Caves of Apollo, Pan, Zeus (Athens Acropolis) 7 Acropolis N slope
Caves of Apollo, Pan, Zeus, shallow caves on NW crag of Acropolis with votives to Apollo Hypakraios, Zeus, Pan
Works: 3
Latitude: 37.972040
Longitude: 23.725040
Confidence: High (20180301)
Time period: CHR
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis N slope
[Judith Binder: Apollo: Cave sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios with rock-cut niches for votive plaques dedicated by archons to Apollo with various epithets (Apollo Apo5*-7* below), Augustan period - 3rd c. A.C., Akropolis North Slope, Cave Beta IG II² 2891-2930 +; Paus. 1.28.4; Kavvadias, P. 1897, 1-27, pls.1-4; [mistakenly] identified as the Pythion, Travlos, J. 1971, 91, 422, figs. 116, 540 no. 134; cf. E. Meyer, RE XXIV, 1963, col. 554-558 (Pythion no. 2); SEG_50 190 (2000); Nulton, P. E. 2000, 71-74 cat. no. 4, ph.; see Thesmothetai]
Wikidata ID: Q16328649
Trismegistos Geo: 57044
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