Madaba Mosaic Map
List of named places in the Madaba Map, an amazing floor mosaic created ca. 550 CE in the apse of what is now the Orthodox church of St. George at Madaba in Jordan. Translated list of named cities and Christian sites in the Holy Land adapted from the site (archived version), compiled by Fr. Eugenio Alliata, ofm, and others ca. 1997. This text has 43 tagged references to 39 ancient places.; Wikidata ID: Q1346870; Trismegistos: text/41378
§ S1 Sarephtha Makre Kome, where the child was raised up on that day. (001)
M... Per (002)
Zabulon along the seashore shall dwell, and it will reach Sidon (003)
Agbaron (004)
§ S2 Amathus (005)
Aenon near Salem which is also Saloumias (006)
Koreae (007)
Phasaelis (008)
Archelais (009)
Galgala, also the Dodekalithon (Twelve Stones) (010)
The (place) of Saint Elisha (011)
Jericho (012)
Gebal (Ebal) (013)
Gerizim (014)
Bethnamran, also Bethnambris (015)
Bethramphtha, now Livias (016)
Aenon, where now is Sapsaphas (017)
Bethabara, the place of baptism of St. John (018)
Alon Atath, today Bethagla (019)
§ S3 (Hot Baths) of Baaru (020)
Hot Baths of Callirhoe (021)
The Salt Lake (Αλυκη), or Asphaltitis or also Dead Sea (022)
§ S4 The (place) of Saint Lot (023)
Balak also Segor, now Zoara (024)
Desert (025)
Aia (026)
Tharais (027)
Betomarsea also Maiumas (028)
Charachmoba (029)
Zared ? (030)
Petra in the land of Edom, also Iechtoel, also Rekem, where Amessias subjugated Edom in Gemela (031)
§ S5 Eastern border of Judea (032)
Akrabim, now Akrabittine (033)
Selo, where the ark stayed (034)
Neapolis (035)
[Dothaim, where] Joseph [found his brothers pasturing] (036)
Lot of Ephraim (037)
Sychar which is now Sycchora (038)
The (place) of Joseph (039)
Sychem also Sikima and Salim (040)
Here is Jacob's well (041)
Tur Gobel (Mount Ebal) (042)
Tur (Mount) Garizin (043)
Joseph, God blessed you, with the benediction of the earth which holds everything, and again from the blessing of the Lord his earth. (044)
Theraspis (045)
Ephron also Ephraia, where went the Lord (046)
Rimmon (047)
Luza, also Bethel (048)
Sams (049)
Aialon, where the moon stood still for a whole day at the bidding of Joshua the son of Nun (050)
Gophna (051)
Gabaon (052)
Rama (053)
Armathaim, also Arimathea (054)
Benjamin, the Lord covers him and rested between his borders (055)
The Holy City Jerusalem (056)
Gethsemane (057)
Aceldama (058)
Lot (κληρος) of Benjamin (059)
The Fourth [Mile] (060)
The Ninth [Mile] (061)
Bethoron (062)
Kapheruta ? (063)
Betomelgezis (064)
Adiathim now Aditha (065)
Modeim, today Moditha, the Maccabaeans were from here. (066)
Thamna, where Judah sheared his sheep (067)
Anob now Betoannaba (068)
§ S6 Nikopolis (069)
Gedur, also Gidirtha (070)
Ephratha (071)
Bethlehem (072)
Rama. A voice was heard in Rama
Lot (κλήρος) of Judah (074)
Thekoa (075)
Bethzur (076)
The (church) of Saint Philip, where they say Kandake the eunuch was baptized (077)
Arbo, also the Terebinth. The Oak of Mambre (078)
Socho (079)
Bethzachar(ia). The (place) of Saint Zacharias (080)
Saphitha (081)
The (place) of Saint Micah (082)
Morasthi whence was Micah the Prophet (083)
Eleutheropolis (084)
§ S7 ... ira (085)
Lod also Lydea, called also Diospolis (086)
Sapharea (087)
Betodegana (088)
Lot (κληρος) of Dan (089)
Why did (Dan) abide by the ships? (090)
The (place) of Saint Jonah (091)
Geth, now Gitta, one of the five satrapies (092)
Enetaba (093)
Iabneel, which is also Iamnia (094)
Accaron, which is now Accara (095)
Ashdod, which is also Azotus (096)
Azotus Paralus (097)
§ S8 Praesidium (098)
Thamara (099)
Moa (100)
Mampsis (101)
§ S9 The (place) of the Egyptians (102)
Ascalon (103)
Beersabee, today Berossaba. The boundary of Judaea to the south reaches until here, from Dan by Paneas, which bounds it to the north. (104)
Arad, whence the Aradites (105)
Asemona city by the desert bordering Egypt and and the outlet to the sea (106)
Gerara (107)
Iethor, also called Iethera (108)
Elusa (109)
Photis (110)
Orda (111)
Lot (kleros) of Simeon (112)
Oga (113)
Asalea (114)
Anthedon ? (115)
Sobila (116)
Bethagidea (117)
Edrain (118)
Thauatha (119)
Seana (120)
Madebena, which is now Menois (121)
Sykomazon (122)
Gaza (123)
Maiumas, which is also Neapolis (124)
The (place) of Saint Victor (125)
The (place) of Saint Hilarion (126)
Raphia (127)
Betylion (128)
Border of Egypt and Palestine (129)
Rhinokoroura (130)
Ostrakine (131)
Kasin (132)
Pentaschoinon (133)
Aphnaeum (134)
§ S10 Desert where the bronze serpent saved the Israelites. (135)
Raphidim, where Israel fought against Amalek, which attacked them (136)
Desert of Sin (Zin) where were sent down the manna and the quails (137)
Pelusiac (Arm) (138)
Pelusium (139)
The (city) of Nikiou (140)
Athribis (141)
Sethroitis (142)
Tanis (143)
Thmouis (144)
Thenessus (145)
Saitic (Arm) (146)
Sais (147)
Sebennytic (Arm) (148)
Xois (149)
Bucolic (Arm) (150)
Bulbytic (Arm) (151)
The (city) of Paulinus (152)
Hermoupolis (153)
Chortaso (154)
Kainoupolis (155)
The (city) of Chaireus(156)