Mieza (Edessa) 5 vicinity of Kopanos - Μίεζα

Μίεζα - Mieza, Classical to Hellenistic polis with theatre near Kopanos in Edessa Macedonia
Hits: 5
Works: 5
Latitude: 40.644200
Longitude: 22.122500
Confidence: High (20130000)

Greek name: Μίεζα
Place ID: 406221PMie
Time period: CH
Region: Macedonia
Country: Greece
Department: Imathia
Mod: vicinity of Kopanos

- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID

Read summary reports on the recent excavations at Mieza in Chronique des fouilles en ligne – Archaeology in Greece Online.
Search for inscriptions mentioning Mieza (Μιεζ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: City of Bottiaea situated at the foot of Mount Bermium (Vermion) between the villages of Lefkadia and Kopanos. Aristotle's school, where Alexander the Great was a pupil, has also been located in the region (site of Isvoria Naousas). Here, in an idyllic setting with caves, abundant vegetation and water, a Nymphaion has been discovered and a porticoed building in the Ionic order excavated. The latter has been identified as the 'peripatos' of the philosophical school (second half of 4th century BC, terracotta tiles in the Veroia Museum). The uncovering of the ancient theatre of Mieza (2nd century BC) has recently commenced in the locality Belovina Kopanou. Complexes of various buildings of Hellenistic date (late 4th-1st century BC), a Roman villa and thermae, as well as many graves in organized cemeteries, have also been brought to light.
However, the most impressive monuments are the large and beautifully decorated Macedonian tombs discovered in the area of Lefkadia, four of which can now be visited. The 'Judgement tomb' (late 4th-early 3rd century BC) is outstanding for the representations adorning its façade: the frieze bears a relief composition of a battle between Greeks and barbarians, on the metopes are scenes of the conflict between Centaurs and Lapiths, and on either side of the entrance is a composition of the deceased's descent into Hades. The 'Palmette tomb' (early 3rd century BC) has rich painted decoration with colourful vegetal themes and a reclining couple on the pediment. The 'tomb of Lyson and Kallikles' (late 3rd-mid-2nd century BC) is a unique case of a tomb in which the iconographic decoration is preserved in toto and the dead are all identified by inscriptions. The weapons, floral garlands and other objects have been drawn in perspective, enhancing the sense of space. Lastly, the 'Kinch tomb' (early 3rd century BC) preserves only parts of its painted decoration because it was badly damaged during the construction of the Athens-Thessaloniki railway link.
In the vicinity of the Macedonian tombs are remains of an Early Christian building of indeterminate use, decorated with mosaics. Two marble closure panels with relief decoration (perhaps 6th century) have been found. Further E, on a hill, are ruins of a complex with mosaic floors (Roman baths).
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mieza_(Macedonia)
Wikidata ID: Q132472
Trismegistos Geo: 33790
DARE: 21905

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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