Aigai (Achaia) 36 Goumeika - Αιγαί

Αἰγαί - Aigai, Acropolis of Aigai, abandoned by Hellenistic times possibly Grasidotopia hill N of Ampelos, Achaia Peloponnese
Hits: 36
Works: 7
Latitude: 38.148200
Longitude: 22.341800
Confidence: Medium (20201018)

Greek name: Αἰγαί
Place ID: 382223PAig
Time period: ACHR
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Department: Achaia
Mod: Goumeika

- Pleiades

Read summary reports on the recent excavations at Aigai in Chronique des fouilles en ligne – Archaeology in Greece Online.
Search for inscriptions mentioning Aigai (Αιγα...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: The ancient city of Aigai in Achaia, mentioned by Homer and sacred to Poseidon, was thought by later writers to have been near the river Krathis in Achaia. In the 1990s, the stone base and a number of courses of mudbrick were found of a stretch of fortification wall on a sloping terrace N of the modern settlement of Ampelos and SW of Goumeika. This is a possible location for the city, and the whole hill is now an archaeological zone. It is unclear if anything is visible currently to visitors.
Wikidata ID: Q16737279
Trismegistos Geo: 76
Manto: 10274676
DARE: 21940

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