Peripatos walkway (Athens) 2 Acropolis - Περίπατος

Περίπατος - Peripatos, inscription marking a path around the Acropolis
Hits: 2
Works: 2
Latitude: 37.972300
Longitude: 23.727700
Confidence: High

Greek name: Περίπατος
Place ID: 380237XPer
Time period: ACHRL
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Modern Description:
[Judith Binder: Peripatos: Walk around the Akropolis slopes with a 4th c. B.C. inscription cut “on the face of a rock which had become detached and fallen from the north slope” - - - IG II² 2639; cf. Paus. 1.22.1; Broneer, O. 1933, 347-349, fig. 19, pl. XI; Travlos, J. 1971, 54, 228, 523, 562, figs. 67, 71, 91, 293-294; Dontas, G. S. 1983, 48; Threatte, L. 1980, 108; “may be the earliest appearance of a lunate sigma in an Athenian inscription,” Ritchie Jr., C. E. 1985, 430-435;]
Wikidata ID: Q2071058
Trismegistos Geo: 57044

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