Larissa (Aiolis) 23 Buruncuk - Λαρίσσα

Λαρίσσα - Larissa, Archaic to Roman settlement near Buruncuk Aiolis in Asia Minor
Hits: 23
Works: 7
Latitude: 38.667900
Longitude: 27.029200
Confidence: High (20160516)

Greek name: Λαρίσσα
Place ID: 387270ULar
Time period: ACHR
Region: Aiolis
Country: Turkey
Department: Izmir
Mod: Buruncuk

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Larissa (Λαρισ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Scant traces of a Mycenaean presence. A settlement of Pelasgians, mentioned in the Iliad, existed before the arrival of the Aeolians. In the 6th century BC it was captured by Lydians, who installed Egyptian soldiers -- hence it is also known as 'Egyptian Larisa'. In the 5th century BC it belonged to the 1st Athenian League and later came under Persian domination. It was burnt to the ground by Galatian raiders in 279 BC.
The acropolis occupies a hill with two peaks and was already surrounded by a strong wall of polychrome andesite in the 6th century BC. The earliest monuments, dated c. 500 BC, are: a simple quadrilateral temple with altar (perhaps of Athena, Aeolian column capitals in the Istanbul Museum); the so-called 'ancient palace', with Oriental influences in its plan; the so-called 'megaron', with two columns at the entrance. The 'megaron' was expanded c. 450 BC by adding three areas with columns around a central court, and converted into a 'court house'. Later, in the 5th century BC, a portico with rooms was added. Then a small temple with wide façade was also built at the east edge of the acropolis. In the 4th century BC the 'new palace' was built, comprising four buildings arranged in pairs around a large court with a portico on its north side.
The rich cemetery in the col of the hill includes low tumuli defined by cairns. The finds are in the Istanbul, Smyrna and Stockholm museums.
Wikidata ID: Q628719
Trismegistos Geo: 33624
DARE: 29084

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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