Shapur I, Res Gestae inscription

Trilingual inscription of Shapur I at Naqsh-e Rustam in Fars, from the English translation of R. N. Frye, The History of Ancient Iran. (1984: Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft), adapted to match the Greek version by Brady Kiesling using the Greek text of Andre Maricq (1958) and the PHI text. This text has 98 tagged references to 73 ancient places.
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§ 1  I, the Mazda-worshipping god Sapores [Shapur], king of kings of the Arians and non-Arians, whose lineage is from the Gods, son of the Mazda worshipping divinity Ardashir, king of kings of the Arians, whose lineage is from the Gods, grandson of the god, king Papak, am ruler of the Arian nation, [ I hold ?] the nations: Persis, Parthia, Ouzene, Mesene, Assyria, Adiabene, Arabia, Adourbadene, Armenia, [2] Iberia, Machelonia, Albania, Balasakan, up to the Caucasus mountains and the Alan Gates, and all of the mountain chain of Pareshwar, Media, Gurgan, Merv, Herat and all of Aparshahr) Kermanzene, Segistane, Turene, Makaran, Paradene, India, the Kousene nations up to Paskiboura, and up to Kas, Sodikene, and

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 5  the mountains of Tsatsene, and on the other side of the sea, the Mizoun nation. And we have given to a village district the name Peroz-Shapur and we made Hormizd-Ardashsir by name Shapur. [3] And these many nations, and rulers and governors, all have become tributary and subject to us.
When at first we had become established in the empire, Gordianus Caesar raised from the whole Roman dominion a force from the Goth and German nations and marched on Assyria against the Arian nation and against us. On the border of Assyria at Mesikhe, a great head-on war occurred. Gordianus Caesar [4] was killed and the Roman force was destroyed. And the Romans made Philip Caesar. Then Philip Caesar came in supplication to us and to ransom their lives, gave us 500,000 denaria, and became tributary to us.

Event Date: 244 GR

§ 10  And for this reason we have renamed Mesikhe Peroz-Shapur.
And Caesar lied again and did wrong to Armenia. Then we attacked the nation of the Romans and annihilated at Barbalissos a Roman force of 60,000 [5] and the nation of Syria and all the nations in and around it we burned and ruined all, and conquered in this one campaign from the Roman nation these fortresses and cities: Anatha city and territory, Birtha of Asporakan and territory, Soura city and territory, Barbalissos city and territory, Hierapolis city and territory, [6] Berroia city and territory, Chalkis city and territory, Apamia city and territory, Rephanea city and territory, Zeugma city and territory, Ourima city and territory, Gindaros city and territory, Larmenaza city and territory, Seleukeia city and territory, Antiochia city

Event Date: 244 GR

§ 15  and territory, [7] Kyrros city and territory, another Seleucia city and territory, Alexandria city and territory, Nikopolis city and territory, Sinzara city and territory, Hamath city and territory, Ariste city and territory, Dichor city and territory, Doliche city and territory, Doura city and territory, [8] Korkousion city and territory, Germanikeia city and territory, Batna city and territory, Khanar city and territory, and in Cappadocia Satala city and territory, Doman city and territory, Artangil city and territory, Souisa city and territory, Souid city and territory, Phreata city and territory, [9] a total of 37 towns with their territory.
In the third campaign, when we attacked Carrae and Edessa and were besieging Carrhae and Edessa,

Event Date: 244 GR

§ 20  Valerian Caesar marched against us. He had with him a force of 70,000 from the nations of Germany, Raetia, Noricum, Dacia, Pannonia, Moesia, Amastria, Hispania, [?], Thrace, [10] Bithynia, Asia, Campania, Syria, Lycaonia, Galatia, Lycia, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Phrygia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judaea, Arabia, Mauritania, Germania, Lydia, Asia, [11] Mesopotamia. And beyond Carrhae and Edessa we had a great battle with Valerian Caesar. We made prisoner ourselves with our own hands Valerian Caesar

