Sidyma city, Tituli Asia Minoris 2.174
Tituli Asiae Minoris II 174, translated by Brady Kiesling, an inscription from SIDYMA in LYCIA thought to date to the reign of COMMODUS (180-192 CE) Greek text at PHI: 284064. Interesting local mythology in the service of politics. This text has 10 tagged references to 7 ancient places.; Wikidata ID: Q87778599; Trismegistos: text/840710 [Open Greek text in new tab]
§ A3 [.......] date Artemeisios 1[ ] To the prytaneis of the [Pinarans and] Tloans [and the boule and the demos?) to the pry[taneis of Sidy]ma [and the boule and the demos? gree]tings.
Hieron II, son of Apo[ll.....] also called Lysimachus, [your citizen?] also a Xanthian, appeared before us wishing to testify [......] to you, from a speech I previously made [..............] to [reverent?] memory [ ] and histories and [...............old] orac]les, the genealogy that you and [the Tloans ] and Pinarans [of Tremiles] [B1] and Praxidike, from whom Tloos and Kragos and Pinaros descended, through another genealogy presented by me many times, in accordance with the histories of Polycharmos and others; and not a few miracles, of the divinity that holds it, in the gulf which is surrounded by the mountains and the sea. The last one not many years ago, but during our own generation, when the god-bearing land grew up stone images like in form to the twin heavenly lights of Leto, Artemis and Apollo, who were conceived in Araxa.
§ C1 While in Pinara, above the [.....] a woman [saw?] Artemis bathing under a trough [ ] lineage and [..] and was lifted to a dangerous height, and who having reverenced meanwhile, she rewards those who have reconciled/expiated.
In Sidyma, a town built by Sidymos, son of Tloos and Chelidon, daughter of Kragos, Apollo, in a place close to the sea at Lopta, a hidden cave difficult to enter, which has a small opening at the top that draws down the light; a woman who wanted to watch the God through it stealthily, without noise, was brought down. A stone lies there, the corpse, a warning to spies. For that reason, we clap hands and sing hymns when we enter, ‘Hail Apollo from Lopta!’
§ Da7 From the beginning, and not only from the gods and autochthonous founders, has there been unity and concord, by us to the Sidymans, as of children to their parents, unbroken in every time, maintained until now, including through intermarriages, and solemn temple-attendances by virgins of the most holy (to them as well) Artemis and the Eilethuiai, for which previously women were chosen as priestesses, but afterwards, following an investigation and the god's word, virgins up to the present. Let me refresh your memory and piety and the glory of the Goddess, of when the marriages, among you as well, only had female offspring allotted to us by the revered Goddess, with an oracle that was given to the Sidymans 129 years ago, concerning a virgin neokoros for Artemis, transcribed by them, as written below:
§ Db12 In the priesthood of Artemeus, of the Koinon, and Telesios, of the city, date Loios 26; we, Eupolemos son of Aristonymos, and Ptolemaios son of Aristonymos, [E1] Kalabatians, refer to you, in accordance with the decree, the oracle that was issued, the copy of which is written below.
§ E2 Accept distinctly, kindred city, the noble divine decree:
Advantageous what you learn, for your land and all its dwellers,
It will be. But heed what the god Phoibos sends you.
Holy of the Goddess and undamaged, it is fitting each year,
The honored sacrificial rites with virginal palms to meet.
For it is, this to the Goddess daughter of Leto pleasant is,
Not to bring a priestess to the chambers, who from marital bed
Is taken to be invited to the unwedded temple-rooms,
But a young virgin, one declared to me untouched
Let this one sit before, and by her the sacred temple
Always be kept pure; so that the choice that is made,
Mortals of their attention will honor in the ever-flowing seasons.
This to you the far-shooting lord as prosperous reveals
And the Agrotera Goddess, the hound-rearer, who together with Phoibos [...]