55°45' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.5  Selinous harbor . 56°00' . 31°10'
Trisarchou village . 56°20' . 31°05'
Apis . 56°40' . 31°05'

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§ 4.5.6  Paraitonion . 57°00' . 31°10'
Pythis promontory . 57°10' . 31°10'
Graias Gony, harbor . 57°10' . 31°05'
Kallias promontory . 57°30' . 31°10'
Gyzis or Zygis harbor . 57°40' . 31°05'
Leuke Akte . 57°50' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.7  Hermaia promontory . 58°00' . 31°15'
Phoinikos harbor . 58°20' . 31°10'
Antiphra village . 58°40' . 31°05'
Derris promontory . 58°50' . 31°10'
Leukaspis harbor . 59°00' . 31°05'
Glaukon promontory . 59°10' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.8  Coast of Mareotos nome:
Cheimo village . 59°30' . 31°05'
Plinthine . 59°45' . 31°00'

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§ 4.5.9  Lesser Chersonesos . 60°00' . 31°05'
Alexandria the metropolis of all Egypt . 60°30' . 31°00'
The metropolis of Menelaites Kanobos . 60°45' . 31°05'

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§ 4.5.10  The seven mouths of the Nile:
the Herakleotikon or Kanobic mouth . 60°50' . 31°05'
the Bolbitine mouth . 61°15' . 31°05'
the Sebennytic mouth . 61°30' . 31°05'
the Pineptimi false mouth . 61°45' . 31°05'
Diolkos false mouth . 62°10' . 31°10'
the Pathmitic mouth . 62°30' . 31°10'
the Mendesios mouth . 62°45' . 31°10'
the Tanitic mouth . 63°00' . 31°15'
the Pelousiac mouth . 63°15' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.11  Pelousion city . 63°15' . 31°10'
Gerron border . 63°30' . 31°10'

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§ 4.5.12  In Kassiotis: Kassion . 63°45' . 31°15'
Outlet of the Sirbonis lake . 63°50' . 31°15'
Ostrakine . 64°15' . 31°50'
Rhinokoroura . 64°40' . 31°50'
Anthedon . 64°50' . 51°40'

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§ 4.5.13  It is bounded on the east by part of Judaea which runs from Anthedon city to the end point at . 64°15' . 30°40'
and thence by Arabia Petraia as far as the inmost point in the Arabian Gulf at Heroon city, at . 63°30' . 29°50'
and by a part of the Arabian Gulf, described as follows:

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§ 4.5.14  After the above-mentioned inmost point of the gulf at . 63°30' . 29°50'
Arsinoe . 63°20' . 28°50'
Klysma castle . 63°20' . 28°50'
Drepanon promontory . 64°00' . 27°50'
Myos hormos . 64°15' . 26°45'
Philoteras harbor . 64°05' . 27°50'
Mt. Aias . 64°20' . 26°10'

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§ 4.5.15  Leukos harbor . 64°30' . 26°00'
Mt. Akabe . 64°30' . 25°45'
Nechesia . 64°30' . 25°30'
Mt. Samaragdos . 64°50' . 25°00'
Lepte akra . 64°40' . 23°40' a
Berenike . 64°05' . 23°50'
Mt. Pentadaktylon . 64°45' . 23°30'
Bazion promontory . 65°00' . 23°00'

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§ 4.5.16  The boundary on the south extends to the indicated end point of Interior Libya adjacent to which line is Aithiopia below Egypt.

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§ 4.5.17  The noteworthy mountains of the region are Baskisa, the midpoint of which is at . 52°20' . 30°00'
and the Anagombra mountains . 54°00' . 27°30'
Mt. Asyphos . 55°00' . 30°30'

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§ 4.5.18  Mt. Aspis . 57°30' . 30°40'
Mt. Ogdamos . 58°00' . 29°30'
Mt. Thinodes . 58°30' . 26°40'
Mt. Azar, the ends of which are at . 51°30' . 23°30'
and . 53°00' . 23°30'

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§ 4.5.19  and the Libyan mountains to the west of the Nile river, the end points of which are at . 61°00' . 29°00'
and . 60°10' . 23°30'

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§ 4.5.20  The lakes are: Kleartos lake . 52°00' . 26°20'
Lakkoi lake . 55°30' . 26°40'
Lykomedis lake . 57°00' . 24°00'
Heliou spring . 58°15' . 28°00'
Mareia lake . 60°15' . 30°50'
Moiris lake . 60°20' . 29°20'
Sirbonis lake . 64°15' . 31°00'

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§ 4.5.21  The Libyarchai, the Aneritai, and the Bassachitai occupy the northern parts of Marmarike nome, below whom are the Apotomitai; and south of these are the Augilai, at . 52°30' . 28°00'
After these are the Nasamones and the Bakatai; then the Auchitai or Auschisai and the Tapanitai, after whom the Sentides, the Obilai, then Aizaroi.

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§ 4.5.22  In the Libyan nome, the Zygritai, the Chattanoi and the Zygeis occupy the part on the sea; the Bouzeis and the Ogdaimoi the southern parts, after whom the Adyrmachidai.

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§ 4.5.23  Next is the Ammoniake country at . 55°30' . 28°00'
Next are the Anagombroi, the Iobacchoi, and the Rouaditai.

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§ 4.5.24  The maritime region of Mareotos nome is called Taineia; the interior is occupied by the Goniatai and Prosoditai, next is the Skiathike country at . 60°40' . 30°20'
and the Mastitai

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§ 4.5.25  The Nitriotai, and the Oasita dwell in the parts still further to the south, at . 59°30' . 29°30'

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§ 4.5.26  After these are Libyaegyptians. The sandy and rainless country extends along the entire south side of Marmarike and Libya.

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§ 4.5.27  The Arabaegyptian Ichthyophagoi occupy the entire seacoast along the Arabian Gulf, in which are mountain ridges, of Mt. Troikon or Troigos . 62°40' . 29°15'
Mt. Alabastrites . 63°00' . 28°00'
Mt. Porphyrites . 63°00' . 26°40'
Mt. Black Stone . 63°00' . 24°40'
and Mt. Basanites stone . 64°00' . 23°30'

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§ 4.5.28  The interior villages of Marmarike are:
Leukoe . 51°20' . 30°45'
Bocchyris or Mocchyris . 52°20' . 31°00'
Leukai Kaminoi . 53°10' . 30°50'
Menelaos . 53°40' . 31°00'
Gaphara . 54°00' . 30°25'
Masuchis . 53°30' . 30°40'
Masadalis . 51°20' . 30°30'

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§ 4.5.29  Abathuba . 51°30' . 30°00'
Leukai Napai . 52°30' . 30°15'
Takaphoris . 53°50' . 30°10'
Dioskoron or Dioskorion . 52°30' . 28°50'
Migo . 53°30' . 28°30'
Saragina . 53°15' . 28°00'
Alo . 53°15' . 28°30'
Mazakila . 54°20' . 26°30'
Billa . 54°30' . 25°40'

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§ 4.5.30  and among the Augilai and Nasamones: Augila . 52°30' . 28°00'
Place of Magros . 54°20' . 27°50'

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§ 4.5.31  The villages of the Libyan nomes are:
Tachorsa . 54°30' . 30°50'
Azikis . 55°00' . 31°00'
Nemesion . 55°30' . 30°50'
Tisarchou . 55°50' . 30°50'
Philonos . 55°50' . 30°30'
Sophanous . 56°30' . 30°50'
Bibliaphorion . 56°20' . 30°40'
Skope . 56°40' . 30°30'

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§ 4.5.32  Kalliou . 57°00' . 30°50'
Laodamantion . 57°30' . 31°00'
Small Katabathmos . 58°00' . 30°50'
Pedonia . 58°20' . 31°00'
Pnigeus . 58°30' . 30°30'
Glaukon . 59°00' . 30°30'
Toukkitora . 55°10' . 30°15'
Thanouthis . 55°40' . 29°45'
Pednopon . 57°15' . 29°40'
Klimax . 57°40' . 30°10'
Siropon . 56°20' . 28°45'
Mareotis . 58°00' . 28°20'

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§ 4.5.33  And in Ammoniake, Parembole of Alexander [camp/bivouac]. 56°30' . 28°10'
and Ammon city . 55°30' . 28°00'

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§ 4.5.34  The cities and villages of Mareotos nome are: Monokaminon . 59°10' . 30°50'
Halmyrai . 59°40' . 30°50'
Taposiris . 59°50' . 30°50'
Kobiou . 59°10' . 30°30'
Antiphilou . 59°30' . 30°20'
Hierax . 59°40' . 30°40'
Phamothis . 60°00' . 30°40'
Palaimareia village . 60°00' . 30°10'

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§ 4.5.35  And in the Skiathike country: Skiathis . 60°40' . 30°20'

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§ 4.5.36  And around Lake Moeris:
Bacchis . 60°30' . 29°40'
Dionysias . 60°30' . 29°00'

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§ 4.5.37  and in area of the Oasitai:
Small Oasis . 60°15' . 28°45'
Big Oasis . 59°30' . 26°55'

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§ 4.5.38  The Nile river itself, and the nomes about it, and the principle cities are as follows:

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§ 4.5.39  The so-called Great Delta begins where the Agathodaimon branches off from the Great river and flows through the Heracleotic mouth into the so-called Boubastiakos, which flows out through the Pelusiac mouth. The position of the fork of the delta is . 62°00' . 30°00'

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§ 4.5.40  The so-called Little Delta is where the Boubastiakos river splits into the Bousiritikos river, which flows out through the Pathmitic mouth, position of which is . 62°40' . 30°20'

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§ 4.5.41  One might even mention a third delta somehow between the two aforementioned, where the Boubastiakos forks into the one that flows through Athribis city and the Pineptimi mouth. This is at . 62°15' . 30°05'

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§ 4.5.42  At the Great Delta two rivers branch off toward the north from the river Agathodaimon; the first is called the Thermouthiakos or Phermouthiakos river, which flows out through the Sebennytic mouth; its fork is at . 61°30' . 30°15'

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§ 4.5.43  Second is the so-called Taly river, which flows through the Bolbitic mouth; the branching of the Taly river is at . 61°00' . 30°50'

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§ 4.5.44  The Boutikos river which runs along at a nearly equal distance from the seacoast joins the Thermouthiakos, the Athribitikos, the Bousiritikos and the Boubastiakos, from which others springing from adjacent marshes and lakes flow into the sea through the remaining mouths, some of which are connected, as we have said, with the Great river.

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§ 4.5.45  The area around these rivers is commonly called the Low Country, with the following nomes and cities:

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§ 4.5.46  West of the Great river starting from the sea, in the nome and metropolis of Alexandria:
Little Hermoupolis . 61°00' . 30°50'
In the Andropolitis nome, the metropolis Andron city . 61°20' . 30°20'
In the Letopolitis nome, metropolis Letous city, inland . 61°30' . 30°05'

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§ 4.5.47  Between the Great river and the river Taly, from west of the Great river:
Metelitis nome, and metropolis Metelis . 61°00' . 31°00'

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§ 4.5.48  Between the Great river and the Thermouthiakos river these cities: In Phthenote nome, metropolis Boutos . 61°20' . 30°45'
Kabasitis nome, metropolis Kabasa . 61°30' . 30°40'
Saitis nome, metropolis Sais . 61°30' . 30°30'

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§ 4.5.49  And toward the Great river from the west, Naukratis city . 61°15' . 30°30'
From the east toward the Great river, Prosopitis nome and metropolis Nikiou . 61°30' . 30°20'

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§ 4.5.50  Between the Thermouthiakos and the Athribitikos rivers are:
Sebennytes of the Low Places and its metropolis Pachnamounis . 61°40' . 31°00'
Xoitis nome, and metropolis Xois . 61°40' . 30°35'
Phthemphouthi nome and metropolis Tava . 61°40' . 30°25'

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§ 4.5.51  Between the Athribitikos and the Bousiritikos rivers:
Onouphites nome and its metropolis Onouphis . 62°05' . 30°40'
Athribites nome and its metropolis: Athribis . 62°00' . 30°30'
Mendesios nome and its metropolis Thmouis . 62°20' . 30°50'
Sebennytes of the Upper Places, and metropolis Sebennotos . 62°20' . 30°20'
Bousirites nome and its metropolis Bousiris . 62°30' . 30°15'
Leontopolites nome and metropolis Leontopolis . 62°15' . 30°35'

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§ 4.5.52  Between the Bousiritikos river and the Boubastiakos river, Neout or Nesog nome, and metropolis Panephysis . 62°40' . 31°05'
Tanites nome, and metropolis Tanis . 62°45' . 32°50'
Pharbaithites nome, and metropolis Pharbaithos . 62°45' . 32°30'

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§ 4.5.53  From the east of the Boubastikos river is Sethroites nome, and metropolis Little Herakleous city . 63°20' . 31°00'
Arabia nome and metropolis Phakoussa . 63°10' . 30°50'
Boubastites nome, and metropolis Boubastos . 63°05' . 30°40'
Heliopolites nome and metropolis Heliou or Oniu . 62°30' . 30°10'

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§ 4.5.54  And in the border area of Arabia and Aphroditopolis, Babylon . 62°15' . 30°00'
Heliopolis . 62°30' . 29°50'
Heroon city . 63°10' . 30°00'
through which, as well as through the city Babylon, flows the Traianos river.

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§ 4.5.55  The area further south from the Great Delta and the Low Country is called the Seven Nomes or Heptanomis; the first nome from west of the river is Memphites, and its metropolis Memphis . 61°50' . 29°50'
And similarly from west of the river inland, the town Akanthon . 61°40' . 29°40'

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§ 4.5.56  Then a place where the river divides, making the Heracleopolites nome an island and on this island Nilopolis inland . 62°00' . 29°30'

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§ 4.5.57  And the metropolis toward the more westerly section of the river, Great Herakleous city [Heracleopolis] 61°50' . 29°10'
From west of the island the Arsinoites nome and its metropolis inland, Arsinoe . 61°40' . 29°30'
and Ptolemais anchorage . 61°40' . 29°20'
From the east of the island, Aphroditopolites nome and its metropolis Aphrodites city . 62°15' . 29°40'
Then likewise from the east of the island, Ankyron city . 62°20' . 29°20'

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§ 4.5.58  The rivers which form the island reunite at . 62°00' . 28°45'

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§ 4.5.59  Adjoining from the west of the river is the Oxyrynchites nome and the inland metropolis Oxyrynchos . 61°40' . 28°50'
Then likewise the Kynopolites nome and the metropolis from west of the river, Ko . 61°50' . 28°40'
Opposite which on the island lies Kynon city [Kynopolis] 62°10' . 28°40'
and then in series from the east bank of the river, Akoris . 62°00' . 28°30'
in the interior, Alabastron . 62°30' . 28°20'

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§ 4.5.60  Then the Hermopolites nome, and its metropolis, from west of the river inland, Great Hermoupolis . 61°40' . 28°25'
and lying by the west bank of the river is Phylakai . 61°50' . 28°15'

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§ 4.5.61  From east of the river Antinoites nome and its metropolis Antinoou city [Antinoupolis] 62°05' . 28°10'
To which nomes are appended the two Oasite.

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§ 4.5.62  The area further south from the Seven Nomes is called the Thebaid and the Upper Places.

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§ 4.5.63  There, from west of the river, are the Lykopolites nome and its inland metropolis Lykon city . 61°45' . 28°00'

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§ 4.5.64  The Hypselites nome, and its metropolis Hypsele . 62°00' . 27°50'

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§ 4.5.65  The Aphroditopolites nome and its inland metropolis Aphrodites city . 61°20' . 27°40'
Krokodeilon city . 61°40' . 27°20'

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§ 4.5.66  The Thinites nome and its metropolis Ptolemais or Hermeiou . 61°50' . 27°10'
then inland, likewise west from the river, Abydos . 61°40' . 26°50'

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§ 4.5.67  The Diopolites nome of the Upper Places and its metropolis Little Diospolis . 61°50' . 26°40'

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§ 4.5.68  The Tentyrites nome, and metropolis Tentyra . 61°50' . 26°10'
and an inland village Pampanis . 61°30' . 25°45'

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§ 4.5.69  Next Memnon and in the interior the village Tathyris . 61°30' . 25°30'

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§ 4.5.70  The Hermonthites nome and its metropolis Hermonthis or Hermouthis . 61°50' . 25°20'
and next Laton city . 61°45' . 25°00'
then Large Apollonos city . 61°50' . 24°40'
then the inland village Phonthis . 61°40' . 24°20'
and the island Elephantine . 61°30' . 23°55'

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§ 4.5.71  From east of the river: Antaiopolites nome and its inland metropolis Antaiou city . 62°20' . 27°40'
and next Passalos . 62°10' . 27°30'

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§ 4.5.72  Panopolites nome and its metropolis Panopolis . 62°00' . 27°20'
next, Lepidoton city . 62°00' . 26°50'
then Chenoboskia . 62°00' . 26°30'
next, Kaine city . 62°10' . 26°20'

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§ 4.5.73  The Koptites nome and inland metropolis Koptos city . 62°30' . 26°00'
next, the smaller Apollonos city . 62°30' . 25°55'
The Theban nome and metropolis, Greater Dios city . 62°00' . 25°30'
then Touphion . 62°00' . 25°20'
then Chnoubis . 62°00' . 25°00'
then Eilethyias city . 62°05' . 24°45'
then Toou inland . 62°15' . 24°20'
then Omboi or Ombroi . 62°00' . 24°05'
then Syene . 62°00' . 23°50'

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§ 4.5.74  Then Dodekaschoinos, east of which are the Arabs called Aidaioi, east of the river after the Lesser Cataract, which is at . 61°50' . 23°45'
Hiera Sykaminos . 61°45' . 23°40'
Philai . 61°40' . 23°20'
Metakompso . 61°40' . 23°05'
Opposite which, on the west bank of the river, Pselkis . 61°30' . 23°05'

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§ 4.5.75  The islands lying near Libya and Egypt: in the Egyptian sea,
Aedonis island . 52°40' . 31°50'
Tyndarian lookouts, three islands, 55°50' . 31°30'
Aenesippa island . 56°30' . 31°40'
Phokoussai, two islands . 56°50' . 31°30'
Pedonia island . 58°30' . 31°30'

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§ 4.5.76  Didymai, two islands . 60°00' . 31°30'
Pharos island . 60°20' . 31°05'

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§ 4.5.77  In the Arabian bay are these islands:
Sappeirene or Saspaeirene island . 64°50' . 28°00'
Aphrodites island . 65°15' . 25°00'
Agathonos island . 65°15' . 23°40'

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§ 4.7.1  Ethiopia and Egypt
Ethiopia below Egypt is bounded on the north by Libya and Egypt on the lines indicated;

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§ 4.7.2  West by a part of Interior Libya along the meridian extending from Darnis to the southern limit of Libya, which is located at . 51°15' . 3°10' S

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§ 4.7.3  on the south by the line leading from this limit point along the remaining part of the Ethiopian interior to the Rhaptum promontory, which is located in . 73°50' . 8°25' S

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§ 4.7.4  It is bounded on the east by the rest of the Arabian Gulf and then by the Red Sea, and the Barbarian Sea up to the Rhaptum promontory, for which the description of the coast is the following:

