Thaumakoi (Phthiotis) 22 Domokos Kastri - Θαυμακοί
Θαυμακοί - Thaumakoi, Archaic to Late Antique polis and medieval castle, Domokos in Phthiotida Central Greece
Works: 4
Latitude: 39.130400
Longitude: 22.297600
Confidence: High (20141219)
Place ID: 391223PTha
Time period: ACHRL
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Fthiotida
Mod: Domokos Kastri
- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID
Search for inscriptions mentioning Thaumakoi (Θαυμακ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.
The city lies just to the W of the modern (and ancient) road over the pass, ca. 4 km S of the Thessalian plain. The acropolis is a small, round, rocky, abrupt peak (639 m) surrounded on top by a Byzantine (?) wall of stones and mortar, on the site of an ancient wall, of which virtually nothing is visible. The modern town is centered on the slope S of the acropolis. The ancient city wall is visible in places forming a concentric circle some 800-900 m in circumference around the acropolis. Southeast of the acropolis is one small section with four courses in place (1924); the wall is of rectangular blocks, laid in even courses. Brief excavations behind the school (gymnasium) S of the acropolis uncovered a section of the city wall built of polygonal masonry, making a solid bastion at this point. At the S edge of the wall was uncovered the foundation of an isolated tower, presumably to guard the access from the road. The finds from this excavation mainly consisted of 4th and 3d c. B.C. pottery fragments. A little N of the acropolis is a flat area on which is the Church of Haghios Aemilianos. Here a foundation of large stones, 6 x 3 m, was discovered, probably of a tower outside the walls guarding the approach from the plain. In the N side of the preserved city wall is a gate which may have given access to this tower. The city wall appeared to Stahlin to date from the 3d c. B.C.; the polygonal section recently discovered, however, must be a part of the Classical defenses.
Some 2 km N of Dhomoko, near Milyai (1910) was an ancient foundation, probably of a temple, near which was found a boundary inscription concerning Angeia and Ktimenai (see Dhranista). A treasure of Hellenistic gold objects now mainly in the Benaki and Stathatos collections found in Thessaly in 1929 may have come from the vicinity of Dhomoko. (T. S. MAC KAY)
Wikidata ID: Q16643349
Trismegistos Geo: 12125
DARE: 22752
Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)
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