shrine of Kodros, Neleus and Basile (Athens) 1 Acropolis Museum
Kodros, Neleus, Basile, Sacred enclosure N of Hatzichristou St. in Makrygianni, Athens, with olive cultivation
Works: 1
Latitude: 37.967600
Longitude: 23.729300
Confidence: Low (20180301)
Time period: CH
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis Museum
Gods. Decree 1 The Council and the People decided. Pandionis was in prytany, Aristoxenos was secretary, Antiochides was chairman, Antiphon was archon (418/7); Adosios proposed: to fence in the sanctuary (hieron) of Kodros and Neleus and Basile and 5 to lease (misthōsai) the sacred precinct (temenos) according to the specifications (suggraphas). Let the official sellers (pōlētai) make the contract (apomisthōsantōn) for the fencing in. Let the king (basileus) lease (apomisthōsatō) the sacred precinct according to the specifications, and let him despatch the boundary-commissioners (horistas) to demarcate these sanctuaries (hiera) so that they may be in the best and most pious condition. The money for the fencing in shall come from the sacred precinct. This Council shall carry out these provisions before it leaves office, 10 otherwise each one (of the councillors) shall be liable to a fine of one thousand drachmas according to what has been proposed (eiremena).
Decree 2 Adosios proposed: in other respects in accordance with the Council’s proposal, but let the king (basileus) and the official sellers (pōlētai) lease (misthōsatō) the sacred precinct of Neleus and Basile for twenty years according to the specifications. The lessee (misthōsamenos) shall fence in the sanctuary (hieron) of Kodros and Neleus and Basile at his own expense. Whatever 15 rent the sacred precinct may produce in each year, let him deposit the money in the ninth prytany (prutaneias) with the receivers (apodektai), and let the receivers (apodektais) hand it over to the treasurers of the Other Gods according to the law. If the king (basileus) or anyone else of those instructed about these matters does not carry out what has been decreed in the prytany (prutaneias) of Aigeis, 20 let him be liable to a fine of 10,000 drachmas. The purchaser of the mud (ilun) shall remove it from the ditch (taphro) during this very Council after paying to Neleus the price at which he made the purchase. Let the king (basileus) erase the name of the purchaser of the mud (ilun) once he has paid the fee (misthōsin). Let the king (basileus) write up instead (anteggraphsato) on the wall the name of the lessee (misthōsamenos) of the sacred precinct and for how much he has rented (misthōsētai) it 25 and the names of the guarantors in accordance with the law that concerns the sacred precincts (temenōn). So that anyone who wishes may be able to know, let the secretary (grammateus) of the Council inscribe this decree on a stone stele and place it in the Neleion next to the railings (ikria). Let the payment officers (kolakretai) give the money to this end. The king (basileus) shall lease (misthoun) the sacred precinct of Neleus and of Basile on the following terms: 30 that the lessee (misthōsamenos) fence in the sanctuary (hieron) of Kodros and Neleus and Basile according to the specifications (suggraphas) during the term of the Council that is about to enter office, and that he work the sacred precinct of Neleus and Basile on the following terms: that he plant young sprouts of olive trees, no fewer than 200, and more if he wishes; that the lessee (misthōsamenos) have control of the ditch (taphro) and the water from Zeus, 35 as much as flows in between the Dionysion and the gates whence the initiates march out to the sea, and as much as flows in between the public building (oikias tes demosias) and the gates leading out to the bath of Isthmonikos; lease (misthoun) it for twenty years.
[Judith Binder: Kodros: and Neleus and Basile, sanctuary: IG I³ 84 lines 4, 13-14, 30-31; south or southeast of the precinct of Dionysos Eleuthereus, Wheeler, J. R. 1887, 38-49; for an [imaginary] site entrenched in a network of [imaginary] sites and [mistaken] identifications mutually supporting each other, see Travlos, J. 1971, 332-333, figs. 379 no. 182, 435; N. Robertson, op. cit. (under Kodros), 201-205, 224-239, 255-261; SEG_38 5 (1988); Kearns, E. 1989, 151 s.v. Basile, 178 s.v. Kodros, 188 s.v. Neleus;]
Trismegistos Geo: 364
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