Tenedos (Troad) 156 Bozcaada - Τένεδος

Τένεδος - Tenedos, island polis, the modern Bozcaada, off the Troad (Aegean Turkey)
Hits: 156
Works: 72
Latitude: 39.833700
Longitude: 26.071500
Confidence: High (20140818)

Greek name: Τένεδος
Place ID: 398261ITen
Time period: ACHRL
Region: Troad
Country: Turkey
Mod: Bozcaada

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Search for inscriptions mentioning Tenedos (Τενεδ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Mentioned several times in the Iliad. The first colonists were Aeolians from Lesbos. In the 6th century BC Tenedos was occupied by the Persians, but later joined the 1st Athenian League. From the 3rd century BC it belonged to the Seleucid kingdom.
In Archaic times (6th century BC) it founded colonies on the opposite shore of Asia Minor (Achaeeum, Colonae, Larisa) so acquiring a small peraia. The founding hero Tenes and Apollo Smintheus were worshipped on the island. The city of Tenedos had two harbours.
In the 6th century AD Justinian built a granary on the island, for storing corn brought from Alexandria.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenedos
Wikidata ID: Q211817
Trismegistos Geo: 7518
DARE: 27370

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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