Event Date: 260 GR

§ 25  and the others, the prefect, the senators, the chiefs of that army; we made them all prisoners and deported them to Persis. And the nations of Syria, Cilicia and Cappadocia [12] we burned, devastated, captured, and occupied. In that campaign we conquered from the Roman nation Samosata city and territory, Alexandria on the Issus city and territory, Katabolos city and territory, Aegaea city and territory, Mopsuestia city and territory, Mallos city and territory, Adana city and territory, Tarsus city and territory, [13] Zephyris city and territory, Sebaste city and territory, Korykos city and territory, Agrippas city and territory, Kastabala city and territory, Neronias city and territory,

Event Date: 260 GR

§ 30  Flavias city and territory, Nikopolis city and territory, Epiphania city and territory, [14] Kelenderis city and territory, Anemouris city and territory, Selinous city and territory, Myon city and territory, Antiochia city and territory, Seleukia city and territory, Dometios city and territory, Tyana city and territory, Meiakarire city and territory, Komana city and territory, [15] Kybistra city and territory, Sebastia city and territory, Birtha city and territory, Rakoundia city and territory, Laranda city and territory, Iconis city and territory, altogether 36 cities with their territory. And men of the Roman nation, non-Arians, [16] we seized and settled them in our nation of the Arians in Persis and

Event Date: 260 GR

§ 35  Parthia, Ouzene and Assyria and in other lands that were the works of our father, our grandfathers and our ancestors. And we sought out many other nations and won a name for heroism, which we have not inscribed here, except for the preceding. We ordered it written so that whoever comes after us may know [17] our fame, heroism and power. Thus, for this reason, that the gods have made us their proteges (δαστικέρτας), and with the aid of the gods we sought out and conquered so many nations, so that in every land we have founded many Warathran fires and have conferred benefices upon many magi, and we have magnified the cult of the gods. And here by this inscription, we founded a fire [18] Khosro-Shapur by name for our memory and to perpetuate our name, a fire called Khosro-Aduranahid by name

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 40  for the memory of our daughter Aduranahid, queen of queens, to perpetuate her name, a fire called Khosro-Hormizd-Ardashir by name for the memory of our son, Hormizd-Ardashir, great king of Armenia, to perpetuate his name, another fire called Khosro Shapur by name, for the memory of our son Shapur king of Mesene, to perpetuate his name, and [19] a fire called Khosro-Narseh by name, for the memory of our son, the noble, Mazda-worshipping Narseh, king of Sind, Seistan and Turan to the edge of the sea, to perpetuate his name. And that which we have donated to these fires, and which we have established as a custom, all of that we have written upon the document [of guaranty]. Of those 1000 sheep, of which custom gives us the excess, and which we have donated for

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 45  these fires, we have ordered as follows: for our soul each day [20] a sheep, one and a half measures of bread and four quantities of wine. For that of Sasan the lord, King Papak, King Shapur son of Papak, King of Kings Ardashir, the Empire’s Queen Khoranzim, Queen of Queens Aduranahid, Queen Dinak, King of Gilan Bahram, King of Mesene Shapur, Great King of Armenia Hormizd-Ardashir, King of the Segistenes Narseh, Queen of the Segistenes [21] Shapurdukhtak, Lady of the Segistenes Narsehdukht, Lady Tiesmak, and Prince Peroz, Lady Myrrod, mother of King of Kings Shapur, Prince Narseh, Princess Rud-dukhtak,

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 50  daughter of Anošak, Gorazdukht, daughter of Khoranzim, Queen Stariad, Hormizdak, son of the king of Armenia, Hormizd, Hormizdak, Odabakht, Bahram, Shapur, Peroz, son of the king of Mesene, Shapurdukhtak, daughter of the king of Mesene, and Hormizddukhtak, daughter of the king of the Segistenes [22], for their memory a sheep, a measure and a half of bread and four quantities of wine. And the sheep which remain, as much as remain to be completely used, are for the memory of those for whom we have ordered rites, who by name are found in writing, every day a sheep, one and a half measures of bread and four quantities of wine. Among those who lived under the rule of King Papak: Sasan Arnegan, Farrak son of Farrak, Varthanipat son of Orig, Asporik son of Asporik, Pohrik son of Merdin, Zik the dinner-crier, [23] Shapur son of Wezenin, Shapur son of Merožinen.

