Mieza Nymphaion (Emathia) 2 Kopanos - περί Μίεζαν Νυμφαίον

περὶ Μίεζαν Νυμφαῖον - Mieza Nymphaion, possible site of Aristotle's school, between Kopanos and Naousa, Imathia, Macedonia
Hits: 2
Works: 2
Latitude: 40.630700
Longitude: 22.098400
Confidence: High

Greek name: περὶ Μίεζαν Νυμφαῖον
Place ID: 406221SNym
Time period: H
Region: Macedonia
Country: Greece
Department: Imathia
Mod: Kopanos

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Search for inscriptions mentioning Mieza Nymphaion (Μιεζα...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: An area of springs and caves with an Ionic stoa, identified as the Nymphaion of Mieza where Aristotle is said to have instructed the young Alexander the Great. N of the road from Naousa to Kopanos.
Wikidata ID: Q24264125
Trismegistos Geo: 33791

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