Etenna (Pisidia) 2 Sirtkoy - Ετεννείς

Ἐτεννεῖς - Etenna, city of Pisidia, modern Sirtkoy, Antalya, Turkey
Hits: 2
Works: 2
Latitude: 37.000800
Longitude: 31.447700
Confidence: High (20160824)

Greek name: Ἐτεννεῖς
Place ID: 370314UEte
Time period: HRL
Region: Pisidia
Country: Turkey
Department: Antalya
Mod: Sirtkoy

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Etenna (Ετενν...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Town in Pamphylia or Pisidia, 22 km N of Manavgat. Polybios (5.73.3) records that Etenna in 218 B.C. furnished 8000 troops to Garsyenis; he speaks of it as lying in the Pisidian mountain country above Side. It is not mentioned again before the Council of Ephesos in A.D. 341. There is, however, a handsome silver coinage of the 4th c. B.C., and the bronze coins extend from the 1st c. B.C. to the 3d c. A.D. The site at Sirt is determined by the preponderance of coins of Etenna found there, and confirmed by sherds of the Classical period—such sherds being very rare on the inland sites of this region. The previous location of Etenna at Gölcük, farther E beyond the river Melas, is thus disqualified.
The ruins occupy the slopes of a steep hill some 250 m high, N of the village. The ring wall, of irregular ashlar of good quality, is standing in part; the S slope, less steep than the others, is covered with overgrown remains of buildings for the most part unidentifiable. They include however a church, a rock-cut reservoir, and a roofed cistern; a spring of good water supplies the village below. On the N slope are numerous rock-cut tombs, said to number 52 in all. Two statues of women, about life-size, are lying on the hillside, and some half-dozen inscriptions of the Roman period have been seen. There is no theater, and no temple has been recognized. (G.E. BEAN)
Wikidata ID: Q1370995
Trismegistos Geo: 665
DARE: 21551

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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