Platani nymphaion (Achaia) Platani

Platani Nymphaion, 5-m high nymphaion wall from Roman villa, Platani, Achaia
Hits: 0
Latitude: 38.304300
Longitude: 21.822100
Confidence: Low

Place ID: 383218BPlN
Time period: RL
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Department: Achaia
Mod: Platani

Modern Description: on an artificial terrace on the NE side of the Xylokeras river, at Elliniko. Many blocks and bricks from Roman to Late Roman villa, hypothetically that of a wealthy wine grower, Basileios, who set up a statue of himself in Patras boasting in verse of, among other things, bringing 70000 measures of sweet wine from divine Argyra, which is likely to be here. PHI inscription text
Trismegistos Geo: 58740

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