Nymphe Sanctuary (Athens) Acropolis

Nymphe Sanctuary, Archaic to Roman sanctuary south of the Odeon of Herodes on the S slope of Acropolis
Hits: 0
Latitude: 37.970100
Longitude: 23.724400
Confidence: High

Place ID: 380237SNy2
Time period: ACHR
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Modern Description: Many votive offerings, now in the Acropolis museum, show the site was connected with marriage offerings -- Nymphe means bride as well as divine personification.
[Judith Binder: Nymphe: Sanctuary, Akropolis South Slope, 7th - 2nd C. B.C., south of the Odeion of Herodes Atticus (Plan 1 eta—4, south southwest of no.25): Travlos, J. 1971, 361-363, figs. 91 no. 148, 464-467; La Rocca, E. 1975, 441-448; LIMC VIII, 1997, 902, s.v. Nymphe I (M. Kyrkou)]
Trismegistos Geo: 57044

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