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§ 4.7.5  After the Bazion promontory referred to above:
Prionoton mountain . 65°00' . 22°30'
Chersonesos . 65°00' . 22°00'
Mnemeion promontory . 65°30' . 21°30'
Ision mountain . 65°30' . 21°20'
Deep harbor . 65°00' . 21°10'
Dioskoroi harbor . 65°00' . 21°00'
Lookout of Demeter promontory . 65°20' . 20°15'

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§ 4.7.6  Aspis promontory . 65°30' . 19°45'
Diogenes promontory . 65°40' . 19°40'
Satyron mountains . 65°40' . 19°00'
Monodaktylos mountains . 65°30' . 18°30'
Gauron mountain . 65°40' . 18°00'
Harbor of the Saviour Gods . 65°30' . 17°30'
Evangelon harbor . 65°45' . 17°00'

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§ 4.7.7  Ptolemais Therai (hunts) . 66°00' . 16°25'
Sabastikon mouth . 67°00' . 15°00'
Great coast . 66°00' . 14°15'
Altar of Eros promontory . 66°30' . 16°00'
Colobon mountain, promontory . 68°00' . 13°40'

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§ 4.7.8  And in the Adulitic Bay,
Sabat city . 68°00' . 12°30'
Mountainous peninsula . 68°00' . 12°10'
Adulis or Adule . 67°00' . 11°40'
Krouos or Kronos promontory . 68°00' . 11°40'
Antiphili harbor . 72°00' . 10°15'
Mandaith kome . 73°15' . 10°20'
Arsinoe . 73°45' . 10°40'

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§ 4.7.9  After the strait in the Red Sea,
Dere (or Deire) city in the promontory . 74°30' . 11°00'

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§ 4.7.10  Then in Avalite Bay,
Avalites trading post . 74°00' . 8°25'
Malao trading post . 75°00' . 6°30'
Mondou trading post . 78°00' . 7°00'
Mosylon promontory and trading post . 79°00' . 9°00'
Kobe trading post . 80°00' . 8°00'
Elephas mountain . 81°00' . 7°30'
Akkannai trading post . 82°00' . 7°00'
Aromata promontory and trading post . 83°00' . 6°00'

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§ 4.7.11  In the Barbarian Bay,
Pano village . 82°00' . 5°00'
Opone trading post . 81°00' . 4°15'
Zingis promontory . 81°00' . 3°30'
Phalangis mountain . 80°00' . 3°30'
Apokopa . 70°00' . 3°00'
South horn promontory . 79°00' . 1°00'
Small shore . 78°00' . 1°00' S
Great shore . 76°00' . 2°00' S
Essina trading post . 73°30' . 3°30' S
Sarapionis harbor and promontory . 74°00' . 3°00' S
Tonike trading post . 73°00' . 4°15' S

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§ 4.7.12  mouth of the Rhaptus river . 72°30' . 7°00' S
Rhapta, metropolis of Barbaria, a short distance from the sea . 71°00' . 7°00' S
Rhapton promontory . 73°50' . 8°25' S

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§ 4.7.13  The remaining part of the Nile, after the Great Cataract, is described as follows through the names of the villages adjacent to it:

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§ 4.7.14  After Pselkis and the Lesser Cataract, the location of which is . 60°30' . 22°30'

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§ 4.7.15  on the west bank of the river are the komai
Tasitia . 60°30' . 22°00'
Boon . 62°00' . 21°40'
Autoba . 61°30' . 21°30'
Phthouri . 61°15' . 21°20'
Pistre . 61°00' . 20°40'
Ptemythis . 61°00' . 20°15'

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§ 4.7.16  Abounkis . 59°30' . 20°00'
Kambyses' counting house . 59°00' . 18°00'
Erchoas . 59°30' . 18°00'

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§ 4.7.17  Satachthai . 60°30' . 18°00'
Morou . 61°30' . 18°40'
Nakis . 62°00' . 19°30'
Tathis . 61°00' . 17°00'

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§ 4.7.18  On the east bank of the river are the komai Pnoups . 62°00' . 22°00'
Berethis . 62°00' . 21°30'
Gerbo . 62°00' . 21°00'
Pataita . 61°40' . 20°30'
Pontyris . 61°00' . 20°00'

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§ 4.7.19  Primis Minor . 60°00' . 19°30'
Arbis . 60°30' . 18°30'
Napata (or Naggata) . 63°00' . 20°15'
Sakole . 63°00' . 19°30'
Sandake . 63°00' . 18°30'
Orbadarou . 62°40' . 18°00'
Primis the larger . 62°00' . 17°00'

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§ 4.7.20  Here Meroe region is made an island by the Nile River on the west and the Astaboras river on the east, in which are the following cities:

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§ 4.7.21  Meroe . 61°30' . 16°25'
Sakolche . 61°40' . 15°15'
Eser . 61°40' . 13°30'
Daron kome . 62°00' . 12°30'

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§ 4.7.22  The junction of the river Nile and the river Astapos . 61°00' . 12°00'
Then the junction of the river Astaboras and the Astapos . 62°30' . 11°30'

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§ 4.7.23  Where the Nile river becomes one thru the union of rivers which flow from the following two lakes . 60°00' . 2°00'

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§ 4.7.24  The more western of the lakes . 57°00' . 6°00' S
the more eastern lake . 65°00' . 7°00' S
Lake Koloe, from which flows the Astapos river . 69°00' . equator

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§ 4.7.25  The cities away from the river in the interior are:
Auxoume, with a royal palace . 65°00' . 11°00'
Koloe city . 69°00' . 4°15'
Maste city . 65°00' . 4°15'

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§ 4.7.26  The notable mountains in this region west of the Nile river, extending along the entire Nile, which are commonly called the Ethiopian mountains,
the position of which is . 55°00' . 23°00'
and . 55°00' . 8°30'
The mountain to the east of the Nile is called Garbaton,
the midpoint of which is in . 69°00' . 6°00'
and Elephas mountain . 78°00' . 5°30'
and beside the lakes the so-called Pylaian mountains . 65°00' . equator
and Maste mountain . 68°00' . 5°00'

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§ 4.7.27  The coast all along the Arabian Gulf and the Avalites gulf is called Troglodytike as far as the Elephas mountain, in which region are the Adulitae, and the Avalitae near the gulfs with the same name, and the Mosyli above the promontory with a market place of this name. The entire seacoast to the Rhapton promontory is called Azania; the interior region is called Barbaria, in which there are many elephants.
The Kolobi occupy that part of the region toward the east from the river which is near the Bazium promontory; next to these toward the south are the Tabieni; then the Sirtibes; next to these are the Attiri; then the Babylleni and the Rhizophagi; then the Axoumitai and the Sobridai; next the Molibae, the Megabardi, and the Nubai toward the west from the Avalitai; then below the Molibai are the Blemyes; below whom are the Dedakai, and the Pechini between the river Astapos and the Garbaton mountain; from whom toward the west are the Strouthophagi Ethiopians; toward the south from the mountain are the Katadrai and the Myrrhifera land stretching up to Lake Koloe, after which are the Mastitai to the lake of the Nile.
To the west, from this part of the Nile river, those occupy the land after the Greater Cataract, who pasture the Triacontaschoenus region between the Ethiopian mountains and the Nile river, after these toward the south are the Euonymitai; then Middle Ethiopia and the Sebridai; these races also inhabit the island of Meroe, and below them are the Gapachi; below these the Ptoemphanai, and below these the Kadoupi; next to these are the Elephantophagi Ethiopians; below these the Pesendarai, and beyond the lake the Cinnamon-bearing land; moreover between the Nile and the Astapos river, toward the island of Meroe, are the Memnones and more to the south are the Sapaei. In the remaining parts of the land toward the west from the Ethiopian mountains next to the sandy and dry region dwell the Phazaniai and the Bakalitides races; then the Skenitai and the Tralletai, after these the race of the Daradi; then the Orypaii Hunters next to these the Nygbenitai Ethiopians.
The following islands are near Ethiopia below Egypt in the Arabian Gulf:
Astarta island . 66°00' . 22°30'
Altar of Athena island . 66°10' . 21°30'
Gypsitis island . 67°00' . 19°40'
two islands of Gomadean . 67°30' . 19°00'
Myronis island . 67°00' . 18°00'
Catathra or Chelonitides islands, two in number . 68°00' . 17°30'
Orisitides, two islands . 67°30' . 17°00'
Magorum island . 68°00' . 16°00'
Daphnine island . 68°30' . 15°20'
Acanthine island . 68°30' . 15°00'
Macaria island . 68°30' . 14°00'
Avium island . 69°00' . 14°00'
the Bacchi and Antibacchi . 69°30' . 13°15'
Panis island . 68°40' . 12°00'
Diodori island . 70°00' . 12°30'
Isidis island . 70°00' . 11°30'
In the Bay of Avalites is Mondi island . 77°00' . 8°30'
Next to Aromata are these islands:
Amici island . 85°00' . 4°00'
the two Menae islands . 84°00' . 2°30'
Myrike island . 83°30' . 1°00'
Then to the east of these islands is the sea called Hippalon near which is the Indian Sea.

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§ 5.1.1  Pontos and Bithynia is bounded on the west by the mouth of the Pontos, the so-called Thracian Bosporos, and by a part of the Propontis. The maritime coast is thus described:

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§ 5.1.2  The promontory of Bithynia at the mouth of the Pontos, on which are:
Hieron of Artemis . 56°25' . 43°20'
Chalkedon . 56°05' . 43°05'
Akritas promontory . 56°30' . 42°55'
Trarion . 56°50' . 42°45'

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§ 5.1.3  Astakos . 57°20' . 42°30'
Olbia . 57°00' . 42°30'
Nikomedeia . 57°30' . 42°30'

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§ 5.1.4  Posideion promontory . 56°10' . 42°25'
mouth of the Askanios river . 56°45' . 42°15'
Askania lake . 56°45' . 42°00'
Prousias . 56°40' . 42°05'
Daskylion . 56°35' . 41°55'
Apameia . 56°40' . 41°55'
mouth of the Ryndakos river . 56°20' . 41°45'
river sources . 57°00' . 40°30'

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§ 5.1.5  On the north it is bounded by a part of the Euxine Pontos, which is thus described: after the mouth of the Pontos and the sanctuary of Artemis
Bithynian promontory . 56°45' . 43°20'
Artake kome . 57°00' . 43°05'
mouth of the Psyllis and Reba river . 57°15' . 43°20'
mouth of the Kalpas river . 57°40' . 43°05'

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§ 5.1.6  mouth of the Sangarios river . 58°00' . 42°45'
first turn of the river . 57°30' . 42°00'
second turn . 61°20' . 42°00'
third turn . 58°45' . 41°00'
river sources . 60°50' . 40°50'

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§ 5.1.7  mouth of the Hyppios river . 58°40' . 42°45'
mouth of the Elata river . 58°50' . 43°00'
Diospolis . 58°45' . 43°20'
Herakleia on the Pontos . 59°00' . 43°30'
Psylleion . 59°30' . 43°30'
Tion . 60°00' . 43°30'
mouth of the Parthenios river . 60°15' . 43°30'
river sources . 62°30' . 43°30'
Kromna . 60°35' . 43°35'
Kytoron . 60°45' . 43°35'

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§ 5.1.8  On the south it is bounded by Asia proper, along the line from the Ryndakos river to the point at . 61°00' . 41°15'

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§ 5.1.9  On the east it is bounded by Galatia by Paphlagonia along the line leading from the mentioned point, i.e. . 61°00' . 31°15'
at the city Kytoron of the Pontos . 61°00' . 33°45'

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§ 5.1.10  The most noted mountains in this region are Orminion the midpoint of which is at . 59°40' . 42°40'
and the Mysian Olympos mountain . 57°00' . 41°30'

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§ 5.1.11  The Chalkedonians occupy the coast from the mouth of the Pontos to the river Hyppios; the Mariandyni from Herakleia as far as Kytoron city; beneath Mount Orminion are the Kaukones or Kyklones;

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§ 5.1.12  The Timonitis region is below the Chalkedonians, and below this Bogdomanis region, from which toward the east the Zygianoi.

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§ 5.1.13  The following are the inland cities:
Libyssa . 57°15' . 42°45'
Eriboia . 57°10' . 42°20'
Gallika . 57°45' . 42°25'
Pataouion . 57°45' . 42°00'
Prousa by the Hyppios river . 58°30' . 42°35'
Dedakana . 59°00' . 42°25'
Protomakrai . 58°45' . 42°00'
Klaudiopolis or Bithynion . 59°20' . 42°45'

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§ 5.1.14  Flaviopolis or Krateiaa . 60°00' . 43°00'
Timaia . 59°45' . 42°20'
Klitai . 60°30' . 43°00'
Lataneia . 60°35' . 42°30'
Nikaia . 57°00' . 41°55'
Kaisareia or Smyraleia or Smyrdiane . 56°40' . 41°40'
Prousa near Mount Olympos . 57°00' . 41°40'
Agrilion . 57°30' . 41°40'
Dableis . 58°40' . 41°40'
Dadastana . 59°30' . 41°45'
Iouliopolis . 60°10' . 42°00'

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§ 5.1.15  the islands lying off this country are, the easternmost of the Kyaneans, at . 56°30' . 43°25'
Thynias and Daphnousia . 57°40' . 43°20'
and the Erythinoi lookouts, islands . 58°30' . 43°15'

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§ 5.2.1  Asia proper is bounded on the north by Bithynia along the line we have designated; on the west by the remaining part of the Propontis and the Hellespont and by the Aegean, the Ikarian, and the Myrtoon seas, following this description of the coast.

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§ 5.2.2  In the Propontis of Lesser Mysia on the Hellespont,
Kyzikos . 56°00' . 41°30'
mouth of the Aisepos river . 56°00' . 41°20'
Parion . 55°35' . 41°25'
mouth of the Grenios or Grenikos river . 55°50' . 41°30'
Lampsakos . 55°00' . 41°25'

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§ 5.2.3  on the Hellespont:
Abydos . 55°20' . 41°15'
mouth of the Simoeis river . 55°20' . 41°10'
Dardanon . 55°15' . 41°05'
mouth of the Skamander river . 55°15' . 41°00'
Sigeion promontory . 55°10' . 41°00'

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§ 5.2.4  In the Aegean Sea, of Phrygia Minor or Troas,
Alexandria Troas . 55°25' . 40°40'
Lekton promontory . 55°25' . 40°25'
Assos . 56°00' . 40°15'
Of greater Mysia

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§ 5.2.5  Iarganon . 56°10' . 40°20'
Palaiskepsis . 56°15' . 40°30'
Antandros . 56°30' . 40°20'
Adramyttion . 56°30' . 40°00'
Poroselene . 56°30' . 39°45'
mouth of the Kaikos river . 56°30' . 39°35'
river sources . 58°00' . 40°30'
In Aiolis:

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§ 5.2.6  Kaine promontory . 56°15' . 39°30'
Pitane; the river Euenos flows around it . 56°30' . 39°15'
Elaia . 57°00' . 39°25'
Myrina . 57°15' . 39°15'
Hydra promontory . 57°00' . 39°05'
Kyme . 57°20' . 39°00'
Phokaia . 57°10' . 38°50'
mouth of the Hermos river . 57°30' . 38°45'
where the Hermos and the Paktolos rivers unite . 58°10' . 39°20'
sources of the Hermos river . 60°00' . 40°00'
sources of the Paktolos river . 59°00' . 39°00'

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§ 5.2.7  In Ionia:
Smyrna . 57°40' . 38°35'
Klazomenai . 57°00' . 38°35'
Argennon promontory . 56°30' . 38°25'
on the Ikarian sea
Erythrai . 56°40' . 38°35'
Teos . 57°10' . 38°25'
Lebedos . 57°30' . 38°20'
Kolophon . 57°40' . 38°00'
mouth of the Kayster river . 57°45' . 37°50'
river sources . 60°15' . 39°20'

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§ 5.2.8  Ephesos . 57°40' . 37°40'
Trogilion promontory . 57°10' . 37°40'
mouth of the Maiandros river . 57°40' . 37°30'
where the Lykos river unites with it . 59°00' . 38°40'
sources of the Maiandros . 62°30' . 39°30'
sources of the Lykos . 60°00' . 37°45'

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§ 5.2.9  In Karia by the Myrtoon sea:
Pyrra . 57°50' . 37°10'
Herakleia by Latmos . 58°00' . 37°10'
Miletos . 58°00' . 37°00'
Iassos . 57°30' . 36°50'
Bargylia . 57°40' . 36°40'
Myndos . 57°40' . 36°25'

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§ 5.2.10  In Doris:
Skopia promontory . 57°20' . 36°25'
Halikarnassos . 57°50' . 36°10'
Keramos . 57°00' . 37°00'
Knidos city and promontory . 56°15' . 36°00'

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§ 5.2.11  On the south by the Rhodian sea, with Onugnathos promontory . 56°40' . 35°50'
Loryma . 57°20' . 35°35'
Kresso harbor . 57°40' . 36°00'
Phoenix kome . 58°00' . 36°10'
Phouska . 58°15' . 36°10'
mouth of the Kalbis river . 58°45' . 36°05'
Kaunos . 59°10' . 36°00'

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§ 5.2.12  On the east by Lykia, from the point after Kaunos to . 59°30' . 37°50'
From which and to the south it is bounded by Milyas city of Lykia to the limit point at . 61°00' . 37°50'
and by Pamphylia along a line from the indicated limit until . 61°20' . 38°35'
and by Galatia along the line this side of the common limit of Bithynia, which bulges to the east in the middle, where the location of the bulge is . 62°15' . 39°15'

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§ 5.2.13  These are the named mountains in Asia, of which the central points are:
Mt. Ida . 56°00' . 41°00'
Kimaion or Kimon mountain . 56°00' . 40°40'
Temnon mountain . 57°40' . 40°30'
western parts of Didymos . 61°00' . 40°40'
eastern parts of Didymos . 62°00' . 41°20'
Sipylos mountain . 59°00' . 39°30'
Tmolos mountain . 58°00' . 38°30'
and Misetis (Mesites, Mesotes, Mesogis) mountain . 58°40' . 38°40'
Mykale mountain . 58°00' . 37°40'
Kadmos mountain . 59°40' . 37°40'
Mimas mountain . 57°30' . 38°30'
Phoenix mountain . 58°00' . 36°30'

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§ 5.2.14  The interior cities of Mysia Minor in Hellespontika:
Skepsis . 56°30' . 41°00'
Hiera Germe . 56°15' . 41°15'
The inland city of Phrygia Minor or Troas is Ilion . 55°20' . 41°00'
In the interior of Greater Mysia are:
Dagouta . 57°30' . 41°20'
Apollonia on the Ryndakos river . 57°00' . 41°15'
Traianopolis . 56°40' . 40°15'
Alydda . 57°30' . 40°15'
Prepenissos . 56°50' . 40°25'
Pergamos . 57°25' . 39°45'

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§ 5.2.15  And demes further north are the Olympeni, to the west the Trimenothouritai, whose city is Traianopolis; further south are the Pentademitai; and the people in between are the Mysomakedones.

