Odeion of Pericles (Athens) 26 Athens/S slope of Acropolis - Ωδείον
Ὠδεῖον - Odeion of Pericles, scant remains of the classical building at the south-eastern foot of the Acropolis
Works: 15
Latitude: 37.970600
Longitude: 23.728200
Confidence: High (20150219)
Place ID: 380237BOdP
Time period: C
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Athens/S slope of Acropolis
- IDAI gazetteer ID
Search for inscriptions mentioning Odeion of Pericles (Ωδει...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.
[Judith Binder: Perikles: Odeion of Perikles, next to the Theater (Plan 1 no. 31): structure imitating Xerxesʼ tent, rebuilt after Sullan destruction, Paus. 1.20.4 (Perikles not mentioned); Travlos, J. 1971, 387-391, figs. 91 no. 139, 501-504; Meinel, R. 1980, 135-154, figs. 35-38; testimonia on the Odeion functioning as a law court, Agora XXVIII 185-186 nos. 168-170; Thanos G. Papathanasopoulos, To Τρόπαιό, Athens, 2003, 1-167, the revised version of a dissertation, «To Ωδείο του Περικλή: νέα θεώρησι του μνημείου,» (University of Rethymno, 1999) reviews and analyzes the testimonia at length, concluding [convincingly] that Themistokles was the builder]
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odeon_of_Athens
Wikidata ID: Q2704249
Trismegistos Geo: 364
DARE: 24497
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