Pan Cave (Athens) 5 Nymphs Hill - Σπήλαιο Πανός

Σπήλαιο Πανός - Pan cave , Shallow cave with relief representation of Pan and a nymph discovered 2001 on Apostolou Pavlou St.
Hits: 5
Works: 3
Latitude: 37.972000
Longitude: 23.720640
Confidence: High (20150106)

Greek name: Σπήλαιο Πανός
Place ID: 380237CPan
Time period: CHR
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Nymphs Hill

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Search for inscriptions mentioning Pan cave (Σπηλαιο Πανος...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Pan: a sanctuary cave southeast of the Pnyx. An original relief representation of Pan and a nymph is preserved inside the cave while a fresco and a mosaic with geometric motifs are situated outside
[Judith Binder: Pan: Rock-cut relief of Pan grabbing a beautiful naked nymph, Pitys, who pushes him away as she turns into a pine tree, a noble seated dog with upraised paw at the far left, at the entrance to a cave with a spring house (Part II no. 231) on the lower northwest slope of the Pnyx, at the intersection of Apostolou Pavlou and Aiginetou Sts.: Choremi-Spetsieri, A. 20C3, 8]
Wikidata ID: Q61755042
Trismegistos Geo: 364

Info: A.E.

(Aspa Efstathiou, ToposText volunteer)

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