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 55  Among those who lived under the rule of King of Kings Ardashir: Satarop king of Abrenak, Ardashir king of Merv, Ardashir king of Kerman, Ardashir king of the Sakas, Dinak mother of king Papak, Rodak mother of King of Kings Ardashir, Dinak daughter of Papak queen of queens, Ardashir bidakhsh. Papak chiliarch, Dehin Varaz, Sasan Suren, Sasan lord of Andegan, Peroz Karen [24] Gok Karen, Abursam glory of Ardashir, Geliman of Demavend, Rakhsh the army chief, Mard head of scribes, Papak master of ceremonies, Pazihr Vaspurigan, Vifard son of Farrak, Mihr-khwast Baresigan, Khumafrat chief of the elite guard (?), Diran chief of the armory, Chihrak the judge, Vardan chief of stables, Mihrak son of Tosar, Zik Zabrigan, Sagbus master of the hunt, Khudik chief steward, Zayen chief of wine. Among those who live under the rule of King of Kings Shapur: Ardashir king of

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 60  Adiabene, Ardashir [25] king of Kermanzene, Dinak queen of Mesene ward of Shapur. Hamazasp king of Iberia, Prince Valash son of Papak. Prince Sasan who is adopted by the Farrak family, Prince Sasan who is adopted by the Kiduk family, Prince Narseh son of Peroz, Prince Narseh son of Shapur, Shapur bidakhsh, Papak chiliarch, Peroz chief of cavalry. Ardashir Varaz, Ardashir Suren, Narseh lord of Andegan, [26] Ardashir Karen, Vahunam framadār, Frīk satrap of Gundeshapur, Sritoy son of Shahimust, Ardashir joy of Ardashir, Pažihr valiant of Shapur, Ardashir satrap of Gom, Tiasmik brave of Shapur, Vahunam joy of Shapur. Tir-mihr chief of fortress of Shahrkart, Zik dinner-crier, Artaban of Demavend, Gondofarr Abgan who seeks combat, Pabish Perozshapur son of Shanbit [27], Varzin satrap of Isfahan,

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 65  Kirdistro bidakhsh, Papak Vaspurigan, Valash son of Seleucus, Yazdbad counsellor of queens, Papak swordbearer, Narseh satrap of Rind, Tiyanik satrap of Hamadan, Gulbad chief of services, Yoymard son of Rastak, Ardashir son of Vifar, Abursam-Shapur head of the harem, Narseh son of Barrak, Shapur son of Narseh, Narseh chief steward, [28] Hormizd chief scribe, Naduk chief of the prison, Papak gate keeper, Pasfard son of Pasfard, Abdagash son of the castle lord, Karter the magos, Rastak satrap of Weh Ardashir, Ardashir son of the bidakhsh, Mihrkhwast treasurer, Shapur commander, Arshtat Mihran of Rayy secretary, Sasan the eunuch son of Sasan, Virod chief of markets, Ardashir satrap of Neriz, Bagdad son of Gulbad, Kerdir Ardavan, Zurvandad son of Bandak, [29] Vinnar son of Sasan, Manzik the eunuch, Sasan the judge, Vardan son of Nashbad, Vardik chief of boars,

Event Date: 265 GR

§ 70  altogether one sheep, one and a half portions of bread, four measures of wine every day. Now as we serve and worship the gods with zeal, since we are the wards of the gods and with the aid of the gods we have searched out these peoples, have dominated them and have acquired fame for bravery, also whoever comes after us and rules, may he also serve and worship the gods with zeal, so the gods may aid him and make him their ward. [This is the writing by my hand, Hormizd, the scribe, son of Shirak, the scribe]

Event Date: 265 GR
Event Date: 2017

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