Kaisariani fortification? (Athens) Kaisariani - Καισαριανή
Καισαριανή - Kaisariani, pre-modern wall, visible before 1966, on ridge of Kalogeros hill (374m) W of Kaisariani monastery in Attiki
Latitude: 37.962600
Longitude: 23.789300
Confidence: Medium (20180329)
Place ID: 380238FKai
Time period: CH
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Kaisariani
- Pleiades
"I took notice of a long wall composed of large blocks, apparently of the highest antiquity, which led me to conjecture that an insular hill, rising to the south of the Metochi, might be the site of some ancient demos. Having crossed the dry bed of the Ilissos, which is at its northern foot, I found the imperfect remains of a wall, rising not more than a foot above the ground, which leads to the summit of the hill, and terminates in the foundations of a square tower; two other adjoining hills are encircled by the walls, which appear to have included a town of at least two miles in circuit. Although the traces are very imperfect, and apparently of high antiquity, it is surprising that they were unknown to former travellers." The same walls were apparently seen at about the same time by Sir William Gell, who says that the wall encloses four hills. These walls, discovered by Dodwell, have apparently been lost since the early nineteenth century. Milchhofer searched for them, but, misunderstanding Dodwell's route, he was unable to locate them, and his discussion of the question has led others astray.83 The walls were rediscovered by the writer in May 1962. They lie on the slopes of the hill called " Kaisariani Berg " on Karten voin Attika, Bl. IV (height 375.1), and seem to have defended a considerable area.84 From the modern paved road, which runs along the northern foot of the hill on the south side of the torrent bed, the wall runs southward up the slopes of the hill for perhaps 300 m. It then turns eastward and follows a ridge to the peak of the hill. The line is continued to the north of the road and the torrent bed for only about 10 m., running northward up the slope of the low east-west ridge which lies there. The wall is only 0.80 to 0.90 m. thick. (MCCREDIE)
Trismegistos Geo: 15786
DARE: 34555
Info: McCredie, Fortified Military Camps

James R. McCredie, Fortified Military Camps in Attica, Hesperia Supplement 11, 1966,
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