Orikon (Epiros) 88 Orikum - Ώρικος

Ὤρικος - Orikon, Hellenistic to Late Antique settlement of ancient Epiros, modern Albania.
Hits: 88
Works: 23
Latitude: 40.319000
Longitude: 19.429700
Confidence: High (20160124)

Greek name: Ὤρικος
Place ID: 403195UOri
Time period: HRL
Region: Epiros
Country: Albania
Department: Vlora
Mod: Orikum

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Orikon (Ωρικ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: At the head of the Gulf of Valona. The site is a low rocky outcrop on the coast, approached from the E by a swampy strip of shore and having on the W an open channel that connects the sea and a lagoon inland of the outcrop; the channel and the lagoon afforded small ships an excellent harbor, which was improved by a stone-built quay, still visible under water. Foundations of a circuit wall with towers can be traced in rock-cuttings, a small theater or odeum has been excavated, and there are remains of a road from the harbor to the Roman road which ran S inland of the Ceraunian peninsula. Inscriptions from the area- show that the Dioscuri, Aphrodite, and Eros were worshiped. Though the fortified area was small, Orikon was an important port of call on the coasting route and acted as a market for the hinterland of the Gulf; it issued coinage in the Hellenistic period. Julius Caesar described the place (BCiv. 3.llf). (N.G.L. HAMMOND)
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oricum
Wikidata ID: Q728519
Trismegistos Geo: 15816
DARE: 21421

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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