Kabeira/Neokaisareia (Pontus) 38 Niksar - Κάβειρα
Κάβειρα - Kabeira/Neokaisareia, fortress capital of Mithridates of Pontos, later Diospolis, Sebaste, Neokaisareia; the modern Niksar, Turkey
Works: 18
Latitude: 40.591800
Longitude: 36.957100
Confidence: Medium (20160726)
Place ID: 406370UKab
Time period: HRL
Region: Pontus
Country: Turkey
Department: Tokat
Mod: Niksar
The site is dominated by a largely mediaeval castle, which crowns a long spur projecting S from the foothills of the Paryadres. Part of the walls may be Roman or earlier; and a rock-cut tunnel-stairway, like those at Amaseia, is certainly pre-Roman. Other mediaeval walls enclose the old Turkish town, which lies below the castle on the S, perhaps on the site of the Roman city. Earthquakes in A.D. 344 and 499 may well have destroyed most of the Roman walls and buildings. (PECS)
Trismegistos Geo: 16389
DARE: 23519
Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)
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