Nikias Monument (Athens) 1 Acropolis

Nikias Monument, Doric temple/choregic monument of Nikias son of Nikodemos, 320/19 BCE, Acropolis S slope, Athens
Hits: 1
Works: 1
Latitude: 37.970300
Longitude: 23.726900
Confidence: High

Place ID: 380237BNic
Time period: C
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: Athens C
Mod: Acropolis

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Modern Description: Choregic monument bearing this inscription: ‘Nikias, son of Nikodemos, of the deme Xypete, dedicated this after being victorious with Kekropis in the boys’ contest. Pantaleon of Sikyon played the aulos. The song: the Elpenor of Timotheos. Neaikhmos was Arkhon.’ Dated 320/19 BC, it is in the form of a Doric temple with six columns across the front, Pentelic marble facade, the rest of cheaper stone. Foundations are preserved at the E end of the Stoa of Eumenes W of the Theater of Dionysos. Most of its architectural remains, including the dedicatory inscription, were found built into the Beule Gate of the Acropolis. This Nikias is a century later than the famous general, who also set up choregic monuments. This monument was set up soon after the defeat of Athens by Antipater in the Lamian War, during rule by a narrow oligarchy imposed by the Macedonians. A near copy of the facade, also in Pentelic marble, adorns a dedication made at the same time, in the name of Philip Aridaios and the child Alexander IV, to the Great Gods at Samothrace.
[Judith Binder: Nikias: son of Nikodemos, choregic mon. for a victorious dithyramb, Timotheosʼ Elpenor, 320/319 B.C., originally on the Akropolis South Slope (Plan 1 eta—6, no. 24), after the Herulian destruction of 267 A.D. the inscription and part of the entablature were incorporated in the Beulé Gate (Part II no. 19) as a victory display - - - IG II² 3055; Travlos, J. 1971, 357-360, figs. 91 no. 143, 460-463; Townsend, R. F. 1982, 198-216; Wilson, P. 2000, 226-229, figs. 15-16; M. Korres,” Κλασσική αθηναϊκή αρχιτεκτονική,» in ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 2000, 36 fig. 36; the Beulé Gate towers incorporate plain wall blocks of the Nikias Monument;]
Wikidata ID: Q3323331
Trismegistos Geo: 57044

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