Dragon House (Hymettos) Imitos - δρακόσπιτο

Dragon House, round shelter of huge rough stones by Hymettos quarry
Hits: 0
Latitude: 37.950130
Longitude: 23.790640
Confidence: High

Place ID: 380238QDrH
Time period: R
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Imitos

Modern Description: Circular closed structure of very large blocks stacked and corbelled by quarry workers. The marble quarry just above has two rock-cut inscriptions with the Roman name Cethegus, spotted by Josiah Ober. He theorizes that it was a small quarry begun by a wealthy Roman in the early Augustan period, but soon shut down. The dragon house has a small entry way, but once inside is roomy enough for several occupants, with a ceiling close to 3m high. It can be reached from the road that rises up past the Vyronas cemetery. Cross the Katehaki mountain road and take the right fork. At the cement plant, a once-asphalt road ascends (locked barrier) up toward a large quarry that served as a major Athens landfill. At the second switchback following the new (2018) fire observation tower, a narrow marked trail (red dots) heads left/NE toward the Karavi climbing quarry. The dragon house is on the trail to Karavi, about 200 m from the road.
Wikidata ID: Q110852610
Trismegistos Geo: 15653

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