Drymaia (Phokis) 23 Glunitsa - Δρυμαία

Δρυμαία - Drymaia, Archaic to Late Antique settlement at Glunitsa in Phthiotida Central Greece
Hits: 23
Works: 7
Latitude: 38.705000
Longitude: 22.541000
Confidence: High (20130000)

Greek name: Δρυμαία
Place ID: 387225UDry
Time period: ACHRL
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Fthiotida
Mod: Glunitsa

- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID

Search for inscriptions mentioning Drymaia (Δρυμα...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Probably on the frontier with Doris; located on S foothills of Mt. Kallidromos, on the side road to Glounista village. Several inscriptions are built into a church in the village (IG IX 1.226-23 refers to the name). Drymaia was burned by the Persians in 480 B.C.
The citadel was on a projecting spur, the lower town in the plain to the S, where the walls can be traced around an area of ca. 0.20 sq. km. Among the foundations in the plain are some that Frazer conjectured may have belonged to a temple; Pausanias (10.33.12) mentions a temple and festival of Demeter Thesmophoros, with an archaic cult-statue. Sherds run into Roman Imperial times.
The walls are well preserved on the summit and S slopes of the hill. The masonry is massive trapezoidal; some towers still stand 7-8 m high. Loopholes preserved in the middle of the field face may have been designed for bolt-throwing artillery (oxybeleis); for the existing circuit, like many others in Phokis, seems to date from the last third of the 4th c. There is a gate (partly ancient) in the cross wall separating the acropolis from the city, and traces of another gate seem to be preserved in the E wall, at the foot of the acropolis. (F. E. WINTER)
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drymaea
Wikidata ID: Q11917777
Trismegistos Geo: 38120
Manto: 10274656
DARE: 29328

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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