Alabanda (Caria) 47 Doganyurt - Αλάβανδα

Ἀλάβανδα - Alabanda, Alabanda/Antiocheia Chrysaoron was a city in Caria (Aegean Turkey)
Hits: 47
Works: 16
Latitude: 37.594500
Longitude: 27.984200
Confidence: High (20151122)

Greek name: Ἀλάβανδα
Place ID: 376280PAla
Time period: CH
Region: Caria
Country: Turkey
Mod: Doganyurt

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Search for inscriptions mentioning Alabanda (Αλαβαν...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: A flourishing city in Hellenistic times and the Roman era, close to the river Marsyas (Çine Çay). A member of the Carian federation in the 3rd century BC. Also known as Antiocheia. Home of the famous Hellenistic architect Hermogenes. A defensive wall and monuments mainly of the Hellenistic period can be seen: a two-storey bouleuterion near the agora, in the form of a rectangular square surrounded by stoas, a theatre, thermae and the foundations of an Ionic temple of Apollo (2nd century BC).
Wikidata ID: Q778224
Trismegistos Geo: 96
DARE: 21193

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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