Perta (Lykaonia) 3 Giymir - Πέρτα

Πέρτα - Perta, town of Lykaonia, Giymir kalesi, Konya
Hits: 3
Works: 3
Latitude: 38.175400
Longitude: 33.050500
Confidence: Medium (20181021)

Greek name: Πέρτα
Place ID: 382331UPer
Time period: RL
Region: Lykaonia
Country: Turkey
Department: Konya
Mod: Giymir

- Pleiades

Modern Description: The small town of Perta is securely located at the modern village of Giymir, on the eastern slope of the Ballık Dağı, the northern extension of the Boz Dağ mountain-range. The general location of the town was indicated by the discovery in 1907 of MAMA XI 310 (privileges for ‘those inhabiting the city of Perta’, τοῖς τὴν Περτέων οἰκοῦσι πόλιν) at the village of Koçaş, 7km NW of Giymir. The identification was subsequently confirmed by Calder’s discovery, also at Koçaş, of the honorific inscription MAMA XI 307 (first published as MAMA VIII 263), passed by the boule and demos of Perta (Περτηνῶν ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμος). The site itself is indicated by a settlement-mound just to the east of Giymir, apparently once ringed by a Byzantine fortification wall.
Wikidata ID: Q85792890
Trismegistos Geo: 34518
DARE: 23572

Info: E. Tzavella 2012

Elissavet Tzavella, URBAN AND RURAL LANDSCAPE IN EARLY AND MIDDLE BYZANTINE ATTICA (4TH – 12TH C. AD), PhD dissertation, Univ. of Birmingham 2012,

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