Lion of Chaironeia (Boeotia) 1 Chaironeia

Lion of Chaironeia, much-restored marble lion covering mass grave of the Theban Sacred Band, 338 BCE
Hits: 1
Works: 1
Latitude: 38.494860
Longitude: 22.848270
Confidence: High

Place ID: 385228ALoC
Time period: CH
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Viotia
Mod: Chaironeia

Modern Description: Fragments of the lion, already smashed, were found in the early 19th century. Excavations in 1880 revealed the hastily buried, tightly packed skeletons of 254 men, probably the Theban Sacred Band, whose 300 members were obliterated by the Macedonian army at the battle of Chaironeia in 338 BCE. Probably a generation after the battle, a peribolos wall was built around the burial and the lion monument erected. Most of the skeletons, many showing horrendous wounds, were reburied at the site. The 1902 reconstruction is largely made with modern materials.
Wikidata ID: Q56952437
Trismegistos Geo: 33344

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