Rhamnous deme fortress (Attica) 43 Ramnounda - Ραμνούς

Ῥαμνοῦς - Rhamnous, ancient deme and fortress of Attica, located on the coast at Ramnounda, E. Attica
Hits: 43
Works: 33
Latitude: 38.222000
Longitude: 24.027000
Confidence: High (20130000)

Greek name: Ῥαμνοῦς
Place ID: 382240DRha
Time period: C
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: East Attiki
Mod: Ramnounda

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Search for inscriptions mentioning Rhamnous (Ραμνο...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: The deme of Rhamnus is located on the NE coast of Attica. The topography of the area has barely altered since antiquity and the visitor gains an immediate picture of an ancient Attic deme. Particularly impressive are the restored grave enclosures lining the main street (mainly 4th century BC).
The sanctuary of Nemesis, at the centre of the lower city and surrounded by the remains of houses, was renowned. An Archaic temple (early 6th century BC) existed before it was founded. Today the ruins of two 5th-century BC temples can be seen. The small Doric temple (early 5th century BC) later served as a treasury (èçóáõñïöõëάêåéïí) as well. The large Doric temple (440/30 BC) housed the cult statue of Nemesis, created by the famous sculptor Agorakritos (in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens). Its relief base and part of the upper structure of the temple, with the west pediment, have been restored and are exhibited under a specially constructed shelter.
The hill is dominated by the fort of Rhamnus with military installations, public and private buildings of the city. It is girt by a mighty enceinte with gateways and towers. The gymnasium, theatre and sanctuary of Dionysos have been excavated here. Both harbours can also be seen from the summit. NW of the entrance to the fort is the Amphiaraion, sanctuary of the healing hero Amphiaraos.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhamnous
Wikidata ID: Q1768553
Trismegistos Geo: 15946
Manto: 10272206
DARE: 22843

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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