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§ 5.2.16  Cities of Lydia and Maionia:
Perpere (or Permere) . 57°50' . 40°00'
Mostenoi . 58°00' . 39°55'
Hierokaisareia . 57°15' . 39°30'
Nakrasa . 58°20' . 39°30'
Thyateira metropolis . 58°00' . 39°30'
Magnesia near Sipylos . 58°40' . 39°10'
Iouliogordos . 59°00' . 39°55'
Aigara . 57°50' . 38°50'
Hypaipa . 58°00' . 38°25'

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§ 5.2.17  Sardeis . 58°20' . 38°45'
Philadelpheia . 59°00' . 38°50'
Dios hieron . 59°40' . 38°55'
Metropolis . 58°00' . 38°00'

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§ 5.2.18  In Karia:
Tripolis . 59°30' . 38°30'
Laodikeia on the Lykos . 59°45' . 38°20'
Antiocheia on the Maiandros . 59°10' . 38°30'
Itoana . 59°15' . 38°25'
Trapezopolis . 59°30' . 38°15'
Nyssa . 59°00' . 38°15'
Aphrodisias . 59°20' . 38°10'

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§ 5.2.19  Tralleis . 58°40' . 38°05'
Magnesia on the Maiandros . 58°30' . 37°50'
Apollonia by Albanos . 59°25' . 37°55'
Herakleia by Albanos . 59°30' . 37°55'
Priene . 58°00' . 37°25'
Harpasa . 58°25' . 37°35'
Orthosia . 59°00' . 37°35'
Neapolis . 59°25' . 37°35'
Bargasa . 58°20' . 37°25'
Amyzon . 58°15' . 37°10'
Alabanda . 58°40' . 37°20'

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§ 5.2.20  Stratonike . 59°00' . 37°10'
Alinda . 59°10' . 36°50'
Adessos . 58°00' . 36°15'
Mylassa . 58°20' . 36°30'
Hydissa . 58°30' . 36°30'
Idymos . 59°00' . 36°35'
Thera . 59°00' . 36°15'
Pystos . 59°00' . 36°00'
and the Erizenia demos near Phrygia

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§ 5.2.21  In Maionia on the border with Mysia, Lydia and Phrygia,
Settai or Saettai . 58°10' . 40°15'
Dadaleis . 58°00' . 40°20'
Kadoi . 58°30' . 40°25'

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§ 5.2.22  Cities of Greater Phrygia:
Synnaos . 58°00' . 41°15'
Dorylleion or Dorylaeion . 58°15' . 41°20'
Midaion or Midaeion . 59°30' . 41°20'
Trikomia . 60°00' . 41°10'
Ankyra of Phrygia . 58°20' . 41°10'
Nakoleia . 59°00' . 41°00'
Tribanta . 59°40' . 40°35'

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§ 5.2.23  Diokleia . 60°00' . 40°55'
Amorion . 60°30' . 41°15'
Abrostola . 60°30' . 40°50'
Kotyaeion . 58°40' . 40°40'
Azanoi or Aizanis . 59°00' . 40°20'
Konna . 59°15' . 40°30'
Lysias . 59°50' . 40°30'
Kerkopia . 59°25' . 40°15'

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§ 5.2.24  Eukarpia . 60°00' . 40°05'
Prymnesia . 60°20' . 40°20'
Dokimaion . 60°15' . 40°30'
Synada . 60°50' . 40°05'
Gamboua or Gammaousa . 61°15' . 40°40'
Melitara . 61°30' . 40°20'
Iouliopolis . 61°30' . 40°10'
Akmonia . 59°50' . 39°20'

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§ 5.2.25  Eumenia . 60°10' . 39°50'
Drouzon . 60°20' . 39°55'
Tiberioupolis . 60°15' . 39°30'
Bleandros . 60°30' . 39°10'
Stektorion . 61°00' . 39°15'
Silbion . 61°40' . 39°15'
Philomelion . 62°15' . 39°20'
Peltai . 62°20' . 39°10'
Metropolis . 61°15' . 39°25'
Apameia Kibotos . 61°10' . 38°55'

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§ 5.2.26  Hierapolis . 60°00' . 38°15'
Kibyra . 60°10' . 38°35'
Diokaisarea . 61°00' . 38°35'
Sanis . 61°00' . 38°30'
Themisonion . 60°10' . 38°10'
Phylakeion (or Pylakaion) . 60°20' . 38°20'
Sala . 60°15' . 38°20'
Gazena . 60°40' . 38°00'

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§ 5.2.27  The demes near Lykia are the Lykaones and the Themisonioi; near Bithynia are the Mokkadeni and the Kydisseis; below these are the Peltenoi (or Spiltenoi); then the Moxianoi; then the Phylakensioi, below whom are the Hierapolitai.

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§ 5.2.28  The islands: lying off Asia toward the Hellespont is Tenedos island with a city of the same name . 55°00' . 40°55'

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§ 5.2.29  In the Aegean sea Lesbos, an Aiolian island, described as follows:
Sigrion promontory . 55°00' . 40°00'
Pyrrha . 55°15' . 39°40'
Eressos . 55°25' . 39°30'
Mania promontory . 56°00' . 39°25'
Mytilene . 55°40' . 39°40'
Argeno promontory . 55°40' . 39°50'
Methymna . 55°25' . 40°25'
Antissa . 55°15' . 40°20'

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§ 5.2.30  Islands in the Ikarian sea:
Ikaros island . 56°45' . 37°20'
Myndos . 57°40' . 36°25'
Chios city . 56°20' . 38°35'
Phanaia promontory . 56°20' . 38°15'
Poseidion . 56°25' . 38°25'
Samos island and city . 57°00' . 37°35'
Ampelos promontory . 56°30' . 37°30'

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§ 5.2.31  In the Myrtoon sea, islands, and cities of Amourgos:
Arkesine . 56°00' . 37°00'
Begialis . 56°10' . 36°50'
Minuia . 55°50' . 36°50'
city of Kos island . 55°40' . 36°25'
city of Astypalaia island . 55°40' . 36°25'

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§ 5.2.32  Islands in the Rhodian and Karpathian seas
Syme island . 56°40' . 35°40'
city of Kasos island . 56°30' . 35°15'

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§ 5.2.33  Description of Karpathos:
Thoantion promontory . 57°00' . 35°20'
Ephialtion promontory . 57°20' . 35°20'
Poseidion city . 57°20' . 35°25'
Description of Rhodes island:
Panos promontory . 58°00' . 35°55'
Kameiros . 58°20' . 35°15'
Lindos . 58°40' . 36°00'
Ielyssos . 58°20' . 36°00'

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§ 5.3.1  Lykia is bounded on the west and north by Asia along the line mentioned; on the east by part of Pamphylia along the line leading from the limit of Asia through the Masikytos mountain, as far as the sea at . 61°50' . 36°30'
on the south by the Lykian sea, of which the following is a description of the coast:

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§ 5.3.2  after Kaunos
Kalinda . 59°20' . 35°55'
Chydai or Lydai . 59°40' . 35°55'
Karya . 59°50' . 35°55'
Daidala place . 60°00' . 35°55'
Telmessos . 60°10' . 35°55'
mouth of the Xanthos river . 60°20' . 36°00'
river sources . 60°00' . 37°40'

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§ 5.3.3  Patara . 60°30' . 36°00'
Antiphellos . 60°30' . 36°20'
Andriake . 61°00' . 36°20'
mouth of the Limyros river . 61°00' . 36°20'
Apirai or Aperrai . 61°10' . 36°25'
Hiera promontory . 61°30' . 36°15'
Olympos city . 61°40' . 36°15'
Phaselis . 61°50' . 36°25'

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§ 5.3.4  Kragos mountain midpoint . 60°00' . 36°40'

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§ 5.3.5  The inland cities in Lykia, near Kragos mountain:
Kydna . 59°30' . 37°10'
Symbra . 59°40' . 36°50'
Oktapolis . 59°35' . 36°35'
Komba . 59°50' . 36°30'
Sidyma . 59°50' . 36°40'
Pinara . 59°50' . 36°25'
Araxa . 59°50' . 36°05'
Tlos . 60°15' . 36°30'
Xanthos . 60°15' . 36°10'

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§ 5.3.6  and near Masikytos mountain:
Korydalla . 60°15' . 36°50'
Sagalassos . 60°40' . 36°55'
Rodia . 61°00' . 36°45'
Trebenda . 61°10' . 37°15'
Phellos . 60°35' . 36°30'
Myra . 61°00' . 36°40'
Limyra . 61°05' . 36°35'

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§ 5.3.7  Of Milyas:
Podalaia . 60°00' . 37°30'
Nysa . 60°00' . 37°15'
Choma . 60°20' . 37°20'
Kondyka . 60°40' . 37°10'

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§ 5.3.8  Of Kabalia
Boubon . 60°20' . 37°40'
Oineanda . 61°00' . 37°40'
Balboura . 60°40' . 37°30'

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§ 5.3.9  Islands off Lykia:
Megiste . 60°40' . 35°45'
Dolichiste . 61°15' . 35°45'
Chelidoniai lookouts . 61°30' . 36°00'

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§ 5.4.1  Galatia is bounded on the west by Bithynia and part of Asia along the line described; on the south by Pamphylia from the limit of Asia indicated to another on this same parallel at . 64°15' . 38°35'
on the east by the part of Kappadokia which extends from this point to the shore of Pontos, at . 65°10' . 43°10'
on the north by a part of Pontos, described as follows:

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§ 5.4.2  After Kytoron city on the shore:
Klimax village . 61°10' . 43°50'
Teuthrania or Thymaina . 61°30' . 44°00'
Karambis promontory . 61°20' . 44°25'
Zephyrion . 61°30' . 44°15'
Kallistratia . 61°45' . 44°05'
Abonou Teichos . 62°00' . 44°00'
Kimolis . 62°30' . 44°00'
Armene . 62°55' . 43°55'
Stephane kome . 63°55' . 43°50'

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§ 5.4.3  Sinope . 63°50' . 44°00'
Kyptasia . 63°40' . 43°40'
mouth of the Zaliskos river . 64°00' . 43°30'
Galoron . 64°15' . 43°20'
mouth of the Halys river . 64°30' . 43°10'
bend in the river . 64°15' . 41°15'
Amisos . 65°00' . 43°05'

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§ 5.4.4  The noteworthy mountains in Galatia are the Ligas (or Gigas), midpoint . 63°00' . 42°40'
and the eastern parts of the Didymos mountain . 62°00' . 41°20'
and the so-called hill of Kelainon, midpoint . 62°30' . 39°30'

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§ 5.4.5  Those in Paphlagonia control the coast, whose cities and komai inland are:
Zageira . 61°40' . 43°40'
Plegra . 62°30' . 43°30'
Sakora . 63°20' . 43°40'
Eloua (or Helouia) . 61°40' . 43°00'
Tobata . 62°20' . 43°00'
Germanopolis . 63°00' . 43°00'
Gelaka or Selka . 63°40' . 43°15'
Xoana or Zolka . 63°15' . 43°15'
Dakasye . 61°40' . 42°40'
Mosion . 61°05' . 42°20'

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§ 5.4.6  Sakorsa . 62°00' . 42°15'
Pompeiopolis . 62°30' . 42°15'
Konika . 62°45' . 42°30'
Andrapa or New Klaudiopolis . 63°15' . 42°20'
Sabanis . 63°50' . 42°20'
Titoua . 64°15' . 42°30'
Eusene . 60°40' . 42°40'

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§ 5.4.7  Inland of Paphlagonia toward the west are the Tolibostoi, with these cities:
Germa or Thema colonia . 61°30' . 42°00'
Pessinos . 61°10' . 41°30'
Ouindia . 61°40' . 41°40'
Anaros or Andros . 61°30' . 41°20'
Tolastachora . 61°15' . 40°55'
Oueteston . 62°20' . 40°40'

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§ 5.4.8  After these toward the east are the Tektosagai with these cities:
Ankyra metropolis . 62°00' . 42°00'
Olenos . 62°15' . 42°00'
Korbeountos . 62°40' . 41°40'
Agrizama . 62°00' . 41°30'
Ouinzela . 62°30' . 41°20'
Orosologia . 63°00' . 41°25'
Sarmalia . 63°20' . 41°25'
Diktis . 62°40' . 40°50'
Karima . 63°00' . 40°40'
Landosia . 63°40' . 40°45'

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§ 5.4.9  Further east of there are the Trokmoi, with these cities:
Taouion . 63°55' . 41°40'
Laskoria . 63°15' . 42°00'
Androsia . 64°20' . 42°05'
Klaudioupolis . 63°50' . 42°00'
Karissa . 64°40' . 41°40'
Phoubatina . 64°10' . 41°30'
Doudousa . 63°50' . 41°20'
Saralos . 64°30' . 41°20'
Oukena . 64°10' . 40°55'
Rastia . 64°30' . 41°00'

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§ 5.4.10  Below the above-mentioned peoples extend the Proserlimenitai adjoining them. Below these, the Byzenoi and part of Lykaonia, with the cities:
Petenessos . 62°15' . 40°30'
Ekdaumaua . 63°20' . 40°25'
Seiouata . 64°15' . 40°25'
Ardistama . 64°00' . 40°10'
Kinna . 63°20' . 40°00'
Kongoustos . 62°40' . 39°50'
Tetradion . 63°00' . 39°30'
Laodikeia katakekaumene . 63°40' . 39°40'
Ouasada . 64°00' . 39°25'
Perta . 64°20' . 39°30'

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§ 5.4.11  Then below these to the west is a part of Pisidia, with cities
Apollonia . 62°00' . 39°00'
Antiocheia of Pisidia . 62°30' . 39°00'
Amblada . 61°50' . 38°50'
Neapolis . 62°40' . 48°45'

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§ 5.4.12  Eastward is Isauria with cities:
Sauatra . 64°20' . 39°15'
Lystra . 64°00' . 39°00'
Isaura . 63°50' . 38°40'
Among these the Orondikoi people and cities:
Misthion . 63°00' . 39°15'
Pappa . 63°20' . 38°55'

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§ 5.5.1  Pamphylia is bounded on the west by Lykia and a part of Asia along the line mentioned; by Galatia on the north along the indicated border of Galatia; on the east by Kilikia and part of Kappadokia to the line leading from the limit point near Galatia to the Pamphylian sea, the limit point of this line at the sea is . 63°50' . 36°45'
on the south by the same Pamphylian sea, as follows:

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§ 5.5.2  After Phaselis, city of Lykia, the shores of Pamphylia:
Olbia . 62°00' . 36°55'
Attaleia . 62°15' . 36°30'
mouth of the river Katarraktes . 62°15' . 36°35'
Magydos . 62°40' . 36°30'
mouth of Kestros river . 62°50' . 36°30'
mouth of Eurymedon river . 63°00' . 36°35'
Side . 63°05' . 36°40'

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§ 5.5.3  Coast of Kilikia Tracheia:
Korakesion . 63°35' . 36°40'
Syedra . 63°50' . 36°45'

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§ 5.5.4  The cities in the interior, of the province of Pisidian Phrygia are:
Seleukeia of Pisidia . 62°00' . 38°30'
Antiocheia . 62°30' . 38°30'

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§ 5.5.5  Old Beudos . 61°30' . 38°10'
Baris . 61°50' . 38°25'
Konane . 61°50' . 38°05'
Lysinia . 61°15' . 38°15'
Kormasa . 61°10' . 37°55'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 5.5.6  Cities of Kabalia
Kretopolis . 61°15' . 37°30'
Pogla . 61°40' . 37°40'
Menedemion . 61°20' . 37°40'
Ouranopolis . 61°40' . 37°20'
Pisinda . 61°40' . 37°10'
Ariassos . 62°05' . 37°10'
Milyas . 62°30' . 37°25'
Termessos . 62°10' . 37°15'
Korbasa . 62°20' . 37°05'

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§ 5.5.7  Inland of Pamphylia:
Perge . 62°15' . 36°55'
Silouon . 62°20' . 36°50'
Aspendos . 62°15' . 36°30'

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§ 5.5.8  Of Pisidia:
Prostama . 62°15' . 38°20'
Adada . 62°55' . 38°15'
Olbasa . 62°40' . 38°00'
Dyrzela . 63°10' . 38°20'
Orbanassa . 63°20' . 38°00'
Talbonda . 63°45' . 38°00'
Kremna colonia . 63°00' . 37°50'
Kommakon . 62°50' . 37°40'
Pednelissos . 63°30' . 37°50'
Ouinzela . 63°15' . 37°30'
Selge . 63°00' . 37°20'
Inland towns of Kilikia Tracheia:
Laerte . 63°40' . 37°25'
Kasai . 63°50' . 37°30'
Lyrbe . 63°45' . 37°05'
Kolobrassos . 63°20' . 37°10'
Kibyra or Kaibyra . 63°15' . 36°45'
Islands lying off Pamphylia:
Krambousa . 62°30' . 35°50'
Apelbousa . 63°15' . 35°50'

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§ 5.6.1  Kappadokia is bordered on the west by Galatia and a part of Pamphylia along the line indicated from Pontos to the limit point at . 64°00' . 37°40'
On the south by Kilikia along the line extending through the Tauros mountains as far as the Amanos mountains to a limit point at . 70°00' . 37°20'
And by a part of Syria through the Amanos mountains to the Euphrates river, the location of which is . 71°20' . 38°00'
On the east by the indicated section of Greater Armenia along the Euphrates river
to that point where, coming from the north, it is then deflected from the east, the location of which is . 71°00' . 42°30'
then along the line of the Moschikos mountains and to the terminal . 73°00' . 44°30'
thence running to the indicated terminus on the coast.
On the north it is bounded by a part of Euxine Pontos from the city Amisos of Galatia to the terminus which is located
in . 72°20' . 44°45'

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§ 5.6.2  The coastal part of this section is described as follows:
Of the Leukosyroi, Ankon of the Leukosyrians . 65°40' . 43°20'
mouth of the Iris river . 66°00' . 43°00'
First bend of the river . 67°15' . 41°20'
Second bend of the river . 66°00' . 41°20'
river sources . 68°00' . 41°00'

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§ 5.6.3  Of the Galatian Pontos, the plain by Phanagoria:
Themiskyra . 66°20' . 43°05'
Herakles promontory . 66°50' . 43°20'

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§ 5.6.4  Of Polemonian Pontos:
mouth of the Thermodon river . 67°00' . 43°15'
river sources . 68°30' . 42°15'
Polemonion . 67°15' . 43°05'
Iasonion promontory . 67°30' . 43°15'
Kyteoron . 67°35' . 43°15'
Hermonassa . 67°50' . 43°15'

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§ 5.6.5  Kappadokian Pontos, near Sidene:
Ischopolis . 68°20' . 43°20'
Kerasous . 68°50' . 43°20'
Pharnakia . 69°20' . 43°05'
Hyssou harbor . 70°45' . 43°20'
Trapezous . 70°50' . 43°05'

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§ 5.6.6  near the Kissians:
Opious (or Pityousa) . 71°00' . 43°25'
Rizous harbor . 71°10' . 43°35'
Athenon promontory . 71°00' . 43°45'
Chordybe or Chordyle . 71°20' . 43°45'
Morthoula . 71°40' . 43°45'
mouth of the Arkadis river . 72°00' . 44°00'
Xyline . 72°05' . 44°10'
mouth of the Kissa river . 72°10' . 44°20'

