Magnesia ad Sipylum (Lydia) 63 Manisa - Μαγνησία υπό Σιπύλωι
Μαγνησία ὑπὸ Σιπύλῳ - Magnesia ad Sipylum, city of Lydia, the modern Manisa, Turkey
Works: 26
Latitude: 38.610300
Longitude: 27.429400
Confidence: Medium (20151122)
Place ID: 385275UMag
Time period: CHRL
Region: Lydia
Country: Turkey
Department: Manisa Merkez
Mod: Manisa
- Pleiades
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There are some statues and small finds, and fragments of ancient buildings are preserved in Turkish structures, but the Classical town proper is unknown. However, in the vicinity are monuments of considerable significance, some of them apparently marking the westernmost limits of Hittite influence or control (dates and identifications have not been established conclusively in all cases). Pausanias came from the area, and his references to it and its traditions are numerous.
Just outside the SW limit of Manisa is the Rock of Niobe (Paus. 1.21.3; cf. Hom. Il. 24.615, and Soph. Ant. 806-16), a large natural rock formation rather in the shape of a woman weeping. What had formerly been taken to be Niobe's Rock is seen at Akpinar 6 km E of Manisa: a rock-cut figure of a seated woman shown frontally in a niche. This figure (Tas Suret) is probably Pausanias' Mother Goddess (3.22.4), that is, Kybele. It is in high relief and well over life size; though badly worn, it is surely Hittite in origin (13th c. B.C.). Beside it is a panel thought to contain a hieroglyphic inscription.
In the vicinity of the Tas Suret are monuments that may well be the ones that Pausanias associated with Pelops and Tantalos (2.22.3 and 5.13.7). The Tomb of Tantalos, long thought to be just N of Old Smyrna, can be sought at the tomb known as that of S. Charalambos, 1 or 2 km E of the Tas Suret. Pausanias' Throne of Pelops may be the same as a large rock-cutting in the shape of an altar or a seat that exists high up on the slopes of Mt. Sipylos between the Tas Suret and the S. Charalambos tomb. Pausanias' Sanctuary of the Plastene Mother (5.13.7) has been identified a little way from the Tas Suret in the plain of the Hermos. In the general vicinity of these monuments are Lydian constructions (houses and cisterns?) of the 7th and 6th c. B.C., some of sun-dried brick.
About 20 km S of Manisa, in the Karabel gorge, is a rock-cut relief of a standing ruler or war-god. Here also are the badly worn remains of what was once a hieroglyphic inscription. This is probably one of the reliefs that Herodotos identified, at second hand, as one of the XII dynasty pharaohs named Sesostris (2.106). In fact the carving is Hittite, and is known locally as Eti Baba.
Some sculptures and other finds can be seen in the local Manisa museum, and there are a few pieces in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. (W. L. MAC DONALD)
Wikidata ID: Q920866
Trismegistos Geo: 3575
Manto: 11288839
DARE: 21172
Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)
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