Kepia (Kavala) Kipia - ήρως Αυλωνίτης
ἥρως Αὐλωνίτης - Hero Aulonites, sanctuary discovered 1988 E of Kipia in Kavala Macedonia
Latitude: 40.895000
Longitude: 24.221000
Confidence: Low (20130000)
Place ID: 409242SKep
Time period: HR
Region: Macedonia
Country: Greece
Department: Kavala
Mod: Kipia
Search for inscriptions mentioning Hero Aulonites (αυλωνειτ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.
The sanctuary was in use from the 3rd century BC until the late 4th century AD.
Trismegistos Geo: 29908
DARE: 37051
Info: Odysseus

(Odysseus, Greek Ministry of Culture)
Author, Title | Text | Type | Date | Full | Category | Language |
Author, Title | Text | Type | Date | Full | Category | Language |