Hyperesia (Achaia) 13 unknown

Ὑπερησία - Hyperεsia, Homeric polis, said to be the predecessor of Aigeira, possibly connected with the Mycenaean (LH3) citadel of Aigeira
Hits: 13
Works: 6
Latitude: 38.126800
Longitude: 22.373600
Confidence: Low

Greek name: Ὑπερησία
Place ID: 381224PHyp
Time period: BGAC
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Department: Korinthia
Mod: unknown

- Pleiades

Read summary reports on the recent excavations at Hyperεsia in Chronique des fouilles en ligne – Archaeology in Greece Online.

Modern Description: Ancient authors claimed Hyperesia was renamed Aigeira, but it is unclear whether the early polis had an urban center and, if so, whether it was at the current site of Aigeira, where the acropolis (signposted) is primarily LH3, with scraps of a Classical sanctuary on top, and the lower city is primarily late 4th century through Roman.
Wikidata ID: Q3563508

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