Brauron tower (Attica) Kaliveza

Brauron tower, 13th c. Frankish signal tower, well-preserved, between the Spata airport and Porto Raphti
Hits: 0
Latitude: 37.913800
Longitude: 23.956800
Confidence: High

Place ID: 379240FBra
Time period: M
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: East Attiki
Mod: Kaliveza

- IDAI gazetteer ID

Read summary reports on the recent excavations at Brauron tower in Chronique des fouilles en ligne – Archaeology in Greece Online.

Modern Description: Archeological investigations show the Brauron signaling tower was probably built by the Burgundian Dukes De La Roche (1204–1311) . For a concise description, consult Manolis Papathanassiou's
(EFA Chronique: O. Kakavogianni (Β’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that opposite the tower, to the north of the Erasinos river, the area is crossed by ancient roads , scattered remains of building materials, and Late Classical pottery. To the east of the tower, ancient tombs were found on the west and north slopes of the hill on which the chapel of Ag. Dimitrios is located. At the Patitiria site, to the northeast of Ag. Dimitrios, over the Erasinos, were extensive Early Classical remains, perhaps of a farmhouse. Around 50m west of Markopoulou-Vraonas Avenue, at a modern spring (Kroi Sklia) at the crossing of the farm roads to Lexana and the tower of Brauron, was a wall of limestone blocks. Part of a small marble statue of Aphrodite and marble lekanis with a relief dolphin, now in the Brauron Museum, were reported to have come from here (perhaps from a small roadside shrine to Aphrodite). Slightly further south, on the west slope of the Karambamba hill, a large Roman structure is probably a farm house. At the Kipoi site is a small quarry. In the northwest of the plain of Brauron, on farm roads which lead to Spata, walls of farmhouses and funerary periboloi are preserved. At the south side of the plain, where it meets the Sorti valley, were surface remains of ancient farm houses, and at the slope of the hill a quarry.
Wikidata ID: Q107225480
Trismegistos Geo: 37734

Info: Chronique des Fouilles

(Archaeology in Greece Online)

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