Mopsion (Thessaly) 23 Gyrtoni - Μόψιον

Μόψιον - Mopsion?, Archaic to Roman polis located by inscriptions at Girtoni, Larisa Thessaly
Hits: 23
Works: 3
Latitude: 39.761900
Longitude: 22.443900
Confidence: Low (20190323)

Greek name: Μόψιον
Place ID: 398224PMop
Time period: ACHR
Region: Thessaly
Country: Greece
Department: Larisa
Mod: Gyrtoni

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Mopsion? (Μοψι...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: A city described by Livy as on a hill between Larissa and Gonnos. Believed by Bruno Helly to be in the river valley W of Rodia, Larisa (the Narrows, or Stena Rodias). A LR building excavated by Tzafalias in 1992 at E entrance of Girtoni village (ex-Bakraina) had inscriptions from Mopsion, making it the likeliest site.
It was previously identified by Stahlin with Drachmani (Rachmani), a nameless site whose ruins are visible E of the road and railroad leading N to the Vale of Tempe on a height at the S end of the Kalamitsa plain. Failing to find significant remains of a city, Stahlin subsequently placed Mopsion at Bakraina, a double-peaked site connected by a saddle to Mt. Erimon's farthest S spur. The hill is concave and much eroded toward the S; the other sides are steep. There are two walls of primitive construction around the W peak, the inner quite small in circumference and linked to the outer by two cross walls. A third wall encloses both peaks in an oval. There are no towers; the only remaining gate is in the SE corner. The masonry, possibly 4th c. B.C., is two-faced polygonal with a fill of rubble. (M. H. MCALLISTER)
Wikidata ID: Q16608983
Trismegistos Geo: 33579
DARE: 29405

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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