Dion site (Euboea) 11 Likhas - Διώνη
Διώνη - Dion?, Archaic to Medieval site, possibly ancient Dion, on a hill with medieval walling E of Likhas in Euboia Central Greece
Hits: 11
Works: 7
Latitude: 38.850900
Longitude: 22.873100
Confidence: Medium (20150918)
Greek name: Διώνη
Place ID: 388229PDio
Time period: ACHRM
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Evvoia
Mod: Likhas
- Pleiades
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PHI Epigraphy database.
Modern Description:
To the west of Loutra Aedipsou, pushing deep into the Malian Gulf, stretches the tranquil Lichada peninsula, dense with pines and olive groves which clad the headland’s graceful summit of Xerosouvála (738m). The mountain and its offshore islets are associated in myth with the hapless servant, Lichas, who delivered the Shirt of Nessus to Hercules and was, for his service, hurled down into the sea here by the hero (Ovid, Metamorphoses IX, 211). The two largest settlements of Giáltra in the east, and Licháda towards the western point, both have old centres with pleasing stone houses and extensive views from their high positions. Giáltra has a harbour on the shore below with its own therapeutic springs by the sea – Loutrá Giáltron. The water is of milder temperature than at Aedipsos (39°-42°C); there are a series of bathing huts, beyond which the water flows out eventually onto the beach. From Licháda the road leads down to Cape Kinaion (33.5 km) – a beautiful spot, popular for bathing, with the islets and the sweep of the Phthotian and Thessalian shores in front. Little remains of the Temple of Zeus Kinaios which stood to the north of here, other than an eroded piece of frieze lying beside the Church of SS. Helen and Constantine which stands by the edge of the road back to Aghios Giorgios from the cape. There has been speculation as to the site near this cape of ancient Dios, mentioned by Homer (Iliad II, 538) as having ‘a steep citadel’.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dium_(Euboea)Wikidata ID: Q15696538Trismegistos Geo: 58922Manto: 9718703DARE: 29325
Info: McGilchrist's Greek Islands
(From McGilchrist’s Greek Islands, © Nigel McGilchrist 2010, excerpted with his gracious permission. Click for the books)
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