Pleuron (Aitolia) 4 Kato Retsina - Νέα Πλευρών

Νέα Πλευρῶν - Pleuron, Hellenistic to Late Antique polis at Kato Retsina in Aitoloakarnania West Greece
Hits: 4
Works: 2
Latitude: 38.413000
Longitude: 21.408000
Confidence: High (20130000)

Greek name: Νέα Πλευρῶν
Place ID: 384214PNPl
Time period: HRL
Region: West Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Aitolia-Akarnania
Mod: Kato Retsina

- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID

Search for inscriptions mentioning Pleuron (Νεα Πλευρ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: New Pleuron was built in the 4th quarter of the 3rd century B.C., after the destruction of old Pleuron. The city lies on the hill called “Kyra-Rini” a few kilometers northwest of Messolonghi. The impressive walls of the new city have a perimeter of 2,080 m., with 36 towers and 7 gates. Inside them, one can see public buildings, such as the theatre, the agora, foundations of other (unidentified) public buildings and ordinary houses and a large water reservoir, cut into the rock.
The small theatre at ancient Pleuron is one of the most interesting ones in Aitolia. The position of the proskenion , next to the city wall, is a unique feature, as is the use of neighbouring tower 3 as part of the skene and paraskenia (dressing room). The parodoi occupy the space between the wall and the koilon (auditorium). The latter had at least 15-16 rows of seats, divided in three parts by two staircases. The orchestra has a diameter of 10.6m. The monument had, perhaps, been used as a Bouleuterion too, a practice not uncommon in antiquity.
The large water reservoir at New Pleuron is carved in the bedrock and divided in five parts by four walls. The impressive structure's five sides measure 21.15 x 12.35 x 25,05 x 5,5 x 21,3 m. and its depth is 6.00-6.5m. Triangular openings at the lower part of each of the four dividing walls facilitate the flow of water within the reservoir. The walls may also have served as supports for a roof. Many more smaller reservoirs and wells are scattered around the ancient city.
The agora of Pleuron (measuring 70 x 37m.) occupies the large hill-top plateau at the central part of the city. Foundations of various public buildings surround a central paved square. The most important one is certainly the long building at its eastern side, 63x12m., shaped as a stoa, possibly open on both sides. Statue bases stand along the stoa's western side and several more are scattered in the square. Other features in the area include a water reservoir, built to the southeast of the stoa, and the foundations of a square building, possibly the city's bouleuterion, at the southwestern corner of the agora.
The fortification of ancient Pleuron has a perimeter of ca. 2km, enclosing the entire city and ending at a separately fortified acropolis on top of the hill. The thick (2,0–2,2m.) walls were built in local grey limestone and are very well preserved. 36 towers and 6 gates had been incorporated in the fortification. The main gate's monolithic lintel (weighing an estimated 7 tons), at the southwestern corner of the fortification, is particularly impressive. The acropolis had been strengthened by 11 towers; within it lie the truins of an ancient temple, dedicated to Athena Arakynthia.
Wikidata ID: Q1317636
Trismegistos Geo: 1859
DARE: 21994

Info: Patras University

(Monuments of Aitoloakarnania and Achaia, 2003, University of Patras)

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