Styra (Euboea) 22 Styra - Στύρα
Στύρα - Styra, Archaic to Hellenistic fortified acropolis SE of Palaia Styra in Euboia Central Greece.
Works: 11
Latitude: 38.145500
Longitude: 24.260700
Confidence: High (20130000)
Place ID: 382242PSty
Time period: ACHM
Region: Central Greece
Country: Greece
Department: Evvoia
Mod: Styra
- IDAI gazetteer ID
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The archaeological area (unsigned) of the quarries, the acropolis and the remarkable ‘drakospita' or ‘dragon's houses', are reached by taking the main road north from the square of (Palaia) Styra. After 800m, on a bend, take the asphalt road to the right; after a further 800 m turn left onto a track, and then after 100 m turn right. This track climbs for 1.5 km, at which point it is necessary to turn right at what is the first opportunity. After 500 m, fork left. After a further 500 m the track splits: from this point, left takes you, after 400m, to the foot of the hill where the drakospita (A) (10 minutes) can be visited; right leads on up to the principal quarries (B) (20 minutes) and the acropolis (C) (1 hour).
Site A: The (‘Palli-Lakka' group of) *Drakospita is found after a short climb up from where the left-hand track ends, in a dip in the hillside facing west with a partial view down to the coast at Nea Styra and with relatively good visibility of the surrounding quarry area. As you approach you encounter two parallel, rectangular buildings with impressive, pitched and corbelled roofs constructed from large schists, which at first sight have the appearance either of communal dwellings or large animal pens. A shallow-cut, stone basin sits by the corner of the nearest building. Above and behind is a square building with a concentric, corbelled roof with an open ‘oculus' in the centre, which could perhaps be covered, if necessary, with ephemeral material. There is a stone corner-shelf inside.
As you climb higher, you pass two rectangular basins cut in the rock: the one to the left has a small circular depression carved on its front; further up again is an elliptical stone construction built up against the wall of natural rock behind, with two small ‘loculi' to north and south, and a wall and doorway in front; substantially higher up, after crossing a scree of stones, is a vertical rock face (clearly cut by hand as evidenced by the chisel striations all over its surface) fenced by a wall and doorway in front. This would appear to be one of many quarry faces in the area. The rock face has a fissure (bottom right) faceted by human hand. On the right-hand wall, in front and into the entrance of the fissure, at a height of about 2 m are a series of diagonal cuts in the rock – perhaps indicating approximate measurements for the quarrying.
There have been wild surmises as to the date and epoch of these constructions – some commentators even extravagantly claiming them to be prehistoric places of cult. It should, however, be recalled that this whole area was dedicated in antiquity to quarrying stone; that stone-working was the main economic activity of Karystos and Styra; and that a community of people therefore lived on site in these quarries, to avoid the laborious trek to and from the town each day. The mountains furthermore are subject to sudden storms and descending clouds for much of the early part of the year, and solid refuges would have been a real boon to the working community during the nights, and sometimes even during the day. The limestone quarried here naturally splits into large slabs or schists, and if you were going to build a structure in this area, the method of superimposing large slabs and corbelling them for the roof, constitutes in fact the easiest solution. The regular forms of the constructions and the roughly isodomic method (seen in much greater perfection in the drakospito at the summit of Mount Ochi), suggest that they emerge from a Hellenistic architectural background.
Site B: The track and path up to the acropolis of Styra passes through the centre of the main, ancient limestone quarry – a series of small, quite deep, assays. As you climb (15 minutes) there are channels in the stone and terraces cleared in the rock. A number of shaped architectural pieces are still in situ: a finely tapered column (note the ring of circular indentations around the ‘collar' for transportation); an abacus; several blocks of architrave with precise indentations. The rough-hewn ‘dromos', the long horizontal cuts and cart-ruts are evidence of the laborious task of transportation. Other, ancient surface-quarries and screes of stone-refuse can be seen on the hillsides opposite.
The acropolis (reached after a 50-minute climb) is entered through the magnificent *portal, which is visible even from Nea Styra far below and commands views of the whole of the gulf of Euboea. It is composed of large monoliths of veined limestone, and its lintel is still in place. To the left, as you face the gate from outside, are vestiges of the ancient enceinte, dating probably from the 5th century BC or earlier. This site is an example of a natural rock acropolis which has been minimally modified and articulated to serve human ends. It is composed of a ridge of limestone ‘tors', running northeast/southwest: the southwest tor has steps carved in its lower north side, which provided access to the look-out post on its summit. As you skirt the east side of the ridge towards the northeast tor, there are deep-cut post-holes in the rock and other cuts for gate posts at the northern extremity of the ancient, inner acropolis. Further north, you come to the tiny chapel of St. Nicholas (with a rock-cut cistern in front of its west end), and the remains of the 15th century Venetian stronghold, the Kastro Armeno, now much dilapidated, which had two discrete entities: a main, impregnable ‘keep' on the summit of the middle tor and fortifications with bastions on the northeastern summit. The *view takes in the sea to east and west, the three peaks of Attica in front, the Sounion peninsula, the islands of Makronisos, Kea and Skyros, the Boeotian coast, the Euripus, and Mounts Ochi, Dirfys and Kandili – in short, everything. There are few other examples in the Greek world of an acropolis set so distantly from the city it served to protect: communications between the two that were not signalled must have taken a couple of hours. It is maybe more appropriate to see this as an almost independent, fortified look-out post and refuge settlement.
Wikidata ID: Q57758204
Trismegistos Geo: 34097
Manto: 9718707
DARE: 22780
Info: McGilchrist's Greek Islands

(From McGilchrist’s Greek Islands, © Nigel McGilchrist 2010, excerpted with his gracious permission. Click for the books)
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