Lepreon (Triphylia) 113 Lepreo - Λέπρεον
Λέπρεον - Lepreon, Polis of Triphylia - 4th c. BCE fortress encloses Archaic and 4th c. temples above modern Lepreo in Ileia Peloponnese
Works: 20
Latitude: 37.440600
Longitude: 21.724800
Confidence: High (20180317)
Place ID: 374217PLep
Time period: ACHR
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Department: Ileia
Mod: Lepreo
- Pleiades
- IDAI gazetteer ID
Read summary reports on the recent excavations at Lepreon in Chronique des fouilles en ligne – Archaeology in Greece Online.
Search for inscriptions mentioning Lepreon (Λεπρε...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

The site of Lepreum was first inhabited in the Neolithic period. This early settlement exploited the area's natural resources and had contacts with the Aegean. The prehistoric acropolis developed on the Agios Dimitrios hill, where a number of architectural remains of the Early Helladic period (2500-2000 BC) were identified. Several scholars identify Lepreum as the Homeric city of Aepy.
In historical times, Lepreum was the leading city of ancient Triphylia. It controlled the roads connecting Elis with Messenia and Arcadia, and was Triphylia's main stronghold against any pressure exercised by its neighbours, Elis in particular. Strabo considered Lepreum a 'blessed country': it controlled the Aepasion fields, Triphylia's most fertile valley, it was located near the Nedas river and the sea, and had a mild and pleasant climate thanks to the surrounding mountains. The historical city extended from the heights of the acropolis, north of the modern village, to the hill once occupied by the prehistoric settlement. A temple dedicated to Demeter was built in the Classical period inside the acropolis, which dates from the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
When Pausanias visited Lepreum in 170 AD the city was in demise. He nevertheless refers to it as the capital of Triphylia and mentions the temple of Zeus Leukaios or Lykaios, the tombs of Lykourgos and Kaukon, and the temple of Demeter. The city lived on until the Byzantine period and was abandoned in 800-1000 AD after a series of pirate and barbarian raids. East of the Classical acropolis are the ruins of a medieval castle (Paliopyrgos), which incorporate ancient building material.
Travellers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries mention a large number of archaeological remains in the area of the ancient city.
Ancient Lepreum, one of the most important cities in Trifylia, was strategically located with access to an abundance of natural resources. Lepreum had two citadels, the prehistoric acropolis on the naturally fortified hill of Agios Dimitrios, east of the modern village, and the acropolis of the historical period to its north. The peripteral temple of Demeter is the most important monument on the Classical acropolis. The historical city extended all the way to the prehistoric acropolis.
The earliest traces of habitation on the prehistoric acropolis date from the Neolithic period. The Early Helladic settlement on the hilltop covers an area of approximately 5.000 square metres. The buildings had foundations of unworked limestone and carved bedrock (poros), and walls of mud brick. They were oriented north-south, their doors facing north, away from the fierce south winds. The remains of a paved street were also identified. The settlement's architecture recalls other Early Helladic settlements in southern Peloponnese. Traces of Middle and Late Helladic habitation and pottery fragments of the Classical and Byzantine periods were found in the same area.
The remains on the Classical and Hellenistic acropolis, particularly the well-preserved enceinte of isodomic and polygonal masonry with its square towers, show that the city thrived during these periods. Inside the enceinte are several buildings including the Classical Doric peripteral temple of Demeter, mentioned by Pausanias.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepreum
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Info: Odysseus