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§ 5.6.7  Apsorros . 72°20' . 44°30'
mouth of the Apsorros river . 72°20' . 44°40'
where it splits into the Glaukos river and the Lykos . 72°30' . 43°45'
sources of the Glaukos river . 72°45' . 43°00'
sources of the Lykos . 71°15' . 43°00'
Sebastopolis . 72°20' . 44°45'

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§ 5.6.8  Noteworthy mountains running through Kappadokia are the Argaion, the limit points of which are . 65°30' . 40°30'
and . 66°00' . 39°40'
from which the Melas river flows to meet the river Euphrates at . 71°00' . 39°20'
and Antitauros extending from the Tauros mountain to the Euphrates river in a gap of which the section toward Tauros is at . 65°30' . 38°30'
and . 67°15' . 39°15'
the part by the Euphrates is at . 67°30' . 39°40'
and . 71°30' . 41°15'
and Skordiskos mountain with limit points at . 68°00' . 41°00'
and . 69°00' . 42°30'
from which the Thermodon flows.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 5.6.9  The following are the interior cities and komai of Kappadokia after the Leukosyrians on the borders of Galatia:
In the interior of Galatian Pontos:
Boinasa . 65°30' . 42°45'
Sebastopolis the other . 66°00' . 41°20'
Tebenda . 66°40' . 42°10'
Amaseia . 65°30' . 42°00'
Choloe or Chologi . 66°00' . 42°00'
Etonia . 65°00' . 41°30'
Piala . 65°45' . 41°40'
Pleumamis or Pleumaris . 65°15' . 41°20'
Pida . 66°40' . 41°45'
Sermouga . 66°20' . 41°25'
Komana Pontike . 67°00' . 41°30'

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§ 5.6.10  In the interior of Polemonian Pontos:
Gozalene or Gazaline . 66°30' . 42°40'
Eudiphos . 67°20' . 42°10'
Karouanis . 67°40' . 42°10'
Barbanissa (or Sarbanissa) . 68°00' . 42°20'
Ablata . 68°20' . 42°00'
Neokaisareia . 67°20' . 41°50'
Saunaria . 68°00' . 41°45'
Megaloula . 67°40' . 41°40'
Zela . 67°30' . 41°20'
Danati or Danae . 68°00' . 41°00'
Sebasteia . 68°00' . 40°40'
Mesorome . 68°30' . 41°45'
Sabalia . 68°20' . 41°40'
Megalossos . 68°10' . 41°20'

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§ 5.6.11  In Kappadokian Pontos inland
Zephyrion . 68°20' . 43°00'
Aza . 69°00' . 42°30'
Kokalia . 69°30' . 42°45'
Kordyle . 70°00' . 43°00'
Trapezousai . 70°30' . 43°05'
Asiba . 71°20' . 43°15'
Mardara . 71°30' . 43°40'
Kamouresarbon . 72°00' . 43°30'

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§ 5.6.12  In Chamane (or Chamanene) prefecture
Zama . 65°40' . 40°45'
Andraka . 65°00' . 40°20'
Gadasena . 65°45' . 40°55'
Ouadata . 65°20' . 40°00'
Sarouena . 65°40' . 40°30'
Odogra . 66°00' . 40°20'

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§ 5.6.13  In Sargarausena (or Sargabrasene) prefecture
Phiara . 67°00' . 41°00'
Sadagena . 66°20' . 40°45'
Gauraina . 67°00' . 40°30'
Sabalassos . 66°30' . 40°25'
Ariarathira . 67°20' . 40°45'
Maroga . 67°30' . 40°30'

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§ 5.6.14  In Garsaouria prefecture
Phreata . 65°00' . 40°00'
Archelais . 64°45' . 39°40'
Nanessos . 65°30' . 39°45'
Diokaisareia . 65°30' . 39°30'
Salambria or Sarabraka . 65°15' . 39°20'
Tetrapyrgia . 60°00' . 39°20'

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§ 5.6.15  In Kilikia prefecture
Moustilia . 66°15' . 40°20'
Sioua (or Seioua) . 66°30' . 40°05'
Kampai . 66°15' . 39°45'
Maza or Mazaka and Kaisareia . 66°30' . 39°30'
Kyzistra . 67°00' . 39°20'
Ebagena or Sebagena . 67°10' . 40°15'
Archalla . 67°30' . 40°00'
Sobara . 67°10' . 39°40'

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§ 5.6.16  In Lykaonia
Adopissos . 64°40' . 39°15'
Kanna . 64°45' . 39°00'
Ikonion . 64°30' . 38°45'
Paralais . 64°45' . 38°45'
Korna . 65°00' . 38°25'
Chasbia . 65°10' . 38°45'
Barattha . 65°30' . 38°30'

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§ 5.6.17  In Antiochiane
Derbe . 64°20' . 38°15'
Laranda . 64°45' . 38°05'
Olbasa . 65°20' . 38°10'
Mousbanda . 64°50' . 37°50'
In Tyanis prefecture
Dratai . 65°30' . 39°00'
Tyana . 66°00' . 38°55'
Bazis . 66°15' . 38°55'
Siala . 66°30' . 38°55'

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§ 5.7.1  The furthest north part of Lesser Armenia is called Orbalissene, below this Aitoulane, then Hairetike and below this Orsene and furthest south after Orsene is Orbisene

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§ 5.7.2  Cities on the Euphrates are:
Sinibra . 71°00' . 42°30'
Aziris . 71°00' . 42°00'
Ladana . 71°00' . 41°40'
Sismara . 71°30' . 41°25'
Zimara . 71°30' . 40°40'
Daskousa . 71°00' . 40°25'

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§ 5.7.3  In the interior along the mountainous region:
Satala . 69°30' . 42°10'
Domana . 70°00' . 42°05'
Tapoura . 70°30' . 42°10'
Nikopolis . 69°00' . 41°40'
Chorsabia . 69°40' . 41°45'
Charax . 70°30' . 41°45'
Dagona . 68°40' . 41°20'
Seleoberroia . 69°30' . 41°00'
Kaltiorissa . 69°50' . 41°15'

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§ 5.7.4  Analibla . 70°20' . 41°10'
Pisingara . 68°30' . 40°55'
Godasa . 69°00' . 40°45'
Eudoixata . 68°15' . 40°25'
Karape . 71°20' . 41°00'
Masora . 70°30' . 40°40'
Oromandos . 69°40' . 40°30'
Ispa . 70°30' . 40°20'
Phouphena . 69°00' . 40°15'
Arane . 69°45' . 40°10'
Phouphatena . 68°30' . 39°50'
Mardara . 69°05' . 39°45'
Ouarsapa . 67°50' . 39°30'
Orsa (or Orsara) . 68°30' . 39°30'

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§ 5.7.5  In Melitene, on the river Euphrates:
Dagousa . 71°00' . 40°05'
Sinis colonia . 71°00' . 39°45'
Melitene . 71°00' . 39°30'

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§ 5.7.6  toward the interior:
Zoparistos . 70°00' . 40°00'
Titarissos . 69°45' . 39°45'
Kianika . 69°20' . 39°30'
Phousipara . 70°30' . 39°40'
Eusimara . 70°10' . 39°30'
Iassos . 69°00' . 39°30'
Kiakis . 69°30' . 39°15'
Leugaisa . 70°15' . 39°10'
Karmala . 70°40' . 39°20'
Semisos . 70°30' . 39°20'
Ladoineris . 69°30' . 38°50'

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§ 5.7.7  In Kataonia prefecture
Kabassos . 67°15' . 38°35'
Tynna . 66°50' . 38°30'
Tirallis . 67°00' . 38°20'
Kybistra . 66°00' . 38°15'
Klaudiopolis . 65°40' . 37°50'
Dalisandos . 66°20' . 37°50'
Padyandos . 67°00' . 38°00'
Komana of Kappadokia . 68°00' . 38°00'
Mopsou Krene . 67°20' . 37°30'
Tanadaris . 68°20' . 37°45'
Leandis . 68°40' . 37°40'

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§ 5.7.8  In Mouriane prefecture:
Sindita . 67°30' . 39°10'
Kotaina . 68°15' . 39°10'
Zoropassos . 69°20' . 39°00'
Nyssa . 68°20' . 38°40'
Arasaxa . 67°30' . 38°30'
Karnalis . 68°45' . 38°30'
Garnake . 68°30' . 38°10'

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§ 5.7.9  In Laouianiane prefecture by the Euphrates river:
Korne . 71°00' . 39°15'
Meteita . 71°00' . 39°00'
Klaudias . 71°00' . 38°45'

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§ 5.7.10  Interior from these:
Kaparkelis . 70°10' . 39°00'
Zizoatra . 70°00' . 38°45'
Pasarne . 70°30' . 38°30'
Kizara . 69°20' . 38°30'
Sabagena . 68°50' . 38°10'
Nosalene . 69°50' . 38°20'
Laustasa . 69°20' . 37°50'

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§ 5.7.11  In Arauene prefecture beside the Euphrates river:
Iouliopolis . 71°00' . 38°25'
Barzalo . 71°00' . 38°10'

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§ 5.7.12  Interior from this
Serastere . 70°40' . 38°15'
Lakriassos . 70°15' . 38°10'
Enteleia . 70°00' . 37°45'
Adattha . 69°30' . 37°30'

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§ 5.8.1  Kilikia is bounded on the west by that part of Pamphylia referred above; on the east by that part of Syria along the Amanos mountains; from the limit at Kappadokia extending to the Issian Gulf and Amanikan Gates, which limit is at . 69°30' . 36°20'
On the north by the part of Kappadokia which extends along the Tauros mountains;
on the south by the Kilikian channel and the Issian Gulf, with the following description:
from Syedra, a city of Pamphylia along the coast:

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§ 5.8.2  In Selinitis of Kilikia Tracheia
Iotape . 64°00' . 36°45'
Selinous . 64°20' . 36°45'
Antiocheia epi Kragos . 64°40' . 36°50'
Nephelis . 64°50' . 36°35'

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§ 5.8.3  In Ketis
Anemourion . 65°10' . 36°50'
mouth of the Orymagdos river . 65°20' . 36°50'
Arsinoe . 65°30' . 36°50'
Kelenderis . 65°45' . 36°50'
Aphrodisias . 66°00' . 36°50'
Sarpedon promontory . 66°10' . 36°45'
mouth of the Kalykadnos river . 66°20' . 36°50'
Zephyrion promontory . 66°20' . 36°40'

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§ 5.8.4  of Kilikia proper
Korykos . 66°30' . 36°50'
Sebaste . 66°45' . 36°45'
mouth of the Lamos river . 67°00' . 36°45'
Pompeioupolis or Soloi . 67°15' . 36°40'
Zephyrion . 67°10' . 36°20'
mouth of the Kydnos river . 67°45' . 36°40'
river sources . 66°00' . 38°30'
mouth of the Saros or Sinaors river . 68°00' . 36°30'
mouth of the Pyramos river . 68°15' . 36°30'
river sources . 68°30' . 38°00'
Mallos . 68°30' . 36°30'
Serraipolis kome . 68°45' . 36°30'
Aigai . 69°00' . 36°30'
Issos . 69°20' . 36°25'

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§ 5.8.5  The interior towns in Kilikia, first in Selinitis of Tracheia,
Kaystros . 64°45' . 37°10'
Domitiopolis . 65°25' . 37°05'
Philadelphia . 66°00' . 37°25'
Seleukeia Tracheia . 66°10' . 36°50'
Diokaisareia . 66°10' . 37°10'

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§ 5.8.6  In Ketis, Olbasa . 64°30' . 37°30'
In Lalasis, Ninika . 65°30' . 37°30'
In Charakene, Flaviopolis . 66°20' . 37°30'
In Lamotis, Lamos . 67°00' . 37°00'
In Lakanitis, Eirenopolis . 67°50' . 37°20'
In Bryklike, Augusta . 67°30' . 37°10'

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§ 5.8.7  Interior towns of Kilikia proper:
Tarsos . 67°40' . 36°50'
Adana . 68°15' . 36°45'
Kaisareia by Anazarbon . 68°30' . 37°00'
Mopsouestia . 68°50' . 36°45'
Kastabala . 69°00' . 37°00'
Nikopolis . 69°30' . 37°15'
Epiphaneia . 69°30' . 36°40'
the Amanikian Gates . 69°30' . 36°20'

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§ 5.9.1  Sarmatia in Asia is bounded on the north by unknown land; on the west by European Sarmatia as far as the sources of the Tanais river and by the Tanais to its outlet in the Maiotis lake, and by the eastern part of this lake from the mouth of the Tanais river to the Kimmerian Bosphoros, along which part are the following:

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§ 5.9.2  After the mouth of the Tanais river
Paniardis . 67°30' . 53°30'
mouth of the Maroubios river . 68°00' . 53°00'
Pataroue . 68°00' . 52°30'

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§ 5.9.3  mouth of the greater Rombites river . 68°30' . 52°00'
mouth of the Theophanios river . 68°30' . 51°40'
Azara city . 68°30' . 51°20'

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§ 5.9.4  mouth of the lesser Rombites river . 69°00' . 50°30'
Azabitis Tainia . 68°00' . 50°00'
Kyrambe or Tyrambe . 69°40' . 49°50'
mouth of the Attikites river . 70°00' . 49°20'
Gerousa city . 70°00' . 49°00'
mouth of the Psathis river . 69°30' . 48°45'
Mateta . 69°00' . 48°30'

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§ 5.9.5  mouth of the Ouardanes river . 68°00' . 48°20'
Kimmerion promontory . 66°30' . 48°30'
Apatourgos . 66°20' . 48°15'
Achilleion at the mouth . 64°30' . 48°30'

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§ 5.9.6  and in the Kimmerian Bosporos:
Phanagoria . 64°30' . 47°50'
Korokondame . 64°15' . 47°30'

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§ 5.9.7  It is bounded on the south by the near part of the Euxine Pontos up to the Korax river after which is Kolchis, Iberia and Albania as far as the Hyrkanian or Caspian sea; a description of this boundary is the following:

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§ 5.9.8  after Korokondame on the Pontos,
Hermonassa . 65°00' . 47°30'
Sindikos harbor . 65°30' . 47°50'
Sinda kome . 66°00' . 48°00'
Bata harbor . 66°30' . 47°40'
Bata kome . 66°20' . 47°30'
mouth of the Psychros river . 66°40' . 47°30'
Achaia kome . 67°00' . 47°30'

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§ 5.9.9  Gulf of Kerketis . 67°30' . 47°20'
Tazos city . 68°00' . 47°30'
Toretike promontory . 68°00' . 47°00'
Ampsalis city . 68°30' . 47°15'
mouth of the Bourkas river . 69°00' . 47°15'
Oinanthia . 69°40' . 47°15'

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§ 5.9.10  mouth of the Thessyris river . 69°40' . 47°00'
Karteron Teichos . 70°00' . 46°50'
mouth of the Korax river . 70°30' . 47°00'
The limit on the side of Kolchis is at . 75°00' . 47°30'

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§ 5.9.11  Thence it extends along Iberia, with the Sarmatian Gates at . 77°00' . 47°00'
thence along Albania to the limit on the Hyrkanian sea, on which is the mouth of the Soanas river at . 86°00' . 47°00'

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§ 5.9.12  On the east it is bounded by a part of the Hyrkanian sea beginning at the point next to the mouth of the Soanas river at . 86°00' . 47°00'
mouth of the Alous river . 86°30' . 47°40'
mouth of the Oudon river . 87°00' . 48°20'
mouth of the Ra river . 87°30' . 48°50'
and partly by Scythia along the Ra river to the bend at . 85°00' . 54°00'
then along the meridian leading into the unknown country.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 5.9.13  There is another mouth of the Ra river near that of the Tanais at . 74°00' . 56°00'
above which two rivers unite coming from the Hyperborean mountains, the position of which junction is . 79°00' . 58°30'
The source of the western river at . 70°00' . 61°00'
the source of eastern at . 90°00' . 61°00'

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§ 5.9.14  Other mountains cross Sarmatia, best known are Hippika and Keraunia; also Korax mountain, which is the end point of the mountain chain running along Kolchis and Iberia, called Kaukasos; and the return of it behind Iberia, also called Kaukasos.

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§ 5.9.15  The extremes of the Hippika mountains are at . 74°00' . 54°00'
and . 81°00' . 52°00'
of the Keraunian . 82°00' . 49°30'
and . 84°00' . 52°00'
of Korax . 69°00' . 48°00'
and . 75°00' . 48°00'
and of the Kaukasos . 75°00' . 47°30'
and . 85°00' . 48°00'
The Pillars of Alexander are at . 80°00' . 51°30'
The Sarmatian Gates . 81°00' . 48°30'
The Albanian Gates . 80°00' . 47°00'

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§ 5.9.16  The latitudes of Sarmatia toward the unknown country are distributed among the following peoples:
The Hyperborean Sarmatians, below these the Royal (Basilikoi) Sarmatians; and Modokai ethnos; and Hippophagoi (horse-eating) Sarmatians; and below these are the Zakatai and Souardenoi and Asaioi; then by the northern bend of the Tanais river the Perierbidoi, a great ethnos, and near the southern bend the Iaxamatai ethnos.
The cities are:
Hexapolis . 72°00' . 55°40'
Nauaris . 70°00' . 55°00'
Tanais . 67°00' . 54°20'

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§ 5.9.17  Below the Souardeni are the Chainides, and east of the Ra river the Phtheirophagoi (Lice-eaters) and Materoi and the land of Nesiotis (island); then below the Iaxamatai the Sirakenoi and between the Maiotis Lake and the Hippika mountains after the Sirakeni are the Psessioi; then the Themeotai, below whom are the Tyrambai; then the Astourikanoi

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§ 5.9.18  Then, until Korax mountain, the Arichoi and the Zinchoi; and beyond the Korax mountains the Konapsenoi, the Meteiboi, and the Agoritai.

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§ 5.9.19  Between the Ra river and the Hippika mountains below the Sirakenoi is the country of Mithridates; below which the Melanchlainoi (Black-cloaks), then the Sapothrenai, under whom the Skymnitai. Then the Amazones;

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§ 5.9.20  And between the Hippika mountains and the Keraunian mountains are the Sourani and the Sakanoi;

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§ 5.9.21  Between the Keraunian mountains and the Ra river are the Orinaioi and Oualoi and Serboi;

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§ 5.9.22  between the Kaukasos mountains and the Keraunians are the Touski and the Didouri;

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§ 5.9.23  And near the Kaspian sea are the Oudai, the Olondai, the Isondai, and the Gerroi;

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§ 5.9.24  Below the mountain ridge are the Bosporanoi on both sides of the Kimmerian Bosporos;

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§ 5.9.25  On the Pontos are the Achaioi, Kerketai, Heniochoi and Souanokolchoi, then above Albania the Sanaraioi.

