Makra Kome (Phthiotis) 2 Varibopi - Μακρά Κώμη

Μακρά κώμη - Makra Kome?, settlement and fortification, Proph. Ilias hill above Platystomo in Phthiotida Central Greece
Hits: 2
Works: 1
Latitude: 38.959000
Longitude: 22.113000
Confidence: High (20161123)

Greek name: Μακρά κώμη
Place ID: 390221FMak
Time period: CHM
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Fthiotida
Mod: Varibopi

- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID

Modern Description: A city N of Spercheios, NE of the modern village of Varibopi (less than an hour on foot), and S of Platystomon. It is mentioned by Livy (30.13.10-14) when he tells how the Aitolians invaded Thessaly, which had been abandoned by Philip V in 198 after his defeat on the Aoos. The city was destroyed at this time.
The acropolis, which is elongated in shape, measures 620 m in the NS axis and 280 m in the WE axis and has a total perimeter of 1550 m (ca. 8 stadia or 185 m). It is protected by a rampart that follows the outer curve exactly at a constant level of 440 m. Well preserved to N and S with two to four courses in elevation, the wall is flanked by square towers 5 m each side, spaced 20-29 m apart. There may have been a gate to the W and another one symmetrical to it to the E. Inside the rampart are several walls of unknown purpose; halfway up the hillside are the remains of a necropolis. The city spread out on the NE side of the hill; four inscriptions, one of which is a dedication to Isis, have been found on its outskirts. The fortress had strategic value and overlooked the approach to the valley. From it one can see as far as Hypata. (Y. BEQUIGNON)
Wikidata ID: Q97410208
Trismegistos Geo: 33402
DARE: 34359

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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