Isauria (Cilicia) 150 Zengibar Kalesi - Ισαυρία

Ἰσαυρία - Isauria, city and region between Pamphylia and Cilicia, Zengibar Kalesi, Ulupinar,
Hits: 150
Works: 37
Latitude: 37.189500
Longitude: 32.352600
Confidence: High (20161025)

Greek name: Ἰσαυρία
Place ID: 372324UIsa
Time period: HRL
Region: Cilicia
Country: Turkey
Department: Konya
Mod: Zengibar Kalesi

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Isauria (Ισαυρ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: City of Isauria on a hill (Zengibar Kalesi) near Ulu Pinar, 10 km E of Boskir (Silistat). It was the main fortress of Isauria when Perdiccas took it in 322 B.C. (Diod. 18.22), was destroyed by Servilius Isauricus in 75 B.C., and later restored by Amyntas of Galatia who died when the wall was under construction (Strab. 12.6.3; 14.3.3). It appears on Roman Imperial coinage as metropolis of the Isaurians. The wall around the hill is ca. 3.8 km long. Parts of it are well preserved, including two well-fortified gates and 14 polygonal towers. The masonry is pseudo-isodomic. The small acropolis is on a rise at the SE end of the city. Inside the walls remains still standing include arches to Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, and Severus Alexander, a well-preserved church, and an octagonal chapel. Outside the walls are some elaborate rock-cut graves and heroa, apparently of the 2d-3d c. A.D. (PECS: T.S. MAC KAY)
Wikidata ID: Q914218
Trismegistos Geo: 16413
DARE: 21491

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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