Amyneion shrine (Athens) Acropolis W slope
Amyneion, 6th c. and later association with healing hero Amynos
Latitude: 37.971340
Longitude: 23.721580
Confidence: High (20180305)
Time period: HR
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis W slope
[Judith Binder: Amynos and Asklepios: sanctuary in the valley between the Areopagus and the Pnyx: IG II² 1252 line 17; SEG_49 159 (1999); Korte, A. 1893, 231-256; idem 1896, 287-313, plan pl. 11; Amynos considered a hero of foreign origin in the time of Solon, heroized after his death under the name of Amynos, Pantazopoulos, N. I. 1947/48, 106-107; Travlos, J. 1971, 76-78, figs. 97-101; hundreds of finds, sculpture, inscriptions, pottery etc., from the Amyneion stored in the National Museum, N. Yalouris, «8. Ευρήματα Άμυνείου,» Deltion 29 (1973/74) B1 Chr., 2-3, pls. 7-8; [no evidence seen so far attests a date for the founding of the sanctuary earlier than the 4th c. B.C.]]
Wikidata ID: Q65229287
Trismegistos Geo: 364
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