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§ 5.9.26  The cities and komai:
on the lesser Rombitos river Azaraba . 70°00' . 50°30'

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§ 5.9.27  on the Psathis river Auchis . 70°40' . 49°40'

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§ 5.9.28  on the Ouardanos river Skopelos . 68°00' . 48°00'
Sourouba . 72°00' . 48°20'
Korousia . 73°40' . 48°30'
Ebriapa . 75°20' . 48°30'
Seraka . 77°00' . 48°40'

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§ 5.9.29  on the Bourkas river:
Koukounda . 70°00' . 47°45'

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§ 5.9.30  on the Thessyris river:
Batrache . 71°00' . 47°30'

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§ 5.9.31  and on the Korax river:
Naana . 73°30' . 47°15'

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§ 5.9.32  Cities on the mountain ridges:
Abounis . 73°00' . 48°00'
Nasounia . 74°00' . 48°00'
Halmia . 75°00' . 48°00'

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§ 5.10.1  Kolchis is bounded on the north by the part of Sarmatia we mentioned; on the west by the part of the Euxine Pontos from the Korax river to the recess by Phasis, as described:

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§ 5.10.2  After the outflow of the Korax at . 70°30' . 37°00'
Dioskourias or Sebastopolis . 71°10' . 46°45'
mouth of the Hippos river . 71°00' . 46°30'
Neapolis . 71°30' . 45°45'
mouth of the Kyaneos river . 71°30' . 46°15'
Siganeon (or Giganeon) . 71°30' . 46°10'
Aiapolis (or Thiapolis) . 72°00' . 45°30'
mouth of the Charioustos (or Xaristos) river . 72°00' . 45°15'
mouth of the Phasis river . 72°30' . 45°00'
Phasis city . 72°30' . 44°45'

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§ 5.10.3  It is bounded on the south by the Kappadokian Pontos along the line set forth; and by the following part of Armenia Major along the same line to the limit point at . 74°00' . 34°40'

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§ 5.10.4  on the east by Iberia along the line through the Kaukasos mountains joining the limit points set forth, at . 75°00' . 47°30'

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§ 5.10.5  The Lazai occupy the seaboard of Kolchis; the Manraloi the area lying above, and the those in the Ekrektike country.

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§ 5.10.6  In the interior the following cities and komai are named:
Mechlessos . 74°30' . 46°45'
Madia . 74°15' . 46°15'
Sarake . 73°00' . 45°00'
Sourion . 73°20' . 44°40'
Zadris . 74°00' . 44°40'

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§ 5.11.1  Iberia is bounded on the north by the part of Sarmatia we have mentioned; on the west by Kolchis along the line mentioned; on the south by a part of Armenia Major, which extends from the order of Kolchis to the point . 77°00' . 47°00'
On the east by Albania along the line linking these points.

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§ 5.11.2  There are the following cities and komai:
Loubion kome . 75°40' . 46°50'
Aginna . 75°00' . 46°30'
Ouasaida . 76°00' . 46°20'
Ouarica . 75°20' . 46°00'
Soura . 75°00' . 45°20'

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§ 5.11.3  Artanissa . 75°40' . 46°00'
Mestleta . 74°40' . 45°00'
Zalissa . 76°00' . 44°40'
Armaktika . 75°00' . 44°30'

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§ 5.12.1  Albania is bounded on the north by the part of Sarmatia indicated; on the west by Iberia along the line designated; on the south by a part of Armenia Major from the limit point at Iberia to the Hyrkanian sea at the mouth of the Kyros river at . 79°40' . 44°30'
on the east by the part of the Hyrkanian sea on the near side of the Soana river, as described:

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§ 5.12.2  after the mouth of the Soana river at . 86°00' . 47°00'
Telaiba city . 85°00' . 46°40'
mouth of the Gerros river . 84°30' . 46°30'
Gelda city . 83°00' . 46°30'
mouth of the Kaisios river . 82°30' . 46°00'
Albana city . 81°40' . 45°50'
mouth of the Albanos river . 80°30' . 45°30'
Gangara (or Gaitara) city . 79°30' . 45°00'
after which is the mouth of the Kyros river . 79°40' . 44°30'

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§ 5.12.3  The cities and komai in Albania between Iberia and the river that flows from the Kaukasos and empties into the Kyros, which flows beside all of Iberia and Albania, separating them from Armenia:
Tagada . 77°30' . 46°50'
Bakchia . 77°00' . 46°30'
Sanoua . 77°40' . 46°40'
Deglane . 77°20' . 45°45'
Nega . 77°20' . 45°15'

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§ 5.12.4  Between that river and the Albanos river which also flows from the Kaukasos:
Mosega . 79°00' . 47°00'
Samounis . 79°00' . 46°40'
Ioboula . 78°00' . 46°20'
Iouna . 79°00' . 46°00'
Embolaia . 78°30' . 45°40'

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§ 5.12.5  Adiabla . 79°00' . 45°30'
Abliana . 78°00' . 45°15'
Mamechia . 79°45' . 45°40'
Osika . 77°30' . 44°45'
Sioda . 78°15' . 44°40'
Barouka . 79°20' . 44°40'

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§ 5.12.6  The Albanian Gates, as we have said, lie at . 80°00' . 47°00'
Between the Albanos river and the Kaisios river:
Chabala . 80°00' . 46°45'
Chobata . 80°30' . 46°45'
Boziata (or Moziata) . 80°00' . 46°20'
Misia . 81°00' . 46°20'
Chadacha . 81°00' . 46°00'
Alamos . 82°00' . 46°15'

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§ 5.12.7  between the Kaisios river and the Gerros river are
Thiauna . 82°15' . 46°40'
Thabilaka . 82°45' . 46°50'
between the Gerros river and the Soana river is
Thilbis . 84°15' . 46°45'

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§ 5.12.8  Two swampy islands lie off Albania, midpoint . 87°30' . 45°30'

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§ 5.13.1  Greater Armenia is bounded on the north by a part of Kolchis, by Iberia, and Albania on the line indicated running through the Kyros river;

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§ 5.13.2  on the west by Kappadokia along the indicated part of the Euphrates and the part of the Kappadokian Pontos as far as Kolchis through the line of the Moschikan mountains;

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§ 5.13.3  on the east by a part of the Hyrkanian sea from the mouth of the Kyros river to the limit point at . 79°45' . 43°20'
between which and the mouth of the Kyrus is the mouth of the Araxes river at . 79°45' . 43°20'
and by Media on the line along Mt. Kaspion, limit points of which are . 79°00' . 42°30'
and . 80°00' . 30°40'

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§ 5.13.4  on the south it is bounded by Mesopotamia along the line of the Tauros mountains, which connects with the Euphrates river at . 71°30' . 38°30'
and by the Tigris river at . 75°30' . 38°30'
then by Assyria on a line through Mt. Niphates straight until the line to the above-mentioned limit point of Mt. Kaspion, a line which is the extention of Mt. Niphates.

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§ 5.13.5  The named mountains of Armenia are the Moschika wich extend along the Kappadokian Pontos, which is above them, and Paryardes, with limit points . 75°00' . 43°20'
and . 77°00' . 42°00'
and the Oudakespes mountain, midpoint . 80°30' . 40°00'
and the part of Antitauros on this side of the Euphrates, midpoint . 72°00' . 41°40'
and the so-called Abos mountain, midpoint . 77°00' . 41°10'
and the Gordyaia mountains, midpoint . 75°00' . 39°40'

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§ 5.13.6  The rivers that flow through this land are the Araxes river, which flows into the Hyrcanian sea at . 79°45' . 43°50'
the sources are at . 76°30' . 42°30'
from which impelled eastward as far as Mt. Kaspios and then turning toward the north, one part flows into the Hyrkanian sea, another joins the Kyrus at . 78°30' . 44°30'
and that part of the Euphrates river between the eastward turning and its springs, at . 75°40' . 42°40'

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§ 5.13.7  And there are other noteworthy ones from the diversion of the Euphrates river, one adjoining the Euphrates river at . 71°30' . 40°30'
the limit point at the springs is . 77°00' . 41°00'
then that part of the Tigris river which is in Armenia from the section beginning up the south side to the springs of the Tigris itself at . 74°40' . 39°40'
forming a lake called Thospitis.

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§ 5.13.8  There are other lakes, one of which is called Lychnitis, midpoint . 78°00' . 43°15'
and the Areesa, midpoint . 78°30' . 40°45'

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§ 5.13.9  There are the following districts in the part of Armenia included between the Euphrates, Kyros, and the Araxes river; first, beside the Moschika mountains: Kotarzene beyond the so-called Bochai, along the Kyros river Tosarene and Otene, along the Araxes river Kolthene, and below it Sodoukene; by Paryardes mountain Sirakene and Sakapene.

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§ 5.13.10  The cities in this section are:
Sala . 73°20' . 44°20'
Askoura . 74°00' . 44°10'
Baraza . 75°20' . 44°10'
Lala . 76°10' . 44°00'
Santouta . 77°20' . 44°20'
Sataphara . 78°00' . 44°20'
Toga (or Ota?) . 78°50' . 43°20'
Ouroutha or Ouathoura . 73°00' . 43°00'
Azata . 73°45' . 43°15'

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§ 5.13.11  Choloua . 74°00' . 43°10'
Sedala . 74°40' . 43°45'
Sourta . 74°30' . 43°40'
Tatina or Tastina . 74°40' . 43°00'
Kozala or Kozola . 75°20' . 43°30'
Kotomana . 75°15' . 43°40'
Batinna . 76°10' . 43°40'
Dizaka . 76°50' . 43°10'
Ptoua . 77°00' . 43°45'
Glisma . 78°20' . 43°40'
Cholouata . 78°45' . 43°40'
Sakalbina . 79°10' . 43°15'
Arsarata . 79°30' . 43°15'

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§ 5.13.12  along the Euphrates [Araxes is meant?] river:
Brepos . 72°00' . 42°15'
Elegia . 73°20' . 42°45'
Chasira . 74°00' . 42°40'
Chorsa . 74°40' . 42°50'
Thalina . 75°20' . 42°45'
Armaouria . 76°40' . 42°45'
Artaxata . 78°00' . 42°40'
Naxouana . 78°50' . 42°45'

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§ 5.13.13  In the section below this up to the diversion from the Euphrates, the more northerly districts are as follows, beginning from the west: Basilisene and Obordene and Arsia, below these Akilisene and Astaunitis and near the diversion of the river Sophene.

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§ 5.13.14  The cities in this section are:
Athoua (or Zathoua) . 71°30' . 42°30'
Tinissa . 73°10' . 42°10'
Zoriga . 71°30' . 42°00'
Sana . 73°30' . 42°00'
Brizaka . 74°50' . 42°30'
Daranissa . 76°00' . 42°20'
Zogokara (or Zogoraka) . 77°15' . 42°20'

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§ 5.13.15  Koubina . 78°30' . 42°20'
Kodana . 71°30' . 41°40'
Kachoura (or Iachoura) . 72°00' . 41°20'
Cholua . 73°30' . 41°00'
Sogokara . 74°00' . 41°00'
Phausua . 74°15' . 41°45'
Phandalia . 74°50' . 41°30'
Zarouana . 75°40' . 41°45'

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§ 5.13.16  Kitamon . 76°00' . 41°30'
Anarion . 76°50' . 41°30'
Sigoua . 77°00' . 41°00'
Teroua . 78°00' . 41°50'
Zourzoua (or Zourgoua) . 78°30' . 41°40'
Matoustana . 78°00' . 41°40'

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§ 5.13.17  Astakana . 78°00' . 41°00'
Tareina . 72°20' . 41°00'
Balisbiga (or Bablistita) . 73°40' . 40°40'
Babila . 74°20' . 40°45'
Sagauana . 75°15' . 40°45'
Azora or Ozara . 76°10' . 40°50'

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§ 5.13.18  In the remaining more southern section between the Euphrates and the sources of the Tigris, are Anzetene, and below it Thospitis, then Korinaia.

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§ 5.13.19  The cities in this section:
Elegerda (or Klegerda) . 72°15' . 40°15'
Mazara . 71°20' . 39°50'
Anzeta . 72°00' . 39°30'
Soeita . 72°50' . 39°30'
Belkania . 73°30' . 39°20'
Seltia . 74°00' . 40°00'
Thospia . 74°20' . 39°50'
Kolchis . 75°30' . 39°00'
Siauana . 71°30' . 38°20'
Arsamosata . 73°00' . 38°20'
Korra . 74°30' . 38°40'

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§ 5.13.20  East from the sources of the Tigris river: Bagrandauene (or Kagrandaune), and below it Gordyene (or Gordyne, east of which is Kotaia, and below this Mardoi.

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§ 5.13.21  The cities in this part:
Taska . 75°30' . 40°10'
Phora . 76°00' . 40°10'
Maipa . 76°10' . 40°40'
Bouana . 76°45' . 40°00'
Cholimma . 77°45' . 40°40'
Terebia . 77°40' . 40°55'
Daudyana . 77°40' . 40°20'
Kapouta . 79°20' . 40°30'
Artemita . 78°40' . 40°20'
Thelbalane (or Telbane) . 76°15' . 39°50'

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§ 5.13.22  [And below this Gorynesia] or Gordyene . 75°15' . 39°20'
Siai . 75°45' . 39°40'
Pherendis . 74°40' . 39°20'
Tigranokerta . 76°45' . 39°40'
Sardeoua . 75°50' . 39°10'
Kolsa . 78°00' . 39°50'
Tigranoama . 79°45' . 40°00'
Artagigarta . 75°20' . 38°45'

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§ 5.14.1  The Position of Cyprus.
Cyprus is surrounded on every side by the sea, and on the East by the Pamphylian sea, with an outline like this:
Cape Akamas . 64°10' . 35°30'
New Paphos . 64°20' . 35°20'
Cape Zephyrium . 64°10' . 35°35'
Old Paphos . 64°30' . 35°00'
Cape Drepanon . 64°30' . 34°50'

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§ 5.14.2  On the South by the Egyptian sea and the Syrian, with an outline like this:
Kourion city . 65°10' . 35°00'
Mouth of River Lykos . 65°20' . 35°10'
Cape Kourias . 65°30' . 34°45'
Amathos . 65°45' . 35°00'
Mouth of River Tetios . 66°10' . 35°00'
Kition city . 66°15' . 35°00'
Cape Dades . 66°30' . 35°00'
Thronoi city and cape . 66°15' . 35°00'

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§ 5.14.3  On the East by the Syrian sea, with an outline like this:
After Cape Thronoi, Cape Pedalion (Ammochostos) . 67°00' . 35°20'
Mouth of River Pediaios . 66°50' . 35°20'
Salamis . 66°40' . 35°30'
Cape Elaia . 67°00' . 35°40'
Ox Tail or Cape Kleides . 67°30' . 35°50'

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§ 5.14.4  On the North by the Cilician Channel, with an outline like this:
Karpasia . 66°50' . 35°55'
Achaion Akte . 66°40' . 35°50'
Aphrodision . 66°30' . 35°40'
Makaria . 66°00' . 35°45'
Keronia or Keraunia . 65°40' . 35°45'
Mouth of River Lapethos . 65°30' . 35°55'
Lapethos city . 65°20' . 35°55'
Cape Krommyon . 65°10' . 36°10'
Soloi . 65°00' . 36°00'
Cape Kallinousa . 64°40' . 35°50'
Arsinoe . 64°40' . 35°35'

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§ 5.14.5  The eastern parts of the island belong to the Salaminian province. The western into the Paphian. The Southern side of the middle portion into the Amathusian, with the mount Olympus. And the Northern into the Lapethian.

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§ 5.14.6  The cities of the interior:
Chytros . 66°30' . 36°30'
Tremethus . 66°25' . 35°25'
Tamassos . 66°20' . 35°45'

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§ 5.14.7  The islands on its coast are those called Cleides, their midpoint . 67°20' . 35°45'
And the Karpasian islands . 64°05' . 35°45'

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§ 5.15.1  Syria is bounded to the north by Kilikia and part of Kappadokia on the line of the Amanos described above;

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§ 5.15.2  On the west by the Syrian sea according to the following description:
After Issos and the Kilikian Gates
Alexandreia on the Issos . 69°30' . 36°10'
Myriandros . 69°30' . 35°50'
Rossos . 69°20' . 35°40'
Rossikos Skopelos (lookout) . 69°00' . 35°50'
Seleukeia of Pieria . 68°35' . 35°35'

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§ 5.15.3  mouth of the Orontes river . 68°30' . 35°30'
river sources . 70°00' . 33°20'
Poseidion . 68°30' . 35°15'
Herakleia . 68°30' . 35°10'
Laodikeia . 68°30' . 35°05'
Gabala . 68°20' . 34°55'
Paltos . 68°20' . 35°45'
Balaneai . 68°20' . 34°35'

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§ 5.15.4  Phoinike:
mouth of Eleutheros river . 68°00' . 34°25'
Simyra . 67°50' . 34°20'
Orthosia . 67°40' . 34°20'
Tripolis . 67°30' . 34°20'
Theou prosopon promontory . 67°20' . 34°20'
Botrys . 67°30' . 34°05'
Byblos . 67°40' . 33°55'
mouth of the Adonis river . 67°40' . 33°45'

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§ 5.15.5  Berytos . 67°30' . 33°40'
mouth of the Leon river . 67°30' . 33°35'
Sidon . 67°10' . 33°30'
Tyros . 67°00' . 33°20'
Ekdippa . 67°10' . 33°15'
Ptolemais . 66°50' . 33°00'
Sykaminon . 66°50' . 32°55'
Karmelos mountain . 66°25' . 32°55'
Dora. 66°30' . 32°40'
mouth of the Chorseos river . 66°20' . 32°35'

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§ 5.15.6  Bounded on the south by Judaia according to the line drawn here, to the east, then returns south at the locality . 67°10' . 32°20'
and terminates at . 68°00' . 31°15'
and by part of Arabia Petraia along the aforementioned limit, up to the limit point at Arabia Deserta the position of which is . 70°30' . 32°00'

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§ 5.15.7  On the east the border is bounded by the line which extends along Arabia Deserta to the Euphrates river crossing near Thapsakos, where the limit at the Euphrates is . 73°20' . 35°10'
thence by the Euphrates river along Mesopotamia, to the limit of this river at Kappadokia at . 71°20' . 38°00'

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§ 5.15.8  The noteworthy mountains in Syria are Pieria mountain, midpoint . 69°40' . 35°40'
and Kassios mountain, midpoint . 68°45' . 34°45'
and Libanos, the extremes of which are at . 68°45' . 34°00'
and . 70°00' . 33°15'
and Antilibanos, the extremes of which are at . 68°00' . 33°20'
and . 69°40' . 32°30'
and beside Arabia Deserta Mt. Alsadamos, midpoint . 71°00' . 33°00'
Near Judaia Mt. Hippos, midpoint . 68°10' . 32°00'

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§ 5.15.9  Other rivers cross the country, the one flowing by Palmyra, whose limits are . 71°15' . 34°00'
and . 71°40' . 33°40'
And the one flowing by Damaskos, called Chrysorroas, whose limits are . 69°15' . 34°00' and . 69°45' . 32°00'
And part of the Iordanos toward lake Gennesaritis, midpoint . 67°20' . 32°20'
And the so-called Singas, which from the mountain of Pieria flows north and then turns east at this position . 71°37' . 30°00'
, and joins the Euphrates at this location: . 72°00' . 37°20'

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§ 5.15.10  The cities in the Syrian interior beginning on the north, are, in Kommagene:
Arake . 70°50' . 37°40'
Antiocheia near Mt. Tauros . 70°15' . 37°20'
Singa . 71°00' . 37°30'
Germanikeia . 70°00' . 37°00'
Katamana . 70°40' . 37°00'
Doliche . 70°40' . 36°40'
Deba . 70°20' . 36°30'
Chaonia . 70°30' . 36°20'

