Pandosia (Preveza) 35 Kastri - Πανδοσία

Πανδοσία - Pandosia?, Archaic to Roman polis, possibly the acropolis and Venetian fortress above Kastri, Preveza Epirus
Hits: 35
Works: 12
Latitude: 39.252500
Longitude: 20.574500
Confidence: Medium (20151220)

Greek name: Πανδοσία
Place ID: 393207PPan
Time period: ACHR
Region: Epirus
Country: Greece
Department: Preveza
Mod: Kastri

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Pandosia? (Πανδοσ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: A colony of Elis (D.7.32), possibly to be associated with the site at Kastri, described as follows: In the Acherusian plain of Epeiros, a large limestone hill is fortified with circuit walls of polygonal masonry built in two phases and some 2500 m long. The site dominates the plain and controls the bridge over the Acheron river which may have been navigable from here to its mouth. Ampelius mentions it (Lib. Mem. 8). (N.G.L. HAMMOND) Or Trikastro on a crag above the Acheron gorge in Epeiros. The circuit wall, ca. 1050 m long, has strong towers, probably a later addition. The site controls the entry from Cassopaea in the S to the upper valley of the Acheron river. A famous oracular utterance of Dodona associated 'three-hilled Pandosia'; with the Acheron (Strab. 6.1.5); it issued coinage for a short time. (N.G.L. HAMMOND)
Wikidata ID: Q3180048
DARE: 31570

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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