Skillous (Eleia) 53 Babes - Σκιλλούς

Σκιλλοῦς - Skillous, Classical to Roman polis, at Babes? east of Makrisia in Eleia Peloponnese
Hits: 53
Works: 9
Latitude: 37.611500
Longitude: 21.636000
Confidence: Medium (20190410)

Greek name: Σκιλλοῦς
Place ID: 376216PSki
Time period: CHR
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Department: Ileia
Mod: Babes

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Skillous (Σκιλλο...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: [some remains of an organized settlement were excavate NE of the small Doric temple found at Babes, and are possibly connected with Skillous.] City in Triphylia, 20 stades (3.5 km) S of Olympia, on the Selinus River (Strab. 8.343; Paus. 5.6.4). The land of Skillous was fertile, as it is today, and also abounded with game (Paus. 5.6.5). In the 7th and early 6th c. B.C., Skillous, a close friend and ally of Pisa, which at that time assumed control of the Olympic sanctuary, built the heraion at Olympia (Paus. 5.16.1). In 570 B.C. the people of Skillous were evicted from the city after the total defeat of their allies the Pisaians in battle with the Eleians (Paus. 5.6.4, 6.22.4). In 400 B.C. Skillous was resettled by Sparta. After the peace of Antalkidas (King's Peace) the city was proclaimed free but shortly afterwards it came under the control of Sparta. The farm assigned by Sparta to the Athenian exile, Xenophon, was in the territory of Skillous. Xenophon erected a shrine there which was a copy of the Temple of Ephesian Artemis (Paus. 5.6.4). A short distance from the shrine, Pausanias (5.6.6) saw the tomb of Xenophon with his statue. In the area of Skillous was also a remarkable Temple of Skillountian Athena (Strab. 8.343). After the battle of Leuktra (371 B.C.) Skillous again came under Eleian control. Skillous was probably deserted in the Hellenistic period and for this reason is not mentioned at all by Polybios. Pausanias, on the road to Olympia after Samikon, mentions the uninhabited remains of Skillous in the distance to the left; that is, in the area between the present communities of Krestaina, Makrysia, and Ladikou, where the city must have been. (N. YALOURIS)
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Trismegistos Geo: 37872
Manto: 10267689
DARE: 31067

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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