Kallatis (Pontus) 35 Mangalia - Κάλλατις
Κάλλατις - Kallatis, Classical to Late Antique city on the Black Sea, modern Mangalia, Romania
Works: 16
Latitude: 43.814800
Longitude: 28.586500
Confidence: High (20151012)
Place ID: 438286PKal
Time period: CHRL
Region: Dacia
Country: Romania
Department: Constanta
Mod: Mangalia
Search for inscriptions mentioning Kallatis (Καλλατ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangalia
Wikidata ID: Q467498
Trismegistos Geo: 977
DARE: 21391
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