Pelargikon wall (Athens) 34 Acropolis - Πελαργικόν

Πελαργικὸν - Pelargikon, A prehistoric walled area west below the Acropolis of Athens
Hits: 34
Works: 14
Latitude: 37.972100
Longitude: 23.724400
Confidence: Medium (20170613)

Greek name: Πελαργικὸν
Place ID: 380237FPel
Time period: BG
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis

Modern Description:
[Judith Binder: Mycenaean Circuit Wall: Iakovides, S. E. 1962, 25-29, 179-199, 231-235, plans 17, 19-38, figs. 17-20, 23-24, 26-29
Built by the Pelasgians: Hdt. 6.137; Paus. 1.28.3 Called the Pelargikon: Hdt. 5.64-65; Iakovides, S. E. 1962, 231-232 (testimonia)
Pelargikon (Or Pelasgikon): 2) Fortification wall on the Akropolis slopes often called the Outer Pelargikon: Iakovides, S. 1962, 28, 177-199; J. McK. Camp, loc. cit., [doubtably] called the Enneapylon, Travlos, J. 1971, 52; [this wall must have enclosed a much more extensive area than has hitherto been supposed as Angelos P. Matthaiou observed in 1988]; cf. Nulton, P. E. 2000, 14 note 20;]
Wikidata ID: Q7161205
Trismegistos Geo: 57044

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