Aigiplankton beacon? (Attica) 1 Lisi - Αιγίπλαγκτον

Αἰγίπλαγκτον - Lysi, Rubble fortifications guarding inland pass with sweeping views from Corinthia to Megarid, Lysi ridge, Megara
Hits: 1
Works: 1
Latitude: 38.012800
Longitude: 23.167200
Confidence: High (20160809)

Greek name: Αἰγίπλαγκτον
Place ID: 380232FLys
Time period: C
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: West Attiki
Mod: Lisi


Modern Description: On the ridge 400 m SE of the saddle between Makryplagi and Lisi ridges, a 20-meter diameter oval rubble fortification wall with traces of roof tile and coarseware pottery, possibly a late classical outpost guarding the border between Corinth and Megara. Another few hundred meters SE of it on the same ridge are remains of a much larger rubble circuit. Owing to its location as a comfortable point commanding a view both to Mt. Kithairon and the western recess of the Saronic Gulf, I would like to link it to the beacon station of Aigiplankton ("goat-wandered", not a very precise epithet), known only from Aeschylus, Agamemnon 303.
Trismegistos Geo: 60796
DARE: 46611

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