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§ 5.15.11  And near the Euphrates river:
Cholmadara . 71°15' . 37°50'
Samosata legion . 71°30' . 37°35'

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§ 5.15.12  The cities in Pieria:
Pinara . 69°50' . 36°30'
Pagrai . 70°00' . 36°05'
and the Syrian Gates . 69°40' . 36°15'

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§ 5.15.13  The cities in Kyrrhestike:
Ariseria . 71°00' . 37°00'
Regias . 71°15' . 36°50'
Bouba . 71°20' . 36°40'
Herakleia . 71°00' . 36°30'
Niara . 70°50' . 36°10'
Hierapolis . 71°15' . 30°15'
Kybros or Kyros . 70°10' . 36°00'
Berroia . 70°30' . 36°00'
Baina . 70°50' . 36°00'
Paphara . 71°30' . 36°00'

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§ 5.15.14  The cities on the Euphrates:
Ourima . 71°45' . 37°30'
Aroudis . 71°55' . 37°15'
Zeugma . 72°00' . 37°00'
Europos . 72°00' . 36°50'
Kaikilia . 71°55' . 36°40'
Bethammaria or Bethamania . 71°50' . 36°30'
Gerrhe . 71°50' . 36°05'
Arimara . 72°10' . 36°00'
Eragiza or Errasiga . 71°50' . 36°00'

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§ 5.15.15  The cities in Seleukis:
Gephyra . 69°30' . 35°30'
Gindaros . 70°00' . 35°40'
Imma . 69°50' . 35°25'

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§ 5.15.16  The cities in Kasiotis:
Antiocheia on the Orontes river . 69°00' . 35°30'
Daphne . 69°00' . 35°25'
Baktaialle or Bakatailloi . 69°00' . 35°00'
Audeia or Lydia . 69°30' . 35°00'
Seleukeia on the Belos . 69°30' . 34°45'
Larissa . 69°40' . 34°35'
Epiphaneia . 69°35' . 34°25'
Raphaneai . 69°15' . 34°15'
Antarados . 68°15' . 34°15'
Marathos . 68°40' . 34°25'
Mariame . 69°20' . 34°00'
Mamouga . 69°20' . 33°45'

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§ 5.15.17  The cities in Chalybonitis:
Thema . 71°30' . 35°30'
Akoraka or Akoraba . 71°15' . 35°15'
Derrima . 72°00' . 35°00'
Chalybon . 71°20' . 35°00'
Spelounga or Speloueka . 71°40' . 35°50'
and on the Euphrates river:
Barbarissos . 71°55' . 35°45'
Athis . 72°00' . 35°30'

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§ 5.15.18  The cities in Chalkidike:
Chalkis . 70°30' . 35°40'
Asaphidama . 70°30' . 34°50'
Tolmidessa . 70°25' . 34°30'
Maronias . 71°10' . 34°30'
Koara . 70°50' . 34°10'

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§ 5.15.19  The cities in Apamene:
Nazaba or Nazama . 70°30' . 34°05'
And east of the Orontes river
Thelmenissos or Thelbenissos . 69°40' . 35°00'
Apameia . 70°00' . 34°45'
Emissa . 69°40' . 34°00'

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§ 5.15.20  Towns in Laodikene:
Skabiosa Laodikeia . 69°40' . 33°45'
Paradeisos . 69°45' . 33°35'
Iabrouda . 70°00' . 33°30'

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§ 5.15.21  The inland cities in Phoinike:
Arka . 68°00' . 34°00'
Palaeobiblos . 67°45' . 34°00'
Gabala . 67°15' . 33°00'
Kaisareia Panias . 67°40' . 33°00'

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§ 5.15.22  The cities of the Dekapolis of Koile Syria:
Heliou Polis . 68°40' . 33°40'
Abila surnamed Lysaniou . 68°45' . 33°20'
Saana . 69°20' . 33°25'
Ina . 68°30' . 33°00'
Damaskos . 69°00' . 33°00'
Samoulis . 67°30' . 32°30'
Abida . 68°15' . 32°45'
Hippos . 68°00' . 32°30'
Kapitolias . 68°45' . 32°30'
Gadara . 68°00' . 32°10'

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§ 5.15.23  Adra . 68°40' . 32°10'
Skythopolis . 67°40' . 31°55'
Gerasa . 68°15' . 31°45'
Pella . 67°40' . 31°40'
Dion . 67°50' . 31°50'
Gadora . 67°45' . 31°30'
Philadelpheia . 68°00' . 31°20'
Kanatha . 68°50' . 31°45'

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§ 5.15.24  The cities in Palmyrene:
Resapha . 72°15' . 34°45'
Cholle . 71°45' . 34°30'
Oriza . 72°15' . 34°30'
Poutea . 71°20' . 34°30'
Adada . 71°20' . 34°15'
Palmyra . 71°30' . 34°00'
Adacha . 72°00' . 34°00'
Danaba . 70°50' . 33°50'
Goaria . 70°30' . 33°30'
Aueria or Aueira . 71°30' . 33°40'
Kasama . 70°40' . 33°20'
Odmana . 70°10' . 33°10'
Atera . 71°10' . 33°15'

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§ 5.15.25  The cities on the Euphrates:
Alalis . 72°20' . 35°15'
Soura . 72°40' . 35°20'
Alamatha . 73°00' . 35°05'

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§ 5.15.26  In the Batanaia country, east of which is Sakkaia, below Mt. Alsadamos, the Trachonitai Arabs:
Gerra . 70°00' . 32°50'
Elere . 70°00' . 32°40'
Nelaxa . 70°10' . 32°30'
Adrama . 69°10' . 31°30'

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§ 5.15.27  Islands off Syria:
Arados . 68°00' . 34°30'
and Tyros just offshore . 67°00' . 33°20'

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§ 5.16.1  Palestine (Syria) which is also called Ioudaia, is bounded on the north by Syria along the line referred to above; on the east and south by Arabia Petraia along a line drawn from the eastern limit of Syria to the limit of Egypt, the location of which limit is . 64°15' . 30°40'
on the west by the near part of Egypt which has been referred to, and by the sea as far as the border of Syria, which coast is thus described:

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§ 5.16.2  After the mouth of the Chorseas river:
Kaisareia Stratonos . 60°15' . 32°30'
Apollonia . 66°00' . 32°15'
Ioppe . 65°40' . 32°05'
Iamneiton harbor . 65°00' . 32°00'
Azotos . 65°15' . 31°50'
Askalon . 65°00' . 31°40'
Gazaion harbor . 64°55' . 31°30'
Anthedon . 64°50' . 31°40'

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§ 5.16.3  Part of the Jordan river toward the Asphaltitis lake divides Ioudaia, the midpoint of which is . 66°50' . 31°10'

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§ 5.16.4  And the following cities are in the interior: Of Galilaia:
Sapphouris . 66°40' . 32°35'
Kaparkotnei (or Kaparnaoum) . 66°50' . 32°05'
Ioulias . 67°05' . 32°15'
Tiberias [lake] . 67°15' . 32°05'

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§ 5.16.5  Of Samaria:
Neapolis . 66°50' . 31°50'
Thena . 67°05' . 31°45'

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§ 5.16.6  In Judaia west of the river:
Rapheia . 65°00' . 31°30'
Gaza . 65°25' . 31°45'
Iamneia . 65°40' . 32°00'
Lydda . 66°00' . 32°00'
Antipatris . 66°20' . 32°00'
Drousias . 66°30' . 31°55'
Sebaste . 66°40' . 32°20'
Baitogabrei . 65°30' . 31°30'
Sebous or Esbous . 65°40' . 31°25'

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§ 5.16.7  Emmaous . 65°45' . 31°45'
Gouphna . 66°10' . 31°45'
Archelais . 66°30' . 31°45'
Phaselis . 66°55' . 31°35'
Hierikos . 66°45' . 31°25'

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§ 5.16.8  Hierosolyma which now is called Aelia Kapitolias . 66°00' . 31°40'
Thamna . 66°15' . 31°30'
Engadda . 66°30' . 31°15'
Bedoro . 66°30' . 31°00'
Thamaro . 66°20' . 30°20'

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§ 5.16.9  East of the river Jordan:
Kosmos (or Kormos) . 67°15' . 31°35'
Livias . 67°10' . 31°25'
Kallirroe . 67°05' . 31°10'
Iazoros . 67°30' . 31°15'
Epikairos . 67°00' . 31°05'

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§ 5.16.10  Of Idoumaia, which is all to the west of the Jordan river:
Berzama . 64°50' . 31°15'
Kaparorsa . 65°30' . 31°15'
Gemmarouris . 65°50' . 31°10'
Elousa . 65°10' . 30°50'
Maps . 65°40' . 30°55'

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§ 5.17.1  Arabia Petraia is bounded on the west by that part of Egypt to which we have referred; on the north by Palestina or Ioudaia and the part of Syria along dividing line; on the south by the inmost point of the Arabian Gulf, at . 63°30' . 29°50'
and by the Heroopolite gulf from the limit of Egypt up to the Pharan promontory, which is located at . 65°00' . 28°30'
and by the near side of the Elanite gulf, until its return at . 66°00' . 29°00'
The position of Pharan kome is . 65°00' . 28°40'
Elana kome, which is located in the inmost recess of the bay of this name, has this position . 65°50' . 29°15'

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§ 5.17.2  to the east its boundary is the line leading to the eastern limit of Syria, as we have indicated, running beside Arabia Felix, to the part of this line at . 70°00' . 30°30'
along Arabia Deserta for the remainder of the line.

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§ 5.17.3  The so-called Melana mountains extend from the recess of the gulf at Pharan toward Judaia. West of these mountains toward Egypt extends Sarakene; below this is Mounychiatis; below which on the gulf are the Pharanitai, and along the mountains of Arabia Felix the Raithenoi.

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§ 5.17.4  There are cities in the province, inland, and komai as follows:
Eboda . 65°15' . 30°30'
Maliattha . 65°45' . 30°30'
Kalgouia . 66°20' . 30°30'
Lysa . 65°50' . 30°15'
Goubba . 65°50' . 30°00'
Gypsaria . 65°40' . 29°45'
Gerasa . 65°30' . 29°30'

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§ 5.17.5  Petra . 66°45' . 30°20'
Charakoma . 66°10' . 30°00'
Auara . 66°10' . 29°40'
Zanaatha . 66°45' . 29°50'
Adrou . 67°00' . 29°55'
Zoara . 67°20' . 30°30'
Thana . 67°30' . 30°30'
Nekla . 67°30' . 30°15'
Kletharro . 67°50' . 30°20'
Moka . 67°50' . 30°10'

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§ 5.17.6  Esbouta . 68°30' . 31°00'
Ziza . 68°45' . 31°00'
Magouza . 68°00' . 30°45'
Medaua . 68°30' . 30°45'
Lydia . 69°00' . 30°40'
Rabathmom . 68°30' . 30°30'
Anitha . 68°40' . 30°15'

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§ 5.17.7  Sourattha . 69°15' . 31°10'
Bostra legion . 69°45' . 31°30'
Mesada . 69°20' . 30°30'
Adra . 69°40' . 30°40'
Korake . 68°00' . 30°05'

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§ 5.18.1  Mesopotamia is bounded on the north by the indicated part of Armenia Major; on the west by the indicated part of the Euphrates river by Syria; on the east by that part of the Tigris river by Assyria, from the section by Armenia to the Altars of Herakles at . 80°00' . 34°20'
On the south by the remaining part of the Euphrates river, along Arabia Deserta to the limit point at . 76°15' . 33°20'
and along Babylonia to its junction with the Tigris and the above-mentioned Altars; the position of this section is . 80°00' . 34°20'

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§ 5.18.2  The named mountains in Mesopotamia are Masion mountain, midpoint . 74°00' . 37°20'
and Singaras . 76°40' . 36°15'

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§ 5.18.3  Rivers flow through this country from the above-mentioned mountains, both others and the so-called Chaboras, whose springs are at . 74°00' . 37°15'
it joins the Euphrates at . 74°00' . 35°00'
and the so-called Saokoras river, whose springs are at . 75°00' . 37°30'
it joins the Euphrates river at . 75°45' . 33°55'

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§ 5.18.4  The part of this country toward Armenia is occuped by Anthemousia, below which is Kalchitis; below this Gauzanitis; and toward the Tigris river Akabene; below Gauzanitis is Tingene, and for a large stretch by the Euphrates Ankobaritis.

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§ 5.18.5  The cities and komai in Mesopotamia near the Euphrates:
Porsika . 72°00' . 37°30'
Aniana . 72°20' . 36°40'
Barsampse . 72°20' . 36°15'
Sarnouka . 72°10' . 35°50'
Bersima . 72°20' . 35°50'
Maubai . 72°50' . 35°20'

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§ 5.18.6  Nikephorion . 73°05' . 35°20'
Magouda . 73°15' . 35°10'
Chabora . 74°00' . 35°10'
Thelda . 74°15' . 34°45'
Apphadana . 74°30' . 34°35'
Banabe . 74°45' . 34°25'
Zeitha . 75°10' . 34°20'
Bethauna . 76°00' . 34°15'
Reskipha . 76°00' . 34°00'

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§ 5.18.7  Agamna . 76°30' . 33°30'
Eudrapa . 77°10' . 33°40'
Addaia . 77°15' . 34°00'
Pakoria . 77°20' . 34°45'
Teridata . 77°30' . 35°20'
Naarda . 77°40' . 35°30'
Sipphara . 78°15' . 35°40'

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§ 5.18.8  The position of the Euphrates where it divides into the part flowing through Babylon, and that flowing through Seleukeia, the in-between section being called the Basileios river . 79°00' . 35°40'
Seleukeia city . 79°20' . 35°40'

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§ 5.18.9  The cities by the banks of the Tigris river:
Dorbeta . 76°00' . 38°00'
Sapphe . 76°00' . 37°40'
Deba . 76°00' . 37°20'
Singara . 76°00' . 37°00'
Betooun . 77°00' . 36°45'
Labbana . 77°50' . 36°30'
Birtha . 78°45' . 36°20'
Karthara . 79°00' . 36°15'
Manchane . 79°10' . 36°15'
and after Seleukeia
Scaphe . 79°45' . 34°30'
Apameia . 79°50' . 34°20'

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§ 5.18.10  Below which is the junction of the Basileios river and the Tigris near Middle Country;
In the rest of Middle Country the following cities:
Bithias . 72°20' . 37°40'
Edessa . 72°30' . 37°30'
Ombraia . 73°00' . 37°10'
Ammaia . 73°20' . 37°50'
Souma . 73°30' . 37°40'
Risina . 73°30' . 37°30'
Olibera (or Oxira) . 73°30' . 37°00'
Sarrara (or Sarrane) . 74°00' . 38°15'
Sakane (or Sanake) . 74°20' . 37°45'

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§ 5.18.11  Arxama (or Aroma) . 74°40' . 37°15'
Gizama . 74°20' . 37°15'
Sinna . 74°15' . 37°30'
Mambouta . 74°45' . 37°25'
Nisibis . 75°10' . 37°00'
Bithiga . 75°10' . 37°45'
Baxala or Baala . 75°30' . 37°00'
Auladis . 73°00' . 36°40'
Ballatha . 73°45' . 36°40'

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§ 5.18.12  Karrai . 73°15' . 36°10'
Tirittha . 73°50' . 36°15'
Thengoubis . 74°40' . 36°30'
Orthaga (or Orgatha) . 74°40' . 36°00'
Eleia . 75°40' . 36°45'
Zama . 75°30' . 36°20'
Sinna . 76°20' . 36°40'
Gorbatha (or Garbatha) . 77°00' . 36°15'
Dabausa (or Badausa) . 76°00' . 36°00'
Bariana . 77°40' . 36°00'
Akrabai . 73°10' . 35°50'
Apphadana . 74°00' . 35°30'
Resaina . 74°40' . 35°40'
Peliala . 75°45' . 35°50'
Alouanis . 74°25' . 35°20'
Bimatra . 76°15' . 35°20'
Daremma . 76°20' . 35°00'

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§ 5.19.1  Eremos Arabia is bounded on the north by part of Mesopotamia on the Euphrates river at . 76°15' . 33°20'
On the west by the defined parts of Syria, Ioudaia, and Arabia Petraia; on the east by Babylonia through the mountainous part from the Euphrates limit point to the inner recess of the [Persian] Maisanites Gulf at . 79°00' . 30°10'
and by the nearer part of the Persian Gulf to a limit point at . 79°00' . 29°00'
On the south by Arabia Felix through the mountainous part from the indicated limit point by Arabia Petraia to the limit point defined at the Persian Maisanites gulf (79, 29).

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§ 5.19.2  The parts of Arabia Deserta beside Euphrates river are occupied by the Kauchabenoi, the part along Syria by the Batanaioi, the part along Arabia Felix by the Agoubeni, after whom are the Raabenoi; and by the Persian Gulf the Orcheni; and the part near Babylonia but beneath the Kauchabenoi is occupied by the Aisitai, and below the Raabenoi the Masanoi, and in between the Agraioi, and by the Batanaioi, the Martenoi, near Babylonia.

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§ 5.19.3  The cities and komai by the Euphrates river are as follows:
Thapsakos . 73°30' . 35°05'
Birtha . 73°40' . 35°00'
Gadeirda (or Gatheirtha) . 73°50' . 34°45'
Auzara . 74°05' . 34°30'
Audattha . 74°15' . 34°20'
Dadara . 74°20' . 34°10'
Balagala (or Balagaia) . 75°00' . 34°00'
Pharga . 75°40' . 34°00'
Kolarina . 75°30' . 33°40'
Belgynaia . 76°00' . 33°30'

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§ 5.19.4  By the Persian Gulf these cities:
Ammaia . 79°00' . 30°10'
Idikara . 79°00' . 29°30'
Ioukara . 79°00' . 29°15'

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§ 5.19.5  Inland these cities:
Barathena . 73°20' . 33°00'
Saue . 73°00' . 33°00'
Choke . 72°30' . 32°30'
Gauara . 73°40' . 32°40'
Aurana . 73°15' . 32°20'
Reganna . 75°40' . 33°20'
Alata . 72°30' . 32°00'
Eroupa . 72°30' . 31°15'

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§ 5.19.6  Themme . 75°00' . 31°40'
Louma . 75°40' . 31°00'
Thauba (or Thaua) . 72°45' . 30°30'
Seouia . 73°30' . 30°30'
Dapha, Daphna, Sapha . 74°15' . 30°30'
Sora . 75°00' . 30°20'
Odagana . 76°15' . 30°40'
Tedion . 77°00' . 30°30'
Zagmais . 76°30' . 30°10'
Arrade . 71°30' . 30°15'

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§ 5.19.7  Obaira . 71°00' . 30°45'
Artemita . 72°15' . 30°10'
Banacha . 73°15' . 29°40'
Doumetha . 75°00' . 29°40'
Alata . 75°40' . 29°30'
Bere . 76°40' . 29°30'
Kalathousa . 77°30' . 29°30'
Salma . 78°20' . 29°30'

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§ 5.20.1  Babylonia is bounded on the north by Mesopotamia along the the Euphrates river as described, on the west by Arabia Deserta at the mountain chain described; on the east by Susiana along the remaining parts of the Tigris river as far as its outflows into the Persian Gulf at . 80°30' . 31°00'
on the south by the recess of the Persian Gulf on this side of the limit at Arabia Deserta.

