Iobacchoi clubhouse (Athens) Athens Acropolis - Ιόβακχοι

Ἰόβακχοι - Iobacchoi, 2nd c. CE association of devotees of Dionysos on W slope of Acropolis, Athens.
Hits: 0
Latitude: 37.971500
Longitude: 23.721300
Confidence: High

Greek name: Ἰόβακχοι
Place ID: 380237SIob
Time period: R
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Athens Acropolis

Modern Description: The Iobacchoi were a Roman-period religious association dedicated to the god Dionysos. Foundations of their clubhouse can be traced in a fenced-off area of the W slope of the Acropolis, Athens; to read their rules, inscribed on a column found at the site, click here
[Judith Binder: Bakcheion: Statutes of the Iobakchoi with reliefs of krater, boukranion, panthers, grape clusters, ante 178 A.D., inscribed on a column of the Bakcheion - - - IG II² 1368; SEG_42 124 (1992)]
Trismegistos Geo: 364

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