Ereneia? (Attica) 2 Agios Giorgios - Ερένεια

Ἐρενεία - Ereneia?, 4th c. fortress with round rubble towers S of Agios Georgios, Attiki
Hits: 2
Works: 2
Latitude: 38.119000
Longitude: 23.332000
Confidence: High (20130000)

Greek name: Ἐρενεία
Place ID: 381233FEre
Time period: CHR
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: West Attiki
Mod: Agios Giorgios

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Modern Description: This large, strong fort - a curtain wall with round towers, is easily visible from Google Earth but hidden by vegetation on the ground. Signposts for the Ereneia archaeological site lead one to Agios Georgios village and then disappear. Follow the paved road straigh up the hill to the end, and then left. The road becomes impassable at a half-finished mansion. Continue on foot about 80 m, noting rooftile in the scarp from ancient settlement. A fading wooden sign (March 2018) on the right marks the foot trail to the ancient site. After 15-20 minutes up a reasonably clear trail, a pile of stones on the right margin indicates a gap in the brush from which to climb to the walls. The towers, on a shoulder of the mountain, defend against the Megarid - this was contested territory between Athens, Megara, and Boeotia. Tough bushes discourage exploration of the fort interior. The name Ereneia refers to an unlocated village that belonged to Megara in Pausanias's day. This fortress has no known ancient name.
Trismegistos Geo: 60806
DARE: 46618

Info: ToposText editors


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