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§ 5.20.2  The Basileios river flows through this land, and the one running through Babylonia, and the so-called Maarsares, which joins the Euphrates at the point . 78°20' . 35°40'
The one through Babylon connects at . 79°00' . 34°55'
These rivers and the diversions from them form lakes and swamps, the midpoint between which is at . 78°30' . 34°30'

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§ 5.20.3  The country along the Euphrates is Auranitis, and that adjoining Arabia Deserta is Chaldaia; around the marshes is Amardokaia, with the Strofas (or Strophades) below.

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§ 5.20.4  These are the cities and komai in Babylonia on the Tigris river to the sea below Apameia city:
Bible . 79°00' . 34°00'
Didigoua . 79°30' . 33°40'
Pounda . 79°40' . 33°00'
Batracharta . 79°40' . 32°40'
Thalatha . 80°00' . 32°10'
Altha . 79°30' . 31°15'

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§ 5.20.5  Between the mouths of the Tigris river, whose eastern mouth is at . 80°30' . 31°00'
and western at . 79°30' . 30°15'
Teredon . 80°00' . 31°10'

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§ 5.20.6  By part of the Euphrates river:
Idikara . 77°00' . 33°20'
Douraba . 77°40' . 34°00'
Thakkona . 77°45' . 34°30'
Thelbengane . 78°30' . 35°30'
On the river flowing through Babylon
Babylon . 79°00' . 35°00'
Toward the Maarsares river
Ouolgaisia . 78°20' . 34°30'
Barsita . 78°45' . 34°20'

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§ 5.20.7  Below these near the swamps and Arabia Deserta
Beona or Biana . 79°00' . 32°40'
Choudouka . 78°00' . 33°20'
Choumana . 79°00' . 33°10'
Kaisa . 76°40' . 32°50'
Birande (or Berarinda) . 77°30' . 32°30'
Orchoe . 78°30' . 32°40'

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§ 5.20.8  Bethana . 79°00' . 32°55'
Thelme . 76°40' . 32°00'
Sorthida . 77°00' . 32°30'
Iamba . 78°00' . 31°20'
Rageia . 78°40' . 31°20'
Chiriphe . 79°15' . 31°10'
Ratta . 79°15' . 30°50'

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§ 6.1.1  Assyria is bounded on the north by the above-mentioned part of Greater Armenia by Mt. Niphates; on the west by Mesopotamia along the indicated part of the Tigris river; on the south by Susiane on the line from the Tigris to the limit point at . 84°00' . 36°00'
on the east by the part of Media along the line joining those two limit points, on which is Mt. Chaboras, whose limit points are . 80°00' . 39°30'
and . 83°00' . 38°00'

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§ 6.1.2  The part of the country by Armenia is called Arrapachitis; that which is near Susiane Sittakene; between these is occupied by the Garamaians; the land between Arrapachitis and the Garamaians is called Adiabene; that between the Garamaians and Sittakene is called Apolloniatis; above it the Sambatai ethnos; above Adiabene is Kalakine; above the Garamaians the Arbelitis region.

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§ 6.1.3  The cities and komai of Assyria in that part along the Tigris:
Marde . 76°00' . 38°15'
Saouara . 76°00' . 37°15'
Bessara . 77°00' . 37°20'
Belkiana . 77°30' . 37°00'
Ninos . 78°00' . 36°40'
Sakada . 78°30' . 36°30'
Oroba . 79°20' . 36°20'
Thelde . 80°00' . 36°00'
Ktesiphon . 80°00' . 35°00'

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§ 6.1.4  in the remaining interior region:
Bethaba or Bithaba . 77°40' . 38°40'
Dartha . 78°30' . 38°45'
Zigira . 79°40' . 38°45'
Darna . 80°30' . 39°30'
Obana . 81°00' . 39°00'
Thesara . 81°15' . 38°20'
Korkoura . 78°20' . 38°10'
Oroba . 79°20' . 38°10'

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§ 6.1.5  Degia . 80°45' . 38°10'
Komopolis . 81°30' . 38°10'
Dosa . 79°00' . 37°45'
Gaugamela . 79°30' . 37°15'
Sarbena . 79°00' . 37°00'
Arbela . 80°00' . 37°15'
Gomara . 81°20' . 37°30'
Phousiana . 82°10' . 37°40'
Eisone (or Isonoe) . 82°30' . 37°30'

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§ 6.1.6  Soura . 83°00' . 36°40'
Chatracharta . 80°30' . 36°10'
Apollonia . 81°30' . 36°30'
Theboura . 83°20' . 36°45'
Arrapa . 82°00' . 36°30'
Kinna . 83°20' . 36°10'
Artemita . 81°15' . 36°00'
Sittake . 82°00' . 35°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.1.7  Rivers flowing through this country into the Tigris river are the Lykos, the springs of which at . 78°00' . 39°00'
the junction with the Tigris at . 79°00' . 36°30'
and the Kapros river, the springs of which at . 79°00' . 39°30'
the junction with the Tigris at . 80°00' . 35°40'
and the Gorgos, whose springs are at . 80°20' . 38°00'
and junction with the Tigris at . 80°00' . 35°20'

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§ 6.2.1  Media is bounded on the north by a part of the Hyrkanian sea, which is thus described: after the limit point with Armenia at the Araxes river:
Sanina . 80°00' . 43°00'
mouth of the Kambysis river . 81°00' . 42°45'
river sources . 80°00' . 41°00'
Tazeina . 81°40' . 42°30'
Sabaian Altars . 82°30' . 42°30'
mouth of the Kyros river . 83°30' . 42°15'
river sources . 82°00' . 39°30'

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§ 6.2.2  Of the Kadousians
Charax . 84°40' . 42°00'
Kyropolis . 85°30' . 41°30'
mouth of the Amardos river . 86°30' . 41°30'
river sources . 85°00' . 38°30'
midpoint of the lake linked to it, called Martiane . 82°30' . 39°20'
Amana . 87°30' . 40°40'
Akola . 88°15' . 40°15'
mouth of the Straton or Staon river . 90°20' . 40°00'
river sources . 88°00' . 38°30'
Mandagarsis . 92°00' . 40°00'
mouth of the Charinda river . 93°00' . 40°30'
limit point toward Hyrkania a . 94°00' . 40°30'

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§ 6.2.3  On the west it is bounded by Greater Armenia and Assyria along the eastern lines indicated; on the south by Persis on the line linking the limit point at Assyria and Sousiane with the point at . 94°00' . 34°30'
and . 101°00' . 33°00'
On which line is the western part of the Parachoathron mountain; on the east by Hyrkania and Parthia along the southern line, joining the indicated limit points, of which the point separating Hyrkania from Parthia is at . 94°00' . 39°00'

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§ 6.2.4  The most important mountains of Media are the Zagros, midpoint . 85°00' . 38°00'
the Orontes, midpoint . 88°30' . 38°00'
the Iasonion, midpoint . 90°30' . 36°00'
and the western part of Korono, with western limit point at . 92°00' . 38°00'
and . 101°00' . 39°00'

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§ 6.2.5  The Kaspians inhabit the western part of Media near Armenia, below whom is Martiane along the entire side of Assyria; the parts on the sea are also occupied by Kadousians and Legai and Dribykes; After whom, extending inland, the Amariakai and Mardoi (or Amardoi?). The Kardouchi and Maroundai occupy the regions in from the land of the Kadousians up to Lake Martiane; then inward from the Gelai are the the Margasoi, after whom Tropatene stretches to the Amariakans;

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§ 6.2.6  East of Mt. Zagros are the Sagartians, after whom Choromithrene stretches as far as Parthia and has Elymais further to the north; Toward the east is held by the Tapouri; from south of Choromisthrene are the Sidikes and Sigrianike and Ragiane, and by these below the Iasonion mountain are the Ouadassians and the Dareitis country, and all along Persis Syromedia.

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§ 6.2.7  The Zagros Gates are at . 84°30' . 37°00'
and the Kaspian Gates at . 94°00' . 37°00'

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§ 6.2.8  The cities and komai in the interior of Media:
Scabina . 79°30' . 42°00'
Gabale . 80°00' . 42°00'
Ouka . 80°40' . 42°30'
Ouarna . 81°00' . 42°00'
Kandys . 83°30' . 42°00'
Gabris . 80°20' . 41°15'
Sozoa . 80°50' . 41°10'

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§ 6.2.9  Tonzarma . 81°30' . 41°30'
Azaga . 81°15' . 41°10'
Morounda . 82°20' . 41°10'
Tigrana . 82°40' . 41°30'
Pharambara . 84°10' . 41°20'
Tachasara . 84°20' . 41°00'

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§ 6.2.10  Zalake . 86°15' . 41°00'
Alouaka . 80°40' . 40°30'
Gauzania . 82°00' . 40°40'
Phazaba . 82°30' . 40°10'
Pharaspa . 85°30' . 40°30'
Kourna . 86°15' . 40°30'
Phanaspa . 86°30' . 40°00'
Gabris . 84°40' . 40°20'
Nande . 81°40' . 39°40'
Zazaka . 83°40' . 39°30'
Saraka . 85°15' . 39°20'

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§ 6.2.11  Mandagara . 87°45' . 39°30'
Aganzaba . 89°00' . 39°30'
Galla . 90°10' . 39°15'
Orakana . 91°00' . 39°30'
Alicadra . 93°00' . 39°00'
Phanaka . 93°20' . 39°30'
Nazada . 83°00' . 38°10'
Alinza and its mountain . 84°00' . 38°00'
Arsisaka . 85°00' . 38°40'

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§ 6.2.12  Alisdaka . 86°40' . 38°45'
Dariausa . 87°30' . 38°30'
Singar . 88°00' . 38°30'
Batina . 89°00' . 38°40'
Ouesaspe . 89°40' . 38°40'
Nigouza . 90°15' . 38°00'
Sanais . 92°00' . 38°20'
Razounda . 93°20' . 38°40'

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§ 6.2.13  Oueneka . 93°20' . 38°15'
Bithia . 85°30' . 37°40'
Alinza . 86°10' . 37°45'
Zaranis . 86°00' . 37°00'
Gabena . 87°00' . 37°30'
Larasa . 87°10' . 37°10'

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§ 6.2.14  Ekbatana . 88°00' . 37°45'
Chokastra . 89°00' . 37°40'
Niphauanda . 88°50' . 37°10'
Gouriamna . 91°00' . 37°20'
Trauaxa . 93°00' . 37°40'
Choana . 92°00' . 37°15'

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§ 6.2.15  Auradis . 93°40' . 37°15'
Tibrakana . 93°20' . 36°00'
Thebarga . 84°15' . 36°40'
Karine . 85°10' . 36°20'
Kaberasa . 86°00' . 36°30'
Parachana . 87°40' . 36°00'

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§ 6.2.16  Arsakia . 88°00' . 36°30'
Gauna . 83°45' . 36°30'
Herakleia . 89°00' . 36°40'
Zania . 90°10' . 36°50'
Arouzis . 91°00' . 36°20'
Zarama . 92°20' . 36°30'

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§ 6.2.17  Tautike . 93°20' . 36°15'
Europos . 93°40' . 36°40'
Abakaina . 93°00' . 36°00'
Kigbena . 87°00' . 35°30'
Dottha . 88°00' . 35°25'
Gerepa . 89°40' . 35°20'

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§ 6.2.18  Rapsa . 90°10' . 35°40'
Andriaka . 91°00' . 35°10'
Klouaka . 92°40' . 35°10'
Argarausdaka . 93°20' . 35°20'
Kanatha . 93°30' . 35°45'
Aradriphe . 93°20' . 34°45'

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§ 6.3.1  Susiane is bounded on the north by the indicated side of Assyria; on the west by Babylonia along the designated part from the Tigris to the sea; on the east by Persis along the line linking the limit point of Assyria and Media to the mouth of the Oroatis river in the Persian Gulf. in the confines of Assyria and Media to the mouth of the Orontes river emptying into the Persian Gulf, at . 86°30' . 30°30'

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§ 6.3.2  this coast is described as follows: the western mouth of the Tigris river is in the description of Babylonia at . 79°30' . 30°15'
The eastern mouth of the Tigris river at . 80°30' . 31°00'
Charax Pasinou . 80°00' . 31°00'
mouth of the Mosaios river . 82°00' . 30°40'
river sources . 82°30' . 33°00'
Pelodes Gulf . 83°00' . 31°00'
mouth of the Eulaios river . 84°30' . 30°40'
The sources of the river which are in Susiane . 83°00' . 35°00'
The sources of the river in Media . 86°00' . 38°00'
Tenagos Ammodes (sandy) . 84°30' . 30°30'
mouth of the Oroatis river . 86°30' . 30°30'
river sources . 88°30' . 34°40'

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§ 6.3.3  The Elymaians occupy the parts of Susiane by the sea; the Kossaians the part toward Assyria; the country by the Tigris is called Melitene; that by Persis Kabandene; that above Charax Charakene; in between, above the Elymaians is Kyssia, above this Chaltapitis, between which and the plain of Kyssia is Deera.

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§ 6.3.4  The cities and komai in Sousiane, by the Tigris river between the Altars of Herakles at . 80°00' . 34°05'
Agra . 80°30' . 33°45'
Arakka . 80°10' . 32°40'
Asia . 80°10' . 31°40'

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§ 6.3.5  The cities in the interior are:
Palinza . 83°45' . 35°30'
Sakrone . 82°45' . 35°00'
Bergan . 84°15' . 34°45'
Sousa . 84°00' . 34°15'
Saura . 85°00' . 34°00'
Dera . 81°30' . 33°40'
Agarra . 83°40' . 33°20'
Abinna . 85°10' . 33°10'
Tareiana . 82°00' . 32°30'
Sele . 84°00' . 32°30'
Graan . 82°00' . 31°30'
Anouchtha . 83°30' . 31°40'
Ourzan . 84°40' . 31°40'
Island adjacent to Sousiane:
Taxiana . 84°00' . 29°20'

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§ 6.4.1  Persis is bounded on the north by Media along the line running through the Parachoathron mountain; on the west by Susiane along the indicated eastern side; on the east by Karmania from the limit point by the extended southern line toward Media and Parthia as far as the mouth of the Bagras river in the Persian Gulf at . 94°00' . 29°15'
on the south by the part of the Persian Gulf from the mouth of the Oroatis river to the Bagras river, which coast is described as follows:

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§ 6.4.2  After the mouth of the Oroatis river
Taoke promontory . 87°30' . 30°10'
mouth of the Rogomanis river . 88°30' . 30°00'
river sources . 92°00' . 35°00'
Chersonesos promontory . 89°40' . 29°30'
Ionaka city . 90°00' . 29°45'
mouth of the Brisoana river . 92°00' . 29°40'
river sources . 93°00' . 34°30'
Ausinza . 93°00' . 29°20'
mouth of the Bagras river . 94°00' . 29°15'
river sources . 94°00' . 35°15'

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§ 6.4.3  The region of Persia which is near Media is called Paraitakene, from which toward the south are the Messabatai and the Rapsioi, below whom is Temisdia, and as far as the sea Mardyene and Taokene, and the Hippophagoi (horse-eaters) and Souzaians; and below Mardyene are the Maitores, and beyond the Souzaians the Gabaians.

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§ 6.4.4  The cities and komai in the interior of Persia:
Ozoa . 85°45' . 35°20'
Tanagra . 86°00' . 34°30'
Marrasion . 92°30' . 34°30'
Aspadana . 86°00' . 33°50'
Axima . 87°45' . 33°50'
Poryospana . 89°00' . 33°50'
Persepolis . 90°15' . 33°20'
Niserge . 91°00' . 34°00'

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§ 6.4.5  Sukta . 91°30' . 34°00'
Arboua . 92°15' . 33°00'
Kotamba . 93°30' . 33°40'
Potikara . 87°15' . 32°15'
Ardea . 88°00' . 32°30'
Kauphiaka . 89°00' . 32°30'

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§ 6.4.6  Batthina . 90°00' . 32°20'
Kinna . 92°20' . 32°20'
Parodana . 93°50' . 32°15'
Taepa or Taispa . 87°00' . 31°45'
Tragonike . 87°40' . 31°40'
Maitona . 89°10' . 31°45'
Chorodna . 90°00' . 31°15'
Korra . 91°20' . 31°40'
Gabra . 92°15' . 31°30'
Orobatis city . 87°00' . 30°50'

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§ 6.4.7  Taoke . 89°00' . 30°20'
Parta . 90°00' . 30°20'
Mammida . 91°00' . 30°20'
Ouzia . 91°40' . 30°00'
Pasargada (or Pasarracha) . 93°00' . 30°30'
Gabai . 93°40' . 30°10'
Islands adjacent to Persis:
Tabiana . 87°00' . 29°15'
Sophtha . 88°00' . 29°20'
Alexandrou or Arakia . 90°00' . 29°00'

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§ 6.5.1  Parthia is bounded on the west by the indicated part of Media, on the north by the Hyrkanian country on a parallel line through Koronos mountain to the limit point at . 101°00' . 39°00'
on the east by Areia on the line from the point mentioned, leading through the Masdoranos mountain until the point at . 102°30' . 33°00'
on the south by Karmania Deserta, on the line joining the points of Parchoathra mountain up to . 101°00' . 33°00'
The part of Parthia which adjoins Hyrkania is called Komisene, below which is Parthyene; next is Choarene and Parautikene, after this is Tabikene by Karmania, with the Sobidans alongside.

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§ 6.5.2  The cities and komai of Parthia are:
Ambrodax . 94°30' . 38°20'
Oinounia (or Sinounia) . 95°00' . 38°40'
Karipraka heights . 97°15' . 38°40'
Roara . 78°30' . 38°20'
Souphtha . 100°00' . 38°00'
Arakiana . 94°15' . 38°00'
Dordomana . 94°15' . 37°40'
Hekatompylon palace . 96°00' . 37°50'
Sindaga . 96°10' . 37°00'
Parbara . 98°50' . 37°30'

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§ 6.5.3  Mysia . 100°30' . 37°30'
Charax . 94°15' . 36°40'
Apameia . 94°15' . 36°00'
Aspa . 95°20' . 33°20'
Semina . 96°00' . 36°40'
Marriche . 98°00' . 36°40'
Tastache . 99°00' . 36°20'
Armiana . 101°20' . 36°10'
Choara . 95°15' . 35°30'

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§ 6.5.4  Pasakartia . 94°15' . 35°15'
Rouda . 95°00' . 35°00'
Simpsimida . 96°30' . 35°40'
Artakana . 96°00' . 34°30'
Appha . 98°30' . 35°20'
Ragaia . 98°20' . 34°20'

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§ 6.6.1  Desert Karmania is bordered on the west by that part of Persis by the Bagradas river from Parchoathra mountain to the limit point at . 94°00' . 31°00'
on the north by Parthia on the indicated line through Parchoathra mountain; on the east by a part of Areia along the extention of the line indicated until the limit point at . 104°00' . 28°50'
on the south by the rest of Karmania by the line uniting the indicated points.

