Shrine of Aglauros (Athens) 4 Acropolis of Athens
Ἀγλαύρου τέμενός - Aglauros shrine, sanctuary below the east cave of the Acropolis, identified by an inscription, not visible
Works: 4
Latitude: 37.971390
Longitude: 23.728770
Confidence: Medium (20180226)
Place ID: 380237SAgl
Time period: ACH
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis of Athens
[Judith Binder: Aglauros: Sanctuary of Aglauros near the place in front of the Akropolis, but behind the gates and the road up, whence the Persians got into the Akropolis: Hdt. 8.53.1; alongside of the Propylaia of the Akropolis, FGrHist III B 328 Philochoros 105; temenos of Aglauros above the sanctuary of the Dioskouroi, Paus. 1.18.2.; place where the ephebes swore their oath, Plu. Ale. 14.4; for a rich collection of testimonia in an article whose conclusions the author has retracted, see M. Ervin, “The Sanctuary of Aglauros on the south slope of the Akropolis . . .,” ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΝΤΟΥ 22 (1958) 133-136 and passim (an offprint of this article is in the Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens); although no ancient source attests a cave of Aglauros, the sanctuary is [mistakenly] located in the Akropolis North Slope cleft (Part II no. 198), dubbed “Cave of Aglauros,” Travlos, J. 1971, 1,2,52,72, 228, 578, fig. 5 no. 11, fig. 91 no. 136, fig. 93, fig. 722 Q; [the temenos was probably on the Akropolis North Slope at Cave Gamma ];]
Wikidata ID: Q394211
Trismegistos Geo: 364
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