Theangela (Caria) 5 Etrim - Θεάγγελα

Θεάγγελα - Theangela, Fortified mountaintop city S of Etrim, Bodrum, Turkey
Hits: 5
Works: 5
Latitude: 37.044500
Longitude: 27.594900
Confidence: Medium (20200622)

Greek name: Θεάγγελα
Place ID: 370276UThe
Time period: CHR
Region: Caria
Country: Turkey
Department: Mugla
Mod: Etrim

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Theangela (Θεαγγε...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: New name given to the Lelegian city of Syangela after its transfer to this site by Mausolos (4th century BC). The city extended on three peaks and was surrounded by a defensive wall, reinforced with rectangular towers on its S side, where there is the central gate. A cross wall separates the W sector from the E, where there are remains of buildings (small stadium, Hellenistic palaestra, temple, Lelegian house and cisterns), as well as a chamber tomb which is attributed to the local ruler in the 5th century BC, Pigres.
A fortified acropolis and fort abutting the wall also survive. Characteristic of the region of Caria is the four-towered fort annexed to the city's fortification. Archaic sculptures attest the existence of a sanctuary probably belonging to Syangela.
Wikidata ID: Q3990170
Trismegistos Geo: 2350
DARE: 30805

Info: Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean

(Archaeological Atlas of the Aegean, Ministry of the Aegean)

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