Lavrio EC basilica (Attica) Lavrio

Lavrio EC basilica, basilica foundations with mosaic, Kallia St., Lavrio, Attiki
Hits: 0
Latitude: 37.716200
Longitude: 24.061360
Confidence: High

Place ID: 377241ELaB
Time period: M
Region: Attica
Country: Greece
Department: East Attiki
Mod: Lavrio

Modern Description: Faint remains of a three-aisled basilica at E end of Kallia St., on the promontory just N of Lavrio modern harbor. Its narthex was decorated with a mosaic of high quality, dated to the second quarter of the 5th c . The mosaic is now exhibited in the Laurion Museum. An annex building of the basilica was excavated a few years later at 7 Herakleous St. (Tzavella, 2012 p. 186)
Trismegistos Geo: 37764

Info: E. Tzavella 2012

Elissavet Tzavella, URBAN AND RURAL LANDSCAPE IN EARLY AND MIDDLE BYZANTINE ATTICA (4TH – 12TH C. AD), PhD dissertation, Univ. of Birmingham 2012,

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