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§ 6.6.2  The southern parts of the deserted are divided among the Isatichai and Chouthoi; the Gadanopydres have the middle; the side to north and east is called Modomastike.

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§ 6.7.1  Eudaimon Arabia is bounded on the north by the designated border of Arabia Petraia and of Arabia Deserta; on the northeast by a part of the Persian Gulf; on the west by the Arabian Gulf; on the south by the Red Sea; on the east by that part of the Persian Gulf and the sea, which extends from the entrance to this gulf as far as the Syagros promontory.

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§ 6.7.2  The coast of this region is as follows: after the border of the Arabian Gulf in the inmost part of the Elanite gulf,
Onne . 66°20' . 28°50'
Modiana or Modouna . 66°40' . 27°45'
Hippos mountains . 66°30' . 27°20'
Hippos kome . 67°00' . 26°40'

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§ 6.7.3  Phoenikon kome . 67°20' . 26°20'
Raunathou kome . 67°15' . 25°40'
Chersonnesos promontory . 67°00' . 25°40'
Iambia kome . 68°00' . 24°00'

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§ 6.7.4  The Thamyditai inhabit the first part of this coast; then the Sidenoi; then the Darrai; next to these the Banoubaroi; then the Arsai.

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§ 6.7.5  In the country of the Kinaidokolpitans:
Kopar kome . 68°30' . 23°15'
Arga kome . 69°00' . 22°40'
Zabram palace . 69°20' . 22°00'
Kentos kome . 69°20' . 21°30'
Thebai city . 69°40' . 21°00'
mouth of Baitios river . 69°30' . 20°40'
river sources . 76°00' . 24°30'

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§ 6.7.6  The Kassanite country
Badeo palace . 70°00' . 20°15'
Ambe city . 70°40' . 19°30'
Mamala kome . 71°45' . 18°10'
Adedou kome . 72°15' . 17°10'

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§ 6.7.7  Country of the Elisarans
Poudnou city . 72°30' . 16°30'
Ailou kome . 73°30' . 16°30'
Napegous kome . 73°30' . 15°00'
Sakatia city . 74°15' . 14°30'
Mouza trading post . 74°30' . 14°00'
Sosippou port . 74°45' . 13°00'
Pseudokelis . 75°00' . 12°30'
Okelis trading post . 75°00' . 12°00'
Palindromos promontory . 74°30' . 11°40'

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§ 6.7.8  Red Sea after the narrows:
Poseidion promontory . 75°00' . 11°30'
Sanina city . 75°30' . 11°45'
Kaboubathra mountain . 76°15' . 11°15'

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§ 6.7.9  Country of the Homerites:
Madoke city . 77°00' . 11°45'
Mardache city . 78°00' . 11°00'
Lees kome . 78°40' . 11°30'
Ammonion promontory . 79°20' . 11°10'
Arabias trading post . 80°00' . 11°30'
Atmanisphe kome . 80°40' . 11°45'
Melan mountain . 81°30' . 11°45'

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§ 6.7.10  Country of the Adramitans
Ebisma city . 82°00' . 11°45'
Megas Aigialos (Big Shore) . 82°30' . 11°30'
Mada kome . 83°00' . 11°30'
Eristhe city . 83°30' . 11°45'
Mikros Aigialos (Small Shore) . 83°40' . 11°30'
Kane trading post and promontory . 84°00' . 11°30'
Troulla harbor . 84°00' . 12°40'
Maithath kome . 84°20' . 13°00'
Prionoton mountain . 84°40' . 13°00'
mouth of the Prion river . 85°00' . 13°00'
river sources . 82°00' . 17°30'
Embolon kome . 85°30' . 13°20'
Tretos harbor . 86°20' . 13°45'
Thiallela kome . 87°00' . 14°00'
Moscha harbor . 88°30' . 14°00'
Syagros promontory . 90°00' . 14°00'

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§ 6.7.11  Sachalites
Metakon kome . 88°00' . 16°00'
Ausara city . 87°20' . 16°45'
Ange kome . 87°30' . 17°30'
Astoa kome . 88°30' . 18°30'
Neogilla naval station . 89°00' . 19°00'
mouth of the Hormanos river . 89°30' . 20°30'
Didyma mountains . 90°15' . 19°20'
Kosara or Koseude city . 91°00' . 20°00'
Oracle of Artemis . 91°40' . 20°00'
Abissa city . 92°20' . 20°15'
Korodabon promontory . 93°00' . 20°15'

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§ 6.7.12  In the narrows of the Persian Gulf
Kryptos harbor . 92°40' . 21°30'
[Coastal mountains of Eudaimon Arabia:
Hippos Mountain . 76°50' . 27°30'
Kaboubathra Mountain . 76°15' . 11°15'
Melan Mountain . 81°30' . 11°30'
Prionoton Mountain . 84°40' . 13°00'
Didyma Mountains . 90°15' . 19°20'
the so-called Melana mountains of the Asabans, midpoint on the sea at . 93°00' . 22°20'
Promontory of the Asabans . 92°30' . 23°20'

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§ 6.7.13  Coastal rivers:
Baitios river . 69°30' . 20°40'
springs of the river . 76°00' . 24°30'
Prionos river mouth . 85°00' . 13°30'
springs of the river . 82°00' . 17°30'
Hormanos river . 89°40' . 19°30'
Lar river . 86°20' . 23°30'
Springs of the river . 81°00' . 18°00'
Kosara city . 91°00' . 20°00'

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§ 6.7.14  Of the Persian Gulf; in the widely extended gulfs of the Ichthyophagi, in which are the Makai and then the Nareitai:
Regma city . 88°00' . 23°10'
Sacred promontory of the Sun . 87°20' . 23°30'
mouth of the Lar river . 86°20' . 23°30'
river sources . 81°00' . 18°00'
Kanipsa city . 86°00' . 23°10'
Kabana (or Kauana) city . 85°00' . 23°00'

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§ 6.7.15  then of the Attaians:
Sarkoa city . 84°15' . 23°00'
Karada city . 83°40' . 23°30'
Atta kome . 82°00' . 23°15'

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§ 6.7.16  Then of the Gerraians:
Magindanata city . 81°00' . 23°20'
Gerra city . 80°00' . 23°20'
Bilbana city . 80°00' . 24°10'

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§ 6.7.17  then of the Thaimi
Eithar city . 80°00' . 25°00'
Magon gulf . 80°00' . 25°20'
Istriana city . 80°00' . 25°40'

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§ 6.7.18  then of the Leanitai:
Mallaba city . 80°10' . 26°10'
Chersonesos promontory . 80°20' . 26°30'
Leanites gulf . 79°15' . 27°00'
Itamos harbor . 79°40' . 27°30'
Adarou city . 79°15' . 27°40'

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§ 6.7.19  of the Aboukaians:
Hieros gulf . 78°15' . 28°15'
Koromanis city . 79°00' . 28°45'
After which the limit point of Desert Arabia and the Maisanites gulf at . 79°00' . 30°10'

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§ 6.7.20  The named mountains of this land are those already mentioned, including in addition of the interior, and also the so-called Zames, midpoint . 76°00' . 25°00'
and the Maritha . 80°00' . 21°10'
and Klimax . 76°30' . 16°00'
after which the spring with so-called water of Styx . 78°00' . 15°00'
and other nameless mountains above the Kinaidokolpitai . 71°30' . 25°00'
and beyond the Katanitai . 73°00' . 20°00'
and below the Mareitha . 84°30' . 17°40'
and beyond the Asabon mountains . 88°00' . 22°30'

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§ 6.7.21  The Skenitai occupy the interior by the mountains to the north; above them are the Thaditai; souther of them are the Sarakenoi and the Thamydeni; then by Zames mountain to the west are the Apataioi and Athritai, and near these the Maisaimanes and the Oudenoi;

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§ 6.7.22  Toward the east are the Laikenoi and Astapenoi and Ioleisitai;

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§ 6.7.23  To the south are the Katanitai, then the Thanouitai; west of them the Manitai, beyond whom the Alapenoi and by the Kinaidokolpitai the Malichai. And below the Manitai is inner Smyrnoforos (myrrh-bearing); then the Minaioi, a numerous people, below whom are the Dorenoi and the Mokritai; then the Sabaians and the Anchitai beyond Klimax mountain; by the Mareithos mountains are the Melangitai to the north, and the Dacharenoi;

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§ 6.7.24  The Zeiritai (or Eiritai to the south, and the Blioulaioi, and Omankitai, east of whom are Kottabanoi as far as the mountains of the Asabans, below whom is the Libanoforos (incense-bearing); then by the Sachalitai the Iobaritai; below the Blioulaioi are the Aloumaiota, then the Sophanitai and the Kythebanitai, and extending as far as Klimax mountain the Rabanitai.

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§ 6.7.25  Below all these the Chatramonitai from Klimax up to the Sachalites; south from Klimax are the Masonitai; then the Saritai, and beside the Homerites the Sappharitai and the Rathenai, beyond whom the Maphoritai;

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§ 6.7.26  East of whom by the Chatramonitai is outer Smyrnoforos; by Syagron mountain as far as the sea are the Askitai.

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§ 6.7.27  The cities and komai in Arabia Felix located in the interior are the following:
Aramaua . 67°30' . 29°10'
Hostama . 69°30' . 29°00'
Thapaua . 71°40' . 29°00'
Makna or Maina . 67°00' . 28°45'
Ankale . 68°15' . 28°45'
Madiama . 68°00' . 28°15'

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§ 6.7.28  Achroua . 70°00' . 28°15'
Obraka . 71°30' . 28°20'
Radou kome . 73°30' . 28°30'
Pharatha . 73°40' . 28°40'
Satoula . 77°30' . 28°10'
Laba . 68°10' . 27°40'

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§ 6.7.29  Thaima . 71°00' . 27°00'
Gaia city . 71°15' . 27°20'
Aina . 75°40' . 27°20'
Lougana or Zougana . 76°30' . 27°15'
Gaisa . 78°40' . 27°15'
Soaka . 68°00' . 26°15'
Egra . 70°30' . 26°00'
Salma . 74°30' . 26°00'

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§ 6.7.30  Arrea kome . 75°40' . 26°10'
Digema or Disima . 77°00' . 26°30'
Saphtha . 78°15' . 26°20'
Phigia . 79°00' . 26°00'
Badais . 68°30' . 25°30'
Ausara . 71°00' . 25°00'
Iabri . 74°30' . 25°00'
Alata city . 77°20' . 25°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.31  Mochoura . 69°40' . 24°30'
Thoumna . 70°00' . 24°50'
Alouare . 70°00' . 24°15'
Phalbinou . 73°15' . 24°00'
Salma . 73°20' . 24°20'
Gorda . 76°10' . 24°30'
Marata . 79°20' . 24°20'
Ibirtha . 79°40' . 24°40'
Lathrippa . 71°40' . 23°20'
Karna . 73°30' . 23°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.32  Biavanna . 76°30' . 23°00'
Goiratha . 77°40' . 23°00'
Katara . 79°30' . 23°20'
Baiba or Raiba . 71°30' . 22°30'
Makoraba . 73°20' . 22°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.33  Sata . 81°10' . 22°20'
Masthala . 81°45' . 22°30'
Domana . 82°20' . 22°30'
Attia . 85°00' . 22°15'
Ravana palace . 87°00' . 22°00'
Chabouata . 89°15' . 22°00'
Thoumata . 74°20' . 21°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.34  Olaphia . 77°40' . 21°45'
Inapha . 79°10' . 21°40'
Tiagar . 85°00' . 21°20'
Appa . 91°00' . 21°00'
Agdamou . 73°30' . 20°20'
Karman palace . 75°15' . 20°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.35  Irala . 80°20' . 20°15'
Naskos metropolis . 81°15' . 20°40'
Labris . 82°00' . 20°15'
Latea . 83°20' . 20°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.36  Hierakon kome . 84°30' . 20°30'
Albana . 74°30' . 19°15'
Chargatha . 73°10' . 19°15'
Laththa . 75°20' . 19°20'
Omanon trading post . 87°40' . 19°45'
Marasdou . 74°30' . 18°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.37  Mara metropolis . 76°00' . 18°40'
Nagara metropolis . 84°45' . 18°30'
Ioula . 85°20' . 18°00'
Amara . 78°30' . 18°20'
Magoulaua . 75°30' . 17°00'
Silaion . 76°40' . 17°00'
Mariama . 78°10' . 17°10'
Thoumna . 79°00' . 17°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.38  Ouodona . 80°00' . 17°20'
Marimatha . 85°10' . 17°40'
Sabe . 73°40' . 16°55'
Menambis palace . 75°45' . 16°30'
Thabba . 78°40' . 16°10'
Sabbatha metropolis . 77°00' . 16°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.39  Sadasara . 81°45' . 16°20'
Gorda . 82°30' . 16°00'
Thabane . 85°40' . 16°20'
Meiba . 74°20' . 15°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.40  Source of Styx water . 78°00' . 15°00'
Draga . 79°10' . 15°15'
Sarouon . 80°40' . 15°15'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.41  Maipha metropolis . 83°15' . 15°00'
Saraka . 75°30' . 14°30'
Sapphara metropolis . 78°00' . 14°00'
Are palace . 80°30' . 14°30'
Raida . 83°40' . 14°10'
Barnoun (or Bainoun . 84°30' . 14°15'
Thouris . 75°15' . 13°00'
Lachere . 77°30' . 13°20'
Hyaila . 79°00' . 13°50'
Makkala . 81°00' . 13°45'
Sachle . 82°40' . 13°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.42  Saoue palace . 76°00' . 12°00'
Deoua . 77°40' . 12°45'
Sochchor . 78°30' . 12°40'
Baua . 80°20' . 12°40'
Dela . 82°00' . 12°40'
Koa . 83°30' . 12°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.43  Islands adjoining this country, in the Arabian Gulf:
Ainou . 65°45' . 27°20'
Timagenous . 66°00' . 25°45'
Zygaina . 66°15' . 24°20'
Daimonon . 66°45' . 23°15'
Polybiou . 67°40' . 27°40'
Hierakon . 69°30' . 19°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.44  Sokratous . 70°00' . 16°40'
Kardamine . 71°00' . 16°00'
Are . 71°30' . 15°20'
Katakekaumene . 70°30' . 14°30'
Maliachou (two) . 71°40' . 14°00'
Adanou (two) . 72°30' . 12°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.45  And in the Red sea:
Agathokleous (two), the midpoint between at . 81°20' . 10°00'
Kokkonagou (six), a midpoint for which is . 83°00' . 9°00'
Dioskoridous city . 86°40' . 9°30'
western limit point of the island . 85°00' . 10°30'
Trete . 86°30' . 12°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.46  and near Sachalites bay, the Zenobiou islands (seven) the middle of which is . 91°00' . 16°30'
Organa . 92°00' . 19°00'
Sarapias, on which a sanctuary . 94°00' . 10°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.7.47  In the Persian Gulf:
Apphana island at . 81°20' . 28°40'
Ichara . 82°00' . 25°00'
Tharro . 85°15' . 24°45'
Gylos . 90°00' . 24°40'
Arados . 91°40' . 24°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.10.1  ON the west Margiane is bounded by Hyrkania along the indicated side; on the north, by a part of Skythia by the mouth of the Oxos river until the section by Bactria, at . 103°00' . 44°00'
on the south by part of Areia along the parallel line from the border of Hyrcania and Parthia, through the Saripha mountains to the limit point at . 109°00' . 39°00'
on the east by Bactriane along the line of mountains linking the indicated points. A notable river flows through this land, the Margos, the sources of which are at . 105°00' . 20°39'
and its junction with the Oxos at . 102°40' . 43°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.10.2  The Derbikkai or Derkeboi occupy the region near the Oxos river, and below these are the Massagetai, next to these are the Parnoi and the Daai; below whom is desert, and eastward are the Tapouri.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.10.3  Its towns are:
Ariaka . 103°00' . 43°00'
Sena . 102°30' . 42°20'
Aratha . 103°30' . 42°30'
Argadina . 101°20' . 41°40'
Iasonion . 103°30' . 41°30'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.10.4  Another river flows into the Margos coming from the Saripha mountains, the sources of which are at . 103°00' . 39°00'
Rea . 102°00' . 40°30'
Antiocheia Margiane . 106°00' . 40°40'
Gouriane . 104°00' . 40°10'
Nisaia or Nigaia . 105°15' . 39°10'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.1  On the west Bactriane is bounded by Margiane on the indicated line; on the north and east by Sogdiane along the remaining part of the Oxos river; on the south by the rest of Areia from the limit point by Margiane at . 101°00' . 39°00'
and by the Paropanisadai along the parallel line extended through of return of Paropanisos mountain until the springs of the Oxos at . 119°30' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.2  Rivers flow through Baktriane that empty into the Oxos:
the Ochos, the springs of which are at . 110°00' . 39°00'
the Dargamanis, the springs of which are at . 116°30' . 36°40'
the Zariaspes, the sources of which are at . 113°00' . 39°00'
the Artamis, the sources of which are at . 114°00' . 39°00'
the Dargoidos the sources of which are at . 116°00' . 39°00'
this one flows into the Oxos at . 116°30' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.3  of the rest, the Artamis and the Zariaspes first join their waters at . 113°00' . 40°00'
they then flow into the Oxos at . 112°30' . 44°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.4  The Dargamanis and the Ochos first join at . 109°00' . 40°10'
and flow into the Oxos at . 109°00' . 44°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.5  The western part of Mt. Paropanisos is at . 111°30' . 39°00'
and the eastern at . 119°30' . 39°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.6  The Salaterai and the Zariaspai occupy northern Bactria along the Oxos river; toward the south below the Salaterai are the Chomaroi; below whom are the Komoi, then the Akinakai, then the Tambyzoi; below the Zariaspai are the Tochari, a large people; below these are the Marykaopo and Skordai and the Ouarnoi, and still below these are the Sabadioi and Oreisitoi and Amareis.

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.7  The cities of Baktriane toward the Oxos are:
Characharta . 110°00' . 44°10'
Zariaspa or Xarispa . 115°00' . 44°00'
Choana . 117°00' . 42°00'
Sourogana . 117°30' . 40°30'
Phratou . 119°00' . 39°20'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.8  near the other rivers:
Alichorda . 107°30' . 43°30'
Chomara . 106°30' . 42°30'
Kouriandra . 109°30' . 12°10'
Kauaris . 111°20' . 43°00'
Astakana . 112°00' . 43°20'
Evousmouanassa or Tosmouanassa . 108°20' . 41°10'
Menapia . 113°00' . 41°20'
Eukratidia . 115°00' . 42°00'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 6.11.9  Bactra palace . 116°00' . 41°00'
Estobara . 109°30' . 39°40'
Marakanda . 112°00' . 39°15'
Marakodra . 115°40' . 39°40'

Event Date: 150 GR

§ 8.20.1  Of the notable cities in Cyprus, Paphos has its longest day of 14,25' equinoctial hours, and varies eastwards from Alexandria one quarter of an equinoctial hour. Amathus has its longest day of 14,25' hours, and varies eastwards from Alexandria twenty-four sixtieths of an hour. Salamis has its longest day of 14,30' and varies eastwards from Alexandria thirty-two sixtieths of an hour.

Event Date: 150 GR
Event Date: 150

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